Wednesday, October 30, 2019

SuperSportsAction Team Live Update: League Wars Round 1

"...and the cat limped away with only non-life threatening injuries..."

Now it's back to the SuperSportsAction Team Live at the League Wars first round. The half time show is in full swing... Taylor Swift and Nickelback... How's it going guys"

"Kill me now Kennie, please for kill me now!"

"Heretic's a lot to answer for!?!"

"Damn straight Kennie."

"And have you had a chance to speak to any of the competitors?"

"Well, most of the teams have been sheltering outside the arena, wearing earplugs or sound cancelling headphones and quite a few bandaids."

"Well over to you guys for the lowdown..."

"Thanks Kennie .... "

"The first half of the first round is now at an end,  competitors are regrouping, refuelling, re-attaching limbs. The arena has been cleared and the stage was levitated in."

"Quite an imposing structure."

"It is... Shame about the acts inhabiting it as we speak."

"Who would have put Nickelback and Taylor Swift together?"

"Nova... He's a..."

"I think we all know your opinion."

"Its not a combo I ever expected to have to endure."

"Well someone seems to be enjoying it."

"Yeah one lone figure in an arena built for 250,000 plus."

"Well Nickelback opened with Rockstar, the... can we call it a crowd?"

"We have to contractually ..."

"Well the crowd was singing along."

"Now they are moving up a gear to their anthem... Burn It To The Ground."

"Is there another fan in the crowd?"

"I think there may be, she looks familiar, is that? Yes! It's Fiero. One time AEGIS and WMD now an Avenger."

"And Taylor Swift is now on the stage."

"Can it get worse?"

"I'm not sure it can"

"What's Fiero doing?"

"I think she's taking the lyrics literally."

"Holy... Yeah she's shooting flames straight at the stage."

"Don't think Taylor's gonna shake that off ..."

"You can say what you like but those are some impressive pyrotechnics."

"That's one way to describe Chad burning to death."

"It's certainly an improvement on his singing."

"You're not wrong."

"It's starting to get a bit graphically disturbing. Think its time to go back to the studio."

"Probably... Kennie... What have you got?"

"Thanks guys... Coming up we have a story about a former pop star who has suffered some horrific burns and is unlikely to survive another two weeks, and a crappy Canadian rock band that have decided to turn themselves into candles. More on these stories after these messages from our sponsors."

Transcription courtesy of Ben Roberts (aka PhantomAmongPhantoms)