Thursday, October 3, 2019

Art Post: Giant Fist

You have anger management issues. There are times when all you want to do is just punch that annoying jerk in the face. However, the counselor convinced you to punch a wall instead, it hurts just you, no one else and thus less court ordered anger management classes. Then came the day that you lost control and when your fist hit the wall, the wall lost the fight. Your fist was now the size of a beachball and you had cleared a brick edifice in five seconds. You now fight crime, and have ten more years of anger manage classes to go to.

This was a fun card to design. I wanted to do something with the famous hero kneeling pose. Once I had a sketch I needed to do something somewhat unique. Originally I was going to have him be a total shapeshifter and make more than his hand a different size, like a huge foot to go with it. But, after working on that one for a bit, the image became considerably sillier than expected. So, I went back and chose to give him enormous fists.

For the art I was going for a streetfighter, thug feel. Someone who might have anger issues and giving him a giant fist only makes matters worse...for the other people in his life. I also was going for a homage to one of the first superheroes, Popeye. Though not the first superhero in the literary world, Popeye was a trend setter for many facets of what became the Superhero genre. A big fist, a bald head, a fierce attitude, it all fit the theme. I put him in a city setting to play on the street fighter theme. I almost put a spinach factory sign in the background, but at the size of the art on the power card, the lettering would have been lost.

I hope you enjoy this new art and card. the anger issues and eat your spinach.
