Wednesday, October 30, 2019

SuperActionSports Live Update

"We're going back to the SuperActionSports Team Live at League Wars... Slightly over six hours down, how we looking guys?"

"...and then I shoved my banana right up her exhaust pipe..."

"Ahem... We're live with the SuperActionSports Team at League Wars!"

"Sorry Kennie, yes six hours down and there is still a steady flow of action from this round's matches."

"Moments ago we witnessed Bloody Mary from PAIN Inc bloody the noses of two unlucky Space Force members."

"You had nothing better there did you!?!"

"No thats my limit."

"Any other stunning one liners you'd like to share?"

"I'm good... for now... so Division's 1 and 2 matches are still going with the pundits' early predictions."

"Yes, and in Division 3 it's really heating up in the Realm Defenders Utd vs Tyggers Freak Show."


"Yes we've had a flurry of attacks from the defender's and the defense of the Freak Show hasn't held. It's currently 35 to 14, still everything to play for."

"Its a game of two halves and we're a quarter of the way in."

"Talking of half time... who is doing the half time show today?"

"Let me check... Well it should be special... Taylor Swift and Nickelback."

"That's a performance I don't want to have to watch or remember."

"Well if Nova hadn't let Heretic lose on the creative team nobody would be suffering with it."

"He sure is a dick"

"Which one? Nova or Heretic?"

"Yes ... And back to the action ... Bloody Mary continues to wreak havoc on the Space Force."

"Lets watch that replay in slow mo..."

"GameyGil, all 102 health points finds himself up against the winged bringer of suffering, she releases a laughing gas attack and thats fully 266 damage dealt."

"Beat him up twice over in one shot."

"No sign of breaking a sweat."

"And what's this, talking of gas attacks ... Urania of The Purple Onion has fumigated her way to 8 wins. They're only 32 behind."

"Just goes to show no matter how bad you think you are you can usually find someone worse ... back to you Kennie."

"Thanks guys. We'll be back with you at half-time... Now coming up we've got a story about a used car salesman who's started a new career as a heart surgeon. Janice..."

"Yes Kennie... John is hoping to become a cardealologist..."

(Transcription by Ben Roberts aka PhantomAmongPhantoms)
