Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Editorial: Know How Your Opponent Compares To You

Contributed by Todd Goode (aka Weezerd from Oz)

The player can fight 3 types of battles in Heroes Rising, and soon there will be a fourth. There are the regular battles, Fight Club, King of the Mountain or KOTM for short and shortly League Wars will be launched. Before you jump into any battle, it is good to know who your opponent is and what you may be facing during the battle. How do you compare to your opponent? What are their strengths and weaknesses? So it is good to do a little Recon.  But where do we look? Well, there are several places to learn about your opponents. Let’s take a look at the basic battle list screen to see what we can learn. Some of these are pretty easy but for the new player, it also helps navigation.

1) Shows the name of your opponent. If you hover and click the opponent's name, the link will take you to the opponents profile page, where you can learn more about the opponent.

2) Shows the name of the opponent’s league.  If you hover and click the league name, the link will take to the opponent’s league page to learn about their league.

3) Shows the opponent is not currently in a league.

4) Shows the opponent’s current core gear. If Neutral Is listed, the opponent isn’t currently wearing a core.

5) Defeated Today indicates that the opponent has already been beaten twice in one day by you and can no longer be attacked until reset.

6) Duel. When pressed, takes you into battle.

7) Wins. Shows your total wins. This includes all offensive and defensive wins.

8) Feud. Shows how many times you have won or lost against that opponent. The first number will show how many times you have won against that opponent and the second number shows how many losses.

9) More. Click this button to see if there a second page of the current level to do battle with.

So, now that you understand the battle page, let’s hover and click on your avatar name and look and see what we can learn about the profile page as compared to the opponent’s profile page. Some of these are pretty self-explanatory.

1) Shows your avatar name and ID number.

2) Shows your league name and when hovered over and clicked, will take you to your league page if you are on a league.

3) Shows how many times you have battled an opponent and won.

4) Shows how many times you were attacked by opponents and successfully defended yourself.

5) Shows max team count (1 per level). Add Facebook friends to grow your team. Your team size cannot be higher than your current level. In combat you can use: 275 attack powers (5 per teammate) plus 275 defense powers (5 per teammate) plus 275 movement powers (5 per teammate) plus, if you have extra powers, the strongest will be automatically chosen selected.

6) Shows your attack strength.

7) Shows your defense strength.

8) Shows your movement strength.

9) Button takes you to your training page where you can upgrade or add more power cards.

10) Button takes you to your gear page where different gear can be bought and changed around for different bonus attributes.

11) Shows your current career and net income per hour to help keep track of your upkeep bux and any deficit you may be running.

12)  Button takes you to your avatar page to change costumes.

13) Button opens your inbox to check for mail and receive and send messages.

14)  Show your current life energy available during battles.

15) Shows your crystal farm in which you can harvest and save crystals to buy crystal powers/ gear. Crystals can also be harvested from your teammate’s crystal farms.

Your opponent’s profile page will show much less information. Some things are hidden for the challenge. You must try and figure out what your opponent’s strengths are and add SP, Power Cards and gear to strengthen you avatar. That’s half the fun. The other half is successfully building your avatar and destroying your opponents.  Still pretty self-explanatory.

1) Shows opponents name and ID number.

2) Shows opponents league name and when hovered over and clicked, will take you to their league page if they are on a league.

3) Shows how many attacking wins your opponent has. If it’s a fairly high number, you can probably count on them being more than battle ready with power cards and gear.

4) Shows how big your opponent’s team is. The smaller the number, the less help the opponent can count on in battle from teammates.

5) Duel. Press this button to take you to battle once you are satisfied you can win the battle.

6) Button opens your inbox to check for mail and receive and send messages.

7) Shows their crystal farm in which you can harvest and save crystals to buy crystal powers only if they are a part of your team.

Looking at the comparison of the opponent's profile page and your profile page gives you some ideas of what you are up against when you battle an opponent but there is more to opponent's profile page. When you scroll down further, you can see the list of the SP or skill points your opponent has allocated.

Check out your opponent’s skills to help you decide if you want to battle an opponent. The skills list will help you compare your skills to the skill of your opponent. This image is basically the same for both you and the opponent you are deciding to face. With the difference being, you will not see what attribute percentages the opponents are training for, only their attribute levels. Let’s look closer.

1) Skill. Shows the list of your/their skills or attributes. Attack, Defense, Movement, Life and Energy.

2) Level. Shows the current levels of skill points (SP) applied to those skills, attributes.

3) Current Bonus. Shows the percentage or number of bonus added to that skill when SP are added.

4) (Next). Shows what the new bonus will be if you choose to train that skill. Not shown on opponent’s profile.

5) Attack Current Bonus. Shows a percentage added to the sum total of all attack stats on the power cards. If their attack level is higher than yours you may not want to attack.

6) Defense Current Bonus. Shows a percentage added to the sum total of all defense stats on the power cards. If their defense level is higher than yours, they can probably fend you off easier during the attack. SP are usually added to this attribute after you level quite a bit.

7)  Movement Current Bonus. Shows a percentage added to the sum total of all movement stats on the power cards. If their movement levels are higher than yours, it’s a good bet that they will be hard to hit. You may want to add to this attribute first so you can dodge a hit.

8) Life Current Bonus. Shows the current amount of base life you have. Adding gear can augment total life numbers. Some players add to this attribute first.

9) Energy Current Bonus. Shows the amount of energy you have on hand to continuously play. This number will be important for missions and Fight Club. You will need to add a certain amount of SP to energy to do missions, as missions open at higher levels. You currently need 29 energy to compete in all 19 fights in Fight Club. 1 energy point is regenerated every 60 seconds.

10) Shows the amount of skill points (SP) you have available to add to and train a chosen attribute.

Once you decide to push the duel button the fight is on but you can learn from all your battles. During battles you can learn some things about your opponent that can help you defeat them in the next battle. Other than the names of the opponents, you can read the battle logs to learn more and decide how you want to power your avatar with power cards and gear.

Cores are very important as they have a specific set of powers to offer and we are only allowed one. One core can have an advantage over other cores. There is an article outlining this in the Sentinel. Let’s break down the battle screen.

1) Shows the attacker's core.

2) Shows the defender's core.

3) Shows the gears used by each opponent. In this example, only the “Weezerd from Oz” is wearing any gear leaving “Calvinus” at a huge disadvantage. Obtaining gear is of upmost importance. Gear can be purchased from the gear page with crystals you have saved up or can be purchased with Morphons (MP). MP can be earned in Fight Club, New Amsterdam missions, some contests, watching videos and also purchased in the Morphon Treasury for real dollars.

4) Shows the attacker's and defender's total health available during the battle. He who lives longest has an advantage.

Gather all of the info above and apply it to your avatar and choose your gear and power cards wisely and create a great Avatar. See you on the battlefield….Good luck toons.