Thursday, October 31, 2019

LW1 Participant Interviews (II)

LW1 is well underway, and Round 1 is over. The Sentinel reporters continue the participant interviews with several league spokespersons.

Captain Bob of Seraphim Angels 

Div 2: SERAPHIM ANGELS vs The Avengers 2

"It was a rough first round draw for the Angels,
but we came to fight. After having the big 1 - 0 lead in the first minute of fighting, the Avengers advantage soon came into play, and they never looked back. Despite some valiant efforts, the d-wins were far and few to be had, and at the end of the day, it appears the Avengers have the fight - current score is 65 - 192. Well fought Avengers. But this is no time to be weary. Time to brush ourselves off and get back up as Round 2 is quickly approaching..."

*The final score is 79 - 202 in favor of The Avengers.

Aflima of Realm Defenders, United

"Is This Mic on? It's pretty cool to be back in the battle arena. In another time and place, we had these kick-ass stadiums, all kinds of field conditions, and the battles were brutal... Nova's gone all out here. Man's clearly got some dinero. Yeah so in that other place, I've been part of Legion of Superheroes, great bunch of guys... then Phoenix is where I found a place to really thrive. Even got some medals in duel events. I'm proud to have been one of the fastest guys out there... but this arena here, there are colossal heavyweights around. Just glad we're not in that particular bracket. Div 3 is fine with me. The swag on offer is nice but we're probably not going to land the big prize, I mean have you seen who's in freaking Wild Cards? Shoot, their lowest ranked member is that zombie woman who's somehow gotten her... self... enhanced... Battling is great, even that old stiff Tri-blade enjoys these things. Anyway we're in a good position tonight, may kick back and hang around for a while. In another time and place I'd have gone and looked for a Zig raid... what's a Zig raid you ask? Well that's another tale for another day. *whispers in mic* Yes Kennie I know I've gone over my alloted time... come on dude this isn't the Emmys... Thanks for having me, SSA team. *makes hang-ten sign with hand*"

Captain Aim Eric Ah of 5th Precinct S.W.A.T.

League Wars 2nd Division. The Law versus the Apocalypse

"We encouraged each other, gave out high fives, pumped ourselves with steroids and flashed our SWAT badges as we fought. But to no avail, we couldn't surpass those gosh darn Angels. They must have been sucking on some type of health beverage (like kale and mango juice??), because they all had massive health. So hats off to you Angels. However, don't become too sure of yourselves. After we have a few beers (and donuts), soaked our wounds, and thought, we will return stronger than ever."
