Saturday, October 12, 2019

Editorial: Morphon Particle Gear

Contributed by John Schoenfeld (aka The Closer)

Hello, It’s The Closer from 5th Precinct. I’m on loan again to The Heroes Rising Sentinel, so I can talk about equipment. Let’s get to it!
Best gear advice I can give at this time is Look For Balance. You don’t want to be in a situation where you completely miss out on any of the game’s mechanics.

First I’ll mention the recent big change to multiplying damage gear. My biggest take away from the change, is that X3 is very very valuable now, x2, x1.8. x1.5 only activate in that order after/if X3 fails. Since x3 is better, we'd rather it didn't fail. So X3 is HIGH on our target gear lists, followed by 2X, and then I'm kind of progressively "increasing levels of who cares", about the other two. Like everything else, they will matter, but to lesser degrees.

For budget players and anyone else, stun resist is probably going to be very important. If I had the highest movement stat in the game, I would be looking for a lot of stun%. You only stun if you hit, and 50% of nothing is nothing. So the better your movement, the more valuable stun is, as well as some other stats figured as hit%. This means the rest of us need stun resist, and then secondary is our own stun. If we hit, we also would like to stun.

Regular damage does matter, so we’ll want to match some gear of the same “type” as our core. I’ll talk about that more in a moment, as we dive into “sets”. When considering these +damage pieces, remember that we also need +life, and move%, to be competitive.

Then worth mentioning, but not winning a lot of battles in my opinion, are +stat%, and weaken stat%. These should improve our damage output, so don't ignore them. They will play a big part if the game gets around to events dealing with limited team sizes. Also, someday life% will outweigh +life, but it'll take a good while even if you level a lot. I’ll hoard a couple pieces as I can afford it.

Ok, for damage and sets, you always get items you can, that make sense, and match your core. If I started today I'd consider Physical gear, it has great damage options, a 10% move boot, and the Kang Shen head piece. I'd consider matching it up with some mindbenders for more Xdamage, and Exo-Greaves, for more movement%. It also has the Highest life% core, for those levels down the road.

Supernatural also wouldn't be a bad choice with the 3X and stun of ghostly band, and the life of the Ghastly Tread with it being a 10% move boot as well. I'd mix in Shendit of Anubis, and Exo-Greaves for legs, to get started, and a Mindbender or 2.
If you like Technological, I understand, it comes out with not bad +damage and 2X damage. It’s also the only core getting a damage boost from the only legs with +move% the Exo-Greaves. The Zero Point Ring with 2x and +life doesn't suck either, and some X3 from the core starts you in a decent direction for Xdamage all around. I'd probably pick up some Ghastly Treads and Ghostly Bands to balance out that set.

There isn’t necessarily anything wrong with the other types. There are some quality pieces in there, I would consider them all for your unique builds. Some of them are just suffering from missing pieces.

Hopefully this helps some people get started. I’m sure you’ll come up with some even better combinations, and teach me a thing or two. I need all the help I can get. Happy Hunting!
