Wednesday, October 30, 2019

HR Inaugural League Wars: Participant Interviews

LW1 is well underway, with the first battle past the halfway point. The Sentinel reporters have talked with a few participants to see what they have to say about the historic event. 

Here are a few of the interviews, with more to come over to next few days.

The Closer of 5th Precinct S.W.A.T.

"The Precinct looks a little over matched against Angels of The Apocalypse. However, the Closer does get all but one in his dt run."

*The updated score is 228 - 74 in favor of Angels.

Drift of The Colony

"I was at work when the war started, finish work then departed, took the train line, and made it home in time. After viewing the score, I walked down to the store. It was very clear that I was thirsty for beer. Then I took another look at the war, and was thirsty to drink more."

*The updated score is 237 - 24 in favor of The Avengers.

The Island of The Avengers

"I reported for duty a little late to the party this morning after the fun had begun. Didn't get greedy. Took the low hanging fruit and barely beat Shakaal by 1 hit so why press your luck. Score in Div 1 was 200-20. And I like even numbers. So I'll chime in here and there to keep numbers even."

*The updated score is 237 - 24 in favor of The Avengers.

Vol Kana of 5th Precinct Night Shift

Waking up to a 0-157 LW score brought the immortal words of Douglas Adams racing through my head.  Last night I knew Round 1 had the makings of a lopsided rout but that did not prevent me from buying another MP gear and powering up to a -$4606/hour deficit. You are never really prepared for reality.
It’s always good to look before you leap, so I took some time to review the replays, especially their lower level players that attacked me and won, recording their hit points, equipment, and abilities.  In the end I decided not to attack. There will be another day for attacking.
Nothing left to do so I went back to my normal day’s play.  Since I’m powered up, maybe I could beat the Crooked Man or score higher in the Fight Club.  Of course, I have to milk those Ca$h Cow$ to support my spending habit."
