Saturday, October 26, 2019

Editorial: A Guide to Fight Club

Contributed by Nick Lorenzen (aka Magnificent Marvel) 

New Fight Clubs seem to be popping up every single day, so you may wonder what they are and why you should spend your time and energy joining them.  If you don’t know, fight clubs are a place where supers can test their mettle against each other in an organized fashion and get rewarded for doing so.

You should at least join a Fight Club every single day, just joining them rewards you with an additional 2 Morphon Particles and 10 crystals.  You don’t need to fight or do anything else, just join. So, make sure you hop into a Fight Club at least, and don’t worry about losing it doesn’t do anything bad to you at all.

Additionally when you fight and win in a Fight Club you get more bonuses.  You get an additional Morphon Particle for your 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 15th win.  Also, you get crystals for every single win. If you manage to place #1 in the Fight cClub, you get the movement power of Crafty Dodge and 10 Morphon Particles,  2nd place nets you the defensive power As the Mountain and 5 Morphon Particles, and 3rd through 5th nets you the attack power Pure Force. As a side note, these powers unique to Fight Club and are not available elsewhere.

So, when you are looking to join and compete in a Fight Club you need to decide on your goal.  You could be fighting to be one of the top five for the powers or Morphon Particles or you may be playing to maximize the amount of crystals earned each day.  The strategy is slightly different for each of these methods, but there are some common tips through all of Fight Club.

Don’t join in the first group, often times the most powerful supers will be in there and your rewards will be limited.

Get yourself more energy.  The amount of energy needed for the next fight increases each time. So, you need a fair amount.

The more energy you use for a battle, the more crystals you will get as a reward.  So, the more battles you fight, the bigger the crystal reward.

Morphon Particles rewards are based on overall wins, so if you lose your 6th battle you don’t lose out on the chance to get the MP.

The Fight Club page lists the core of the super.  Make sure you have gear equipped to resist damage from that core.

Scout out to see if you can win before you waste the energy and lose in Fight Club.  You can do this by hitting their name and going into the profile page, then dueling them. That will give you an idea of how well you will do against them.  Of course things could be different in the Fight Club battle, but it’s an idea at least.

Watch the cores of the people in each Fight Club and check in often. Often times supers will remove all their gear to be knocked down the rankings of the King of the Mountain.  If you time it well and get lucky, you can beat some very high powered supers that you wouldn’t normally beat because they are gearless.

A total of 19 supers can be in a Fight Club, use this for planning which group in a Fight Club to join.

Playing to win

Unless you are spending a lot of money on the game, you are going to struggle to metal in the Fight Clubs.  So, you need to use proper timing and sneakiness to get in there.

Watch the members in the group carefully, you can see this by clicking on the highest number group in each Fight Club.  Look for one that has lower level people in it (and doesn’t have names of people you know you can’t beat). If you find one that looks good, hop in and go for it.  Alternatively, you can wait until right before the end of the day in the heroes rising world and hope to be able to get into a Fight Club that is nearly empty. If you get lucky, you may be able to hop into an empty fight club and get Gold without any effort at all.

If you are fighting, the highest ranking super will be the super with the most wins.  In the case of a tie it will be whoever got their first. So, it can sometimes be a race to get to a high number of wins first.  Have a full set of energy before you enter the Fight Club and hit it hard and fast to jump past other people. You should also have small and large more fun bars sitting around to be able to attack repeatedly.  You can jump very fast in the ranks using this method.

Playing for Crystals

This method is used to maximize the amount of crystals you get each day.  As I said earlier, the amount of crystals you earn from a victory is dependent on the amount of energy spent in a Fight Club battle, and the amount of energy required increases with each battle.  So, when you are playing for crystals you fight the supers that you have no chance against (ahem Avengers) first and then lose. That means the battles that give you the least amount of crystals are the ones you would lose on.  Then, you move to the battles where you will likely win and finally the ones you will definitely win.

This means that when you are spending more than 20 energy per Fight Club battle, you will win and you will get massive amounts of crystals each day.  This can be a huge boon once you hit the levels where you can buy crystal powers and let you use that income on only the best bux powers.
