Saturday, November 19, 2022

November FANFICTION: Joan of Arc

ID: 35981

Joan was back and no time had passed since I left. “Are sure you don’t want one?” Danny asked from next to the hotdog vendor. “You know I’ll try one plane.” “That’s the spirit.” “One plane hotdog too.” We walked back to the police car. “Let’s head out to Harlem where the last kidnapping was, let’s see the apartment on West 115th street.” “Hopefully we get to the bottom of this quickly nothing I hate more are sickos who kidnap and hurt kids.” “I agree,” Joan said with a nod. “Okay, we are here. We parked on the side of the road and got out. “The apartment number is 201 it’s on the second floor.” We stepped up through a door and proceeded directly up the stairs. “I’ll take point on the questions you while you take notes in this notepad.” He handed me a small notepad with a pen. “Okay, here we go.” He walked up to the door and knocked on the door.” A woman and man answered the door. Oh, your detective that was coming asking was coming help ask questions about our missing son.” She said tears in her eyes. The man stepped forward and put his arms around her. “Do you have any leads yet?” He asked. “No, not yet that’s why here I’m to get some information on what happened leading up to the kidnapping.” “I’m detective Reagan.” As he took out his badge to show them. “And this Joan my partner, she will be taking notes.” “Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Smith tell me from the beginning what he did that day.” We all Sat down in the living room and I took out the pencil and notebook. “The day started like most days we called Matthew down to eat breakfast and afterward he watched his morning cartoons and ate lunch. “Said, Mrs. Smith. “Did he go anywhere that day?” He went downstairs to go play with a friend on the Xbox.” “Okay anywhere else?” Danny asked. He went down the street to play with some friends and asked for some money to get some ice cream.” She said. “The last we saw him.” He said while struggling to hold back his tears. “Please find my boy…please!” Just then a noise came from Danny’s pocket “This is dispatch missing child possible kidnapping at East drive near the Central Park Pool all units in the vicinity please respond.” “That’s us, Joan.” He said. “You got that all down.” “Yes, I do.” “Good.” “Okay, I’ll call you if I have any more questions, here’s my card if you have any more information.” “Thank you, detective please find our boy.” They both said while hugging each other.” “We will get your son back,” Joan said. We stepped out the door closing behind us. “I hope your right I don’t want to give them false hope.” Said Danny. “All one has is hope in these situations is hope.” “True,” Danny said as headed out the door. +


We quickly got in the car. Danny began driving the car like a madman. He yelled,” Hang on.” He turned on the siren and speed up even faster. I soon saw a bunch of trees coming into view. He said,” we are almost there.” We parked in the middle of the street and got out. There was a big crowd of people gathered outside the pool. Soon other cop cars pulled up. We saw a woman screaming on the phone. “I can’t find my Ashley she is gone, where is Sara she was supposed with her!” Danny and I stepped up to the frantic woman. “My name is detective Reagan this is my partner, let me ask you few questions.” “Please help find my daughters I don’t where they are.” “My husband is on the way to pick the kids and me up from their swimming lesson.” “Did kids go anywhere?” I asked. Just then a little girl came running up,” Mommy Mommy help I can’t find Ashley.” Danny looked in relief at the little girl. “What were doing with your sister before you lost her.” We were going to get ice cream from the ice cream truck, I told Ashley I had to go to potty and when I came back she was gone.” She said with loud cries. Danny took his radio and called out,” start sealing the area off so no one leaves and call mounted police to start searching the whole park hurry!” Who taking these kids he said.” Just then heard the faint sound of music playing. “What is that noise,” I asked. “It’s just an Ice cream truck,” Danny said. “Wait that’s it.” As I took out notes from before. “What you mean it enlighten me.” Matthew was going for Ice cream before he went missing. Danny got on the radio and yelled the alleged perp is driving an Ice cream truck.” I said they never catch the driver in time. Just then I saw a mounted cop on horseback. I pulled off and got on and began racing toward where the sound had been coming from. I heard Danny yelling,” I’m right behind you,” as he darted toward his car. I finally saw the truck come into view. I took out my bow and aimed at the back tire. It was a hit the truck began to lose control. I was catching up I aimed at one of the front tires. Direct hit again. The truck began slowing down drastically. I rode in front of the truck and stopped right directly in front of the truck, bow drawn and aimed at the driver. The truck came to a stop. Just then heard sirens behind the truck. Danny came running up to the truck gun drawn. He yelled, GET OUT OF THE CARE NOW HANDS UP WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!!” A young man with tattoos all over his face got of the truck. “Joan go check the truck for the girl.” I jumped off the horse and ran to the truck throwing open the door and sure enough, there was a girl tied up in the back. I untied the girl and picked her up and helped her out of the truck. Just in time to see Danny drag the kidnapper away in cuffs. “Luckily, we found the girl but we still need to find the other missing children.” “Yes, this isn’t over we need to get information out of him about the other missing kids.” To be continued