Thursday, November 3, 2022

Player's PoV: ST Michael

ID: 14267

(November): Category One: REVIEWS/COMMENTARIES

And Category Two: GAME GUIDES, GEAR TALK (Review)

As a formal player of Superhero City, I grown to enjoy this game a lot. Has a lot similar mechanics which made it easy to learn and pick up on. At the same time the game brings unique twist to such the different types of gear that have different resistance to the game. This unique element adds and adds strategy to the game and more incentive to have more than one gear set to fight against different players or NPCs. The game always has an event or fight club to join which is nice. However, I believe the game would benefit with added Raids maybe as everyday thing not just an event. Cause most players battle on the events, clubs and maybe do few missions and get off. By adding raids as everyday thing I believe it would help strengthen the player community. It would add extra since of teamwork other than league wars and tug of wars. Which would add one big strength the game already has. People want to feel connected and want to be entertained at the same time and role play, I believe by adding more raids and events would be good idea. Fanfiction is great idea one suggestion having them put certain elements in stories is a wonderful idea like the duck. It would be more fun especially on months with holidays like they could have it where they put a Turkey in fanfiction for November. It would be funny to see how people would put in the story.

(Gear and guide)

One first starting this game most people make a mistake. The mistake leveling up to fast. This game isn’t game isn’t about grinding and leveling up to get stronger. In order to get stronger, you need level slowly and work to get powers and do events to win MP and powers. Buy remember sell your old ones to replace them with better ones that fit your play style. When coming working on your characters stats, there are 3 things you need to keep in mind you need to be able to take a hit and dodge a hit and lastly you need be able to hit hard. The important is be able last through battle you last longer by having higher defense and higher movement help make that happen. I personally believe that movement is more important. If they can’t get hit in, they it makes a lot harder for your opponent to win a fight against you. Your second thing that helps your defense. Are you able to take a hit and not loss and a huge chunk of health. Lastly is your health. It goes without saying you should have high enough health that way you can out last your opponent. I’ve fought opponents where lost or won and the survivor only had 10 health left. That small bit of health bonus from gear and stats helps so keep these things in mind when looking at gear and getting powers. Remember test your gear out see what works and how close the matches are and what needs improved. This advice can be applied to free players and people have money invested in the game. Lastly ask for ideas what you should do we have close community that helps one another. I hope this helps good luck my fellow heroes. P.S. Fanfiction comings soon