Thursday, November 10, 2022

November Fanfiction ST Michael Continued

ID: 14267

It was nice taking break with festivities but time go after the root that was said to have unique disease fighting qualities. But where to start not to go on except it was located somewhere deep in the amazon. All sudden dark mist appeared there was Azrael creepy as ever. “The little mail boy Gabriel sent a message for you since couldn’t find you.” “He really needs to work on his timing I was just about ready finish my appointment when the imbecile interrupted me nearly making miss my appointment.” “But I digress he said to meet a medicine man in the jungle who goes by the name El Sanador Del Bosque.” That translates to the forest healer not much go on no real name.” “Where do I find him.” I asked. “He didn’t give much of location he said he lives in a hut just offshore of the Amazon River in remote location far away from any village or town.” “I guess fly over the amazon rive scan area and see if I can locate him.” “Well off you then I have another appointment to get to, stay safe.”

Well, I was off southward toward the amazon river. I flew for miles and miles through desert and jungle when I finally came to northern mouth of the amazon river. I scanned river and surrounding area nothing but jungle and with an occasional remote village and small town. I traveled onward I saw a Mission I stopped there maybe someone there knows where this forest healer is located. I lifted the dimensional veil that cloaked me from the humans. I don’t like doing this can lead to a lot unwanted attention from people. “Excuse me Father do you know where I can find El Sanador Del Bosque.” “Oh, my oh my its… its. San Miguel.” “It is an honor to meet angel of God in person let alone San Miguel.” I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t answer your question.” “Si yes I know of him he lives down river little further in a hut surrounded by a vast herbal garden.” “Thank you, Father.” I put on the veil and traveled further down river. I came to man in canoe near tree. What is that man doing. I thought to myself when all a sudden the man’s canoe tipped. I quickly flew over and to see if the man was ok. He began yelling out. “Help you there help!” There was know one else around odd and how can he see me. I nearly grabbed when he went under. I dove in the water. The man was tangled in weeds. I swam down to his feet and took out my sword and started cutting the weeds. Just then a large school of menacing piranha was swimming closer. Got it he was loose of the vines. I quickly grabbed him around waist and kicked quickly swam upward. Finally on surface with my foot I kicked the canoe right side up. I placed man in the canoe and began doing chest compressions. Just then the man began to cough and breath heavily. “Sir … Sir are you alright, how you doing!” with deep breath the man replied. “I am alright gracias gracias, thank you.” “What we’re you doing you nearly drowned and I like to know how are you able to see me.” “If you must know I was gathering bark from that tree there.” “I almost got some.” “I tell you what, I said,” Ill do it. I flew over to tree chipping the bark off the tree with my sword. “That is enough don’t want harm the tree.” I handed him bark. “You didn’t answer my question.” No time no time late I get back home soon. I handed saw the man off down river. I began fly down river again. When came to small clearing with a hut a big garden. “There it is” I said to myself. When said that I heard a loud scream from behind. The man I saved in his canoe was surrounded crocodiles. I flew over quickly. The man screamed “Great winged Guardian help me help!” I grabbed him just as his canoe chumped to bit. I flew him to clearing and put him down. “Gracias again great guardian.” “You alright I’ve saved you twice now.” “Si you have, how can I ever repay you.” Well, you can answer some of my questions.” “Firstly, how are you able to see me.” I was born with the sight.” People and town and village drove me away when I told them what I saw.” He took deep breath. “That why I live alone.” “I see.” I said. “that answers that why did you call me Great Winged Guardian.” “I was told by a voice in a dream a great wing guardian will save you and you will help with important task.” “I see if that’s case do you know where El Sanador Del Bosque is, I’m assuming he lives here.” “I am he you seek I prefer to be called Benah.” “Wow your him do you know where I can find a glowing root, I was tasked to search for it.””Si I do know where you can find it, follow there behind my hut,” he pointed. “Follow it until you come to a waterfall, on top the waterfall a there will be tree, you can’t miss it, you picked the better time to look for it.” “It glows at night at the base of the tree you would never find it during day.” Thank you for your help.” “Make sure you bring it back here I will have rest of the ingredients mix to finish the medicine.” Ok will do. I grabbed a torch headed up the path. The jungle was pitch back with exception of what little light my torch shown. Sounds of frogs and crickets birds filled the night air. I pressed on. I finally came to the lake with the waterfall. I gazed and looked up at the base of the tree there it was glowing bright as day at the base of the tree. As I was gazing up, I heard loud growl from bushes. All of a sudden jaguar leaped out. I yelled “begone you miserable feline. I waved my torch and sword at him. I smacked in rear with my sword. It ran off and in hurry into the jungle. “Now let’s get this done been a long day.” I flew to top. I bent down took out my knife sword picked at a root. “Finally.” I made my back to Benah. I touched down near the hut. Benah came out just finished crushing and boiling the ingredients, come in.” I handed him the root. He threw it in pot and stirred it in and suddenly the mixture began glow white, Benah poured it in a glass vial. “Its finished. “Benah said. “Thank you.” “Your friend just across the river by the way. I looked across sure enough there he was Raphael waiting patiently. I flew across with the vial in hand. “Here you go.” I said. “Thank you, I hope it wasn’t to much trouble getting.” I laughed. “Trouble, you have no idea.” “What ever the trouble I am very grateful for your instance. I nodded. “Come by my fire and rest.” “Sounds wonderful.” To Be Continued….