Saturday, December 24, 2022

Fan-Fiction: "Humbug, I say. Humbug!" Part One

by Madam Marvelous 

The debate ended up being quite fierce. Should the naughty be rewarded, just as the nice were by Santa Claus? At first, it was a polite discussion when the subject was proposed the world’s heroes, some against, but mostly for the idea. The supporters of the idea stated that withholding the holiday spirit from ‘naughty’ people would only serve to isolate those most in need of kindness, driving them to give into their darker nature. Opponents proposed that rewarding those who knowingly did wrong wouldn’t encourage better behavior but serve to weaken the resolve of those whose hearts were already nice.

I didn’t know which was right. Sitting and listening politely from my seat as the discussion became more passionate and heated for the staunch supporters of both sides, I didn’t see which individual threw the first punch. Within moments, standing on a soapbox became challenges to put up or shut up, and everything went south from there. What started as thoughtful conversation rapidly turned to fisticuff action which motivated BADGE operatives to direct everyone onto the grounds of the Stellar Arena as furniture began to be broken.

“Why should we let the bullies benefit?” Chained Angel, leader of the Star Force asked while dodging an airborne chair. She almost casually flicked one of her wings to knock it against a wall behind her rather than letting it his someone else. “Good deeds should be rewarded, not illicit activities.”

“Why withhold the Christmas spirit from anyone? Couldn't it cause more harm if they did?” Catalyst answered her query of his own.

I held back and avoided the chaos by shapeshifting into a puddle of water. As the other heroes departed to the arena, I headed to one of the station's observation decks. I needed time with my own thoughts. Why would Santa put this type of decision into the hands of BADGE and its heroes? How can anybody have control over the spirit of Christmas? Was there an actual Spirit of Christmas like there was a Spirit of Halloween?

The planet Earth looked so peaceful from space each time I viewed it from so high above. I sought out the North Pole while I marveled at the beauty, looking for inspiration to the right answer. Somehow, I lost track of time in the peaceful silence thanks to the soundproof materials used in the station’s construction. I didn’t even notice anyone approaching until a hand came down on my shoulder, startling me enough to physically jerk as if struck by a jolt of electricity, my attention pulled back to my surroundings.

“I’ve lost myself to better thoughts while looking out there as well, Madam Marvelous,” Director Nova said. He motioned for me to have a seat on a nearby bench as he continued. “The trick is to keep your senses on alert even if you’re mind wanders. You never know when an opponent will strike, even when you think you’re safe. I have only one eye to keep open, so if I can do it, you can learn the skill as well.”

My cheeks flushed as I moved and sat on the metal bench, embarrassed by being caught off guard by him of all people. “I’m sorry, sir. I’ll work on it.”

“I honestly believe you will, so fret not. Many of the animals you become have senses far more acute than those of humans, so be guided by their inherent techniques.” He pulled out his “I'm fortunate to have found you here. I thought we might have a word.”

His words surprised me more than his hand touching me seconds ago. Why would he be looking for ME? What else had I done wrong? “You wanted me? You’re not putting me back on probationary status, are you? Whatever I did wrong, I won’t do it again—”

“You’ve done nothing wrong. In fact, I believe you’ve done well enough I’m going to put you on a task your abilities and experience would be ideal for.” He smiled for a brief split-second before his face shifted to his more familiar scowl. “Unless YOU don’t think you’re ready for a solo undercover mission?”

I sat up as straight and proud as I could without changing my spine to solid steel. “I’m ready for whatever you need me to do, sir.”

“Good,” he said as he whirled around with a perfect military about-face maneuver. “Follow me. Krystal Fae will be remotely supervising the agent in charge, Agent Leslie. There is sensitive information they need to provide you on Earth at our New Amsterdam Field Office before you begin.”

As fantastic as it would be to work with her once again, I didn’t want to risk her supervision on a solo mission. Well intentioned as she might be, she had become something of a helicopter parent when it came to guiding others. New motherhood had its drawbacks. “Isn’t there a standard mission briefing I could read. I hate to bother her while she’s on leave.”

Director Nova kept walking toward the shuttle bay as I followed behind him “The situation is a bit more complicated than usual. Agent Leslie will impart the details to you, if all goes well.”

If all goes well? What did he mean by that?


The doors parted to reveal an entirely white room. White floor. White ceiling. A pair of white reclining chairs that curved like only 1970’s furniture could. For an instant, I was tempted to lick the wall to make sure I hadn’t somehow ended up opening a door into the marshmallow dimension.

It could be a thing?

“You’re early,” Agent Leslie said from behind me as I looked in. “It’s good to see you again, Agent Marvelous. I hope you’re not as nervous as I am.”

I gulped back a big throatful of air before walking in. “I wasn’t, before you said that. How nervous are you?”

“Ummmm. A seven, maybe an eight. I’ve never done this before.”

“Done what?” I asked, half out of curiosity and half from a desire to find a reason to bolt.

“Imposed what is a telepathic glamor onto another being,” Krystal Fae said as she appeared in the room. Or an image of her at least, as her body had a ghostlike, translucent quality. A trick she employed on occasion when needing her attention to be in two places at once. “While you can make yourself into any shape you wish, she is going to apply a disguise to your mind so you can infiltrate a villain’s organization. We believe him to be engaged in a plan so dastardly and vile, one can hardly believe it.”

I stood at attention, seeing the telepathic projection of my former instructor. “What does he plan on doing?”

Miss Fae (or is it Mrs. Fae these days? Her husband may or not be around currently) stoically took her traditional position before me, levitating enough to be a head taller than my Madam Marvelous persona I kept at 6-foot, 5-inches. “Bringing Santa Claus and Christmas to an end.”
