Sunday, December 4, 2022

You've got to WERK!

 by Glamazon


Hey there, heroes.


How you doing? I hope you're all FAB-U-LOUS, just like me, Glamazon. December's here and with all the events starting up for the season, you best be ready to WERK. 

What's that? You don't know how to werk? Child, let me tell you, it's time you learn, cause you ain't going to get no bling if you don't move that thing, and by thing, I mean your hoe. It's time to do some FARMING!

Get on your overalls, cause it's going to get messy.

Last month, Shugar Daddy Justin Towe brought us the long sought-after summonable raids. Yes he did, thank you daddy. If you haven't been hitting these simulators HARD, then what have you been doing?? Playing with yourself, most likely, hmmm. Santa's watching, so get out there and make some friends, perv. My ID is #35646, so call me if you need a new friend. I'm not timid or shy, and certainly not cheap, but I am always ready for a good time...

Just like anything else, effort turns into results, so if you've been raiding like you should ought to be doing, then you have gotten some goodies. Yeah. What are you going to do with them? Make them WERK for you, that's what you're going to do. And if it isn't going to do you any good, sell it, cause money werks for everyone.

For example. in the raid against that A-dorable Yetti, you might find this glove or hat. (OK, arm piece or head piece, whateves)

If you don't plan on wearing them, you can take them to a nice little shop I know downtown behind the Piggly Wiggly and sell them. The Frozen Gauntlets will get you 73 Morphons and the Jack's Icy Glare yields... 10 MP?!? Good lord, I guess frozen pumpkin isn't worth what it used to be these days with inflation and all.

I personally wouldn't recommend selling those two items, but if you are below level 150 and can get into the Director, sorry, Director Nova raid, you can possibly pick up a different pair of gloves and a ring after finishing. The Infernal Bracer is worth 83MP in resale, the Mind Bender goes for 77MP in resale. A few training sessions, and you could be making some bank to purchase from the shuffle, the Armory, or if you are smart, the first of the upcoming December events.

A few other choice locations for getting gear that gives you great BANG for your efforts are in either the Purgatory Penitentiary Patrol or Mission zones. Both have excellent farming potential for the Shendit of Anubis, useful for Life to low-level budget toons or resale of 77MP, or Frankie's arm (or his other arm) which is wonderful to use in the Director Delicious, sorry, Director Nova raid, as it does both supernatural and technological damages. Don't forget, both of the bosses that drop these items are also available to fight under the Patrol Bosses tab under the right circumstances. Frankie's arm isn't worth much for resale, but works great as a back scratcher for those hard to reach spots while not equipped. I made sure I got mine with the special vibrate feature added.

Once you've werked to farm and get these items and power cards, its time to think reselling them and purchasing more useful items. That leads me to the next topic. Who's up for a good tug?

There is a Tug of War event beginning on Thursday, so roll up your sleeves and hike up your skirts. While not the most exciting of events, it does have its benefits. Namely, cheaper than normal power cards that can be gained for free or bought in bulk. Cards that tend to have cheaper tier costs than cards found in the shuffle or under the Powers tab. If the Tug of War power card is one that interests you, consider this. 1) Get as many as you can. 2) After the ToW event, use your Supercharged consumables. With planning, you can tweak it so you have a better chance to get the bonus on those cards than others (The more of a card you have, the more likely you are to supercharge it.) Then, when it is in your budget, 3) tier up those puppies.  Remember, BULK is the new BEAUTIFUL.

I've probably said too much already, but in case I don't hear from you otherwise, Happy Holidays. I'll be looking forward to exchanging gifts with you during the Secret Santa event and promise not to give out any of my used pantyhose as a gift. 

Remember, if you put on a costume to superhero, you're doing drag,

XXXs and OMGs,
