Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: Stone Age Part 4

 Screaming children run around as they chase a ball through the street. Krystal dodged the kids several times as she and Alex make their way toward St. Patrick’s Park.

“I love Dublin, don’t you?” Krystal mused.

Alex, dressed in civilian clothing, checked a small BADGE sensor device. “Sure. It’s nice.”

“You aren’t looking. The city is around you, and all you do is stare at that sensor.”

Alex looked up. “We’re not here for the tour. We are here on a mission.”

“We can still enjoy ourselves. This place has a lot of ancient magic. Can’t you feel it?”

Alex took in a great breath and as he released it, his form relaxed. “Yes. It’s old, and very weak, but it’s still there.”

They stopped on a street corner that gave them a lovely view of St. Patrick’s Park and the surrounding ancient buildings. People milled about their daily activities, a small group played music on one sidewalk, and a Renn Tech sphere hovered above the ground near the center of the park.

“There it is, the sphere.” Alex pointed at it.

“Third one we’ve looked at since we started this investigation, and it’s always the same. Everyone around here seems to just be going about their lives and not even noticing it.”

“To them, it’s free wi-Fi and cell service. Why would it bother them?” Alex commented.

Krystal said, “I guess they don’t know how frustrating that tech really is. I agree with Nova. Anyone who puts that much into hiding something is hiding something dangerous.”

“And all we can do is look at them and wonder. What is Nova expecting us to find out?”

“Anything. And, this time, we might have some help. Come on.” She walked him across the street toward a strip of shops. In the middle was a storefront that had a familiar sign above the door.

“A Fight Club?” Alex frowned.

“Yes. Come on.” Krystal walked him inside.

Inside, this was just like all the Fight Clubs around the world. The front was work-out equipment where people could exercise for free. A ring sat off to the side where people could box or wrestle. Behind a locked door was another gym entirely.

Krystal walked through the sweaty crowd of gym rats and pressed her BADGE id into a reader. The door opened and let them through. Another gym was being used, but this one had uniquely designed equipment suited for super powered people. There was also a larger fighting area that had special surfaces that could take the impact of energy blasts or ten-ton punches. A few members of the local leagues were working on the equipment, while a couple were super-sparring.

“Get yer head in the game, potato brains! Come on! Don’t go whimpering like that. That punch is fair play!” a red headed older woman yelled from the side of the fight ring.

Krystal approached her. “Cara!”

The woman turned and beamed a big smile. “Krystal!” They shook hands. “Oh, and you brought your fella along.”

“Alex Fae-Murphy.” He shook her hand.

“Oi, I say. Krystal, you gotta fine husband. An a wee one back home.”

“Life’s good.”

Cara yelled at the heroes in the fighting ring, “Get to the showers! You both looked completely knackered! Get!” The two burly men hurried away is if their mother was calling them.

“You certainly know how to run this place.” Alex commented.

She laughed, “Aw, it’s craic every day. But these eejits need a firm voice or they’ll act like teenagers around here. Now, I’m up to 90 all day, what’cha need? Something fer BADGE?”

“Not officially.” Krystal said in a tone that explained everything. “I was just wondering, since that Sphere has been out there, have you noticed anything different around here?”

Cara nodded. “No sooner did that thing show up, but I saw this place fill up with prospects. Most were weaker than my da when he’s scuttered.”

Alex whispered, “What?”

Cara heard that, and she clearly said, “That means drunk. An, I mean it. The first group had only a few worth tell’n BADGE. Just gave them the power defuser pills and let them on their way. But, more an more, they were coming in stronger. Can’t say the sphere did anything, but it has to have done something.”

There was a great commotion outside in the regular gym. Then came loud, explosive sounds from outside. Cara was first to the door, with Krystal and Alex behind her. Several of the other heroes rushed after them as well.

Cara yelled at the normal weight lifters, “What’s going on?”

A woman said, “Someone is attacking outside, or something?”

Krystal rushed to the door and opened it. Screaming and screeching of tires met her as bright beams of light cut through the air.

“SHIELD!” Holding up her hand, a barrier formed in front of the Fight Club and a beam of energy met it and deflected upward into the sky.

Running into the street, Krystal, Alex, and five heroes ducked as another beam of energy swung over their heads. A woman crying and screaming came from the middle of the park. From her eyes, the beam blasted out, splicing trees in half and burning parts of buildings.

“Oh, my god! She isn’t attacking! She’s out of control!” Alex yelled.

Krystal swung her hands in the air and spoke a fae spell. A bubble of magic encapsulated the park and stopped the woman’s beams from destroying more of the town. “Get in there, help her. I have to keep this up or she’ll destroy half of Dublin.”

Heroes rushed through the permeable shield. They used their own powers to protect themselves from her energy beams. Several times, they got close, but then the strength of what she was doing threw them back. It was almost impossible to get to her.

Alex rushed in as well. He used his magic to stop the beams of light as he walked closer to her. “PLEASE STOP!” He yelled several times.

She cried out, “I can’t. It won’t stop. Please, help me. This hurts! I can’t stand the pain. Please help me!” Trying to cover her eyes with her hands, she burned her arms down to her elbows.

Alex pushed hard through her powers, but then it all stopped. He put his hands down and then closed his eyes. She was dead.

In moments, BADGE and local authorities contained the park and specialist were examining her remains.

Krystal stood with Cara and Alex half a block away from the activity.

“What happened?” Cara asked.

Alex spoke with a dryness in his throat, “She gained morphon powers, but couldn’t control them and they killed her.”

Krystal said, “This is what BADGE is worried about. Powers don’t always mean some amazing new hero is born. Sometimes, these powers are dangerous to the user.”

Alex said, “Normally, it takes practice and training to strengthen powers. This kind of instant strength is… troubling. I worry this will not be the first incident.”

“What actions can we take to prevent this?” Cara asked.

Krystal said, “We don’t know. But we will find out.”


“They are ready, my Lord Antaeus.” The zealous followers of this stone man pushed the group of warriors who had come to free the women and children.

Antaeus smiled, “How wonderful.”

The warriors, now dressed in colorful native clothing, sneered at him. One spit on the ground and declared he would never follow.

Antaeus laughed, “You will learn to obey. All will learn. I, your god, do not come to you alone. I have a prophet.”

A lithe, weak looking old woman approached, draped in layers of dark fabrics. Bones strung on strings wrapped around her neck, rattling as she moved. She had a dark complexion and stringy white hair.

“Mama Pepo! You deal with this witch!” The man yelled at Antaeus.

“You will respect my prophet,” Antaeus stomped and made the ground rumble hard under them.

“I will...I... I will not...” The militia leader rebuked the idea of obedience, but a strange green energy bathed him and his companions. It came from the mouth of Mama Pepo as she spoke in a foul language of a witch. In moments, all the men looked upon Antaeus and then bowed. “My Lord.”

“Yes. Bow low and grovel. Prove your obedience by eating the dirt. Then, perhaps I shall forgive you of your sins and set your with my others. My new nation. My chosen.” He bellowed a hideous laughter while the men started shoving handfuls of dirt into their mouths.
