Friday, July 26, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: Stone Age Part 7

 A brown Jeep rumbled through the dried grasslands in the middle of Africa. Alex drove while Krystal looked over some information on a tablet.

“Remind me again why we aren’t flying, or using portal magic?” Alex asked.

Krystal set the tablet down and relaxed. “Because this is the first real time together, away from BADGE, the newspaper, or anything like that. I want to enjoy the view and spend some time with my husband.”

“We are still on the clock.”

“I know, the mission. But, we can still enjoy ourselves. This is the vast open lands of Africa spread out before us. Enjoy the view.”

“It is nice, if you like dried grass and barren land.”

“It’s hardly barren. Just different. Now, back to the mission. If all my information is correct, there was some kind of settlement near here. Five reports of morphonic human activity have come from the vicinity, which is unusual considering the sparse population.”

“That is odd. I wonder where the nearest Ren Sphere is. Look at the map, the nearest large city is... “ The earth moved, and the Jeep went up on two wheels on the right side, almost crashing. With a quick spell, Krystal pushed it back on all four wheels. There was a moment longer of shaking before everything settled down.

Alex slammed on the brakes, and they sat there for a moment, dazed. “Was that an earthquake?”

Krystal nodded. “Yes. That was no ordinary earthquake. Some kind of morphon power created that. Extremely strong morphon power.”

“Can you sense a direction?”

Krystal closed her eyes and held up a hand flat to her chin. She blew across her palm and a purplish blue cloud spread out for a moment. “Yes. Not exact, but a general direction. Head south east.”


Arx carefully fixed his tie as he looked at himself in the full-length mirror. He turned to the side, then the other side. With a quick little swipe of a polishing cloth, he shined his shoes one more time. Despite being satisfied with the arrangement of his outfit, he wore a worried expression on his face.

The door of his quarters buzzed.

“Come in.”

Chase walked in, dressed in a beautiful black sequined dress. “Arx, your people are... wow. You look amazing.”

He turned, revealing a sharp tuxedo with a red carnation. His hair was carefully done and his shoes glistened in the soft light of the room. “Somehow, it felt familiar getting into this.”

She laughed at him. “You spent a lot of time at balls, banquets, and award ceremonies... at least in your former life.”

“Too bad I remember little about them.” His tone wasn’t humorous or even remotely happy.

Chase approached him. “Arx, you look depressed. Is something wrong?”

“No.” Seeing that look in her eyes, he said, “That wasn’t convincing, was it?”

“Not in the least. What’s up?”

“I have something important I want to do tonight. But, I’m scared about it.”


He looked back into the mirror again. “There’s someone I think I’m falling for.”

“Don’t tell me the glorious Arx, who shows his body off to everyone around, is nervous about asking a girl out.”

“That’s not the issue.”

“What is it then?”

Arx turned back around to say something, but the sound of music flooded around the station from the Mess Hall. A grand waltz played, voices outside the room followed the footsteps of the people heading for the festivities.

“It is nothing. I don’t want to be late.” Arx walked out of his own quarters, leaving Chase behind.

“Wait, you can’t leave me hanging like that.” She ran after him.

Following a crowd of new and old BADGE heroes and ATLAS operatives, Arx and Chase stood at the door to the Mess hall. The staff cleared the center floor of tables to make way for dancing. A crowd of people lined the edge of the floor. A full orchestra played a lively waltz while the guests all waited.

“At least tell me who it is?” Chase asked.

Before he could say anything, if he was willing to, Nova stepped in front of the orchestra with a mic in his hand. He also wore a fine tuxedo, his usual attire for official functions.

“Welcome all, those who have been with us for years and those who have recently joined. Tonight, we would like to have a welcome party for everyone. As leader of BADGE, I welcome all the new heroes who are joining the training program. Tonight isn’t simply about making connections, but friendships. I turn the floor over to Arx, leader of the ATLAS program.”

Arx walked through the applauding crowd and took the mic. “Yes, welcome to everyone. All the new members of ATLAS, thank you for joining the program and choosing to use your skills and talents to protect the world. You will work with heroes often, so tonight is a great opportunity to get to know them. Enjoy.”


The conductor tapped the podium, and the symphony struck the first chords of a grand waltz. Most of the people looked as nervous as mice at the idea of dancing in front of others.

Just then, across the room, stepped out Adrianne in an amazing red dress with roses embroidered over the surface. Her hair was up, her lips glistened a rose red, and her eyes smoked. She looked at Arx, and the room fell away. All he saw was her standing there, glowing.

Walking across the way, he held out his hand and said, “May I have this dance?”

“Of course.” With a white gloved hand, she accepted.

All eyes were on them and the music played alone. With skills he didn’t know he had, Arx led her around an empty dance floor in an amazing waltz. She followed with equal skill. As if all had become Cinderella’s stepmother, staring in utter amazement, there was no one else who joined them.

When the music finished, Arx found her face near his. He said nothing. There was so much he wanted to say, to erupt with joy at simply holding her in his arms. Yet, all he could do was stand there.

“I can feel your heart racing,” she whispered.

“I know. I haven’t felt like this in a long time.”

“Me neither.”

Finally, they heard the applause from the room as they had become quite the spectacle. With grace, Adrianne and Arx turned, holding hands, and bowed to the people and then the conductor.

“Come on, I’d like some punch.” She said.

“Yeah, and I’d like to not be in the center of attention right now.” He led her off the floor.

The next waltz began and this time Nova escorted Chase onto the floor. Justin danced with Dr. Henderson, and more of the other heroes and ATLAS members finally found the courage to join.
