Thursday, July 25, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: Stone Age Part 6

 A hot wind cut through the busy streets while cars rushed around in the heavy noon traffic. Alex and Krystal walked close together, so the thickly populated sidewalk didn’t separate them.

“I wish we had more time to just look around. I love the ancient ruins here in Tripoli,” Alex said.

Krystal patted him on the side of the face. “Honey, after we get done with this mission for Nova. Let’s take a long overdue vacation from BADGE and just enjoy a world tour. Magic travel is cheap and there is a lot to see.”

“And we’ll get to spend time with Gem.” Alex smiled.

“Yes. For now, though, let’s focus. The Fight Club is over there, down that alley.”

They turned down an alley that wasn’t nearly as packed as the street and followed it to a large Fight Club. Inside was the biggest club they had seen so far. It had dozens of machines, private trainers, a protein shake bar, and aerobics class in the back corner.

“Are you sure this is a Fight Club?” Krystal asked.

Alex nodded, “Yup. It’s one of the biggest in the world. Look back there, near the men’s locker room. There is the door to the superhuman part of the club.”

Krystal stopped a young man with an official Fight Club shirt on. “Where is the head of the gym?”

The boy pointed toward the shake bar. “Geoff’s back there.”

They saw a short, stocky, overly muscular bald man mixing shakes for customers.

“Wait, is that Rocket Fists?” Krystal asked.

“I think it is. Looks like he’s not playing hero any more. Come on.”

They walked back and met the bald, excitable man. He greeted them with his signature deep voice. “Krystal, Alex! Good to see you guys. What brings you to the finest Fight Club in the world?”

Krystal took a seat on the stool at the bar. “Doing some research for an article. What are you doing here? Last I heard, you were in the Bears league in Michigan.”

“I’m taking a break from being a full-time hero. They needed someone to run this place and I love gyms. Besides, who better to deal with untrained superheroes than someone who can take a hit? Would you like a shake?”

“No, thanks.”

Alex sat down as well. “We’ve been following clues and information across the world about the current spike in Morphon people. This Fight Club has sent more new members to BADGE than just about any other. Do you have any idea why?”

Geoff wiped down the bar, “We have ten times the number of people coming through here than any other Fight Club. Makes sense to have more than most.”


Krystal asked, “Have you seen any that are abnormally powerful? Have any rejected the offer for BADGE and been resistant to the suppression requirements?”

“I had one couple here who were both extremely powerful. This guy and a girl with him. Both had new powers, but were already skilled with them. He was amazing. His body was slowly turning to stone, but it didn’t seem to hurt him. In fact, the more rocky he got, the more powerful he became. I told he me had to go to BADGE for assessment, but he hated the idea. I gave him the info, but they were just passing through. Another Fight Club nearer to him will be of better help.”

“Passing through? What were they doing here?”

“They worked with an anthropological team. It was a comprehensive study of local tribal customs and superstitions. He talked my ear off about it. Someone here pointed them to a place down toward Central Africa where there were practicing witches. I told him to be careful. There are a few of those witches who are dangerous.”

Krystal let out a huff. “Don’t worry. Most human superstitious magic is just smoke and mirrors.”

Alex asked, “Do you know if this couple is still out investigating?”

“Probably. They were excited to get deep into this study.”

Krystal typed into her phone. “We could make a quick swing through the Central African area and just see if they’re still there.”

“What kind of article is this?” Geoff frowned at them.

She answered, “How the spheres are affecting people.”


Alex asked, “Where is the Renn Tech Sphere here in Tripoli?”

“Beach Park has one.” Geoff pointed in the general direction.

“Thanks. We’ll go take a look.” Alex got up to leave.

Krystal asked, “what about the woman? Was she as powerful is him?”

“Close. She had some skills. Her powers weren’t as strong as his, but she they were impressive.”

“What were they?”

“She could manipulate frozen water and freeze things. Kept this place cool for a while.”

“Do you have their names?”

Geoff shook his head, “Since I didn’t think I would be turning them over to BADGE from this club, I didn’t get the file work prepared.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll find them. Thanks.”


Arx sat down across from Adrianne at a table in the Mess Hall. She had a tray of Chinese food while he had a pile of pulled pork and potatoes.

“It’s always a little cooler near you. I like it.” He commented.

She laughed, “Everyone says that.”

“So, tell me more about yourself.” He dug a fork into the barbecue.

With a smirk she said, “Is this another interview, or a date?”

“Just getting to know each other.” He said.

“Well, I grew up in Oklahoma, went to OSU to get a degree in cultural anthropology. I was working on my doctoral thesis while on the field when I realized my powers. I tried hard to balance training and learning while finishing my school work. But I couldn’t keep up with both.”

“Why did you choose BADGE over the suppressors? You could have had your powers suppressed while you finished your doctorate?”

She said, “I enjoyed having powers. I didn’t want to suppress them. I was afraid that if I did, then I would never get to use them again.”

“That’s now how the suppressors work...“

“I know that, now. Besides, where I was doing my work was excessively hot, and my powers kept my team cool.”

“So, why stop working on your education like that?”

Adrianne gave that some thought before her answer. “Being in college is one thing. You learn about cultures and peoples from books and lectures. But, being out on the field, you see the world firsthand. Yes, I still want to finish my doctorate. But, I also want to help the world. Protect it. I don’t want to be a superhero. That’s just not me. But, I loved seeing ATLAS in action on the news. I made the choice to come here and join.”

“You were pretty insistent about joining ATLAS. Most people take time to consider their options. You were ready day one.” He laughed and added, “Don’t get me wrong. I loved the enthusiasm. And I really wanted you to be on my team.”

“Really?” She gave off a flirty smile.

“Yes. You have the perfect powers for several of our situations we normally encounter. Also... well... I admit, I found you... interesting.” He was searching for the right words.

She reached over and put a hand on his. “I find you interesting as well. You don’t need to fumble around with your words. You’ve sat exclusively with me for lunch every day for a week. I think I am getting the obvious message.”

Arx put his fork down and let out a heavy laugh. “You know, once I was a preening, flirty boy who had no trouble asking every girl out. I rarely faced rejection. Look at this body, these pecs, this smile! I mean, who could resist?” His tone was comical enough to get the point across he wasn’t being arrogant. “But, since I’ve been up here, working in ATLAS. I’ve been a different person. I haven’t asked a girl out and now I find myself nervous to say it.”

“Don’t worry, ask away. I promise I’ll say yes.”

He gulped and then said, “Would you be my date to the dance?”


“Oh, right, EB hasn’t made the announcement yet.”

Just then, a white blur zipped up to the table. “Are my ears burning or is someone talking about me... oh, wow, she’s hot!”

While Adrianne giggled at that, Arx looked positively embarrassed. “EB, have you announced the party yet?”

“Oh, I was just about to. The Hero class is coming in. Here, take this. You can tell her. If she’s your date, congrats. You got a babe. If she’s not.... my room number is...” EB was firmly kicked away from the table by Arx.

Arx showed her the paper. “EB is organizing a dance event for all the new heroes and ATLAS members. A mix and mingle time for everyone to get better acquainted. I was going to ask you to be my date.”

She said, “I would be honored.”
