Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Story: Now if I was Krampus,Where would I Hide Santa? By AcidBurn

Thank You AcidBurn for entering the Christmas Fiction Contest. Here is their story...

(By Dan Peyton)
Over the bleak, cold arctic north a large BADGE landing craft buzzed through the gray skies. Gliding next to it was the stone hero Gargoyle, keenly watching the white land below.

Nova sat in the command seat of this large craft while his trusty robots managed the controls. He touched a comm device attached to his ear, “Anything yet, Gar?”
Gar answered, “Just snow. I...WATCH OUT!”
The proximity alarm went off and the whole craft lurched to the side as something slammed into them. The whole craft spun out of control, the three robots on the bridge rolled about like toys in a storm while Nova kept his firm grip on the command chair.
Nova looked out the front windows as they fell out of the sky and slammed into the ground. Waves of white powder spewed from either side of the ship as they plowed across the frozen north. After the sliding came to a stop, Nova shoved the emergency exit open and jumped out.
Gar landed next to him, "Sir, look!"
A demon approached,“Ah, Director Nova. It’s been a while.”
“What is it this time, Krampus? You and I both know you’re unable to get into Santa’s palace.”
Krampus resembled a man with shaggy hair all over his body, long demonic horns on his head, a long tail, and goat-like legs. He smiled at Nova with those fangs of his, “True, I could never get into that place. But, things have changed.”
“What are you talking about?”
Krampus answers, “These Morphons are spectacular little blessings, now aren’t they? Some humans have been turned almost into gods with them, and some into demons...depends on what they do with them I suppose. I, already being nearly a god myself, found them to be most delightful.”
Nova growled, “What have you done?”
“What I was always meant to do, punish the nasty little brats of this world. And with Santa out of my way, I think I can do my job unhindered. I think I will go eat at least ten thousand children, for starters. I believe that should make up for the lost years with Santa holding me back. Then, who knows? Maybe I’ll eat a few thousand more, all before Christmas.”
“No, you can’t,” Nova exclaimed.
Krampus laughed, “Who will stop me? Without Santa’s cheer, and morphons surging through my body, I am invulnerable. Now, I think I’ll start with a nice aged appetizer.” He jumped at Nova but was blindsided by a full-body slam from Gar. Without a second thought, Gar punched the demon hard enough to send him sprawling ten feet backward across the snow.
“Stay away, monster,” Gar commanded.
Krampus sat there, wiping a trickle of blood from his nose. “You’re an interesting foe. I’ll enjoy playing with you when I’m done. But, alas, I have other plans.” He vanished in a black puff of smoke, leaving only a cackle in its wake.
Nova let out a furious scoff, “This is serious.”
"What was that thing?" Gar asked.
"A demon who dines on little children. Since you can fly, head back to BADGE HQ and alert the leagues that Krampus must be defeated. I’ll stay here and call on any heroes who can help me find Santa and set this all straight. GO!”
Gar took to the skies while Nova headed back into his wrecked ship. He activated his comm, “Nova to all heroes, I need anyone who can help me find Santa, this is a matter of planetary emergency.”


(By Acidburn)
Krystal had been alerted by Nova's transmission, along with the majority of the heroes current in the Sol system... and given the psychological makeup of the majority of known heroes, she is certain that the Krampus and any allies he may or may not have would be physically engaged in battle.

Krystal had therefore decided to study the recorded video of the confrontation between the Krampus and Nova, which had been captured by several cameras on the crippled heli-carrier, for any clues as to the plan which the Krampus had hatched.

While those were downloading, she accessed the onboard library files for all historical and mythological references to the Krampus himself.

According to those references, Santa himself was more powerful than the Krampus, so it was unlikely that he had simply been physically restrained... it was much more likely some form of magical restraint, combined with, some form of psychological or illusionary activity which might or might not include some form of physical restraint or imprisonment... but where?

After careful analysis of the confrontation's video recordings, Krystal began searching for computer records.

Krystal began with John Doe patients in Hospital Wards taken in around the known time of Santa's disappearance, but none approaching his physical characteristics were found.

She next concentrated on Psychological Hospitals but had similar findings there as well.

Krystal was sure she was forgetting something... hmmm, ahh-ha, Morphons... like the Krampus himself,
Santa would be increasing in power due to Morphon absorption... unless...

Krystal thought she knew where she'd find the jolly old elf... she only hoped that she was both right and in time...

She arrived shortly at Purgatory Prison... one of only a few spots on Earth shielded from Morphons...

She next headed to the Hospital Wing there, there were many patients, as was typical of any prison hospital ward, and began to use her abilities to pierce illusions and to sense Magic.

She quickly located several patients who were Mana sources and concentrated her fae abilities on piercing illusions. Only two of those patients were physically concealed by illusion, and only one of them was being drugged into unconsciousness.

Concentrating her full power on that one, she was able to overwhelm the power of the amulet which Krampus had used to hide Santa's physical form and dampen his power enough that the drugs were able to affect him.

Krystal disposed of the amulet, had the medical team counteract the drugs in his system, and helped Santa to his feet.

"Get Nova... please.", Santa said weakly.

Krystal accessed her communicator... "Director Nova, come in please...", she said.
