Saturday, December 14, 2019

SuperActionSports Sunday Shakedown

By Ben Roberts (aka PhantomAmongPhantoms)

"... and after all that the tattoo still wouldn't come off!"

"And now it's time to go over to the longest running most randomly occuring episodic super sports show in the world... SuperActionSports Team's Sunday Shakedown... Jay C and Robert Jnr how's it going?"

Jay C "Thanks Kenny, this week we have a special inside the Colony exclusive."

Robert Jnr "We do indeed, and of course a round up of all the action."

Jay C "Fight Club has certainly been hotting up. We've seen a lot from the Avengers as usual, but you can't discount the efforts of Skelanimal and Midgardsormr ... they seem to be putting up one hell of a fight."

Robert Jnr "Vendetta from Colony has had a win or two as well."

Jay C "Good to see some competition,  but you know it's fight club so we'll not talk about it anymore."

Robert Jnr "The mountain has been dominated by the Fallen."

Jay C "Probably more hours on top than any other super right now."

Robert Jnr "And he's still leading the levelling charge."

Jay C "He's a machine, I tell you the guy doesn't stop."

Robert Jnr "Not even for lakes?"

Jay C "Nope straight on and in."

Robert Jnr "Big shout out to Zen who held his spot for about a week, that's some sitting still skills right there."

Jay C "That's Penguins for you, get the egg between their feet and they aren't budging ."

Robert Jnr "And we've seen a second world raid."

Jay C "Looks like the only way to save Christmas  is to find Santa and defeat Krampus."

Robert Jnr "I'm sure Krampus isn't down and out yet."

Jay C "You're probably not wrong there."

Robert Jnr "And now over to our intrepid roving reporter Mimsy, I believe you have something special for us."

Mimsy "I do guys, but that's for later, right now I've got a super scoop ... an interview with several of the heroes that are under the Colony banner.

"... run the VT... now!"

Mimsy "So Colony and A51 - are these separate entities, or leagues within a league?"

Evo “An entity inside an entity… man there’s nothing better than talking about entitties… am I right?!? A51 was around for a long time and when this world opened up we just came swimming, or flying, just depends how you look at it. Then in the new world we started of as one little group, but that grew into the Colony we are now”

Shakaal “We are one, we have divisions based on the needs of the citizens of New Amsterdam. Everything from your neighbourhood hero to those equipped to face cosmic level threats. When the chips are down the Colony comes together”

Mimsy "If there are supers looking for a league do you have space and are there entry requirements?"

Evo "We always have room for anyone that is active and a willingness to build with purpose. Since 6/619 the gates have been wide open, hell I don’t really know why anyone was planning on storming us. Come on in, bring some beers, I'm sure you'll learn a trick or two and come away a better worser person”

Shakaal “ Requirements? Kick ass, take names, have a healthy taste for the drink. The council willl find a place for you”

Mimsy "Is there an overall philosophy or guiding principle to your team?"

Evo "I think we still have the old mentality/philosophy we had in the old world. It's been fun learning and we want to make it about that, we just want what you can give and to make the most out of your time"

Shakaal "The Colony is family… make mistakes, learn, grow, give it your best"

Mimsy "With a large number of active members is there a leadership hierarchy? Do you operate a one hero one vote or is it more of a super-dictatorship?"

Evo "DId you say super dick taters? Zen you should show him that picture from that last Walrus party. That one with you, Frank and Bertha… they had some kind of taters"

Zen "Don’t get this guy started on dick taters or we’ll be here all day"

Dolemite "If you need Dick Taters I can set you up a whole row, just say the word"

Evo "In reality there are several “leaders” but we all pitch in and handle our own as well"

Zen "Don’t get this guy started on handling his own or we’ll be here all day"

Shakaal "We members are generally asked for our input or suggestions. After gathering information the council make a final decision and pass that on to the leagues"

Zen "Don’t get this guy started on members or we’ll be here all day"

Mimsy "On a personal level what areas of the activities provided by BADGE and Agent Nova are you most enjoying and what would you like to see introduced? "

Evo "I think we all liked the raid a lot, and the new KOTM events, they were better before the new winner/promotion rule. I think it may keep people from checking it because what can you do against someone 25 levels higher than you but just get pulverised."

Zen "I'm for the win rule, but I would like to see shorter versions of the events something in the 2-4 hour total range"

Shakaal "I do enjoy raids. Heroes coming together to stop a major threat. Fight Club is fun when I have time, unfortunately baby heroes don’t feed themselves, so I havent been as active as I would prefer."

Mimsy "Evo we have some questions here from viewers... who is your Favourite boss/villain?"

Evo "Gamer G bro… he’s da man!"

Mimsy "Is there a hero you told in higher esteem than others?"

Evo "Skel... he's a beast and A51/Colony wouldn't be what it is without his contributions. Skel's got more game than Gamer G"

Mimsy "Whats your favourite colour?

Evo "Green"

Mimsy "And finally… one from regular contributor Archie Pelago… Do you believe penguins can fly?"

Evo "It's not about what I believe, it's about what I know."

A big thankyou to Evo,  Zen, Shakaal and Dolemite for joining us here today. Back to you guys.

Jay C "Hard hitting questions Mimsy, some real insights into Colony life there."

Mimsy "Thanks boys, next week I'm hoping to have another exclusive but I don't want to give away any details yet."

Jay C "Looking forward to it."

Robert Jnr "So that's the week that was, we'll  probably be back next Sunday with another round up of all the SuperActionSports."

Jay C "Back to you Kenny..."

"Thanks guys. Coming up we have a man who only found out he'd been body swapped a week after it happened, and a consumer guide to what narwhal tusk is right for your heroing needs... we'll be with you right after these words from our sponsors..."