Thursday, February 27, 2020

Review of Collaborative Fan-Fiction (February 2020)

A call for collaborative fan-fiction was posted over a month ago, and after reviewing the response and queries, some rules were set out to have it as a monthly competition.

Owing to the evolving nature of collaborations, and the enthusiastic response especially in the last couple of weeks, it has been decided that instead of treating it like a contest with submission deadlines and other restrictions, ongoing collaborative fiction will be reviewed as follows:

1. At the end of each week, all participants of collaborative fiction posted for the week will receive one Reality Writer card worth 10 MPs per post published in the Fiction Forum:

2. At the end of the month, the most outstanding body of collaborative fiction (based on all posts submitted for that month) will be selected, and participants will receive up to three Stop the Presses cards worth 30 MPs each. Highlights from the fiction may be featured on the blog and home page in-game.

Obviously, the more you post, the more Reality Writer cards you will receive, plus active quality ongoing fiction stands a greater chance of getting the top monthly reward.

The contributors for the month of February have already been receiving the weekly rewards, and the top contribution will be announced at the beginning of the following month. So stay tuned and keep up with the awesome stories! 

PS. Those who still want to contribute individual (non-collaborative) stories will continue to receive Reality Writer reward cards for their effort, and outstanding contributions may be featured on the blog and home page in-game. Furthermore, various types of fan-fiction contests will be organized from time-to-time, so look out for announcements on the Heroes Rising Players page. 