Thursday, February 6, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Mythic Chase part 6

Part 6
“STOP HIM!” The chief called out.
The police pulled their weapons, but before anyone could shoot, the cloaked man took down two more.
“Stop!” Gar yelled and then stood with his wings spread out to protect the people behind him.
The man held his bow with the arrow ready to fire at Gar, “Ah, if it isn’t BADGE’S pet statue.”
The Police Chief called out, “Who are you and what do you want?”
“From you...nothing. Your people were perfect bait so I could test this weapon on a real hero. Sad that BADGE only sends dregs to come investigate me.”
Chase asked, “What do you want with Cupid's bow? Why are you stealing legendary artifacts?”
He trained his bow on Chase, “Ah, the one I saw looking into my past from the future. An amazing power you have.”
Chase had blades in her hands, ready to throw them, “Yeah. It helps me with my work. Now, hand over the bow and I won’t stab you in the eyes.”
“I don’t think so.” He fired.
Gar jumped and met the arrow before it could hit Chase. She flipped around him and threw her blades. Her aim was perfect, and her bluff worked, she hit him in the shoulder while he moved to avoid being stabbed in the face.
The man held a wounded arm as his cloak became a black cloud and he evaporated away. The remnant of fabric also turned to smoke and vanished.
“Where did he go?” The chief asked.
Chase shook her head, “I don’t know.” then she remembered her hero, “GAR!” he stood there, feeling his chest. “Are you okay?”
“I am fine. Arrow vanished when it hit. No harm to me.”
She felt something strange in her as she looked at this man, “Why did you do that? It could have hurt you. That is some kind of magic bow.”
“I did not know if it would hurt me or not. I only protect you, it would most certainly have hurt you.”
“I don’t understand.”
Gar smiled, “Being a hero means sometimes you think of others first.”
The Chief of Police marched over to them. “Will someone tell me what’s going on?”
Chase pulled out a communicator, “That guy is the mastermind behind the hostage situation. But, he’s gone and I doubt he’ll be returning. You take care of your people, leave him to BADGE.”
“I will inform the governor. He’ll want to hear this from BADGE.”
“You do that.” Chase walked away as she turned on the comm, “BADGE, come in.”
Nova came through, “Chase? Why isn’t Gar...”
“No time. We found Cupids Bow, that cloaked man still has it and he is long gone. We saw him vanish away. But, I think I know where he’s going. We’ll head that way.”
“No. We have bigger problems over here. Get back to HQ at once!”
“Wait just a minute. I’m here to get the bow, I am not one of your robots!”
“Chase, don’t argue with me.”
“I...” she stopped when Gar wavered and fell to one knee. “Gar!”
“I’m okay.”
“No, you’re not.” She held the comm up again, “Alright, we’re coming back right now.”
