Sunday, February 2, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Mythic Chase part 2

Part 2
Chase gave a long look at Santa’s sleigh, slightly mesmerized by the value of such a rare item. “What did you need me for anyway?
“I’ll get to that. First, do you know what happened this past holiday season?”
“Of course. BADGE got in a big fight with Krampus after he trapped you.”
Santa walked over and brushed his hand down the sleigh, “I’m going to tell you something that no one knows, not even BADGE. I’m not of this world, I’m from another world that has long since been destroyed by Legion. A few of us escaped the destruction and settled on Earth. However, we are powerful people who have what humans call magic. That power in us would have attracted legion to this world long before it would be ready to fend them off. Thus, we trapped our power in objects, items to keep us hidden. We could still use our powers, but only when our objects were free and in our control. Now, come, place your hand on this sleigh and use that new power of yours.”
Chase walked over and placed her hand on the side of the sleigh. She closed her eyes and focused her mind. She became aware of the world around her and saw it change, turn backward. At first, she saw herself and Santa walking in here, in reverse. Then time moved faster and faster. She saw the whole history of this object to the day it was made. This was her power, to travel through the history of an inanimate object. Normally she used this to tell if an artifact was legit and then steal it to sell to a collector.
“ over six centuries old.” She let go and returned to this moment.
“Yes. It is. This sleigh is my object, my talisman.”
“Okay, so they returned it to you. What? Did you want me to authenticate it for you?”
“No. I can tell it is mine. The power it has is obvious to any of my kind. However, what I’m worried about is who did this.”
“Why so dramatic about all this? Anyone could have stolen this, I got in here and I wasn’t even trying to sneak.”
Santa nodded, “True, you have great skill and got in. However, you do not have the power to move this without my permission. No, who has done this is dangerously powerful. And, they are targeting us.”
Santa walked out of the room and back toward the main workshop, “Mythics. My kind wanted to help this world, but not be worshiped as gods. So we took on the identities of the fables and myths of your people. That way we could help while remaining hidden.”
“So, you’re saying someone is playing the Easter Bunny and others?”
“Yes. Also the Tooth Fairy, Cupid, Dragons, and many more.”
“Really?” Her tone of disbelief was not hidden.
“Yes. It brings us great joy to bring joy to others. However, someone is stealing these objects. They took mine first and by the help of the heroes, I got it back. But, whoever is doing this has already taken other items. My kind are at risk, as are all the humans.”
“What? You want me to steal these objects back?”
He shook his head, “Not exactly. I need you to help in solving this problem and stopping him.”
She scoffed, “Not gonna happen. Find yourself another toadie.”
He let out a deep sigh, “I won’t force you to do this. However, I need a favor of you?”
“Go to BADGE HQ and warn them. Tell them what’s happening. Also, tell them I know for a fact that the thief has stolen Cupids Bow. Without it, Cupid has gone insane and could become highly dangerous. It needs to be returned to him.”
“BADGE! They’ll lock me up!”
“No, they won’t. Tell Nova that you’re working for me, he owes me a lot of favors. I would go myself, but I must protect my sleigh.”
She pursed her lips as she gave this thought, “I guess. Besides, might get me on the nice list.”
He laughed, “Sure. Now, get going, time is of the essence. Oh, and say hi to Mr. Gargoyle from me.”
“You’ll know him when you see him.” They walked out onto the work floor again, all the elves eyeing her with distrust.
Chase grabbed a mince pie from a passing tray and gave Santa a short nod, “I guess I’ll be going.”
“One more thing.” Santa reached over like he would hug her, but instead retrieved a beautiful golden doorknob from her pocket, “Nice try.”
With a smirk she left, munching on the pie.
