Sunday, July 4, 2021

The Heroes Rising Players Page

Being a Facebook game, Heroes Rising is meant to be more than just a setting for superheroes to fight. It is a meeting place for a community of people who enjoy the superhero genre. Whether it started with the golden or silver age of comic books, television shows over multiple decades with incarnations of Batman, Wonder Woman, Spiderman, the Justice League, Smallville, the Arrow-verse, ect..., or blockbuster movies from Superman to Venom, all of us in the Heroes Rising sphere share a mutual respect for the only original American art form.

The Heroes Rising Players page is a dedicated place for players of the game to acquaint themselves with one another. It is a meeting place for the exchange of ideas, asking questions for advice, interacting with the game's development team, and occasionally a place to thump your chest as you call out your adversaries in the game. 

One of my favorite parts of the Heroes Rising Players page is the ability to see creative content done by players. Dev Nick Shapiro has challenged players over the last two years to dress up as their heroes for Halloween. Here is a link to last years entries. 2020 Halloween Contest

This page, and other albums like it, can be found under the MEDIA tab on the Players Page. Another page I am a huge fan of displays creative content based on cover art, found here: Fan-Fiction Comic Book Covers

While the Sentinel makes use of the Heroes Rising Main Page to share some highlighted information, there is much more to be shared on the Players Page on Facebook. Notifications are shared when new events, such as RAIDS or new Power Cards available to purchase go live. 

The biggest advantage of the Players Page is it is truly the lifeblood of the game. It connects the players to one another and gives them voice. The dialog on the page is extremely valuable, but only if everyone makes use of it. It is not meant to be a platform for a few individuals to use, but for all players (as long as they can follow the rules of good behavior). 

The Players Page is the best forum to communicate ideas for improvements to the game to other players, to make suggestions by tagging Nick Shapiro or Justin Towe (members of the Development Team), to discuss the events of the latest chapters in Dan Peyton's evolving story, and to celebrate reaching milestones or highlighting major achievements.

If you haven't visited AND voiced yourself on the Heroes Rising Players Page, please consider doing so. Each voice here is important to the continued growth and well-being of the game. If you haven't visited the Facebook page yet, it is easy to find. Just press the FB tab on the main toolbar at the top of the screen to find the Heroes Rising Players page.

We all hope to see you there soon as part of the community of Heroes Rising. If you haven't yet, stop by and introduce yourself as a player on the page. We look forward to meeting you.