Friday, July 2, 2021

Tug of War Fan-Fiction: "A Hero's Holiday" - Part One

by Madam Marvelous  PID# - 26130

“What a wonderful summer day,” Agent Leslie says as she brings the BADGE shuttle down to land on a beautiful coastal beach. “I hope all of you plan on being on your best behavior.”

I look at the other probationary youths who are with me on this outing. There are thirteen of us, mostly varying ages of teenagers, stuffed into the back of a transport full of pool noodles, packages of inflatable duck-shaped pontoons, and coolers full of potato salad. 

“I can’t wait to meet Agent Chase,” a young man with a competitive bodybuilder's frame says to another slightly younger boy with a more cerebral look. “She has these ultra-wicked shurikens she throws. I’m hoping I can get her as my combat trainer.”

“I doubt any of the main staff will take on apprentices,” the younger boy says. “They are too busy trying to figure out who super-charged Arx.”

I look back out the large windshield and admire the view of the ocean. There were several breeds of fish I hoped to find and swim with. Sure, that’s me. I’m that kid who goes to the beach and wants to spend my time finding a school. I keep my plans to myself, as I know that if I can come up with a bad pun to explain what I want to spend my time doing, others would eventually get there too.

The shuttle lands and Agent Leslie steps to the doorway. “Now, each of you must remember to stay in the designated areas and keep your tracking bracelets on at all times. I spent a lot of time hunting for a lost hero last year and I don’t want to go through that again.”

Collectively, we all groaned. We were training to be super-heroes for BADGE. Why treat us like average kids?

One by one, we filed out of the shuttle and dispersed into the sizable group of heroes basking in the sun. Most of the others paired off, but I preferred to keep my options unfettered. 

“Agent Leslie, how is it that so many of the heroes here aren’t wearing their masks? Aren’t they worried about their secret identities?” I ask.

“We’ve asked our staff to create some assurances for everyone’s safety. Magical heroes have cloaked this place in a spell that doesn’t allow surveillance. Technically skilled heroes have done the same for bugs and electronic devices that could be used to track people. We’ve kept the location safe as well.” She crouches down and whispers. “Not even Chaz Hamilton could find us for this party. No press allowed.” 

“How come. I thought he was on our side.” 

“Everyone needs downtime every so often. It is hard to relax when you are constantly being questioned and watched.” Agent Leslie motions to some BADGE agents at a nearby shuttle. They move over and start unloading the gear our shuttle transported. “After Hollywood…,” she trails off as she turns from me and gazes at the water,” …well, we all need to have some fun while we can.”

I nod. Nobody, even I, don’t want to talk about the loss that day. I’d never met WarMachine but felt the sting of his sacrifice.

“Go,” Agent Leslie says as she waves me off. “Shoo. Have fun.”

I dart off. I chose the form of a young girl similar to my own natural body to shapeshift into for the excursion. 

Off to one side of the beach, heroes have already started to line up waiting for food.  I can smell the glorious scent of sizzling meat cooking. One group of heroes is cooking mouthwatering hamburgers on industrial sizes grills. I can already taste the hickory flavor in the smoke and the bacon frying to the perfect crispy but not too crispy perfection. My inner carnivore is howling to be feed.

Then I smell something more nuanced. Cooking meat, but with a greater variety of seasonings and cheese. Brats. Hot Dogs. Sausages. Needless to say, my nose takes in a deep inhale of the best of the wurst.

Which one do I want first? My mind goes haywire as I am caught between two delightful choices. I can have both, of course. I know this. There clearly isn’t a short supply of either food, based on the towering piles of coolers set off to the side. Which do I crave more?

I look around and I can see that I am not the only one who is struggling with the choice. Cheers break out supporting one or the other from heroes waiting to eat. Some of the more hot-headed heroes even begin to shove one another, calling names as tensions begin to mount.

“No fighting, no fighting people,” Agent Justin comes out from a tent carrying six long lengths of rope with red ribbons tied in the middle. “We’re here to have fun, so let’s have fun. Burger people to the left, Hot dog fans to the right. We’re gonna have a tug of war.”

to be continued...
