Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Greetings heroes!

Today we bring you a live update of the Atlas crisis that is happening. Once again, we are being bombarded with solar flares, bringing harmful emissions of intense electromagnetic radiation from the sun.

As you may have noticed, supercharged auroras have been sighted as far down as tropical and even equatorial regions, a phenomenon never witnessed before!

We're calling all heroes to band together to shield our Earth from these deleterious flares by using your defense powers to protect us.

So far, just over 3 million solar flares have been shielded, but our task is only just beginning. We have about 21 hours and we expect as many as 12.2 million solar flares to hit us, so there is a lot more shielding required.

We're grateful to the following heroes for their efforts so far. Here are the top 8 heroes who are protecting us as of the time of this report:

Kudos to our heroes and keep up the good work! There is a lot more yet to be done.
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Tuesday, October 1, 2024



The monthly bonus for Sentinel editorials and Fan-Fiction continues this month with the usual editorial bonus for reviews, commentaries, game guides, gear talk, and origin stories.

This month's fan-fiction theme (prompt) is "MY ORIGIN STORY"
What is the background of your toon? How did you come to be? How did you end up in the Heroes Rising universe? What are your powers and how did you get them?

You are free to interpret it in any way you want. Just be sure to post your entries to the Fan-Fiction forum with the following in the title: "FAN-FICTION CONTEST: MY ORIGIN STORY" and the title of your entry. Please also add a link to your entry in the Sentinel page so that we can monitor all entries.


PLATINUM: 7 Strange Fiction cards (only reserved for EXCEPTIONAL submissions)

GOLD: 5 Strange Fiction cards

SILVER: 3 to 4 Strange Fiction cards

BRONZE: 1 to 2 Strange Fiction cards

These rewards go out after the end of each month and are IN ADDITION to the usual Sentinel rewards from Daniel Andrade for published entries.

Here are the categories/prompts:

Category One:
REVIEWS/COMMENTARIES of ad hoc and regular events, including fan-fiction role play, etc.

Category Two:
GAME GUIDES, GEAR TALK, and other editorials about game mechanics.

Category OPEN:
What is your origin story? How did you end up in the Heroes Rising universe?
(And any other Fan-Fiction.)


Post your submissions to the Sentinel page as usual for Categories One and Two. To enter the OPEN CATEGORY post your entries to the Fan-Fiction forum with the following in the title: "FAN-FICTION CONTEST" and the title of your entry. Please also add a link to your entry in the Sentinel page so that we can monitor all entries.

Yours Quackily,
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Friday, September 20, 2024

Fan-fiction Contest: What If Nova fell, not Kruhl

Tri-blade ID: 10879

The air was stifling, choking. The sun rose, but there was very little light, and even less heat. The sky was a dusty orange-brown and the buildings and streets appeared to be made of rust. A low-pitched giggle emerged from the mouth of the dark blue-skinned humanoid figure as she took in her surroundings. While the Legion's goal hadn't yet been completed, she knew it was only a matter of time before her squad leader - and more importantly, her Emperor - savoured final victory. She was driven by the gleeful thought that various heroes of Earth were still managing to frustrate her forces.

Her giggles turned into a loud series of cackling, in the knowledge that her enemy had showed such mettle against the odds.

Impulse floated upwards, her ecstasy at its peak.


The likes of Skelanimal and Midgardsomr had morphed into a permanent enlargement as a means to deter further assault on their individual forms, and an uneasy truce existed between the behemoths and the Legion generals. No matter, grunted the generals, they would merely be the last to taste ultimate defeat after the others fell. Anybody without the ability to grow to mountainous size was a target, in the interim. As those numbers declined, the Legion grew ever more confident.

The escaped conman known to the outside as Gamer G looked on at the hellscape before him with longing and regret. It wasn't too long ago that Purgatory Pen was destroyed. This unforeseen instance gave him his freedom, but only from the authorities on Earth. Legion had inscribed a different sort of imprisonment.

He looked skyward. He knew that BADGE's ground headquarters was decimated and the orbital space station obliterated in a separate assault by Legion forces, its leaders crushed. All parts of the world were in a chaotic state, without any semblance of law and order. People, where they could, tried to make do with limited resources but those were diminishing rapidly. Some of his fellow inmates continued to remain mischievous, partly to be seen as a useful impediment by Legion, but oftentimes instead merely falling to their base instincts without care or thought of what tomorrow could bring.

Gamer G frowned.

He walked to his small dwelling that was no larger than a car garage, and turned on his computer. Legion through its agents had requested he work to disrupt the remaining communication elements available to the known hero groups and local authorities, and he made great effort to demonstrate his successes to his overseers. However, at sporadic intervals, encrypted messages were leaked. Ones advising of where the generals were slated to move to, which areas were relatively safe, and the volume of artillery and foot-soldiers available to each. In between, he sent his location, hoping against hope for an eventual rescue.

He sighed loudly as he clicked his mouse key a final time.

"Unwise," said a sinister voice behind him.

Eyes opened wide, Gamer G whirled around, only seeing the collection of toys and mascots behind him. Then he noticed something else, and his face dropped.

Frankie, an animatronic dog pieced from a variety of parts and with the ability to be mind-controlled by Gamer G himself, was not what it seemed. Gamer G whimpered as it transformed into the shapeshifter. Gamer G bit his tongue, knowing he had failed himself. After all, it was Bioform herself who had transformed into a Purgatory Pen guard and released him from behind bars. He should have known better.

With surprising speed, Gamer G rose from his chair and dashed outside. He was ten feet away from the front door when he felt a hard mass pierce his abdomen. He looked down and saw a metal pipe sticking out. He fell to the ground, turning to face his assailant.

He tried to speak, but Bioform shook a finger. "Why would you choose to die today, human? Legion would have let you live. Your ability would have seen you live to explore more worlds. But you chose instead to die. I do not understand -"

"Strike hard!" called a stern voice, silencing a stunned Bioform. Immediately a bolt of energy seared across her face, driving her to the ground. Another bolt, this one bluish in appearance, knocked her further away. A man with giant steel wings affixed to his back zoomed across, delivering a swinging cross to Bioform's face. Gamer G's last sight was that of a woman running in and affixing some sort of restraining device to Bioform's arms.


"What's the status?" asked DaMoN, the glow from his eyes receding.

Phantom shook his head as he released the arm of the now dead Gamer G.

"He's gone," said Crossroads, her sadness plain to see.

Tri-blade opened the door of Gamer G's dwelling and peered inside. He quickly turned back to the members of the Strike Force unit.

"Wings, Super Rakly, can you investigate the computers? There's probably more useful info on the hard drives but we'll need to move them to a secure location quickly," he said.

"Ten-four," said Hot Wings.

Midnight-Walker said, "This was rough. But it's new information, and potentially a turning point. There aren't many of us left, but there may be renewed hope."

Unseen by the group, an unusually large bunny blinked at the group from a distance, then hopped away at rapid speed.
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Monday, September 9, 2024

Fan-fiction: Continued tales of a Visionary

While a Visionary is Unaware


She slowly looked up and at the approaching woman. Agent Chandra smiled pleasantly, pushing aside her sorrow.

Devra, a doctor, scientist and one of the few non-supes not an official BADGE employee to have reasonable access to the area, had a wide grin on her face.

They embraced warmly, then Chandra motioned Devra to take a seat next to her while she finished her admittedly low-quality lunch. She tried to chew on something resembling mashed potatoes, then gave up and drank more water instead.

"When's the last time we saw each other? Diwali?" queried Devra.

"Probably Diwali of two years ago," sighed Chandra. It's nice to see you again, really. Been too long.

"Oh yes. The food was sooo good too," chuckled Devra. "Far better than what you were attempting to digest."

Chandra laughed softly, as she absent-mindedly twirled her fork in a pile of mushy vegetables.

Devra frowned, but Chandra didn't appear to pay it any attention.

"Um, your head seems to be in the clouds there, sweetie?"

"Oh, sorry. Just in thought. Sorry about that."

"Mm-hmm. Chandra, I don't have your ability but I can tell you're not all here. What's bothering you?"

From there, Chandra slowly told her friend about her boyfriend, a man who relatively recently came into his powers, before forging his path as a superpowered hero. She said that despite his efforts and will, he had been unable to unlock whatever history or other memories laid deep in his mind. She was nearly at the point of tears when she explained how he was now in a coma - and nobody could tell when he may be coming out of it. Devra clasped her friend's hands at the revelation.

"Stay firm," Devra said sternly. "When - not if - he comes out of it, and has time to recover, things will be better than ever."

Chandra smiled.

"We can double date! The guys can exchange hero stories while we girls go and watch some cricket. The CPL promises to be epic this season," exclaimed Devra.

"There probably aren't too many heroes around here who're any good at cricket, much less know anything about it," laughed Chandra, her prior worries taking a backseat.

"That's the spirit. Don't let me see you in the dumps anytime soon, now."

"Promise, promise," said Chandra.
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Saturday, September 7, 2024


Good morning heroes!

This is bɿiɘW ɘʜT from The Daily Quack with a live update of the battle against crime that is plaguing the city streets of Heroes Rising.

With less than 23 hours to go, 8,403 citizens have been saved from crime (as of time of writing). So far, a total of 90 heroes have joined in this heroic mission, with the top 5 heroes saving 2,664 citizens or almost a third of all citizens saved so far.

These top 5 heroes are:

Of course, with so many hours to go, we expect the numbers to change significantly, with more heroes joining in the crusade, and hopefully all citizens who need saving will be saved.

In the meantime, keep up the good work heroes and look forward to reaping the rewards of your concerted effort to clean up these city streets of ours!
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League War August '24: The (Mini) Postgame

League War August '24: The (Mini) Postgame

True story. I was awoken by some loud banging on the front door. When I peeked out the window I was startled by the sight of a bunch of strong-looking folks wearing Nuclear Danger symbols on their jackets.

Wondering what the devil WMD's junior team wanted today - they already had their way with my crew and me earlier in the tournament, I opened the door.

I was then met by a loud and angry chorus of "Pretty much locks, Huh?"

Clearly I hadn't yet had any coffee because I was still wondering why Frank, Skull fella and Artemesia were wearing unusual jackets.

Then it hit me.

No, not literally, although I imagine I'd struggle to fend off all of the Commission's sluggers if it came to blows.

All this to say, I clearly misjudged how Division 6 was going to shake out and Commission proved themselves a determined and dogged force, blitzing through their opponents to claim the division title.

The good news, especially where my personal well-being was concerned, is that there were no other leagues banging on my door trying to have words. The health insurance from KHRO is nullified by my status within my league and affiliation with BADGE, anyway.

Back to the tournament recap. One could say it turned out as WMDers at the top, SOBers at the bottom and everyone else is a meaty filling. WMD Outlaws, as guessed, went all out to reclaim D2 by snuffing out Colony. D4 saw WMD affiliate Angels of Sorcery claim the title, being pushed to an extent by Lords & Ladies.

Division 3 saw Poison have to make a late recovery led by PR Princess and Crossroads, to clinch a second division crown for that franchise. Oftentimes, the most satisfying wins are those you have to fight hard for, and I'm sure Poison enjoyed being on the top side of that nailbiter.

Elsewhere, 5 Fingers, Pain, Bomb Squad, and Suffering held serve as overwhelming favorites to win their respective division titles. There were no upsets or otherwise unexpected results in the middle divisions except for the one mentioned above. Expect Infected to retool and come strong next time out, however.

Bomb Squad 2 and 9 Planets continued their strong runs with expected titles, and Nest of Vipers clinched the first of the SOB family's two division titles in D12. There was an upset in D13 where Agents of Skyside finished ahead of Los Jefes, while D14 saw Ivalice Alliance achieve their second championship title.

Never Miss, Songs of Summer, and Gulf Attack took titles in D15, 16 and 17 respectively, capping the "Who are those guys" divisions.

And to wrap things up, it was easy as pie for the Team Cobra outfit as they outmaneuvered the power micro teams in D18.

The next LW tournament is scheduled for October (another Halloween theme, perhaps?) but before then, the first Skirmish event is slated to take place - and it could very well serve as the first stage in a potential revamp of team rankings for future LW tournament events. All we can say is, stay tuned.
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Saturday, August 31, 2024



The monthly bonus for Sentinel editorials and Fan-Fiction continues this month with the usual editorial bonus for reviews, commentaries, game guides, gear talk, and origin stories.

This on-going fan-fiction theme (prompt) is "WHAT IF..."
That's right: it is an open-ended prompt and you are free to interpret it in any way you want. Just be sure to post your entries to the Fan-Fiction forum with the following in the title: "FAN-FICTION CONTEST: WHAT IF" and the title of your entry. Please also add a link to your entry in the Sentinel page so that we can monitor all entries.


PLATINUM: 7 Strange Fiction cards (only reserved for EXCEPTIONAL submissions)

GOLD: 5 Strange Fiction cards

SILVER: 3 to 4 Strange Fiction cards

BRONZE: 1 to 2 Strange Fiction cards

These rewards go out after the end of each month and are IN ADDITION to the usual Sentinel rewards from Daniel Andrade for published entries.

Here are the categories/prompts:

Category One:
REVIEWS/COMMENTARIES of ad hoc and regular events, including fan-fiction role play, etc.

Category Two:
GAME GUIDES, GEAR TALK, and other editorials about game mechanics.

Category OPEN:
"WHAT IF...";
What is your origin story? How did you end up in the Heroes Rising universe?
(And any other Fan-Fiction.)


Post your submissions to the Sentinel page as usual for Categories One and Two. To enter the OPEN CATEGORY post your entries to the Fan-Fiction forum with the following in the title: "FAN-FICTION CONTEST" and the title of your entry. Please also add a link to your entry in the Sentinel page so that we can monitor all entries.

Yours Quackily,
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Saturday, August 24, 2024


(ID: 37153)

Greetings heroes!

This is a message from Mallard the Duck from Fowl Players, your brand new neighbourhood team of heroes set out to bring about a quacking good time come next league wars. We couldn't get our act together for this LW but next time if you see us, "Duck!!!"

Remember, if you think there is a duck somewhere out there, at any time, somehow watching your every move, you're not wrong...
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League War August '24: The Preamble

Another season of the crown jewel in HR PVP play is upon us, and it's the first one since the Multiverse collapse. Congrats to the players who struck gold in Multiverse play - we understand it was an epic time for anyone with the Infected or Bomb Squad labels, so condolences in advance to their opposition as they face an even more hyper-powered set of characters than before.

The announcement of enhanced NPC leagues and the potential 3x league opponents for superior leagues immediately led to speculation - since proved correct - that WMD's senior squad would be placed in such a division. The after effect of such was of course, Super Freaks now going to D2 and potentially a shakeup of division groups down the line. As it is, D2 has all-regular leagues, with WMD's junior-but-probably-second-strongest overall squad looking for revenge against Colony 51's top team.

The Poison league got the unexpected chance to match up against another 3 NPC leagues in D3, giving them a real shot at a second league title in recent times.

The next few divisions are expected to be pretty straightforward for the expected champs - Angels of Sorcery, 5 Fingers, Infected, Pain, Bomb Squad, and Suffering are pretty much locks. Commission are probably the biggest threat to break things up.

D10 ought to be Bomb Squad 2's for the taking but Raiders have made some moves in recent times and could pose a real threat. Meanwhile 9PO - recently revealed as a WMD set of power minis - is probably too strong for its competition in D11.

SOB's Nest of Vipers will certainly claim another title in D12 with Free City posing a possible obstacle, while in D13 Los Jefes are primed to reclaim a championship title. D14 could be competitive between Ivalice and One Love Crew, but D15 is certainly a tossup.

D16 features some pop-culture referenced teams without any title pedigree to speak of, and similar can be said of D17.

Finally, the bottom division sees Team Cobra heavy favourites over the power minis of Sins and Tiny Trouble.

Good luck to all teams as they chase titles or valuable Treasury points in their quest to gain strength for the battles ahead.
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Friday, August 23, 2024

THE WEIRD on his first league war

(ID: 37145)

My first weird league war!

It's been a whirlwind of a time since I started in Heroes Rising not long ago. I've had a few solo events, Fight Club battles, and KOTM climbs, but this is my first LW with my league, Freaks of Nature.

Our first round is with an NPC league, Stormbringers, and boy, do they look stormy indeed. Their leader, the Conductor, looks like some kind of electricity wielding power nut, or a crazy lightning-making dude. The rest of his team look normal enough, but who knows what secrets they hide.

Our other opponents include ♆SOB♆SOCIETY OF MEMBERS OF DISMEMBERED ♆SOB♆. No idea what they're going to be like, but I'm pretty certain ~\\\\ PAIN inc. ////~ is going to be a pain to deal with.

Going to need a lot of physical (and mental therapy) after all this!

I am, and will always will be, The Weird
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Monday, August 19, 2024


Are you ready for LW?

Registration ends soon, so be sure to click to register and lock in your leagues.

The schedule with timeline is as follows:

The Sentinel is calling for editorials, live updates, and commentaries on the event and all published entries will be rewarded as per usual with 2 to 5 bonus Strange Fiction cards given to the most entertaining write-ups featured.

So get those creative juices flowing and post your submissions to the Sentinel page asap!
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Friday, August 9, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: Stone Age Part 16 Finale

 Krystal Fae and Alex left the docking bay and found their way into the mess hall. Torrik got up from his table and hurried over to them.

“I’m glad you’re here.” He greeted them.

Krystal smiled. “I thought you would be. You’ve sent me five messages asking when we would be back.”

Torrik said, “I’m so sorry I used such a powerful sleep spell on you, Alex. I didn’t know it would stick for so long.”

Alex shook his head and gave a shooing motion with his hand. “Don’t fret. Three days of sleep did a lot of good. I haven’t felt this refreshed since before the baby was born.”

Krystal said, “I was far more worried. I tried every counter spell I know. What kind of magic was that?”

“Old wizard spell. I don’t know too many wizard spells, but the ones I know are powerful.” Torrik gestured for the lift. “I assume you’re here to give a report to Nova.”

“Yup. What little we can tell him.” Krystal stopped at the door and swiped her BADGE authorization card.

Torrik asked, “What does it look like on the ground in Africa?”

“Pretty messy.” Alex stepped into the lift with Krystal and Torrik. “The earthquakes and fissures shredded a ten square mile area. The ground consumed entire forests and several small volcanoes erupted.”

Krystal added, “Fortunately, once Antaeus’s powers were no longer causing the problem, the volcanic activity receded back into the deeper parts of the earth. So, no more lava threats.”

Alex said, “The ground has suffered extensive destruction. Almost no plant or animal life to be found. And the stress on the natural fault line has set all the seismic sensors on alert. It will take some time for things to settle down.”

“The people are also still struggling. So many people were kidnapped from their homes. We also know that many people lost their lives. We don’t have exact data. All the people working for Antaeus underwent brainwashing. They remember little to help identify who was executed. This is going to take a long time to sort out.”

Torrik waited as the doors opened and then stepped out with them. “I wish I could go down and help. I could use my own magics to help clean up the rocks and ground and encourage plant growth.”

Krystal said, “I, too, wanted to offer help. But, people are feeling nervous around there. Magical beings running around scares them. A satyr and a fae aren’t as welcome right now as you might think. But, in time, they will give us the chance.”

Torrik asked, “So, did you find anything out about the spheres for Nova?”

Alex frowned. “How did you know we were... “

“I’ve been running investigations for two centuries in Yohan. I realized what you were up to pretty quickly.”

Nova, standing in the front of the monitor of the room, called to them. “Are you going to report or not?”

Krysta and Alex walked down with Torrik behind them.

Torrik said, “I just came to let you know I’ll be working with the ATLAS team for a while, helping run things for a few days.”

“Thanks. Arx needs some time off.” Nova said, “Now, what about your report?”

“Do you want to do this in private?” Krystal asked.

Nova said, “Torrik knows what you were up to, and I suppose his critical mind could be of use. So, let him in.”

“Fine.” Alex started, “We found little. We know no more about what is inside those spheres or why they are out there. But we are now certain they are behind people gaining new powers.”

“What makes you so sure?”

Krystal said, “Deductive reasoning. We explored thirty of those spheres. Every location had a massive increase of people with morphonic powers.” She snapped her fingers and a computer data chip appeared. “Here, I did a correlation map.”

Nova took it and plugged it into the computer nearest them. On the monitor were thirty small icons, each with a city name under it. Nova pointed to three of them and they opened up to show a simple map of the city where the spheres denoted and red dots around them.

“What am I looking at?”

“Each read dot is a person who discovered their powers after those spheres appeared. In every city, with no exception, the numbers show an extreme difference between the zones further away and nearer to the spheres. There is no question they are causing the powers to manifest. How and why, we still don’t know.”

Alex said, “We were going to explore further and continue with a new angle for this investigation when we were caught up in the Antaeus situation.”

Nova said, “This isn’t enough to force Renn Tech to allow us access to their technology. I want you to get back to this investigation. You’ve done exceptional work. Keep at it. We need to crack this.”

“After some rest, we’ll get back to it,” Alex said.

Nova saw a strange look in Torrik’s eye. “Do you see something?”

“Not about this map. But, an idea. In my world, people can’t learn magic unless they’re born with the innate ability. And, there are different types, elemental elves, witches, satyrs, wizards, pixies... and others.”

“Where are you going with this?” Krystal said.

“Are people born with morphons?”

“Not that we’ve found. People gain powers from having morphons infuse their bodies.”

Torrik pointed at the map. “There are hundreds of dots in that city alone. But, I’ve been in this Paris before, I know it is full. There are hundreds of thousands of people. And I know more than a few hundred pass that sphere every day. Why aren’t they all coming down with powers?”

“I don’t know.”

Torrik said, “You might investigate the possibility that people are born with something in them that grants them the ability to use morphons. That could help.”

Alex asked, “In what way?”

“Any information is good information in an investigation. Knowing more about how morphons cause powers can only give you help in finding answers.”

“Good idea. I’ll talk with Dr. Henderson about this,” Nova said.

Torrik looked at the screen. “Oh, look at the time. I have to help the trainees in ATLAS work through that Antaeus simulation.”

Krystal asked, “When do you think Arx will be ready to get back to work?”

Nova answered, “soon. He needs to be with her for a while.”


Arx sat down on the same stone bench in the arboretum, where he first confessed his true identity to Adrianne. In quiet sadness, she was already sitting on the bench, looking at the ground.

“Do you want to talk?” He asked.

She said, “The therapist says I should talk.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Cry. But, I can’t. It’s like my body is tired of crying and won’t let me.”

He reached over and took her hand. “I know how it feels.”

“How?” Her tone was bitter, as if no soul in the universe could know how this feels.

“As Arx, the celebrity villain, I threw an aircraft carrier at Los Angles. The video recording I, unfortunately, saw caught the screams. I got to hear the hundreds of people I crushed. There is a memorial in the Heroes Hall to the hero who gave his life to save the city from my last petty act. I get to see his smiling face and hear people remember him. I cried like a baby when I heard those screams. I cried when I saw that hero’s face. I cried in my sleep, I cried in my therapy, I cried all the time until I felt my body simply ache instead of crying. I still dream of the babies that probably died, the families torn apart...sorry, this is not the time to talk about this.”

She gulped back the dryness and then said, “No. I get it. You know pain like I can’t, and I know pain like you can’t. But, in a way, we both understand the pain in a way most of the others here don’t. It helps. I don’t feel alone.”

He leaned over and took her around the back with an arm. “You aren’t alone. And you can hold me any time you feel lost and abandoned. I was so alone with my pain and there was no one there to hold me. I want to hold you and keep you from feeling loneliness.”

She buried herself in him, pushing her face into his left shoulder as her body shook in deep sobs. “Does it ever go away?”

Pressing her up closer to him, he said, “No. But, in time, you learn that life will go on. That you can live, and that the sadness is not something wrong, it means you care. Right now, you can break, fall apart, and be utterly sad. I will hold you and keep your pieces in my arms so you never lose them when you are ready to put yourself back together.”

She broke out in sobs again, crying out, “I miss my brother.” Arx held her to him and let her weep at what she has lost.


“AGENT JUSTIN!” A BADGE agent ripped open the flap on the tent Justin slept in.

Sitting up in his cot, Justin groggily said, “Do you know what time it is?”

“Sir, we have an emergency.”

“At four A.M.? What is it?”

“The remains are missing?”

“What?” He jumped out of bed.

She led him outside to an energy barrier. BADGE scientist stood outside the barrier holding sensor equipment. This was ground zero of the battle with Antaeus.

“I see nothing? Is someone attacking?” Justin asked.

She said, “No. We came to start the morning scans and found none of Antaeus’s remains present.”

“None? There was a square mile of dust and rocks left behind.”

She said, “All of his remains carried a specific energy signature. We can’t find a scrap of him out here. It’s like someone has removed him down to the last atom.”

“Who could do this? And why?” Justin asked.

Continue the Story

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: Stone Age Part 15

 Antaeus stomped with his behemoth foot and the ground shook across a five-mile radius. The quaking overtook heroes who were running or walking. Flying heroes buzzed by him, showering his stone form with blasts of energy. Nothing seemed to get through as he laughed at their onslaught.

A hero rushed toward him, transforming into a cheetah as she went. She was able to jump up and bound off of rocks, limbs, and other heroes instead of being rattled by the shaken earth.

“Not today!” Antaeus bellowed, and a hole opened where she was about to land.

With a sickening crunch, the earth consumed the poor hero in a massive slam that buried her remains in an instant grave.

Swinging down to hit the ground with his fist again, two strength heroes rushed in and caught his fist, holding him in place.

“NOW!” One yelled and they both used their super powers to fling Antaeus over them and slam his enormous form into the ground.

A quick bounding woman jumped up and flung her hands out, throwing small globs of purple goo. When it reached Antaeus, it puffed into massive mounds of sticky substance that bound his arms and legs down.

“FOOLS! I AM THE EARTH!” He bellowed, and the world shook yet again, this time with giant spikes of rock jutting up all over the place in random attacks. Several heroes suffered gruesome evisceration. As heroes contended with the prickly ground, Antaeus ripped himself free of the goo. He got back to his feet, a wicked laughter on his lips.

Arx stood to the side, giving orders and listening to the reports as people said what they were experiencing while fighting.

A hero reported from the middle of the fight. “We just lost Giga Morphina, and Thunder Flare was cut in half by a spike.”

A man yelled through his comm, “We need someone like Midgard. He would pound this man into rubble!”

Arx said, “We don’t have anyone like Midgard. He was one of a kind.” The Earth shook again, and he had to keep his footing. Once that passed, he said, “All ground heroes, pull back. Get to a safer location. We have a back-up plan coming in! Once he is tethered, take him down.”

“What?” a voice asked through the comm.

“You’ll understand when it happens. Just pull back. I don’t want any more deaths.”

Adrianne, waiting with Arx, asked, “What is your backup plan?”

“He’s coming in now.”

“Will it kill Wynn?” she asked, still hesitant to say this.

Arx said, “We have no choice but to use whatever is necessary.”

“There has to be another way.”

Arx said, “He has already taken so many lives and he won’t stop. We have to put him down for good.”

She said, “I... I can’t. Please, I know it doesn’t make sense, but I can’t watch him die today. Take him to the station, get him away from the Earth. Maybe that will stop his powers. Do something... just don’t kill him.”

Arx wanted to launch into a sermon on the mass murder her brother was guilty of. However, his mind flashed with all those news reports of what he did before, how many people he killed in L.A. when he was Arx the villain. If he said Wynn should die, then he should also face execution.

Just then, Furious Squirrels dirigible flew over them. A massive chain weapon blasted out from the front of it and wrapped around Antaeus several times. A blast from the energy weapon followed this, stumbling the bound enemy back a few steps.

Arx clicked his comm. “Heroes. Bring him down, but don’t kill him. I... “

A purple blast of light flew over him. Krystal Fae said, “Sorry, he doesn’t get mercy.”

“NO!” Adrianne cried out.

A green blast of light hit Krystal, and she slammed into the ground. That green light continued to glow around her as it lifted her up and then flung her back against several trees.

Mama Pepo, battered and disheveled, stood off in the distance, controlling this display of wicked magic. With Krystal Fae recovering on the ground, Mama Pepo muttered her magic and a green fog rolled out from her.

“Stop her!” Arx ran for the old woman.

Krystal spoke a word of magic, and a purple flash of light shoved the cloud to the ground. Another blast hit the old witch. Pepo was far sturdier than expected and withstood the attack. She returned with a counter spell of her own. The two magical beings fought back and forth with one another. Each was moving so fast that Arx couldn’t get close enough to be of any help.

Krystal threw a bolt of magic and then yelled, “I have her! Stop Antaeus!”

Arx looked back and watched Antaeus struggling against the exotitanium chains they had bound him with. Speaking into the comm, Arx ordered, “Heroes, bring him in. I want him lifted off the ground and moved as high as possible.”

Flying heroes joined by the Dirigible flew over the writhing Antaeus. They tethered him with energy bindings and more cords. The heroes who could lift him off the ground carried most of the energy bindings while attaching the chains to the dirigible.

Like a toddler tantrum, Antaeus started flailing his legs and body around, kicking the ground and screaming in fury. Each time his heel met the earth, rocks exploded up, or the ground quaked.

“Stop him!” Shinobi punched his fists into the ground and tried to use his own powers to stop the onslaught. The quake rushing toward him stopped, but then an explosion erupted under his feet and threw him through the air.

Heroes struggled and more than one started fighting him again as before, but it was all worthless. His flailing made the quaking earth break and shatter. Great fissures were forming. The ground consumed forests, and cracks that broke deep into the mantle spewed up lava.

Krystal dodged a blast of magic, as well as several random rocks, and was about to reply when Mama Pepo staggered and stumbled with the shaking earth. The ancient witch took up a firm stance and was ready to continue her fight when a fissure formed under her feet. All she left was a look of horror as the world swallowed her and the fires of the mantle extinguished her evil.

Arx fell to the ground and held the earth for dear life. He couldn’t get back up, it would only bring him down to his knees again. Antaeus fell back to the ground, all the energy bindings broken, only the massive chains still binding him. His psychotic rampage grew exponentially by the moment.

Nova’s voice came over his comm. “Arx, what’s going on? We’re reading a class 10 seismic reading. The East Africa Rift is about to split apart.”

Arx rolled across the ground and then kicked a boulder away from hitting him. “Antaeus is going to destroy this world. We can’t stop him.”

“You have to!”

The shaking and quaking slowed down and then stopped. A new silence filled the area, only cut by an odd whistle.

Arx slowly rose, resting on his knees. A bright blue glow glistened off everything as one hero hovered in the air, weeping as she emit a beam of cold blue light. Adrianne held out one hand and touched Antaeus’s heart with her power. The monster, still on the ground, was hardly moving. His stone body had become dark, with a thick frost growing in places. His head fought hard to turn, but did so that his eyes could look at his sister in both terror and utter disbelief. In an instant, his rock body exploded into billions of shards of earth and dust, scattering his remains across the fractured land he once ruled as a god king.

Adrianne remained in the air, a goddess of ice stoically hovering as she observed the results of her actions.

“Report!” Nova’s loud request made Arx jump.

He said, “Antaeus is dead.”


“I will get back to you on that. Arx out.” He clicked his comm off, while Nova protested. With tender, timid steps, he approached her. “Adrianne?”

She lowered to the ground, her glow dimming with each second. She let herself sink into a half laying position, resting her hands on the earth with tears running down her face. “What have I done?”

“You have no choice. We would all have died.”

She whispered, “He was my brother. I loved him. I... I killed him. What have I done!” She started wailing and sobbing.

Arx knelt down and held her extremely cold body in his arms, knowing no words could help her right now. All he could do was let his heart beat with hers. Arx understood this pain uniquely. He was the monster once. He took innocent lives for fun, and now he knows exactly how the pain looked in all the minds, hearts, and souls of those left behind. There were no words to help, they simply do not exist.

Continue the Story

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: Stone Age Part 14

 Nova stood before the large view screen in Operations while the robots monitored every sensor focused on Africa.

“All sensors are showing nothing out of the ordinary.” 10915 stated as it processed the collected data.

EB zoomed in and stopped with a paw up as a salute. “All heroes and BADGE agents are currently enchanted with an anti-brainwashing spell. Sir!”

“Stop saluting. That isn’t a BADGE thing.”

EB smiled, “It should be. It should be something unusual, not what everyone else does. Or, what if it was a secret handshake, or dance... ooh, a dance. Like the bunny hop, and everyone has to know it and do it before every official meeting. No, even better, a song with cool lyrics and a great guitar solo...”

“Is this conversation necessary?” Nova muttered.

“Just trying to make BADGE more interesting.”

“Alert: Contact missed.” One of the communication robots announced.

Nova said, “Report?”

“Scheduled contact has not been made.”

“Then send a request.”

There was a pause and then the robot stated, “Pilot robot reports no contact with agents since the departure of the shuttle.”

“Get me the ATLAS team members and the leagues in the area.”

“Contacting. “

A buzzer echoed in the room and the geological map of Africa had several red dots appearing with warnings. The computer announced, “Seismic activity rising in designated area. One hundred million people in danger zone.”

“I want boots on the ground! Activate all leagues and ATLAS teams. MOVE!”

Moments before:

Mama Pepo walked around the trio of fallen people. They were face down, simply breathing. Antaeus chortled as he stood over Adrianne.

“I told her not to come back unless she wanted to join me.”

Pepo looked back at him with a critical gaze on her wrinkled face. “Do you have feelings that will interfere with your plans? She is your sister.”

“She hasn’t been my sister since I became more than human. She has betrayed me and even brought BADGE goons to hunt me down. They are all fools, and she will join my ranks with your help.”

Mama Pepo smiled and leaned over Arx. She swished her hand in the air and a green cloud formed. “This one is resistant to my powers, but he will succumb. Your sister is already under my control.”

“What about that one? I’ve never seen a superhuman with goat's legs before.”

Pepo moved over Torrik and touched the horns on his head. “This one isn’t human. I don’t know what he is. There is great power in him, but I cannot connect to him like the others. No matter, he fell, he will rise under my command soon enough.” She did the same, swishing over him and let the cloud form. Once it was in place, she stood and walked back toward Antaeus. “Your army is powerful, and you need to be ready. BADGE will not give up now that we have captured even more of their agents.”

“I have a legion of human shields. BADGE won’t cut down women and children. Even if they do, they will be surprised by the army of morphonic humans under my control.”

“Good. Now... AHHHH!” A vine grabbed Pepo by the leg and yanked her off the ground.

More vines sprung up and picked Antaeus up as well, holding him aloft.

Torrik pushed himself up, his eyes and horns glowing with a golden hue. “Thanks for letting me sense your powers up close. Now I know what I’m dealing with.”

“WHAT THE HELL!” Antaeus struggled against the growing vines.

Mama Pepo called out a few words of magic and a blast of green energy shot at Torrik.

He put both arms together and deflected the attack with easy. “I have been fighting dark magic users for years, trained by the best in Yohan. You’re an ancestor of one of the few witches who stayed behind when the rest of the magical kinds left this world long ago. There is real magic in you mixed with this morphon stuff. A bad combination, but nothing I can’t fight.” He side stepped another blast and then threw his arm out. A new vine grew out of those around her and wrapped her face to keep her from speaking. “Enough word magic.”

A blast of energy hit Torrik in the back, and he staggered forward. Turning, he had Alex dashing toward him with an anti-morphon gun. “Oh, great. Good thing I don’t use morphons for magic. Here, enjoy a nice rest.” He whispered something in the wind and a blue energy hit Alex in the face, who skidded to a stop and flopped over, fast asleep.

“My minions are nothing compared to me. No one can stop me!” Antaeus struggled, and the ground beneath Torrik shifted and shivered.

Torrik wobbled, but kept his footing. “Nice. Your control is impressive.”

“Glad for the review. Now, try THIS!” Antaeus yelled and a fissure split under where he was dangling and sped toward Torrik, attempting to swallow him.

Torrik stomped on the ground just as the fissure got to him, and he stopped it. “I’ve fought rock golems, sand golems, and earth elves. Don’t bother.” He flipped his head back and his horns glowed extra bright. Several hundred vines joined the first batch and plants nearly mummified Antaeus.

“As for you.” Torrik casually approached Pepo and put a hand on her forehead. “I know exactly how to stop you.” Pulling his hand back, he spoke a spell and a green ball of energy came out of her as her eyes rolled into her skull. With a motion like squishing a bug, he destroyed the ball of energy. She screamed under the vines and a cloud erupted out of each person in the area that was controlled by her power.

Arx groaned and pushed himself up. “What... what happened?”

Adrianne got up to her knees and held her head. “I could hear everything. But I couldn’t control my body.”

Arx looked around in the early morning light. The people scattered all over the area were in the same state of bewildered awakening. Men, women, children, and even the guards who worked for Antaeus.

“It’s over,” Torrik triumphantly announced, but his announcement was cut short by screeching old women and then yelling men.

“What’s happening?” Adrianne asked.

Antaeus laughed, “Insurance. My followers weren’t just obedient, but also had a deep connection with me. This could not control the super powered, but it could control the normals. The power that enchanted them tied their very souls to it. Now that you took away the control, Mama Pepo’s spell will rip their bodies apart. Give me back control or watch thousands of innocents die.”

“WYNN! NO!” Adrianne cried out.

“I AM NOT YOUR BROTHER!” He struggled, the vines around his body snapping and ripping apart.

Torrik ran over to Mama Pepo and yelled, “Stop this!” She cackled under the vines around her face, delighted at his fury.

Arx said, “BADGE Will send a legion after you, Antaeus. Free these people.”

“It’s too late. I can’t free them and I won’t try. I want to watch BADGE endure this suffering, knowing they could have avoided it if they just let me be.”

“Your a monster!” Adrianne said.

“Your a traitor.”

Torrik spent a second watching Antaeus freeing himself and then at the agonized people. He glanced back at Arx. “Take him down. I’ll give you time.” Without explanation, he rushed into the thick of the writhing mass of innocent victims and got to his hands and knees. His body emitted a glowing white light that spread out. The people stopped crying and wailing, but they were still in obvious pain.

Antaeus hit the ground when the magical vines all evaporated. The earth trembled at his impact and he stood, growing in size as he got back up to his feet.

“If I can’t have this world, I will destroy it. I am the Earth, I am the heart of this planet. I can rebuild it in my image. You will rue the day you tried to stop a GOD!” He was now several stories tall, and the ground rocked and cracked at his steps.

When Antaeus reached down to crush his sister, Arx body slammed his massive hand, deflecting it, and then quickly grabbed her and bolted. “We have to get help!”

“It’s too late. BADGE can’t get here fast enough.” Adrianne said.

A blinding blast of energy hit Antaeus, followed by dozens of smaller bolts of power. A tree flew by and nailed him in the head while a dirigible blasted out missiles.

Nova’s voice came over their comms. “BADGE to ground teams. This is a full alert. Arx has lead, follow his orders. GO!”

“How did they know?” Adrianne watched hundreds of heroes spilling out of rifts and aircraft.

Arx laughed, “BADGE watches over this planet for a reason.” He clicked his comm, “All heroes, focus all your attacks on Antaeus, the big stone guy, hard to miss. Bring him down. ATLAS team alpha, I need a civilian extraction at my location. Bring medical teams. All other ATLAS teams, you’re on civilian watch, get to nearby towns, cities, and any other inhabited location and evac. MOVE!”

Continue the Story

Friday, August 2, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: Stone Age Part 13


Only the hush of the air conditioning and mild beeping of the pilot’s equipment made any sound inside the cabin of the BADGE shuttle. Arx was next to Adrianne, with Torrik behind them. Each sat in a captain’s style chair while Torrik required a bench with his goat-like lower body needing more room.

“So... any thoughts on the mission?” Torrik ventured.

Arx said, “I have activated the ATLAS members nearest our landing site. We will go in and see if we can find Krystal and Alex first. As long as you can inhibit the brainwashing element on us, we can force this Wynn and Pepo to listen.”

“Are you sure they will listen?” Torrik asked. “Brainwashing isn’t their only power. This Antaeus... or Wynn... is apparently strong enough to cause earthquakes. And a witch has more magic in her arsenal than just mind control.”

“I just need a chance to speak with my brother.” Adrianne said her first words since they left the station.

Arx coldly asked, “Do you think you can convince him to stop being a tyrant?”

“I know Wynn, at least I did once. There has to be something in him that is kind and will understand.”

“Let’s hope you can get through to him,” Arx said.

Torrik said, “So, the plan is to go in, see if we can free Krystal and her husband while you two attempt to change our enemy’s mind.”

“That’s about it,” Arx replied.

“Okay, well, I’ll prepare the counter charm to be placed on you two.”

Adrianne asked, “Are you sure it’ll work?”


“No?” Arx blurted out.

“Magic, including your morphon style magic, is complicated. I’ll be using a more broad spell to counter her magic, but I could get wrong. However, don’t worry. This will probably work.”

“It better work, or we’re in trouble.” Arx said.

“Now, give me a few moments. I’ll have to concentrate and I won’t be able to hear you if you talk to me.” He put his hands in front of him and a blob of energy formed between them as he focused his eyes directly into the magic.

There was that silence again.

After a few moments, Adrianne whispered, “Thank you.”

“For what?” Arx asked.

“For convincing Nova to give my brother a second chance. I was so scared that no one in BADGE would listen to me. Wynn might be an egomaniac some days, but he’s still my brother. He taught me to ride a bike, punched the bullies that pulled my hair, and even scared away a few creeps that wouldn’t take no for an answer. There is a good man under all that brash arrogance.”

“You know full well why I said what I said. I believe in second chances because I was given one, and I have put my heart into being a better man, even when people refuse to see it.”

Adrianne looked down at her tangled up fingers as she said, “Look, Arx, what I said back there. I...”

“Ready.” Torrik looked up and held up both hands, each filled with this energy. “Hold still, this might feel funny.” Without warning, he put his hands on their heads and they had a wash of warm energy rush over their bodies.

“Oh, that’s making me feel dizzy,” Adrianne said as she leaned to the side with his hand still on her head.

Torrik said, “It can do that. It won’t last. Just breathe normally and imagine a peaceful place, and your mind will relax.”

With a quick release, Torrik let go and sat back down. “Wow, that was harder than I remember. Then again, I’m better with nature magic than normal magics. How do you feel?”

Arx said, “I don’t know. I felt the warmth on my skin, but not inside me. Is that normal?”

“No. You should have felt something in your head. Dizziness?”


Adrianne said, “I’m still a little dizzy, but it’s passing.”

The robot at the helm announced, “Landing in three minutes.”

Torrik said, “No time to ponder this. Let’s hope it works.”

The shuttle jostled for a second and then the engines cooled down.

Torrik jumped up and went for the door. “I’ll scout ahead of you. This is my specialty.” He leapt through the door with the grace of a deer. Arx could see him almost vanish into the brush, his nature magic camouflaging him in the tall, brown grasses.

“We shouldn’t let him get too far ahead.” Arx got up and went for the door.

Adrianne stopped him before leaving. “I want to say this now, in case something goes horribly wrong.” She pulled him closer to her. “I didn’t run from you because of you. I was ashamed that you revealed your pain to me while I kept such a dark secret from you. Arx, you are a goofy, sexy, brave, honest hero and I think I love you.” With that, she gave him a passionate kiss.

With a goofy smile, he looked at her. “Really?”

“I’d prove it with a lot more kissing, but we don’t have time. My brother is out there and I have to save his life.” She went through the door ahead of him.

Sorting his jubilant excitement and his focused determination, he gathered his senses and clicked his comm, “Arx to the African Atlas team, you have your coordinates. Stay there until I signal you. I have landed. Going in to inspect the situation.”


Dried grasses crunched underfoot with each slow step. Arx lowered himself as much as he could and watched Adrianne in the distance. A glorious moon set on the horizon while warm rays of first light broke in the distance. Twinkling stars dotted the cool night sky above.

“Torrik?” Arx whispered as low as he could.

The grasses near him wavered, and a figure appeared in them. Torrik tapped his head near his eyes and then pointed forward. He walked slowly ahead. With each step, he would blend further and further into the grasses until he was once again invisible.

Arx lost sight of the moving grasses and was again wondering with their satyr guide was. He found Adrianne nearly laying on the ground.

“Do you see anything?” He whispered.

She shook her head. “My brother is stone colored. In this light, he’ll be almost invisible against the ground.” She returned his low tone.

Both nearly screamed, but held their voices when a hand met each of their backs. Torrik stood behind them and said, “I found Krystal. She is just ahead. Follow me.”

He walked around them and then led them without vanishing into the brush. Shapes of shadowed people sleeping on the ground came into sight. Hundreds lay in an area twice the size of a football field. A monument stood before them, a huge stone throne with torches around it.

“Look at all those people, that throne. Did my brother do all this?” Adrianne asked.

“Can’t say for certain, but it fits what EB said.” Torrik replied. He then pointed, “Look, that guard standing there.”

Arx saw a familiar form in the deep shadows. “Krystal.”

“What do we do?” Adrianne asked.

Arx said, “She is by herself. I think we can sneak up on her. Torrik, do you think you can break the mind control on her?”

“Not sure, but it is possible. If I can’t, we can capture her and take her back to the shuttle. Have her returned to the station.”

“Good plan.” Arx looked back, “Adrianne, stay here and watch our backs.”

Torrik blended into the grasses again and walked around the area to get closer to Krystal. Arx chose a more direct path, hoping to get her attention and let Torrik have a clear shot.

“Krystal?” Arx whispered in a louder tone.

Her head snapped to the side, and she pulled up a weapon. “Who goes there?”

It saddened Arx to see a gun in her hands. This was just not her, “Krystal. It’s Arx, your friend. Come on, we need to get out of here.”

She pulled up a walkie talkie and pressed a button on it, but before she could speak, a vine sprung up out of the ground and yanked her arm down. Her weapon and walkie both flew free from her. More vines trapped her, wrapping around her mouth and binding her to the ground.

Torrik stood over her. “Hey, Krystal. Time to come back to us.” He held up his hands and cast a spell. A cloud of pinkish purple energy hit her head and dissipated. “This isn’t right.” He tried again. “I need to know more about this magic. I can’t get it to break.”

“Then we take her back to the station.” Arx said.

“ARX!” Adrianne came running toward them.

He turned, and then the ground shook. He fell over.

Antaeus walked toward them, stomping as he moved. Each stomp created more tremors. “More BADGE pests.” He made a great big stomp, which created holes in the ground that were meant to absorb all three.

Arx jumped out of the way, recognizing this attack from the visions EB translated. Torrik went down, but then jumped clear out of the hole right away. Adrianne went down and then Arx quickly pulled her free with a yank of his hand.

Arx stood strong before Antaeus. “This will end. BADGE knows of this operation and the power behind it.”

“Wynn! Please stop this and turn yourself in. You can’t win.”

He looked over at her. “I’m so much more than your pathetic brother. And you’re hardly my sister. I would offer you the world, but you run to these people instead. A traitor is no sister of mine.”

“Brother! Please!”

Arx said, “The full force of BADGE will be on you if you don’t listen to your sister.”

Antaeus nodded. “I knew it would eventually come to that. Fortunately, I have my force of powered humans, which will include you three.”

“No likely.” Torrik said.

A green fog rolled in around them. Flecks of green light raced through it like lightning in a summer storm. Mama Pepo approached from behind Antaeus, that fog rolling out of her mouth and hands.

“This won’t work on us!” Arx proclaimed, but then fell to his knees. “It can’t... work...”

Adrianne fell over and gasped and gagged. “I can’t... think... I don’t know... Torrik... please...”

Torrik fell on his side and grasped at his throat. “ is...too strong.”

Continue the Story

Wednesday, July 31, 2024



The monthly bonus for Sentinel editorials and Fan-Fiction continues this month with the usual editorial bonus for reviews, commentaries, game guides, gear talk, and origin stories.

This month's fan-fiction theme (prompt) is "WHAT IF..."
That's right: it is an open-ended prompt and you are free to interpret it in any way you want. Just be sure to post your entries to the Fan-Fiction forum with the following in the title: "FAN-FICTION CONTEST: WHAT IF" and the title of your entry. Please also add a link to your entry in the Sentinel page so that we can monitor all entries.


PLATINUM: 7 Strange Fiction cards (only reserved for EXCEPTIONAL submissions)

GOLD: 5 Strange Fiction cards

SILVER: 3 to 4 Strange Fiction cards

BRONZE: 1 to 2 Strange Fiction cards

These rewards go out after the end of each month and are IN ADDITION to the usual Sentinel rewards from Daniel Andrade for published entries.

Here are the categories/prompts:

Category One:
REVIEWS/COMMENTARIES of ad hoc and regular events, including fan-fiction role play, etc.

Category Two:
GAME GUIDES, GEAR TALK, and other editorials about game mechanics.

Category OPEN:
"WHAT IF...";
What is your origin story? How did you end up in the Heroes Rising universe?
(And any other Fan-Fiction.)


Post your submissions to the Sentinel page as usual for Categories One and Two. To enter the OPEN CATEGORY post your entries to the Fan-Fiction forum with the following in the title: "FAN-FICTION CONTEST" and the title of your entry. Please also add a link to your entry in the Sentinel page so that we can monitor all entries.

Yours Quackily,
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Fan-Fiction Contest: My Multiverse - Late to the party

Vol Kana (ID: 11074 aka AJ Slade) Multiverse Prime

I have an older sister (really my first cousin). It’s up to “Dark Mourning” to tell you that story.

As a child I spend before and after school with my Nana and Pop Pop. One day Pop Pop said "Let's build something. You got any ideas?". I replied "A volcano." When it was time to make the volcano to erupt, I mixed red paint with the baking soda and vinegar to make red lava.

Later I became a volcanologist. I traveled world-wide to study volcanos. My team and I were at Kilauea when we became trapped by a lava flow caused by Firebrand. The latent power of the Morphons and the high levels of adrenaline gave me the power to dispatch Firebrand and to save my team. I adopted the name “Vol Kana”.

My red hair assuredly confirms my quick to anger nature. Some say that age has NOT mellowed me at all. My reply “That’s good!”

Into the Rift:
Recently "Dark Mouning" hounded me to visit a parallel world. I went looking for the rift but couldn’t find it. Then one day doing laundry, a swirling vortex appeared in my washer. It sucked me in and dumped me out in my other self’s world.

Alpha “Vol Kana” and I have a lot in common (I’m calling her Alpha). Mainly, we read our father’s Silver Age Marvel comics as pre-teens and had a heavy crush on Johnny Storm. We obtained our powers the same way. While she didn’t have an older sister, but does have a close relationship with her cousin “Four Ever”.

Since I was late to the party, Alpha and I had a lot of catching up to do. Since this would be a short-term assignment, we set many goals knowing that some would not be attained. Gathering Hatoraide and More-Fun Bars were high on our list. We set our sights on making the 15,000-fight goal to collect those MPs. We would buy only Elemental gear. Extra powers were scrounged from every Fight Club and special KOTM events that we entered. Doing Missions, Patrols, and the Atlas events were vital to garner additional rewards. Harvesting Crystals should be a daily ritual. “BOR-RING!” remarks Alpha.

“Dark Mouring” and “Four Ever” shared some of their mistakes which Alpha and I avoided. We joined the Multiverse Freaks League which took the Silver Medal in the League War.

I had things to do back in Prime, like the Olympics. Alpha kept things going in her world. Her Atlas stats astounded me with 6 Golds, 1 Silver, and 1 Bronze.

It was time to prepare for the Boss Raid and the concurrent Explosion Days weekend. We purposely conserved our resources during the last Atlas event. We bought extra fights and energy in the BADGE Shop. We also bought some XP boosts as we wanted to level up quickly to get the most Multiverse Points possible. Our goal was 175.

Prior to the Saturday 11 am start time of the Raid, we used our limit of fights and Stimpacks to get the most out of our level-up effort. Just prior to 11 am, the XP and energy boosts were engaged. As we leveled up, we applied the skill points to energy. Progress was slow toward our points goal.

“Four Ever” deliberated with us and it was decided that Sunday morning we would respec our skills and put everything into energy. With the extra MPs from leveling up we would spend 5 MPs to refill energy as needed. We replenished any boosts from the Shop. When the Raid ended on Monday, we did 780,576 damage on 2443 hits.

With our points just shy of 250, and there was plenty of time to continue to level up. Using the same strategy as the Boss Raid, we started doing raids. We began applying our skill points to attack, defense, movement, and life. By Tuesday morning, we were exhausted, with most of our consumables used up, we had 287 points. The 13 points to 300 looked tempting but I had this story to write.

I had a good time with Alpha, and she allowed me to take back some nice goodies. Maybe we’ll meet again.

The combat and gear effects should come to Prime. The Flash Sales were a little annoying at first, but I found if I kept some cash, crystals and MPs in reserve, it was useful to do some ad-hoc buying and powering up.
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Fan-Fiction Contest: My Multiverse - Cracked Mirror

by Dark Mourning aka Kyra Slade (ID: 10894)  Multiverse Prime

I was an orphan by the age seven. My father was killed in a war and my mother overdosed on drugs. I lived with my maternal grandparents until my grandmother passed. Shortly afterwards I was adopted by my father’s brother and his wife. They invited my maternal grandfather to live with us. While AJ (aka “Vol Kana”) and I were raised as sisters, she is really my first cousin.

My first supernatural encounter occurred when I was nine. Shortly after my maternal grandfather passing, I walked down the hall to my bedroom and through his ghost. He was cold as ice. I helped him to transition to the other side.

As a member of B.A.D.G.E, I became known as “4 Ever” based on my forever DNA aberration research.

Eighteen months ago, I felt a temporal shift which triggered visions and the manifestation of another entity. These events changed my appearance, turning my blonde curls to black and my skin to a whiter shade of pale. I still consider myself as “4 Ever” but there is a place where they call me “Dark Mourning”. Whether “Dark Mourning” is a past reflection, future incarnation, or from a different reality, I do not know. I adopted the name “Dark Mourning”.

Three months ago, I had a dream of another “Four Ever”. She is like my “4 Ever” but also so much different.

Across the Multiverse: I step into the rift that takes me to “Four Ever” and her world.

“Four Ever” was waiting for me. She tells me she had a recent dream that explained my background. After we complete our conversation, she gives me a hug. Her supernatural origins echo mine with her maternal grandfather’s ghost. Also, with her work at BADGE with the DNA research.

The most significant change in Alpha was that “Four Ever” was not on orphan. After meeting her parents, the despair welled up inside me. Something dark remains deep inside, and I cannot reconcile my feelings. I truly became “Dark Mourning”. I wonder if the events of 18 months ago foreshadowed my despair.

It’s not that I resent “Four Ever”, she has the life I would have liked to have had. I recall something my childhood therapist told “You are greater than the sum of your experiences. No one else has had these experiences in the same order and at the same point in time in their life that you have had. That makes you unique. And never let one single event define you “. I realize if I had her life, I would be her, and not me. And I am very comfortable with me.

My mind was muddled and my assistance to “Four Ever” was filled with errors. The most significant was assigning our early BADGE points to monthly MPs Perk. In hindsight, increasing the Consumer Perk would have provided daily boosts with fights and energy. Another thing was that I was hung up about was the Movement Skill. It took a few days to fully understand the new combat changes where Attack and Defense are now more meaningful. There were also some changes to the Equipment Effects.

I heartily support that the new combat system and effects changes make it to the Prime Multiverse.

We hooked up with many of my friends from Prime to create the Multiverse Freaks League. We took the Silver Medal in the League War.

For MP powers, we sold any dropped MP Laser Eyes and kept everything. Any MP powers with a Level 1 primary score of at least 150 was trained to Level 5. Most Crystal and Bux powers were leveled-up as well. I relied heavily on Crystals in order to conserve and build my cash balance. "Four Ever" was not keen on harvesting Crystals.

“Four Ever” and I made the mistake of not conserving our energy consumables during the last Atlas. They would have been helpful during the Boss Raid and Explosion weekend.

Heading into the last weekend events, my goal was to collect 200 Multiverse points. My last mistake was not having the foresight to stockpile various consumables from the BADGE Shop earlier. It would have made things easier. Better late than never.

Late Saturday, “Four Ever” suggested “Let’s respec our skills all to energy.”

“There’s no return from that move, once they move, they're there forever. Pun intended.” I replied with a smile.

She talked to Alpha “Vol Kana” and both would respec skills on Sunday morning.

When the dust settled on Monday and the goal exceeded, “Four Ever” wanted to see how far we could go. We continued shopping at BADGE and plugged away at raids.

In the end, my foibles did not impact “Four Ever” too seriously. She became a strong and viable Supernatural superhero. If I ever get back to Alpha, I would like to get to know her parents better. I probably should bring that up at my next therapy session.

I’m happy with the results. I got to play in ways that I never imagined and had oodles of fun doing so. I am not telling what I brought back from Alpha.
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Heroes Rising Fiction: Stone Age part 12

 Adrianne stood with Arx right next to her. While seated at the table, Nova glared at Adrianne with seriousness as he calculated his anger and curiosity.

“Tell me why I shouldn’t have your put in a cell right now,” Nova quietly asked.

Adrianne said, “I came to this station under false pretense... well, not entirely false. Okay, so this is what happened. My brother and I both gained morphon powers at the same time. I got ice powers, he got extremely powerful stone powers. We were both working with the universities’ anthropological survey teams and I wanted to finish my doctoral program before turning myself in for evaluation by BADGE. Wynn, my brother, realized just how powerful he was. As we traveled around the tribal parts of Africa, he enjoyed the way he scared the locals. Some of the more isolated tribes called him a god, naming one of their various gods. I told him to stop encouraging them, but he thought it was so much fun.”

EB said, “So, he set himself up as a god. Great. Another power mad idiot.”

“It wasn’t like that!” Adrianne yelled and then controlled herself. “Wynn has always had a desire for power. Not in the evil villain sort of way. As in, he always got elected class president, he desired to be the head of his fraternity, he became captain of the football team, he simply had a stronger inclination towards positions of authority than most. But it was harmless... until we encountered that damn witch.”

“Mama Pepo,” Nova said.

“Yes. She came to us and said she knew what we were, morphonic humans. She was one as well. Mama Pepo offered to help us realize our potential as gods over the ignorant tribes... she called them ignorant, which is far from true. I found her offer disgusting and bigoted. The offer intrigued Wynn, but he turned it down. We asked her to help us understand tribal superstitions better. In that time of learning from her, she slowly fed my brother more and more ideas of superiority. One night, he left with her. I didn’t know about it. They went, and she used her own powers to brainwash people and he presented himself as a god. Even chose that stupid name he got from Greek myth. When I found out, I was furious. I tried to reason with him, but he said it was better this way. We could unite all the indigenous people and build a society out of them. Turn the impoverished African continent into a world power like nothing before. He had gone power mad.”

Nova said, “This is all fascinating, but how does this bring you to us?”

“I knew he had to be stopped. I feared that any day BADGE would send in people to take him down. But you didn’t. I guess their plot to fly under the radar worked better than I expected. So, I turned myself in to the nearest Fight Club and asked to be brought here for training. I wanted to join the ATLAS team and work with them so I could convince them to come down and stop Wynn.”

“Why ATLAS?” Arx asked.

She looked down, not at him, “ATLAS helps, they don’t fight. BADGE sends in soldiers and Leagues to take villains down. I was afraid. My brother might be a little crazy right now, but he is still my brother. I wanted to have him come to his senses and let BADGE deal with that horrible witch. But things went sideways. I couldn’t convince Arx in time to investigate those tremors Wynn is causing, and now he has alerted BADGE. I just don’t want to see him hurt or killed. He’s not a horrible person, I promise.”

There was a long silence as Nova absorbed this.

Arx said, “I know what it means to get a second chance. I think we owe it to Adrianne to at least try this her way. Send in a smaller force to bring in this Wynn and capture Mama Pepo. Then we can get Krystal and Alex back and free the people they have brainwashed.”

Nova looked up at them, studying them for a moment. He then inclined his head toward EB. “What is the threat level right now?”

EB looked at a tablet and then said, “Right now, they are containing their little growing empire to a small group of indigenous people. Other than capturing our people, they haven’t done anything to challenge BADGE. So, low. I guess they aren’t really trying to conquer the world yet. They could soon, though. I mean, with what they are doing, it could get back quickly. But if we go in and stop them now with a small force, then it won’t be so bad. I…”

Nova held up his hand and EB went silent. “Fine. I will allow this. Arx, you take the lead. Bring Adrianne with you and a small team of your best.”

“And me,” Torrik said. “Knowing the power this Pepo is using, I can prepare counter magic to stop her from getting to us. And I have the best chance of breaking her curse.”

“I could do it too!” EB protested.

Nova said, “No. Torrik goes with them. EB, you stay here and get ready. If this goes sideways again, and we need to send in more people, we will need your power to counter her brainwashing.”

“Can do.” EB gave off a quick salute.

Adrianne almost fell to the floor. “Thank you, thank you. I... “

“You are lucky I was willing to listen. Never think you can just barge into secret meetings or secure locations ever again. Next time will not fare so well. I am only sending you on this mission because I believe you have the best chance of resolving this with your brother with no conflict. But do not think you aren’t under our authority. You will do what Arx says, which may include attacking your brother if he refuses to listen.”

“I understand. He is my brother, and I will do everything I can to protect him. I will not let him hurt innocent people for his power lust. You can trust me.”

“Trust is earned, and you will have to regain my trust. Don’t fail me. Now, get down to the ATLAS center and be ready to move out with the team.”

She turned to leave but found a hand on her shoulder. Arx pulled her into a hug and whispered into her ear, “We will do everything we can to save him.”

“Thank you.” She whispered back.

“Now, give me back my card before Nova kills me.”

She pulled out his card and handed it back to him, then left with a security robot to escort her back to the common area.

Arx turned around, more scared now than when he was facing a meteor bombardment for the first time. “First, I told her never to use this other than to get into the simulator. And, furthermore...”

Nova hit his fist so hard against the table that everyone in the room jumped, especially EB. “This will never happen again. You’re treading thin ice right now, Arx. We carefully vet those command cards and NEVER give them to anyone who hasn’t been registered in the computer. I never wanted to put tracking on all the people on this station, so to be certain they didn’t break the security rules. But, I guess that level of trust must be violated, thanks to you. Next time you violate BADGE rules like that again, you will find yourself looking for work planetside. Is that understood!?”

“Yes, sir.” Arx stood up straight.

“Now, go prepare a team and get to this mission.”

Arx’s departure from the room was so quick that even EB would be hard pressed to move faster.

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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: Stone Age Part 11

 Adrianne waited in the operation room of ATLAS with a few of the other trainees. The others looked a little disheveled after last night’s party, but were in good spirits. Adrianne appeared as though she were going to be ill.

“Hey, didn’t see you much last night after that amazing dance,” A young man said.

Adrianne didn’t catch anyone was talking to her.

“Musta had one hell of a night.” He nudged her arm.

She jumped and then looked at him. “Sorry. Did you need something?”

“No. I was just wondering what happened to you last night. You danced with Mr. Arx and then disappeared.”

A woman across from them slyly said, “Arx vanished as well. I saw him leave and not come back.”

Adrianne said, “Look, don’t get any wild ideas. He and I... are working friends. That’s all. He was called away for some BADGE business and I didn’t feel much like doing more dancing.”

“Where is he, anyway?” The young man asked.

Adrianne said, “I was just wondering that myself. I really need to talk to him.”

“Sure you do.” The pestering tone of the woman across from her made Adrianne want to give her a real icy chill right about now.

The screen in the table came alive with Arx’s face. “Hey, everyone. I’m called away for some important business in the main Operations. So, for today, there’s a list of standard training programs. Each person will pick two from the list and run them in simulator seven. Work at your own pace for now. You’re all doing great. Arx out.”

“Damn.” Adrianne whispered under her breath.

The computer on the table displayed a long list of simulated disasters for ATLAS to cover. The others were selecting their two for the day, while Adrianne grew more nervous by the moment.

“Look, honey, he has a great chest and cute butt, but you have work to do. Stop fussing and pick your two.” The girl rudely stated.

The young man said, “Becky, you don’t have to be like that. This isn’t High School.”

“I know what it is. But even up here, drooling over the teacher is not cool.” She snickered.

Adrianne was about to tell her where she could stick her opinion when the seismic sensor went off again. The others didn’t notice it, but she recognized the sound from when she was in here before. On the smaller screen on the left wall, two distinct earthquake signatures were showing in Chad, Africa.

“I have to find him before it’s too late.” Adrianne rushed out of the room.


Nova left the Operations center for the conference room at the back. Inside were Arx, EB, Torrik, and Chase. All poured over information on tablets, while three videos played on monitors around the room.

“What have you found? Torrik, what are you doing here?”

Torrik almost spoke, but EB answered, “I asked him to come. This is some serious magic to untangle. Normally, I’m really good at this. Like, a total pro. But, this is big trouble, and I didn’t want to make any mistakes. I know, it’s not like me to call in help, but even I can need help. This one time, I went to Bavaria when I was trying to figure out this new cake candy bar... sorry...” EB shrunk down in his seat at the withering glare from Nova.

Torrik said, “Krystal Fae is powerful and clever. This spell she used proved to be extremely complicated. In a strange way, it keeps track of important things for the past few days before it becomes active. Apparently, it is always there, and it works only if she’s in deep trouble.”

“Good to know. What did she send us?” Nova sat beside them.

Arx pointed at the video monitors. “EB and Torrik were able to translate what she saw into these videos. Snippets of what she saw each day, important things. There are several of her and Alex investigating those orbs, then going to a Fight Club in Tripoli and talking to the gym leader there. Then... well, look at this.” He pressed a button, but nothing happened.

“Oh, sorry. This is magic, not technical.” EB waved his paw at the screen.

They were looking at the world around Krystal from her eyes. It showed Krystal and Alex join forces with the small group in Africa. They saw the capture. While Krystal lay on her side, they witnessed the conversation between Antaeus and Mama Pepo. They even watched as the witch cast a spell over Krystal and she stood and spoke for a camera being held by the chief of Antaeus’s security.

When the images stopped, Nova said, “I want to know who this Antaeus is.”

Arx said, “We had the computers run searches across the globe and couldn’t find any information. Other than historical data about the Antaeus from Greek Mythology, we have nothing. The facial recognition program cannot seem to find any information. His stone face seems to cause the program some issues.”

Nova said, “Don’t tell me this is the real Antaeus, son of Poseidon and Gaia.”

Torrik said, “You can’t dismiss the possibility. Though doubtful he is a demi-god, he could be something like EB. An ancient alien who has only revealed himself again. Or something like that.”

“I have been around for a long time...” Nova started.

EB added, “A LOOOOOOOONG TIME. I mean, Nova is really, really, really old. Super old...”

“Thank you, EB.” Nova cleared his throat. “I have never encountered any Antaeus.”

Arx said, “We found some information on this woman.” He pointed at the witch. “Born Arafa Izou in a small tribe in Chad, Africa. She gained a reputation as a threat among the locals for her early involvement in forbidden tribal witchcraft. Locals accused her of cursing cattle, crops, and other women, but the justice system could not intervene because of the lack of tangible evidence. The locals started calling her Mama Pepo, or mother demon. BADGE registered that three years ago she gained morphon powers and has used them to enhance her witchcraft. She has been off our radar since she has done nothing to require the attention of BADGE... until now.”

Torrik said, “Apparently, from what I could tell, she is using some kind of morphonic magic to brainwash people. Through Krystal’s eyes, I can see that several of the surrounding people are currently being brainwashed. I doubt they know what they are doing.”

Nova said, “I don’t like this. If it were just this Mama Pepo, then we go in. But, I want to know more about this Antaeus. What kind of threat is he? Is he another puppet of hers?”

“No.” EB said, “Torrik and I checked every glimpse we could. He has no magical influence over him. He’s clean.”

Arx said, “But he is a threat. More than once, we witnessed earthquakes from Krystal’s eyes. I know ATLAS has been following minor quakes in that area recently,... a lot of them. I thought it was natural and nothing to worry about. But, now I believe he can do this. We could see he has a lot of control over the ground and rocks, so it adds up. But that also makes him a dangerous threat.”

Nova said, “Then we have little choice. This Antaeus and Mama Pepo have kidnapped BADGE agents, countless hostages, and others. They are a threat to that region and could present far-reaching dangers outside of that. So, I am going to authorize a full strike. EB, Torrik, I want you to help prepare our heroes for potential mental attacks. I don’t want any more brainwashed heroes. All leagues near there will be alerted for a full atta…”

“No! Please, don’t!” Adrianne rushed into the room.

Nova shot up and had his gun out, aimed right at her. “What the!”

She slid to a stop and found her arms being held by vines growing up from the ground under Torrik’s control. EB had two eggs ready to throw.

“Adrianne?” Arx got up and approached her.

“Please don’t attack him.”

Nova demanded, “How did you get in here? This is the most secured location on this station.”

She said, “I... had a card.”

“Oh, no.” Arx realized where this came from. “I gave that to you because I trusted you.”

“Please, understand. I had to come. I can’t let you do this.”

“Do what?” Nova asked, still livid.

She whispered, “Please, don’t kill my brother.”

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