Thursday, December 31, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Chase the Myth Part 18

 Nova led Lady Phoenix into the Arboretum with Chase, Gar, Quark, EB and Santa.

“LORD DRAGON!” EB raced over to the leader of this group and shook him. “Wake up!”

Nova stepped over to Cupid and looked down at the man, “are they… dead?”

Lady Phoenix walked through, her body emanating an aura of fiery energy. “No, but it is like a state of death. Their power has been drained.”

Gar asked, “is it in you still?”

She knelt down and brushed her hand over Maneki-neko. “Not anymore. When Krampus put me back together, that which I stole was removed.”

Nova asked, “can you save them?”

Lady Phoenix stood and gave a soft nod, “yes. I am whole again, my talisman and I are reunited. This gives me power that I haven’t had in seven hundred of your years. It is how they will be brought back as well.” she stepped into the middle of her fallen comrades.

Lady Phoenix rose up, and a great power emitted from her. Above each Mythic an object appeared. A bow rose over Cupid, an African Ceremonial Mask over Ananzi, a large gold coin over Maneki-Neko, a crown of colored feathers over Quetzalcoatl, nothing over Lord Dragon. Suddenly Lady Phoenix jerked back, and each item dissolved and the mist flowed into each person, with a small portion out of each entering Lord Dragon.

“Please, giving willingly.” She held her hand out toward Santa and EB.

Both bowed their heads and a small point of light shone from them and entered Lord Dragon.

The world returned to normal as each of the Mythics groaned and came around.

“Oh, what happened?” Cupid asked.

Maneki-Neko gasped, “my Lady! You live!”

“Yes, I am with you once again.”

“As am I,” Lord Dragon sat up. “But… I don’t know how.”

Lady Phoenix said, “each of you gave your all to help, but the evil within me stole life from you. I have been returned to my original form, I am whole again. To save you, I have returned all of you to your original forms as well. You are Vexillians once again.”

Lord Dragon looked down at his hands, “this is not possible. Jinn’s destruction of my talisman forever divided me.”

“I took from each of us a portion of magic and gave you the strength you lost. None of us shall ever truly be whole, but we are as close to our original strength as we have been since the day we first set foot on this planet.”

Lord Dragon smiled as he looked up at his wife and then Chase, “but, how can you be with us?”

Santa walked over with Chase at his side. “There is much to explain. However, I believe it is time I formally introduce all of you to my daughter.”

Nova quietly escorted Gar and Quark out of the room. “Let them have their moment. We have much to do.”


One week later;

A gala event clamored on the BADGE space station. Heroes and dignitaries alike mingled. There was a lot of Christmas cheer with cookies, presents, trees, and all the works. Santa missed the holiday, so he gave this party all the charm of the season.

“You’re pretty.” Gar said, with a big smile, as Chase walked up to him.

She laughed and took a sip of champagne. “We’re co-workers, I don’t think that’s appropriate.”

“I don’t care. I like looking at you.”

She sidled up to him and brushed her hand down his beefy, bare, stone chest, “You aren’t so bad to look at either.”

“Stop petting the statues.” Nova said as he approached.

Chase laughed, “you’re in a good mood.”

Nova said, “it feels good right now. The world feels peaceful again.”

Just then Krystal Fae walked up with Chaz Hamilton beside her. “Director, I hope you don’t mind, but I escorted Mr. Hamilton up here from the Sentinel.”

Nova took Chaz by the hand and gave him a firm handshake, “not at all. I’m glad you’re here.”

“You… are. I… I don’t know what to say.” Chaz appeared as though he might swoon.

Nova said, “you were the only reporter to stick around and give a full report on the incident. I’ve known a lot of the media in my time and no one has been quiet as brave as you. Most of your reports are being used by top-level officials to get a better picture of what happened. You have earned a right to be the official reporter on all BADGE events.”

“I… have? You can’t be serious! I just... what about Krystal? She’s always up here with you guys?”

Krystal leaned over, “don’t blow this by asking dumb questions.”

Nova said, “Krystal is good with the media stuff. But, she is also a hero who has a lot on her hands dealing with that. I need someone dedicated to media, and that’s you, unless you don’t want it.”

“I WANT IT!” He blurted and then calmed down, “uh, sorry. I accept.”


“I can begin right now, if you don’t mind. I wanted to ask Chase some questions.”

Chase said, “sure.”

“What is it like being the daughter of Santa Claus?”

“It’s kinda strange, really. I remember decades of time when I didn’t know my past. Yet, now I remember centuries lived with him in his workshop, and those years feel like a warm memory that has always been with me. It will take time to sort it out. But, I am glad to know my past. I have a father again, and that makes me feel better. I just wish I hadn’t lost my uncle.”

“Uncle? Oh, you mean Krampus. Yes, I was wondering about that. I’m still unclear about the whole Krampus situation...”

Nova said, “let’s leave that for another time. I’m sure Chase can offer you an in-depth interview when time permits. There’s someone else here who wants to see her.”

Just then Starmaster approached with a finely dressed woman in elegant Onnotangu garb. “Chase!” The woman rushed over and hugged Chase.

Chase said, “Shizue, is that you under all this?”

Shizue stood back, “yes. Thought I’d dress nice for tonight.”

Starmaster said, “And, it’s Prime Minister Shizue now. First Meta-human world leader.”

“Prime Minister?” Chase asked.

Nova said, “yes, after all the mess in North Onnotangu, the people elected her their first true democratically appointed Prime Minister.”

“They have a lot more faith in my leadership than I.” Shizue admitted.’

Chase said, “I’m sure you underestimate yourself.”

Nova nodded, “a trait that is common among the best world leaders I’ve met.”

Shizue said, “I have had some help from the World Corps.”

“World Corps?” Gar asked.

“Yes, Marshal Gamma has been instrumental in taking care of all the horrible technology our former dear leader had created, especially those awful weapons.”

“Marshal Gamma?” Nova was even surprised by this.

“Yes, he... oh, there he is. Marshal!” Shizue waved a man over.

A man in a strange military uniform, covered in badges and medals, approached. He had a bright smile, red hair, and a piercing blue eyes. “Director Nova, at last. I wanted to make your acquaintance.”

Nova cocked his head, “I’m afraid I am at the disadvantage. Who are you and what is this World Corps?”

Gamma retained that charming smile, “I’m with the World Corps, a new unity of nations born out of the former United Nations. They created a division called MHA, Meta Human Activities. My job is to monitor and handle situations involving super powered human, alien, and… other creatures.”

“That is my job. BADGE already deals with the meta-human activities on Earth.”

“Oh, I’m not replacing you. No, not at all. Merely, assisting. The MHA reports directly to the World Corps, so you don’t have to. I’m sure we won’t step on each other’s toes.”

“I’m sure.” Nova replied in a dry tone.

Just then EB and Quark approached, “NOVA!” EB grabbed Nova in a neck-hug. “Buddy!”

Nova peeled him off. “How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!”

EB playfully flicked Nova’s nose, “like I’d listen.”

“What do you want?”

“Oh, we just got out of the meeting with Lord Dragon and boy have I got stuff to tell...”

Sudden the crowds of heroes and dignitaries hushed and moved as the glorious team of Mythics entered the floor.

EB said, “oh, looks like he’s gonna tell you first.”

Lord Dragon and Lady Phoenix approached, both dressed in glowing, regal apparel befitting their myths. The other mythics were equally impressive to see.

“Director Nova.” Lord Dragon bowed.

Nova returned the bow. “I understand you have had a meeting.”

“Yes. And, it is time to inform you our decision.”


Lord Dragon spoke so that all could hear him. “Seven centuries ago, my people arrived on this world, refugees of the horrible group known only as Legion. We took on the forms of the myths of your people and helped guide you to be ready for the day Legion arrived here. Though our goal was one of peace and protection, I regret that we have also brought about turmoil and pain. My son, Jinn almost destroyed this world twice in his pursuit of power. Krampus wreaked havoc last year and then again this year, both times causing death and destruction. Through the valiant efforts of the heroes of this world, both super powered and normal, neither Jinn nor Krampus prevailed. However, it burdens my heart to know that my people have caused so much chaos. Now that your world has faced and defeated Legion, we are no longer needed to help you. It is time we leave. Those of us who have regained our fullest strength will find a new place to call home. We shall be near this system of planets and offer aid at the request of Nova of BADGE, for he ranks as the most honorable of humans we have ever dealt with.”

“Now wait a minute!” Marshal Gamma stepped up, “there remains a criminal among your kind who needs punishment. The Phoenix will be summoned to the court of the World Corps.”

The fury in Nova’s eyes was only outdone by the rage in Lord Dragon who bellowed, “how dare you!”

Nova said, “Marshal, you’ll inform the court that the fault of the recent incident will be attributed to Krampus, not Lady Phoenix. And, tell them they have no say in this.”

Marshal Gamma left the room.

Lord Dragon turned back to Director Nova. “I am glad you understand our judgment on this matter.”

Nova bowed his head to Lady Phoenix, “completely.”

Lord Dragon continued, “there are two of our kind who have chosen to stay here.”

Santa Claus said, “I will remain here and continue to bring Christmas cheer. I will also offer any assistance to BADGE that I can.”

“I am glad to have you, old friend.” Nova said. Then, his voice weakened, and he almost whispered, “who is the other?”

Causing Nova to flinch slightly, EB bounced up and yelled, “ME!”

“Oh… I see.”

EB hopped around, “I have a lot of responsibility. Not only to my companies that make candy, and boy do I have a lot of new candy ideas. You know, I came up with several spicy chocolate ideas over the past few days, really want to try them out, gonna tastes so good. And, oh, what was I gonna say? Oh, right, I also have a job here at BADGE, helping. I mean, you’re good and all and have Gar and Chase, and Chase is like so hot and I just love being around her, and Gar is great, and Quark, I love his jokes, but also I gotta make you this special hot chocolate I came up with….”

EB rattled on and on as the party continued. By the end of the day, the rest of the Mythic’s bid their last farewell and left the station for a new home. For the last time, the mythics gazed upon the world they had come to love as home.

Continue the Story

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Hero Highlights- Ice Ray Academy

I have the distinct pleasure today to introduce a little known group of heroes. I first encountered them in dimension S-H-C, and have been quite satisfied to call them allies.

Can you tell us your name, or would you prefer your Hero designation/code name?
A3~~"You can call me Aphrael but my name is AphraeltheFaeChildGoddessofInnocenceversion3.0. My students here are Corrine Daniels and Jenna Firemage."
CD~~I'm Corrine Daniels, and I am a Time Magic specialist. I can slow or speed up time and travel through it, but I can only change the past by changing violent acts into peaceful ones, or by stopping enemies of ours who also travel through time causing chaos. I may look young but secretly I am over 150 years old.
JF~~Hello. My name is Jenna Firemage and Corrine is my much older cousin. While I mainly use fire elemental attacks, I should not be taken lightly because I hold tremendous power within me that in the past has literally shaken non HR dimensions, but only those cleared by Aphrael herself, such as Krystal, can learn of these secrets. I can say, though, that I use more than just fire magic.
Are you working thru B.A.D.G.E. or are you independent?
A3~~We work independently from B.A.D.G.E. through our Academy, Ice Ray Academy, which has been a magical school in many different realities throughout time and different dimensions. Our school is our home where we learn to harness the magic we learn and from within us to battle the Legion and meta criminals too.
Are you currently in a League, and if so, would you care to tell us about it?
A3~~ Not a League, per se, but an Academy. It is known, to the few we have come to trust, as Ice Ray Academy.
Can you tell us a little about your powers? Are all of your powers Morphon based?
A3~~Ah... my powers you ask? (Aphrael smiles slightly) Well, they are pretty much summarized in my bio. I can't be more specific than that, since I am a true deity/goddess, after all.
We have already explained our non-secret powers, chime in Jenna and Corrine. But we have secret ones, that like Aphrael, we can not give further detail on unless a situation very specifically calls for that and the High Council of Ice Ray Academy must vote to allow us to assist BADGE only at those times.
Do you have a sidekick?
A3~~I prefer partners to sidekicks.
CD~~We act as sidekicks to a degree. (Jenna nods in agreement.)
Could you tell us a little about your origin?
A3~~ (looking very faintly pained and misty-eyed)
My Oracle, Sephrenia Darklighter, and I are the last of our actual race. Long ago on a parallel Earth, my race once flourished in peace. But then came a wicked being known as Nicol Bolas.
He not only orchestrated massacres of my followers until I had only one, which left me weak enough for him to destroy my physical form; over the centuries that followed, he plunged my race into slaughter by other races, until only myself and my Oracle, Sephrenia, remained. We became the last two Styrics in existence.
To save ourselves we sought out a mighty mage, who not only sent us to a version of Earth. Bolas had not come there yet, and they also helped us meet the one known in legends as Merlin. He helped form what is now known as Ice Ray Academy.
CD~~(silently wiping a tear from her eye) "My own story is sad. but far too involved to provide here. I will provide the details at a later time.
JF~~I was once an innocent child, along with my twin brothers, in another version of Earth. It was a quiet and peaceful land though that was not to last. At a certain time, an old enemy of my family overthrew the good and honest Council of Ice Ray Academy and set themselves up as an evil tyrant to rule the Institute by fear.
My family rebelled against this being, my parents and all their families were killed, or worse turned into...(Jenna gulps) ...Driders, to serve the wicked being known as Spider Queen of Dark Elves, Lolth, as punishment. My twin brothers, known as the Chad twins, and I were the only known survivors. Aphrael and Sephrenia, with the aid of a few surviving teachers, protected us until we became teenagers. We trained in order to avenge our family and restore our school to honor and peace.
What is your favorite piece of gear? Why?
A3~~None at this time. (both Corrine and Jenna shake their heads)
Do you have any advice for new Heroes?
(All nod)
JF~~More important than spending on equipment or powers is to make strong allies whom you can depend on...
CD~~...who are full of positive virtues.
A3~~This will help you become stronger in heart and mind to benefit those who are weaker than you, or not benefited by Morphon abilities.
Is there anything else you'd care to add?
A3~~Learn from our tragedies that you do not allow negative emotions to ruin your lives. Use your strengths in honest ways to protect the powerless, or you will end up worse than the villains you strive against.
Thank you, ladies, for your time and insights.
Till next time, my friends.
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Raid Conclusion: Lady Phoenix's Rage has ended...

by Chaz Hamilton

ID: 22349

It is often spoken of, the evil that dwells in the hearts of everyone. A constant battle between the brilliance of light and the void of darkness as they attempt to overcome one another. It often seems effortless to be bad. To not care for anyone but yourself. And doing right and good takes effort. It isn’t easy to ignore the temptation to do wrong when nobody is watching.

On the waters of the Atlantic, these desperate heroes have pushed themselves to defeat the Lady Phoenix, a being corrupted by these very dark influences that live within everyone. Where did their drive to do so come from?

Is it to honor a dead family member who taught a them an important lesson?

Did someone once wrong them and in doing so, created a person dedicated to being protecting the less fortunate?

Good parentage in the right household at the right time?

A divine spark that seeks to defeat anything that opposes its glorious purpose?


There are likely as many reasons for what has driven these heroes to take to the battlefield. The truth of makes them heroes could be buried so deeply into their persona that they aren’t even aware of their motivations.

It might be the leadership provided by Director Nova, or even Santa himself. Is there anyone who couldn’t be influenced by a desire to remain off the Naughty List?

Speaking of Santa, not long ago, he had taken advantage of an opportunity where the Lady Phoenix has been knocked to the ground, her fiery bird-aura extinguished. She fell beneath the combined might of many heroes working in unison.

Krystal Fae manipulated magical machinations making mystical munitions, moreover, manifesting magnificent morale-boosting measures.

The Awesome was still in the battle, swinging like a champ. 5th’s Nightmare before Christmas snuck in and was stealing every opportunity to inflict massive damage with maximum effort by doing the dirty work himself. Macaia’s Daughter has pushed at every weakness given by Lady Phoenix. Captain Bob, Fleagle,… There were so many active heroes that I could not identify many of them in the flurry of action. Before a bright, intense light flared from around her after she had fallen, two notable events occurred. An unknown individual leapt at her and Skelanimal struck her with a final, incapacitating blow.

And now, the battlefield is silent. A stunned silence triggered by an unexpected turn.

Just like the Grinch at the precipice of Christmas morning, Krampus returned, changed, and is said to have found his heart. The full story will likely never be known, but the murmur from the heroes is that Krampus has sacrificed himself so that Lady Phoenix, Agent Chase, and Santa himself will live.

An unnatural stillness fills the world around me right now. There are no longer waves of heat billowing to the shore from over the ocean. Smoke is dissipating, allowing blue skies to be seen. The stirred waters are calming, no longer churning in response to the ebb and flow of battle. And the heroes are speaking in hushed tones amongst themselves, trying to comprehend what would trigger Krampus to change so significantly, so momentously.

Perhaps, there may be a bit of good in every dark soul just as there is a touch of darkness to the good. A concept displayed by the yin and yang of Chinese philosophy. Did the crucible of his own creation burn away that which poisoned Krampus’s inner self? It is unfortunate that it took so much death and destruction for him to learn such a lesson.

In my final report on the battle against Lady Phoenix’s Rage, I want to thank everyone for following along. Think on this moment when you face a struggle. If Krampus can find it in himself to be noble and good, the possibility must live within us all.

Thank you to all the heroes as well. I don’t want to imagine what would have happened should you not have succeeded, an perhaps a tiny bit of Christmas magic was saved for each of you, as you did not need to cause or witness the death of one of your friends, allies, or companions.

I will close with the top damage dealers, as reported by B.A.D.G.E.

673,104 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

633,594 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

596,567 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

422,086 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

386,120 Damage: The Avenger

385,531 Damage: ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

357,274 Damage: ~666~ Falconetti ♦♞♦

351,292 Damage: ♦the Island♦

300,785 Damage: ߣµε DrÃ¥§Ã´∩

283,316 Damage: ][☣]✡[THE WIZARD]✡[☣][

Happy New Year to you all.
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RAID UPDATE: Lady Phoenix's Rage (Day 2, Hour 13)

By Chaz Hamilton
ID# 22349

We are into the wee hours of the night. Santa’s sleigh continues to orbit around the battle, as if he is waiting for the right moment to act. The heroes are between him and the Lady Phoenix. Just as the legendary creature, flames engulf this woman and act as appendages. Lethal appendages that have harmed many and possibly slain some.

The battle is difficult to watch. Broken images play through the fire as heroes move toward her and disappear behind clouds of smoke and steam. When the heroes become visible again, they are hurling backwards after being knocked away by one of Lady Phoenix’s enormous wings or they are retreating while trying to find a better angle of attack.

Aflima, Warrior of Fire, has recently been spotted back on the scene. As one who wields the power of flames, with aid from others such as Wyldfyre, are doing their best to control the blistering heat she is generating still. Other heroes that control the powers of Ice Giants attempt to smother her blaze with artic blasts from the soul of winter itself. Some call upon Mother Nature to fight on their side, hurdling rain and winds to buffet her into submission.

And though she is weakening, she still withstands the efforts of so many to defeat her. Three-hundred and sixty-two different heroes have taken the task of defeating her onto their sturdy shoulders. Heroes that didn’t aid in defeating Krampus have joined in with those that did.

There are three-hundred and sixty degrees in a circle. At this point, there would be two extra heroes to fill the positions of every degree around Lady Phoenix. Mathematically, this group of three-hundred and sixty-two heroes should be up to the task of defeating her, proverbially having her geometrically surrounded. Unfortunately, the true math of battles such as this only matter when counting the dead and injured at the conclusion.

At this very moment, I can see Mah Deek thrusting at her face. (Please, don’t let the FCC censors review this segment.) Demon Ninja is darting about the floor of the re-ruined ruins of the B.A.D.G.E. league wars arena, using pillars of smoke to obscure his advance. Chameleon and Headwound are also engaged in the battle, using whatever advantage they can muster to aid in her eventual defeat.

I’ve been handed the latest numbers from the B.A.D.G.E. scientists. They believe that Lady Phoenix has been severely drained of over 75% of her initial power reserves. The question on all their minds is how much reserves do our heroes have left. Boons, gifts, and consumables have been used in staggering quantities. This battle is being fought on pure willpower and perseverance for some. Others fight for the joy of it while a small portion simply don’t want to see her win.

Whatever the reason, please heroes, keep pouring it on. Unleash whatever you have left within you and bring this to an end.

While Krampus has been defeated, unseen by anyone after the previous battle, I do rightfully hope that Lady Phoenix is not killed during this. Defeated, yes. But not brought to her death.

She must face the families of those she murdered in Hallows Port. Without an opportunity to face the person responsible for such an action, the willful, intentional butchering of citizens of this country, there must be justice.

The top quantified heroes to have done the most to bring down Lady Phoenix from her current rampant rage is as follows:

496,405 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

396,100 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

394,584 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

329,669 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

295,498 Damage: The Avenger

293,704 Damage: ~666~ Falconetti ♦♞♦

284,841 Damage: ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

267,405 Damage: ♦the Island♦

240,011 Damage: †‡ Zen ﹤(") ‡† 5¹

236,666 Damage: ߣµε DrÃ¥§Ã´∩

As I have said before, every hero has been doing their due diligence while participating in this event. Each and every one of them deserves praise and accolades for their efforts. I hope that every small and large town, every community of the world does their part to welcome their heroes’ home after this firefight concludes. They deserve it if they succeed.

And if they don’t…

They say is isn’t over until it is over. Boys and girls. Ladies and Gentlemen. Any and every other gender configuration there is, it’s not over yet. Spare a prayer for your heroes if you have one.
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RAID UPDATES: Lady Phoenix's Rage (Hour 2 and Hour 4)

by Chaz Hamilton



This battle is most likely the most brutal one our heroes have faced to date.

I’m afraid that when all is said and done, there will be those who are successful at completing their task but no winners.

Shortly after the heroes began to recover from their wounds during their engagement and defeat of Krampus, they have now been ordered by Director Nova to return to the same battlefield and face down the being known as Lady Phoenix.

For the last several hours, I have been speaking with many of the heroes as they recovered. What information I have garnered from them is truly disturbing.

By the information I have gained, a former B.A.D.G.E. field agent known as Chase was kidnapped by Krampus and used as part of an incideoius plot against all decency. He used stolen Legion technology to alter her personality, creating a double agent in her.

While under his influence, she was a primary actor in the Ruby Shard Hunt, or as I named it, “The Quest in the Midwest”. These ruby shards that were sought after by both her, Krampus, and the heroes, contained the disembodied consciousness of an alien being. The details are sparse, but from what I have gathered so far, she was killed nearly half-a-year ago by the Demon Jinn.

Some reports from heroes have implied that this woman known as Lady Phoenix was Jinn’s own mother.

During League Wars: Haunted Heroes, the gems gathered by the heroes were taken by Skelanimal from a secure laboratory aboard the B.A.D.G.E. space headquarters. He then delivered them to Krampus before he and the WMD league traveled to Japan to wreak havoc on Tokyo.

While the heroes were diverted there to protect the island nation and its citizens, Krampus assembled the broken shards and somehow managed to incorporate Lady Phoenix into the body of the kidnapped Agent Chase.

The Legion technology had the effect of altering the personality of Lady Phoenix as well, creating this evil power bent of creating her own military force. Formerly, Lady Phoenix was reported as being an ally of B.A.D.G.E. and its heroes, but after Krampus’s interference, she became a dark reflection of her formal self.

That leads us to today. The heroes of the world are currently struggling to defeat an amalgam individual of great power who, at her core, was once existed as two of their allies. While she currently is at odds with the heroes, it is not due to her own actions or desires. She has become an unfortunate casualty of the Legion’s technology and Krampus’s malicious machinations.

The word about the B.A.D.G.E. officers and agents on scene is that there is a spreading fear that with the defeat of Lady Phoenix, there will be great losses and greater sacrifices in order for humanity to survive. Who will pay the ultimate price for Krampus’s legacy?

At the onset of today’s battle, a glistening snowflake appeared high in the sky and, believe it or not, Santa and his sleigh (which was being pulled by a lone winged gargoyle), swept in and gave the order of “Ho Ho GO!” I don’t know yet all which this latest development entails, but if a legendary being such as Santa Claus himself has been brought in, anything will be possible as the next hours unfold.

RAID UPDATE: Lady Phoenix’s Rage (Hour Four)

The fight is going on with the intensity of the heart of a sun. Lady Phoenix is nearly unapproachable but for the most stalwart hero. The heat field she is surrounding herself with is as if she stood in the gates of Hell’s most furious inferno.

The first wave against her tested her strength. The aura protecting her gives her a more than solid amount of defense against technology and most physical attacks. Missiles and bullets both disintegrate before they reach her. Magic and supernatural heroes struggle to fully affect her as well. She seems to have a natural resistance to these forms of attacks. Her mind is also extremely focused. Heroes trying to use mental or psionic powers against her have proven to be unable to manage any noticeable effect.

She does seem vulnerable to attacks of an elemental nature. Many of the heroes are finding unique and creative ways to assault her with this bit of knowledge.

Starmaster and other heroes who have telekinetic abilities are using the water of the ocean itself to douse her flames. Elemental heroes such as the Infinite Tempest are creating waterspouts and weather-based attacks to the same purpose. Crossroads has used a similar technique as she did with Krampus, but instead of teaming up with other heroes, she seems to have created a portal beneath sea level and has the ocean pouring out onto Lady Phoenix as if she is standing beneath a faucet.

These attacks aren’t without opposition. At times, Lady Phoenix has generated heat at levels strong enough to break the water down into its component elements of oxygen and hydrogen. Adding these elements to the battlefield actually has increased the intensity of her flames as they are both fuel to her fire.

Diamond Ruby Sapphire has engaged Lady Phoenix, striking her with massive bolts of energy. Senaka is on the forefront once again. Skelanimal is going at her with teeth and claws, seeming to ignore her fiery wrath. I have to wonder if he feels any guilt over the position he put poor Chase into, or if this is just another excuse for him to fight and get his jollies?

Tri-blade is in the fight, striking with a dazzling martial prowess. His blades are moving fast enough that they cannot be seen through the video feed I am watching from.

Aflima is there with his teammates, doing their best to aid in weakening Lady Phoenix. Firefighters often use fire to fight fire, so I can only hope Aflima is as effective in this combat against her blaze.

Lykos has spared a moment to share with me his take on the battle so far, once again.

OK... Another Massive Big Bad Evil Guy... er, Gal. I can do this. I ran in to see what kind of damage I could do against Lady Phoenix. I woke up a few minutes later against a wall. "She is weak against Elemental Power, Kid", a Hero quipped as he picked me up easily off the ground and just as quickly as he appeared, he was gone, slamming into the BBEG with a powerful shot. I didn't even get his name. Elemental, huh? Wait, I think I have some gear in storage. Sure enough, I found my old Elemental Core, which I switched out quickly, then started donning every piece of Elemental gear I had. I tossed my super strong Supernatural gear that she literally ignored like it was tiddlywinks I was hitting her back into the Gear Chest. Powered up, I ran back into the fray, surprised I was actually doing more damage this time than I was doing to Krampus. I hit her hard and fast 4 times, stopped for a breather and a snack, and jumped back in. Several long hours later I lay tired and bloody. I just didn't have any gas left. I was long out of More-Fun bars. Then I heard the copter. I looked up, and I swear on my Mother's Grave, Director Nova was flying a copter into our staging area and dropped, MOre-Fun bars in the bucket loads. I checked my Comms and sure enough, Heroes were sending in More-Fun Bars to each other to give a little boost in the fight. I grinned, grabbed a few bars, and flew back in for more punishment - mostly mine, but a small bit for her as well. Lykos ID: 18321

I appreciate his comments, as I am sure that Sentinel followers look forward to hearing firsthand reports about what is going on in this dire battle. If any other heroes would like to comment, you know where to find me.

There are several new heroes on the list of top damage dealers this time. The battle is still in its early stages, but these early leaders are definitely doing their part in quashing this new villainess.

97,297 Damage: ߣµε DrÃ¥§Ã´∩

86,177 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

82,302 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

81,585 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

65,601 Damage: ~666~ Falconetti ♦♞♦

55,955 Damage: Slayer B.A.S. 5¹

54,172 Damage: ][☣]✡[THE WIZARD]✡[☣][

52,851 Damage: The Avenger

47,309 Damage: ☠Dirty Laundry☠

47,010 Damage: N€v€tS⁵áµ—Ê°

46,931 Damage: MAH DEEK
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RAID UPDATE: Lady Phoenix's Rage (Hour 8)

by Chaz Hamilton

ID# 22349

B.A.D.G.E. instruments are top of the line. Portable Energy Scanners, Bio-kinetic Waveform detectors, sonic devices that do just about anything (except wood), and a variety of other great gadgets. You won’t find any stuff like this at Best Buy.

While tracking the movement patterns and life-signs of our varied heroes, B.A.D.G.E. technicians also track the progress of the enemy combatants. And while Lady Phoenix has nearly overwhelmed each one of these devices, the data they provide has indicated Lady Phoenix is nearing a significant milestone in her eventual defeat.

Her output has dropped by nearly 25%. More heroes can strike at her, less burdened by the heat currents which previously made approaching the villainess hazardous. The heroes don’t need to move as far away to recharge their power batteries, as Lady Phoenix’s sphere of annihilation has compressed around her. It is still very early in this battle, but this is a good sign of eventual success.

I have a special treat for those following me right now. Blue Dragon has agreed to share a word or three with me about his powerful lead in the combat arena. This member of the Avengers is topping the charts with his attacks. While many members of the WMD league trail not to far behind his numbers, at the moment, Blue Dragon has a clear lead on damage output. Thank you, Blue Dragon, what would you have me say to the Sentinel followers out there?

“Well, to be honest, I have to say it is a bit of Holiday Overindulgence! Man, I cannot eat another bite of candy, turkey dinners, old bottles of energy drinks, you name it. Talk about cleaning out the fridge! One side effect from all this eating......I am getting...bigger! =)” -- ߣµε DrÃ¥§Ã´∩ 11279

Thank you for that advice, Blue Dragon. It would seem that a good diet is meaningful in the fight against villainy. Blue Dragon hasn’t been the only one doing the addition raid on the fridge. Many heroes have been seen munching on More-Fun bars, drinking their Hater-Aid, and wolfing down other holiday treats.

Fortunately, Lady Phoenix’s furnace has provided an excellent means by which to keep the ocean’s clean. I can’t say that carbon-emissions are low, but there isn’t a spec of trash floating out on the water either.

Here is a list of the top 10 heroes who have dealt significant damage to Lady Phoenix so far:

159,907 Damage: ߣµε DrÃ¥§Ã´∩

121,357 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

121,321 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

117,291 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

102,884 Damage: ~666~ Falconetti ♦♞♦

91,466 Damage: The Avenger

75,355 Damage: Slayer B.A.S. 5¹

72,708 Damage: †‡ Zen ﹤(") ‡† 5¹

71,603 Damage: Neach-dìon na h-Alba

71,556 Damage: ][☣]✡[THE WIZARD]✡[☣][

On the scene at the moment, Ghost Ninja is attacking with Baby Yoda, Free John, and the Avenger. Zanazola Merlio ZM «₩» is firing arrows at Lady Phoenix with deadly accuracy. Powerman and Stormforce are taking the battle right to Lady Phoenix’s front doorstep.

I am working on getting a full count of the heroes active in this fight, but it seems there may just be too many. Next report, I will do my best to have that number for you.

Thank you again, Blue Dragon, for taking a moment to speak to the Sentinel News followers. Best of luck out there.

Suddenly, I’m craving Chinese food for dinner after all of this talking about dragons and phoenix.

Sorry, a bit of light humor in these desperate times. Stay tuned for the next update. This is Chaz Hamilton, signing off.
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RAID UPDATE: Lady Phoenix's Rage (Day 2)

By Chaz Hamilton


Observing the ongoing fight against Lady Phoenix isn’t like watching a league war match. I clearly can remember the enthusiasm and edge-of-your-seat passion of the crowd as the first double-overtime match ever played out. Then the next round, a day later, a second overtime match occurred. Everyone watching cheered or booed, depending on who they rooted for, once the final bell rang. Regardless of the outcome, the arena battles were a privilege to watch, seeing our heroes in action.

This new scene, taking place on the graveyard of league wars past, doesn’t have the same ohh-and-ahh generating quality. Nobody is enjoying the hard work going into bringing Lady Phoenix down.

And it is work. Relentless, repetitive grinding to lower her defenses so the final offensive maneuver Director Nova has planned can win the day.

These heroes are not fighting for a prize. There is no badge of honor or trophy to be claimed once this is over. Except perhaps for the continued existence for our world and way of life. Not an item to be displayed over a mantle, but a debt that it is doubtful that could ever be sufficiently repaid.

Taemdoog is on the battlefield at the moment, bringing his skill to bear against the Lady Phoenix. Heretic is also fully engaged, bringing his might to bear. Slayer B.A.S. has just completed a complex series of acrobatic maneuvers as she brings her talents to bear. The Babe Yoda and the Island are both in the current wave of attackers, as the heroes go into their second day of battle with Lady Phoenix.

As usual, the B.A.D.G.E. scientists are on scene tracking every iota of data available to them from their impressive gaggle of equipment. At this time, the Lady Phoenix is reported to be significantly below her original power levels, but that still leaves her a very dangerous foe. The current list of heroes topping the efforts to deplete her energy supplies is as follows:

440,299 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

372,364 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

349,907 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

246,207 Damage: ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

238,727 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

235,240 Damage: ~666~ Falconetti ♦♞♦

224,283 Damage: ♦the Island♦

214,776 Damage: ߣµε DrÃ¥§Ã´∩

212,343 Damage: The Avenger

190,604 Damage: Sevon

The Coast Guard has come into the area with some naval support and are coordinating with the 5th Precinct on rescue efforts, putting their non-combat training to good use. The Air Force and other military branches have created a 25-mile perimeter to keep non-essential activity out of the field of battle. Fire and rescue teams are anchored offshore and the navy’s hospital ship, Mercy, is coming into the area to provided medical assistance.

It is impressive to see what can be done when so many people of the world, whether human, alien, Morphon-enhanced, or whatever else there is out there on the Atlantic, come together to serve a common purpose.

This does mean that other countries are being kept out of the waters at this time unless they are providing life-preserving medical efforts. It seems that there may be some concern of other countries attempting to appropriate some of the altered technology or materials from the former B.A.D.G.E. arena.

I will return with further updates as the battle continues. Together, let us think of the near future where if these heroes are successful, we can all raise our glasses and hope for a happy new year for… hold on. Santa himself is descending from the sky above in his sleigh, heading directly into the worst of the fight.

This can’t be good.
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Heroes Rising Fiction: Chase the Myth part 17

“Why is this happening? How did this go so wrong?” He thought to himself as he heard the deafening explosions, felt the intense heat, and saw the flashes of light.

“Angela, I remember that day we found you. Cradled in the arms of a mother who gave her life for you. Yet a fire will still consume you in the end. What have I done?”

The world swayed as the waves rocked harder under him. More heroes were joining the fray, but their comrades were battered and worn out.

“Angela, I never meant this to happen. I want to go back. I want to be in those days when we would play in the workshop. You loved playing with me. I never thought I could enjoy being with a child so much, so free and happy. You taught me much more than I ever taught you. But… something went wrong in me. I made choices I regret.”

Just then a new voice spoke in his head. It was the voice of Santa, “Krampus, is that you? Are you still alive?”

Krampus, now appearing as a human, floated on his back in the waters. Blood stained his body where gashes still bled. “Brother. I am weak.”

“I am glad you are alive.” Santa said. “I wanted to say goodbye.”

“I am sorry, brother, for what I have done. Now, close to my death, I realize too late the fault in me. My path I chose was twisted, and I never saw it.”

“I forgive you. I never stopped loving you as my brother, I just wish things hadn’t turned out the way they did. I too made choices I regret. Now, I am forced to rectify a situation I created.”

Krampus gasped in a wet, raspy sound. “Angela! You… you aren’t...”

“Yes, brother. It has fallen to me.”

“No. Please, not Angela!”

Santa laughed softly, “don’t tell me you care for her now? I thought she was just another brat, and pet of mine.”

“I was wrong. Please, don’t take her life. I… can…”

“This is the only way. At least, in a few moments, we will all be together again. I have little time left, Lady Phoenix grows weak.”

“No! Please... Santa... BROTHER!” Krampus called out in his mind, but there was no response.

Forcing his eyes open, the blurry image of heroes darting around the magnificent firebird hurt his old eyes. He had drifted away from the battle zone, the surrounding waters filled with a cloud of red blood streaming from his many wounds. No one above would recognize the man in the water. He was no longer the myth of nightmares.

With a weak movement, he reached up. “Please… don’t”


Santa held tight to his reins as he drove hard toward the Lady Phoenix. He swooped around her several times, avoiding being struck down before making contact. The heroes had distracted her, but he was still struggling to get in around the battles fray.

“yah!” The sleigh dropped suddenly, and he struggled to pull it back up. “My power is growing weaker, I must get in there before I crash into the ocean.”

Suddenly the heroes poured out an intense onslaught and took the Lady Phoenix off guard. She fought still, but was now lurching back, her bird dissolving into the surface of the ocean. Steam burst upward as the fire met water.

“This is my chance!” Santa snapped the reins and drove toward the woman in the midst of this inferno. Heroes dove out of his way, and some even flew alongside to make sure he wasn’t hit by fire. He yelled a long cry as they approached her. The Lady Phoenix looked up at him, her eyes displaying a sense of fear at his sight.

“HELP SANTA!” Krystal yelled and cast spells to keep the fire from immolating the Sleigh. Heroes focused their attacks.

Santa flew hard, heroes around him peeling off as he grew dangerously close to the heart of the flames.

“WHAT IS THAT?” Hotwings yelled as he pointed.

Another figure darted directly up at Lady Phoenix and met her at the same time as Santa. Upon impact there came an intense blinding light, then nothing. No explosion, no more fire burned, nothing happened. The heroes came to a standstill as they all looked for any signs of Santa, Sleigh, or The Lady Phoenix.

“Is it over?” Hotwings asked.

Krystal shook her head, “I don’t know.”


Chase floated in a strange place. Fire surrounded her, yet it did not burn. There was a song in the fire, a sound that was melodious and sad.

“Hello, where am I?”

“Angela.” A soft, kind voice spoke from behind her.

She turned in this weightless world and beheld a strange person. He was handsome, strong, and half dressed. He had green pants on, and nothing more. “Who are you?”

Holding up his arms he said, “this is how I appeared seven centuries ago, before I changed myself into the humans version of my appearance. But, even so, you should know me.”

Chase looked him in the eyes and said, “Uncle Krampus, is that you?”

“Yes. Angela, my sweet little friend. I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you.”

“What happened to me? Where am I?” She looked around the flames.

“You’re between lives. This is my power, a very special ability. Unlike all the others of my kind, I could touch the void. It is where I could put children to torture them. A nothingness. I have brought you here so I may do one good thing in my horrible life.” He groaned and held himself. At the same time, this strange place shook.

“Uncle, what’s wrong?”

“I’m near death. I have little time left.”

She held his hand, “no. Please, don’t go. I just remembered you.”

He laughed, “I too remember those days when we were happy. You were such a good little friend. I only wish I had become the man you saw in me, not the monster I was.”

“You were not a monster.”

“Yes, I was. It is only at the end of my days I realize it was wrong. But, I have one gift left to give.”


He spent a moment straining from the pain and then held out his hand. Black shards flew from all around and came together. They joined into a single gemstone. “I saved the broken ruby of Lady Phoenix. I intended to keep it so she couldn’t be split again, and I could keep her evil. But, now I am going to use it to do what no other could, save you.” He held it up and let it float away from his hand. “Lady Phoenix, return to us!”

Chase gasped as the surrounding flames swirled into a great storm, then flowed deep into the black gem. It grew in brightness and turned a deep red hue. Then, an aura of energy resonated all over Chase. She strained and cried out as it split from her and also returned to the ruby.

Krampus grasped it and smiled, “she is free. The evil in her has been tamed.”

“How and why does this save me? I don’t understand.” Chase asked.

Krampus came closer to her, “your heart is filled with the magic of the man you called father. It cannot stay, once you leave this void, it will evaporate and you will die. But, I cannot let that happen.”

“How can you save me?”

He drew her in and held her in a hug. “Angela, my niece, I give you what remains of my magic.” A light grew between them. As this exchange happened he reached out and took the ruby, “and to you, my Lady, I give you my physical form. To my people and to the humans, with this I make amends. To you, I say, live a good life. I love you, Angela.”

Chase held him tight and whispered, “I love you, Uncle Krampus.”


Krystal spoke into her comm, “BADGE, we aren’t seeing anything.”

Nova came through, “I need eyes on Lady Phoenix, she should be back.”

“We’ll keep looking.”

Just then Quark and EB flew up. Quark said, “we can’t see anything.”

EB added, “I can’t sense her, Santa, or anything. I’m worried. They shouldn’t have disappeared.”

Krystal just about said something when another bright light formed. Energy exploded out, causing great waves of water to spread out and heroes to fly back. Suddenly, there came a tremendous burst and everyone covered their eyes. When it faded, a red object rushed out of the flash and fell toward the ocean.

Gar flew hard and caught Santa’s Sleigh before it crashed. Several other heroes joined him and carried the sleigh back into the sky.

Quark flew over with EB in his arms. The rabbit bounded into the Sleigh and gasped, “It can’t be! Santa! Chase!”

Santa opened his eyes and looked at the gathered heroes. “What… where am I?”

Quark asked, “is she alive?”

Santa looked over and his face drained of color, “Angela!”

Chase softly woke and smiled, “father, is that you?”

“LOOK OUT!” The Closer flew away from them, his arm ready for combat.

Heroes watched as an unfamiliar figure appeared. A man was suspended in the air, one that no one here, save Chase, could recognize. Krampus hovered in the air as his body grew in brightness. Beams of light burst out of him and a flame ignited across his flesh. An explosion of light and fire engulfed him and transformed into a firebird. Heroes dodged her and some fired weapons at her, but she didn’t respond.

Lady Phoenix spoke with a booming, yet gentle voice. “BE AT PEACE, MY FRIENDS! THE BATTLE IS OVER.”

Continue the Story

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Chase the Myth part 16

The shuttle zoomed down from the station, Santa already in his seat at the helm of the sleigh. Gar put his arms through the straps of a special harness designed by the BADGE official uniform creator. Quark helped him cinch it tight and then checked the lines connecting Gar to both the sleigh and Santa’s reins.

“You sure this will hold?” Quark asked.

Gar said, “the uniform creator makes all the hero costumes, and they withstand all kinds of damage.”

“I suppose if it can design something to withstand a nuclear blast, you won’t have any trouble guiding Santa’s sleigh.”

Santa said, “don’t worry, you two. This sleigh can fly on its own. I’m just a little weak with the power Lady Phoenix drew from me. I only need Gar to make sure I have enough speed and direction. He’ll be fine.”

The pilot of the shuttle announced, “approaching drop zone. Everyone get ready.”

EB hopped over to Santa and hugged him about the neck, “I wish I had more time to say goodbye my old friend.”

Santa smiled, “me too. But, time is not on our side.”

EB held up an egg, “wanna nother to bolster your strength?”

“No. I’ve had quite enough. You’d better get going as well.”

EB hopped over to Quark and jumped into his arms. “Ready.”

Quark said, “good luck you two.” and then jumped, vanishing away.

Santa held his reins, “okay, pilot, open the hatch.”

The back hatch opened, and the sleigh fell out backward. Gar opened his wings and slowed their fall. Suddenly they both blasted off, flying under the shuttle, heading directly for the bright ball of fire over the ocean.

Santa held tight with one hand to the reins as Gar flew with all his might. Lifting his free hand, Santa produced that amazing snowflake he had created. Throwing it up into the clouds, it exploded and a shimmering silvery light burst down and showered the heroes gathered near the cost.

“HO, HO, GO!” Santa’s deep voice boomed out and the heroes below launched themselves at the fireball, a dazzling aura emanating from them.


Heroes flew, portaled, and sped over the water’s surface. Hundreds poured out all their strength at the blazing Phoenix. Swirling tendrils of flame flew out and hit hero after hero, knocking them back. Some returned the blast and stopped it from making contact.

Midgardsormr grew to his enormous size and stomped to the edge of the continental shelf. Using a large open hand, he slung a giant spray of water at the fiery enemy. She lurched back and then pushed both hands forward. A funnel of flames nailed Midgard in the chest. He stumbled back and then fell into the ocean with a giant crash. Rising back up, he roared as he grabbed a chunk of the former castle and lobbed it at her. She dodged it and then sent another giant fireball in his direction.

The fireball suddenly slowed down and seemed to nearly stop. Timebender came flying by, a pocket of bent time slowing the fire down.


Midgard leaned to the side, and the fireball continued in normal time, missing him as it snuffed itself into the ocean.

Timebender hit the surface of the water, which was slowed so he would just bounce right off. He flew straight up and caught another fireball in a time bending. He reversed the time and sent the fire back at its creator, but that did little harm to a Phoenix. She grew angry at him and spread both hands out, sending waves of red energy speeding toward the heroes. It was too fast for Timebender and he was thrown back hard. He skipped a few times across the surface of the ocean and then sunk.

Hotwings dove into the surface and came blasting out at top speed. In his arms he carried Timebender, coughing on a lungful of saltwater.

“Is she too fast for ya?” Hotwings stated.

“Just a little.” He gagged a few more times and then said, “drop me, I can handle myself now.”

“Whatever you say.” Hotwings dropped Timebender, and he fell a few feet before taking off under his own power.

Hotwings sped around Lady Phoenix. He used a laser pistol from BADGE to shoot at her, but it was a pointless attempt. She turned to him and just before she responded, The Wizard and Krystal Fae appeared out of portals and created a massive barrier that stopped her attack.

“You good?” Krystal asked.

“Better now.” Hotwings said.

The Wizard spoke into his comm unit, “get ready!”

“For what?” Hotwings asked.

Both magical heroes flew down and held out their hands as they sped across the surface of the water. Dozens of portals opened, and each one produced at least one hero riding BADGE water speeders. Furious Squirrel led a large team of tech heros as they zoomed across the waters, heading toward Lady Phoenix.

Furious shot at Lady Phoenix with his multiphasic laser, large beams of various colors piercing her fires. “Everyone, stop her attacks. Target the fire balls and fire whips!” He yelled.

Fleagle, Bartman, and Judgment Day used similar weapons to cut off attacks before they hit other heroes. This left room for the flying heroes to get closer and go directly for the woman in the center of the flames.

Fleagle said, “we’re really pissing her off!” He shot and stopped another attack.

Furious yelled, “good! The angrier she is, the more distracted, and that’s the goal. Now...”

Suddenly Lady Phoenix turned and released a massive wave of flames at the floating heroes. Their weapons were not nearly strong enough to stop it. One hero on a water speeder zoomed up and held up both hands. A giant snowflake appeared in the air and met the attack. Both exploded, creating a shower of ice shards and mist. The icy hero flew back off his speed and crashed into the ocean.

“GLYCE!” Furious called out.

“WATCH OUT!” Fleagle yelled, and the heroes split up before another fire blast could hit them.

Bartman sped over to the floating blue hero and circled him. After a second he simply sped away and spoke into his comm link, “another hero down, we’ve lost Glyce.”


Santa zoomed around the swirling mass of heroes and fire. More than once he had to dodge either a hero attack or something from Lady Phoenix. Gar kept him going, flying with all his might. He reached over and held out his hand. A blast of ice met a ball of fire and dissolved it. He did this several more times.

Strange Quark flew up, EB now standing directly on his back, throwing exploding eggs at Lady Phoenix.

“Santa!” Quark said. “We aren’t doing much to hurt her! She’s too strong!” He shoved his hands forward and created a portal that absorbed a ball of fire from getting to them.

Santa dove and looped up around to the other side of Quark and EB. “They just have to keep trying. They don’t have to defeat her, just tire her own and keep her distracted.”

EB threw a rather large egg that exploded near one of the Phoenix wings, evaporating it for a moment. “We got her distracted, but I don’t know if it will do any good.”

Santa said, “then, I have no choice but to go in now. Tell the heroes to focus her attention to the East, I will approach from the west. Gar, time to let me fly solo.” He snapped the reins, and they fell away from Gar.

Gar flew to the side, “good luck, Santa.”

EB, Gar, and Quark flew away from Santa. Gar was giving the new order to the heroes in his comm.

Santa held tight and flew toward the blazing inferno. Sweat glistened on his brow as the heat intensified. The heroes below were already working to move her, and it was working.

“Angela, I am truly sorry for what I must do. Please… forgive me.”

Continue the Story

Monday, December 28, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Chase the Myth part 15


Xcentric crawled out of the ocean and flopped over on the beach. Near him, dozens of other heroes were in the same state of fatigue. He wasn’t a poor swimmer, but he was not ready for a trek this far. Many other heroes had gone out to rescue those fallen from the battle into the waters. He let them get to the injured first.

Just then Zen came darting out of the waters and waddled up onto dry land. He shook hard to sling water off of him. “I enjoy swimming, but after four hours of this rescue crap, I’m worn out.”

Xcentric asked, “how can you help rescue people?”

“Same as any hero. Drag the live ones ashore.” He waddled over to Xcentric, “you good? Not too injured?”

“Nothing more than tired. I didn’t take too much of a beating at the fight.”


Krystal Fae landed near them, along with several dozen other heroes, all leaders of their various leagues. “Zen, how goes the rescue operation?”

Zen said, “we got most of them. Others are gett’n themselves out of the water. It was a real mess out there.”

“And, it’s still not done.” She nodded toward the glowing red ball of flames. “That’s getting bigger by the second. It’s either going to explode or do something terrible. We have to contain it, destroy it safely, or... something.”

“Something? That’s a great plan.” Zen muttered.

Xcentric stood up, “what does BADGE have to say?”

“I haven’t been able to get Nova on the line. Commander Justin doesn’t know. He agrees, the BADGE sensors are reading massive power coming from that thing.”

Zen said, “well, let’s go blow up that fireball.”

All of their comm units beeped and Nova’s voice echoed across the beach. “All heroes, regroup on the coastline near the danger zone and stand by. Do not engage until ordered to. I repeat, do not engage until ordered.”

After that ended, Zen said, “welp, that changes our plans.”

Krystal clicked her comm unit back on. “League leaders, get your teams ready, we’re not done.”

Zen groaned, “fine. Colony Five, let’s go. Maybe we can find a fish somewhere, I’m hungry.” he waddled off, muttering in irritation.


Santa’s Sleigh slowly approached an open shuttle. Santa Claus guided it along with several robots helpers. EB, Gar, and Quark waited with him.

Nova came in, “Santa, I have given the standby order. Are you sure about this?”

Santa quietly watched his Sleigh for a moment. “Yes. It is the only way.”

EB asked, “what is the only way? You haven’t told us anything.”

Nova said, “he told me. That’s all we need.”

EB said, “no, not enough. We’re a part of this too. I want to know your plans.”

Nova answered, “EB, this is a priority mission. Some details only I need to know. As an officer of BADGE, you will get the info you need, and nothing more.”

EB hopped up on Santa’s sleigh and snapped both fingers. The robots froze in place by his magic. “Listen here, Nova, I may work for you as a consultant, but, I’m one of these people. The Vexillians are my family. What happens to us is my business. In this case, I am not BADGE, I am the freaking Easter Bunny!”

Both Gar and Quark had their mouths hung open, this may be the most forceful and angry they had ever seen EB.

Santa said, “EB… my old friend. Chase is suffering in ways that no one, not even our kind, has ever endured. She is trapped and cannot escape. Only when the energy becomes critical and explodes will she be free.”

EB said, “but that’ll destroy this world.”

“And all of us, yes. The only other option is for someone to take that power in her, from her. To act as a substitution in her place.”

“But, that was what Lord Dragon was going to do.”

“Yes. He was. But, his method failed. He is trapped and cannot escape. Someone must go to her, interact with her. Only there can this be done. And, that should be me.”

“No! Not you! Please. That will...”

“Kill me, yes. As Lord Dragon expected, this act will consume the caster.” He smiled and ran his hand over EB’s head as the little bunny blubbered. Santa softly said, “this has been my responsibility for too long. I inadvertently cursed Angela by giving her too much of my magic. I set into motion these events, and I must be the one to end them. This world will survive without Santa Claus, but it won’t survive at all if I don’t stop her.”

“There... there... there has to be another waaay!” EB bawled.

“No. There is no other way. But, the bright side will be that my sacrifice won’t be only death, it will bring Lady Phoenix back to us as a living, breathing person. Her soul will be restored and the real person inside this monster will be brought back. Take solace in that.”

EB grabbed Santa in a hug, “I’m gonna miss ya, big guy.”

Santa hugged EB back and then set him down on the ground. EB, still sobbing, snapped his fingers and the robots returned to normal.

Gar said, “I am sorry. If I could give my life for hers, I would. But...”

“You may have the heart of a Vexillian, but you aren’t really one of my people. You can’t do what is needed.”

Nova said, “I don’t want to sound indelicate, but we don’t have much time to talk about all this. Santa, are you ready?”

“Almost. I have one last thing to offer.” He held out his hand, palm up, then blew. A chill filled the docking bay and swirled around into a great, cold gust. Bright, sparkling magic came from him and spun into a small cyclone over his hand. A pinpoint of light transformed into a beautiful snowflake. It grew in size and beamed a brilliant light. Finally, he stopped, and the winds died down, only that enormous, crystal snowflake remained.

Nova asked, “what is that?”

Santa held it up, “my most precious gift I offer each year. Christmas Cheer.”

“Cheer?” Quark frowned.

Santa chortled, “yes. Cheer. The joy of the holiday season is the ability to let go of selfishness and think of others, the become the best version of ourselves. Few truly understand the strength in helping a friend, in being selfless. With this, my last gift for my last Christmas season, I will spread this over all the heroes of Earth. They will need this to garner the strength to face the foe we are about to take on.”

“The heroes are going to fight her?” Gar asked. “I thought you were going to stop her.”

Santa said, “no. She is too powerful at this time. They need to weaken her, distract her, give me the chance to do what must be done. And, with this, they might stand a chance. Now, the Director is correct, time is of the essence. Nova, tell the heroes to be ready for my signal. Once they see it, they are to attack her.”

“What will be the signal?” Nova asked.

“Trust me, they will know.”


Across the coastline near the decimated Hallows Port, hundreds of Heroes stood in waiting. There was a tense silence permeating the atmosphere as the sun set, yet the daylight did not leave. The ball of glowing fire had grown so that even at this distance, they could feel the heat.

Starmaster and The Wizard approached her. Starmaster said, “we’ve got the reports back from the military and our own people, almost the entire East Coast has evacuated inland.”

Krystal said, “it may not be enough. If we don’t stop her soon, there won’t be any safe places left on Earth.”

The Closer walked over. “Hey, are we just gonna stand here forever?”

“Nova said to wait for a signal from Santa. No one has seen that yet, so we stand here.”

“Well, what the hell is the signal gonna be?” The Closer asked.

“I don’t know.”

Just then the ball of fire fluctuated and expanded out like two large bird wings. The flames turned and bent into the shape of a giant firebird. At the heart of this blazing creature was the Lady Phoenix, a tiny figure against her fiery form.


Heroes readied for the fight, but none jumped just yet. Eyes turned to Krystal.

The Closer asked, “is that the signal?”


A giant snowflake appeared in the sky above them, followed by a bright silvery light blasting across the entire gathered heroes. A bright, twinkling magic glistened on their bodies. Everyone smiled, some even cheered. Santa in his Sleigh, tethered to Gar, came flying down.

“HO, HO, GO!” Santa bellowed.

Continue the Story

Sunday, December 27, 2020

PROMPT FICTION CONTEST WINNER -- Tri-Blade "Helpless to Save"

Everyone, please congratulate the first-place winner of the PROMPT Fiction Contest, Tri-Blade. Whoo-hoo. Good job, good job indeed!

Rubbing a thumb around the green-coloured medal, now the third of that hue (and fourth of that placement) in his collection, Tri-blade sighed quietly. While he was relatively content with his individual performances in the competition, he wasn't fond of the team results. He was especially disappointed for one of his teammates who had yet to experience a round victory.
Rosa and Aflima weren't nearby, but he smiled briefly in the knowledge that they had broken out of their own personal doldrums.

The announcer's voice washed over the arena floor, but Tri-blade's thoughts were elsewhere.

Even as the stadium was washed over with unusually coloured orange light, his reaction was slow and futile. His weapons, enchanted to sense magical disturbance, hummed and glowed in their usual fashion but they were unnoticed as Tri-blade's vision darkened.

He was underwater.

He felt as if he couldn't dare breathe, but was otherwise coherent in thought.

Nobody could be seen around him and Tri-blade was confused as to his location or how to get out of this situation. He tried to paddle, move his legs, but he was somehow rooted in mid-sea. Even turning his head was futile.

At this point, panic began to set in.

As he flailed about, stationery figures appeared in the distance. They moved slowly closer, time moving at glacial pace.

An attempted shout - a desperate act - went unheard and unnoticed.

He felt the tears on his face as the figures came into focus. Aflima stood silently at around twenty feet away, wearing his trademark shades and his brown-auburn hair floating lazily in the water. Aflima stood motionless, not showing any sign of consciousness. Right behind him stood a young woman, wearing a sleeveless jacket over her tank top and blue jeans. She wore no shades, and her eyes were fixed in no particular direction.

"Rosa," said Tri-blade, but again no sound was emitted.

A dark shape of nondescript shape appeared next to Tri-blade's friends. It was of similar size to the humans but Tri-blade immediately sensed it was malevolent in intent. He reached his arm forward in desperation, but again there was no effect. He could only look on helplessly as the shadow reached towards Aflima and Rosa. On touching the two, they fell down, their bodies turning to pitch black before vanishing.

Complete fear and panic enveloped the now fully-crying Tri-blade. He could only stare, the tears streaming down his face, as the figure of Analisa came to view. The dark shape approached and reached out. A second later, another of Tri-blade's closest friends vanished.

Others came to view. Loved ones, friends from his home world, colleagues from his days in the S.H.C. realm. They came into view, the dark shape slowly moved towards them and struck each of them in turn without pause. Tri-blade didn't even try to scream or move, as fear and resignation took hold. "Is this how the world ends?..." he thought.

A voice, the first he had heard since going underwater, was faintly heard.

"Wake... up," it echoed through the vast ocean.

Tri-blade blinked.

"Wake. Up." Louder this time, and Tri-blade's urge to breathe again overtook him.

With heavy gasps, he looked around to see no ocean and no dark shapes, but instead a mass of confusion. Heroes of various leagues were lying on the ground or stumbling uncertainly, as if they just woke from an intense dream.

Sitting up, Tri-blade wiped away the all-too-real tears that continued to stream down his face.

The loud beep from his comms unit stirred him to his feet. He looked for his friends, and was relieved to see them alert and prepared to answer the call.

Thank you to everyone for showing support for all of those who put effort forth to tell a story.
Continue the Story

Saturday, December 26, 2020

RAID: Aftermath of Operation "Krampus Krush"

 ...This is Chaz Hamilton. 

Oh, my sweet lord,

I’m so sorry. I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t believe it. I know… That’s…

<pull it together, Chaz! You have a job to do.>

Moments ago, I witnessed the mighty heroes who managed to bring Krampus to his knees. Winter’s Knight, Highlander, Apollyon 666, and Major William delivered the final blows that fell the villain.

Moments ago, Krampus finally dropped to the floor of the reformed B.A.D.G.E. League Wars Arena, overcome by over thirty hours of constant battle.

Moments ago, I found myself wishing there had to have been a different way.

Just before everything ended, I had made my way into the arena to get a first-hand report on the scene. The heroes circled around Krampus. Some in the air above the mangy beast-man. Some running like freight trains around his feet. Others blinking in-and-out of thin air. Everyone of them was doing their part to end the threat to the world from this ancient, legendary nightmare.

Their combined heroics were inspiring. Leagues who fought tooth and nail against one another in League War competitions standing side-by-side with their rivals, working together as a cohesive force for good. It was a tough fight. I could see the weariness in many of their eyes. Their blood ran down their faces and out from their snazzy uniforms from wounds that Krampus inflicted.

The ground had become a slurry of that red, but our heroes could take solace from the knowledge that most of it was Krampus’s. Having made himself massive once more, he had far more to spill that any of the heroes on the field.

I’d been ordered to take cover by a group of heroes, as Krampus efforts had become akin to fighting a trapped beast. I heard an explosion of flames erupt from the far side of the arena. The corner where Lady Phoenix had laid in wait.

Krampus called out to her for aid, a plaintiff wail of frustration and rage. A green light shone from his body, radiating outward over the ocean.

And then an explosion broke out from the being once known as Krampus. No. Not an explosion. An apocalypse. A destructive force the likes the world has rarely felt. Everything flared into a light as bright as that of a thousand suns.

In the blink of an eye, I found myself deposited on the coastal shores of the destroyed Hallows Port. One of the heroes must have teleported me away from the impact zone.

My eyes took what seemed hours to recover from the immense light, but it could only have been a few scant seconds. The few seconds it took for the pressure wave from the explosion on the arena platform to reach the mainland. It knocked me off my feet.

And that is where I am now. Sitting on the rocky shore, looking out at decimation. Bodies of hero’s bob in the water between me and the still raging fires of what used to be Lady Phoenix’s strange castle.

I don’t know who is dead or who is alive. Some have survived, as I can see them in their battle-ravaged costumes as they attempt to rescue their fallen comrades. Helicopters that once searched over the ruins of Hallows Port have now turned their searchlights over the Atlantic. Coast Guard cruisers are surveying the water, collecting survivors and… and… the remains of those who didn’t make it.

Say a prayer, people of the world. I may have asked for such before as I spun my story of what was occurring on that dark arena. Now I plead with you. Pray. Offer hope and well-wishes for these brave warriors. I fear that we will soon need them again if Lady Phoenix survived that blast.
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