Sunday, February 28, 2021

Collaborative Fan-Fiction Update

As mentioned in an earlier post, the monthly Collaborative Fan-Fiction Challenge will resume in March. The best effort will be rewarded the following month. 

In the meantime, a special bonus of ten "Good Job" cards (worth 10 MP each = 100 MP total) will be given to the following (listed by Player IDs) for outstanding collaborative fan-fiction to date:


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Osteen's Revenge Chrono: Let's talk Tech

by #20314 Gatekeeper Arosha

It's good to see fighters coming out of the woodworks to participate in this event due to prizes. Talk about rowdy in the arena lmfao it's a all out brawl inside this chrono. Cheers to all!!! Hope to see some more interesting events that draws out the players to the battle field.
The Star Force, Red Guard, 5th Precinct, HOI, some hell of competition you guys been bringing to the table cheers! Anyone who feels like doing a 3 step interview that will be coming soon.

 First off it's not just a questionnaire FYI. It gets a little more interesting each step. Step 1 is just informative info about your toon and a little bit of a story about the who and how come about your toon. 

Step 2 will be likes dislikes and opinions on a little bit of everything. Step 3 will be a storytelling between your toon and mine, can be game based or a fictional storyline either way.

The 3 steps will be an interview each step spaced out a day or so depending on how busy we happen to be in Real life... anyone who wants to take part drop a toon ID below or pm me in game at #20314 Gatekeeper Arosha
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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Everyday Heroes

 by Trace Evans / Hiro Rai Sing (ID #: 10950)

As many of you know, the collaborative fiction is going to be resuming in March. There are already many stories in the forums about the various heroes and villains played by the community in-game. Many of these are great stories and worth a read. Some of my favorites are the interviews written by our very own Mark Alan Bisanz, where he highlights a particular hero in each segment.
Some may recall that I was quite the prolific writer back in the SHC forums, however, that has not been the case here. There is only one story I have written here that I am proud of, and it was written under my Harlequin Rogue persona. Mark has inspired me, and I aim to remedy that in the future with a series of one-off short stories.
I would like to start a series of collaborative stories called "Everyday Heroes" that, while being fictional, will be based on, or inspired by, real acts of heroism. Unlike other writings in the forums, these stories will not be about superheroes or supervillains. And while super-powered beings might take part in the background, the premise of the series will be based on or inspired by the heroics of real, everyday people with no powers at all. These heroes won't have super strength or invulnerability or anything else like that. They will be regular, flesh and blood people who are just as vulnerable as anyone else.
Sure, we all like reading about superheroes battling mad titans or thwarting the superhuman villain that can wipe out a population with the snap of their fingers, and who have powers to match. But I'm inspired by the real heroes of our world; the soldier who rushes into the line of fire with no special invulnerability to protect him or her, so they can save a fallen brother; the EMT that exposes themselves to unknown biological dangers to save the life of someone who is bleeding on a sidewalk; the cop that puts him/herself between a victim and an abusive spouse; the bomb tech that puts his life on the line to stop a terrorist plot; the firefighter that rushes in to save a family's child before going back in again to save the dog; the everyday person who's job isn't even to help anyone, but runs in still when disaster strikes, to lend a hand wherever they can. They may not have powers, but that's what makes them the real heroes. They risk themselves more than Superman ever could. And sometimes, they sacrifice everything in their attempts to make the world a better place.
If you are one of those people or know someone who is, or have a story of heroism from your life that you're proud of, or seen someone you know act heroically, I want to hear from you. I want to tell a version of your story that fits within the Heroes Rising universe. So let me know by contacting Trace Evans or Hiro Rai Sing on the player's page or Facebook, that you would like to collaborate, and let's help inspire others to acts of heroism when the opportunity arises in their real lives as well.
I get that many of you who match the description above might be hesitant. Humility is a quality shared by many of those with the heart and mettle required to be truly heroic. I ask, just this once, put your humility aside and let me tell your story. If it inspires just one person to be the hero they truly can be, it will be worth it.
Sometimes, God sends us Angels. Sometimes, He asks us to be one.

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New Collaborative Fiction Effort: Channel Surfing (open to all)

by Chaz Hamilton

As superhero comic fans, I am sure that most players of Heroes Rising have seen, heard of, or watched content from the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) There current effort, WandaVision, has done its storytelling with a fun twist. The characters have been living their lives inside of different television programs. 

This isn't a unique spin. Heroes have been tossed into different themed dimensions for years. Flash and Supergirl were pulled into a musical by Music Meister in "Duet". Sam and Dean were pulled into multiple TV programs (most notably the Scooby-natural episode). Buffy, Benjamin Sisko, and the Charmed Ones were both forced into believing their entire lives were a lie.

Let's have fun with that premise.

Write a snippet of a day in your characters or leagues daily life as if they were living it in a popular television drama of the past or present. Give us the title of the show and then delve into their new world.

Some initial ideas could be:

Your league as characters in a medical or police drama: St. Knowhere; New Amsterdam, New Amsterdam; Law and Order: Super-Powered Unit...

Classic Comedy: I Love X; Two Heroes, A Villain, and a Coffee Shop; Antarctic B&G(Cheers); Leave it to Midgardsormr...

A game show: Nova's Shuffle, The Price is Morphons, Fearless Factor...

A reality show. A science fiction space drama. A self-help program. The stage is yours.

No need to be perfect, just have fun with creating and describing your characters in a new, and hopefully, entertaining way.

(Please use good taste. Be funny but not unkind.)

Here is the link if you would like to participate. Tri-Blade, Highlander, and Silver Paladin have already added some humorous sketches into the effort. 

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Friday, February 26, 2021

In the Room with Black Hurricane

by Chaz Hamilton

As BADGE’s official reporter, it is easy to bring you commentary from the point of view of big events as they play out with even bigger personalities. I know that when I say HotWings®, most of you as Sentinel readers know who it is whom I am speaking of. Everyone knows HotWings®, Midgardsormr, Skelanimal, SuperRakly, Kzaz, the Avenger, Zen, and so many more. They have been around the block. They have been featured in some rather large events over the past years. They have excellent social media platforms.

People around the world can picture this hero in their mind’s eye, even if they are a shapeshifter like Fumo Hanzo, the Pirate King.

But what about the new heroes on the block. The new players on the scene, so to say. The ones who still show up to fight the good fight but don’t get invited to the top-notch afterparties when the supervillain is defeated? Their gift bags for attendance are more like participation badges than real rewards.

How is the world supposed to get to know and love them too when they are lost in the spotlight shining on others?

Today, I would like to introduce you all to The Black Hurricane. He fought alongside all of the other heroes earlier as they trashed the robotic monstrosity. He took time to speak with me in between his attacks and I was impressed by his devotion to wanting to be the best hero he can be. He wants to be a peer in the superhero community, but just starting out, he feels underpowered and undereffective compared to the big guns on the field.

Chaz: “Hello. Thanks for taking some time to talk with me today.”

The Black Hurricane: “No. Thank you. I really appreciate you taking time to talk to me.”

Chaz: “That’s what I’m here for.”

The Black Hurricane: “Sometimes as the little guy, even will almost 400 other heroes here in Vegas for the boss fight, I feel alone in my efforts. Maybe alone isn’t the right word. Ineffective. Here the Avengers 51 and WMD are punching like Greek Titans and I’m down here looking like not even making a dent in that robot. It is disheartening.”

Chaz: “Every bit of energy exhausted helped. Everything the BADGE technicians told me showed that if any of the heroes fighting didn’t step up to the table, there was a good chance things would have ended very differently. Speaking of the robot monstrosity, was the fight in Las Vegas your first battle with a giant robot?”

Black Hurricane: “No, actually. I’ve been unable to really expand my horizons, since my powers are just starting to develop. As a result, I've been cleaning up New Amsterdam and Planet X to save up resources. But I have beaten down a few Robo-Raptors in my time over in the Penitentiary. Turns out old Nova himself has had his eye on me. He can't kick it as hard anymore, but he put in some work.”

Chaz: “How long have you had your powers?

The Black Hurricane: “I honestly don't know. Things have passed by pretty quickly. I guess anywhere from a few months to a couple years considering how I'm still trying to get the hang of things.”

Chaz: “Why do you call yourself The Black Hurricane?”

The Black Hurricane: “I call myself that name because of the origins of a cartoon character from a series I enjoyed as a kid. The character's ace monster, their attack name was Black Hurricane. Outside of that, Black Hurricane just sounds pretty nice. Something crazy that's ready to rip through crime if given the chance.”

Chaz: “What are your powers?”

The Black Hurricane: “Well, this is a doozy. Because, I just found out that people can obtain from using their morphons. How to get morphons without really spending like that, I do not know outside of grinding and doing my work for the local community. During Vegas and fighting with Santa, I saw all these big people with massive auras of power around them and just the shiniest of gears. Outside of all that, I found out that my natural superhuman abilities are nothing unless they're amplified.”

“That said, some of my powers are superhuman speed. As I can run at least at 120 MPH. I have strength that can rival massive villains as I can put a dent into them with help from many other heroes. IQ of at least 200. But like there's morphon abilities for all that. I will say, without necessary wealth, I can't become a super-known hero like the ones at the top right now and even some of the ones who remain small, but are monsters to fight against in the fight events.”

Chaz: “Where are you from?”

The Black Hurricane: “I'm from California. LA. The City of Angels. Started out as an underdog story there, moved out and started my story in New Amsterdam just like every other hero before and after me.”

“It's crazy how crime still goes on even with all these heroes around. Though, some of these criminals are no slouches.”

Chaz: “There are some serious foes out there for you heroes. But over and over, you heroes have proven to be up to the challenge.”

The Black Hurricane: “Oh, yeah.”

Chaz: “Did you manage to collect any souveniers from the fight in Sin City?”

The Black Hurricane: “You wanna check out what I got from Vegas just now??? I was hoping for some well-needed gear, but it looks like all the big boys got their hands on it. I got a few of the abilities that came from the bot itself. I have this neat piece of tech that can allow me to download things right off of certain tech.”

Chaz: “Every little bit helps. Even a stick of gum can save you under the right circumstance. You never know what will be useful in the next fight. Against Lady Phoenix, some things worked really well and against the giant robot, with that impressive armor, other attacks, and combined efforts, were needed to finally bring that beast down to earth.”

The Black Hurricane: “I just want the opportunity to prove I am as worthy as the big named heroes.”

Chaz: “Hold on.” Chaz puts a hand up to his earpiece, listening intently to something. “I’ve just heard that there has been an Avatar of Technology at the BADGE HQ. He is calling for heroes to come fight in the Space Arena to test heroes—” A strong gust of wind knocks Chaz to the ground as The Black Hurricane heads off at top speed.

Chaz: “And there we have it, Sentinel followers. Another hero is off to do whatever it takes to be ready for the next big event. We wish you luck, The Black Hurricane. I’m sure we will hear more about you at time goes on.”
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Upgrades: New Event "Osteen's Revenge" Fan-Fiction

 by Starmaster

“I don’t know how I feel about mysterious metal men showing up and giving power boosts to heroes who he calls ‘his kind’,” Wyldfyre said as he looked at Starmaster, Catalyst, and Silver Paladin. Each of his friends used technology to enhance their Morphon abilities and now displayed an increased aptitude with their powers. “Now if it was a beautiful woman offering me a sword from a lake, that would be a different story.”

“It is unexpected,” Starmaster said from within his body armor, a technological enhancer for his mental abilities. Before the metal figure appeared to Director Nova, Starmasters power signature was a blue nimbus that enveloped him and his target. Now, it was more of a teal shade, a melding of blue and green.

And according to the pressure sensor Catalyst had created to gauge power output, Starmaster’s telekinetic power had moved off the charts.

Catalyst had a more invasive piece of technology grafted to his brain. A micro-processer and sensory apparatus his mother designed to allow him to hear. When Morphons gave him his Catalyst Effect powers, which allowed him to manipulate probabilities to improve function of energy distribution and reaction, his ability as a scientist improved as well. He could experiment with a much higher success rate when creating his gadgets. Things that shouldn’t work now simply did.

The scientist waved his hand over the pressure plate, a soft green pulse shooting out of his hand, and the pressure plate physically altered. The materials visibly hardened and became more… techy. New blinking lights, diodes, and panels appeared as the pressure plate upgraded before their very eyes. It began to process entirely new data from Starmaster’s telekinetic efforts. “This quite amazing. I have new ideas forming faster than ever before.”

Moving to a different computer, Catalyst began rapidly typing in formulas and designs.

“And you’re all ok with getting this power boost without question, going up to the Space Arena to fight because this tech avatar says so?” Wyldfyre wasn’t used to being the voice of reason. He preferred being the hothead of the Star Force, not being concerned with the ramifications of his actions. Now he was worried, unsure and a bit frightened of his companion’s surge in abilities.

None more than those of Silver Paladin. Created less than a year ago during the Quest in the Midwest for ruby shards, Silver Paladin was a strange melding of all know Morphonic Elements. His armor showed the most influence of technology, a glistening silver metal with engraved circuitry covering his entire body. A few minutes ago, his armor looked like a sleek, polished suit of modernized medieval armor with a fancy helmet.

The green energy wave washed over him, and he became bulkier, his armor tripling in size. Wyldfyre couldn’t easily describe the new look, other than to imagine what a person would look like after eating and absorbing the qualities of the biggest tank the military could offer.

Even Silver Paladin’s mounted sword that popped out of housings in his wrists had changed, doubling in size, and crackling with green flames burning inside the metal blade material.

Silver Paladin pointed a blade at a punching bag hanging from the ceiling in the Star Force Observatory gymnasium. It launched out like a rocket from his wrist, impaling through the bag and into the wall on the opposite side as a new blade appeared on his arm. “Wow.”

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this…” Wyldfyre said.

“We’d better head up to the arena. We don’t want to miss out on this fight, do we?” Starmaster said. As the other two nodded, a teal explosion of light surrounded each of them as Starmaster teleported them into the Mindscape, all three ignoring Wyldfyre’s concern.

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Character visualisation in Heroes Rising

Visualise and build your character biography for Heroes Rising, as you personalise the game. You can also write up your character's bios in the player's profile page and participate in the fan-fiction forum ( Who knows? You could be included in the official Canon of HR fiction!

Here are some suggestions by Timebender ID: 10897:

I had a dream last night about an elementalist Superboy, who was involved in something similar to the fight club.  Strength, toughness, and optional immovability from Earth, flight, deflection and wind blasts from air (could not use his ranged powers in the arena due to arena rules), heat blasts and the ability to "temper" his earth powered form from fire, and at least vision powers from water (not sure what else he got from that).  He used the vision powers to spot a weak point in a stone giant he was facing and nearly broke him in half...

What does this have to do with Heroes Rising?  Well, it is all about character visualization.  When you are creating a character, especially for the role-play, you need to know who and what your character is...even if that does not match the abilities they get from the powers and gear you currently have on them.

Timebender has the morphon-granted power of bending space and time to produce many effects.  When I am writing the character, I write the powers he uses in view of how his powers work.  He can lift huge masses by bending space to create a localized gravity field.  He can move and act at super speed by bending time.  Anything he does is explained by either his powers or his gear.

That is what makes for role-play: staying in character in the posts.  That requires understanding your character.

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Heroes Rising Fiction Short: Awakening the Avatar

  Dr. Osteen walked through his new laboratory. He wasn’t entirely sure where they had placed him this time, but he was certain he was secluded. He even had windows in this lab. From his workstations he could see mountains covered in snow and pine trees. It was a virtual paradise of glorious blue skies and serene views.

Dr. Osteen stared at that window as his equipment continued to process his last experiment. He watched a bald eagle fly by and snapped a picture of it with the computer tablet. He paused to look at the high def image he had captured. Suddenly, the image went black and a voice came through.

“Progress report, Osteen!”

He picked up the tablet from where he had dropped it. “Oh, I wasn’t expecting to report so soon.”

“After the fiasco in Las Vegas, we’re keeping closer tabs on your work. Have you found anything?”

“Yes. After taking samples from all the animals, I’ve been able to extract morphon energy from them. They too absorbed morphons during the Legion event. I can use this to help focus the evolution project faster.”

“Our scientist already know about the morphons being in animals. It has no effect on them, not like humans. What we need to know is how we can use this to our advantage.”

“I can’t give you an answer on that yet. But, I did find something interesting. Morphons radiate at different frequencies. Each frequency seems to have a different effect on the individual. This is why some people are better at flying and others are just strong.”

The voice on the other end answered, “Good, very good. How can we use this to our advantage?”

“I’m conducting an experiment now to determine how we might be able to use them. I have focused on a broad frequency and am using…” a warning siren blared in the room.

“What is that, Doctor?”

“I...uh...don’t know. Nothing to be concerned about, just...I...uh...will go and check on this. Osteen out.” He turned off the tablet and ran over to a machine.

A glass cylinder had a glowing, swirling energy inside with tiny streaks spinning around. The glass shook and the machine was blaring louder and louder.

“No, don’t screw up already. Come on.” Dr. Osteen attempted an emergency shut-down, then ultimately pulled the plug. Nothing worked, that swirling mass of energy continued. The doctor dove under a table just as the jar exploded.

The white energy flew around the room as a cloud. It passed through a wall and vanished. Dr. Osteen pulled himself back up and ran to a set of controls. The wall lifted to reveal his specimens. The energy raced around this room. 

Dr. Osteen cautiously stepped closer to it. “How is this possible?”

Before he could get closer it, it exploded. He was thrown back into the main lab as the energy wave passed over him. Moments later he opened his eyes and found the lab quiet.

“What just happened?”

“” A new voice asked.

Dr. Osteen looked up and saw bits and pieces of lab equipment and computers gathered together and forming a human shaped thing. It looked down at him and cocked it’s head as if curious.

Osteen scooted back and pulled himself up by use of a wall, “what...what...what are you?”

“I do not know. I was energy a moment ago. Now, I think….therefore I am?” it wasn’t certain of it’s answers.

Dr. Osteen’s trembling hand reached over and picked up a small scanner. He checked it, “this isn’t possible. You are made of morphons and spare parts. Strange, you are radiating a single frequency of morphon.”

“Morphon.” it said this as though testing the word. Then it gained a smile on its cobbled together face. “Yes, that is what I am. I am morphons. I am the green energy.” This thing laughed as the parts flew apart and swirled among the glowing green ball of energy. It flew out of the lab like a swarm of insects moving in unison.

Osteen watched it leave through a broken hole in the back wall of his animal holding room. Only now did he notice the missing animals, their cages broken open. “Oh crap.”

Nova and Strange Quark stood in the operations center of the station as Chase gave a progress report over the main monitor. Beside her stood both Gar and Furious Squirrel.

“That’s about it. The Leagues have done a great job in cleaning up the city. Loss of life was extremely minimal.”

Furious added, “I have still been scanning for any sign of Dr. Osteen or any of his stuff. Did you follow up on that signature in Antarctica?”

“Yes. It was just a small piece. Looks like it was planted. Just a distraction. At this time we have nothing to go on.”

“Sorry to say, I agree.” Furious stated.

Nova said, “Gar, I want you...Gar?”

Gar had his back to the screen. Finally he said, “That is a person.”

“What?” Nova pinched the bridge of his nose, not ready for Gars distracted attitude.

Before anyone could answer, the metal man approached and looked directly at Furious Squirrel. “You are of my kind. You have the green energy in you as well.”

“Hello, who are you?” Furious asked.

The metalman looked around the others, “you all share the energy, but only this one draws his strength from the green.”

“Green?” Chase asked.

Furious said, “I think he’s talking about my morphon powers. I am a tech hero, my strength is in my connection to technology.”

Strange Quark stepped closer, “I know what you are… but this is not possible.”

Nova asked, “what are you talking about?”

The metalman looked up right at Quark, “you understand the energies of this universe better than the others.”

“Yes, I do. Nova, this isn’t a person, per se. He is the embodiment of morphons. In particular tech morphons.”


The metalman nodded as if he just realized this as well. “Yes. That is it. I am the Master of Tech, Avatar of the Morphons.”

Quark said, “There are distinct frequencies of morphons. Until now, I didn’t really think it meant anything other than giving heroes unique dispositions toward a certain type of powers. I never imagined they would coalesce into a physical manifestation.”

Nova said, “What do you want, Master of Tech?”

The Master smiled and then closed his eyes. A wave of green energy spread out, but didn’t seem to do anything to anyone except Furious Squirrel. Furious had a tingling glow around him. The Master opened his eyes and said, “I must test my subjects, my children. I want to see how well they use the strength I give. I must be impressed or I might remove that which I give. If I am impressed, the best of them shall receive great rewards. Summon them to a challenge, let them prove themselves to me.” With that last word, he vanished.

Chase looked at the screen, “What was that about?”

Nova asked, “Furious, how do you feel?”

Furious looked at his hands. “Stronger...the strongest I have ever felt.”

Quark said, “you should. That avatar just enhanced all tech heroes to their best strength.”

“To what end?” Nova asked.

“As he said, to challenge them. They must compete to prove themselves. Otherwise, he might take away their powers.”

“Can he do that?” Chase asked.

Quark nodded, “it is difficult to explain in depth. But, he does have power like I haven’t seen much in this reality. He could shut off all tech heroes.”

Nova let out a hard sigh and then activated his emergency signal. “BADGE to all heroes, you may have noticed that your powers have been enhanced if you have tech powers. It is time to head to the arena for a king of the mountain event. Tech heroes, your powers will be stronger, so be careful. There is a promise of great rewards. Go and compete! Prove your strength.”

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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction: Dangerous Research Part 7

A line of expensive cars exploded as a ray of energy cut across them. Three heroes slammed into the middle of the car lot and quickly fled as another beam demolished the Mercedes Dealership, scattering pricey car parts all over the city.

“We have to get this under control!” Chase called out as she ran with a baby in her arms.

Zanazola raced up to her, snatched the baby, and then zipped away to a safe place.

The Closer landed in front of Chase and emitted a barrier that stopped a blast of energy. “That thing is tough! Our powers aren’t doing much good!” He dropped the barrier and then shot a blast of his own.

Furious Squirrel rolled across the ground and coughed as he caught his breath. “It’s… it’s weakening.”

Chase continued to scan for civilians in danger. “Are you sure?”

“Yes… cough … the power signature is at twenty percent and going down.”

Chase materialized her shuriken and smiled, “then, let’s bring it down to zero. HEROES! FULL POWER!”


Nova paced in the BADGE operations center on the station. The screen displayed the massive attack on Las Vegas. Hundreds of heroes were swarming the robot. Voices filled the air as the comm channels piped through.

“Sensors, what are you reading?”

A drone at the sensor station stated, “enemy target is at fifty percent damage capacity, estimated. Energy levels are also dropping below thirty percent.”

“Good. Tell… wait… they got this.” He smiled, watching the heroes go into full charge. He was about to order them to ramp up their attacks. Gar led a team of flying heroes and plowed into the side of the monster and shoved it down a street, pushing it away from the main strip. “The heroes are learning to work together. Good. Sensors! Any sign of Dr. Osteen or his laboratory?”

“Negative. There remains a sensor dampening field outside of the city that prevents long range sensor data. It is advisable to send observational operatives to the area to scout...”

“No. Not until that thing is a pile of rubble.”

Suddenly a siren blared and several red lights came on. Two robots went into action. “Alert, alert, destruction detected.”

Nova asked, “what sort of destruction?”

“Sensors indicate a type fifty explosive device has been armed within the shell of target robot. Detonation is imminent. Evacuation orders must be declared for area of...”

“No time.” Nova quickly shut off the barrage of comm channels with the activation of his single emergency signal. “Heroes, listen to me. That robot has a failsafe. It is arming a massive bomb within it’s body. It will level the city and most of the surrounding counties. Get it the hell out of there, NOW!”


Furious Squirrel ran up to Chase, “Hey! I detecting some kind of explosive device inside that thing.”

Chase shut off her comm, “yeah, that’s what Nova just said.”

“Oh, it damaged my comm unit. We need to get that thing away from here and away from us.”

Hotwings landed and spent a moment catching his breath. “Okay, the heroes are moving that thing away from the city.”

Chase looked up and saw that the vast majority of heroes were now on the left side of the robot, blasting, pushing, and otherwise finding creative ways to move it out of the city. The robot flailed around, but it was no longer shooting any weapons. She said, “good. Keep it up.”

“It won’t be enough.” Furious stated.


Furious showed her his steampunk sensor readout. “That thing isn’t shooting weapons because it is building up the energy. If that thing goes, it’ll level this city and kill most of the civilians, not to mention a lot of heroes.”

“Damn.” She went for her comm unit.

Hotwings stopped her, “I have an idea. Tell the heroes who can create barriers to shield this city in a dome. I’m going to get that thing in the sky.”

“How?” Chase asked.

“No time. Just tell them.” Hotwings ran and took off in a quick flight.

He flew fast over the city. Smoke burnt his eyes and heat from the fires lifted him higher. He came down on the shoulder of the giant Midgardsomr. “Midgard!”

“STOP BOTHERING ME! I’M FIGHTING!” Midgard punched the robot with a massive fist and sent it reeling further away.

“No, wait, that thing’s gonna blow. We have to get it out of here!”

Midgard finally stopped his fighting. “How?”

“Do what you do best, use that strength and get it airborne. Tell the heroes to help if they can.”

Midgard actually smiled at that. He bellowed, “HEY! IF YOU CAN, HELP ME LIFT THIS THING!”

Heroes focused telekinetic and magnetic powers to slowly lift the robot up, which was a tough job with its massive weight. Midgard slithered up to it, grabbed it by the legs and then spun like a shot-put thrower. With a deep grunt, he flung the robot high over the city.

Chase came through the comms, “shield the city! Barriers in unison!”

Heroes cast magic and technical barriers, they made some of ice, some yellow energy. A few formed rock walls in the sky. Those that couldn’t ducked down. All at once, a tremendous explosion followed a flash. The shock wave of it shook the ground and toppled several people and objects. Metal parts rained down and bounced off the barrier, sliding to the ground just outside the city.

Chase looked up from where she had cradled a small child that was fleeing the madness. Bits and pieces of the robot still trickled down from the barrier, but it was mostly gone. The heroes protecting the city slowly lowered their powers so that the sun would once again shine through.

She stood up, holding the hand of the crying child, and used her other hand to speak into the comm, “Nova, this is Chase. The robot is destroyed. The city is safe. Get all the fire and rescue squads in the surrounding areas here, now.”

Nova stated, “good. I will assign heroes to assist in cleanup and rescue. You and your team keep looking for Osteen, he has to be close.”


Dr. Osteen rode in a helicopter with three black-clad security officers and Commander Delta. They watched the fiery explosion over Las Vegas; the shock wave rattling the helicopter even at this distance.

Osteen grinned nervously, “well, that’s done. All cleaned up and outta there. They won’t know...”

“This was a mess. And your foolishness caused it.”

Dr. Osteen asked, “what? I did nothing to attract them. I was underground working.”

Delta held up a shard of metal. “You created this. Albeit a brilliant armor that diminishes morphon powers, it is unique and traceable. Our sources from Onnotangu say this is how they found you.”

Osteen looked away in shame. “I didn’t realize it would be so easily tracked. But, don’t worry. That robot was the last of it I had made. It takes time to synthesize that stuff.”

Delta tossed it into Jason Osteens lap, “you won’t. That shard will be sent to Antarctica, where they will track it needlessly. We will move you to a more secure location and then you will give us results. Next time they find you, we won’t come to your rescue.”


Chase, Furious Squirrel, Gar, and Hotwings stood inside the run-down shack where Osteen had worked.

“Are you sure?” Chase asked.

Furious nodded, “the signature ends here. This is the place where it came from. This has to be where he was, and where that robot came from.”

Gar frowned. “This place isn’t big enough for all that.”

Furious showed him his scanner, “there are a whole series of structures under here. However, they’re currently filled with concrete.”

Hotwings said, “and I bet if we dig it out, it will give us nothing. These people seem to be one step ahead.”

“Ten steps,” Chase muttered. “But, we won’t stop looking. I will report to Nova. Hotwings, Furious, head back to your leagues and see if you can help in Las Vegas.”

Continue the Story

Las Vegas safe. Giant Robot Monstrosity Stopped by our heroes!!

Only in Vegas. Chaz Hamilton here, reporting on the successful conclusion to a fight that even had Director Nova biting his nails. At one point, the odds didn't seem in their favor, but Lady Luck showed up and brought them a well deserved win. (Is there a hero called Lady Luck? If there isn't, there should be.)

The robot monstrosity finally fell, toppling over like a drunk stumbling out of the Antarctic Bar and Grill on a Saturday night. Its mechanical arms flailed about, doing the last bit of damage to the city of Las Vegas as it crashed into a parking garage, collapsing like a puppet with its strings cut.

Heroes shouted out in triumph as they realized that their hard work and effort payed off. New sources have reported that it is believed that the original BADGE team in the city was tracking an escaped prisoner with ties to the technology used in constructing this massive junk heap.

Whoever this escapee is, I don’t know if he thought his plan through. The robot was a difficult opponent to defeat by all measures, but not that it is a broken pile of spare parts, heroes are swooping in to claim trophies and samples so they can reverse engineer the mechanics to be better prepared for next time. BADGE scientists and technicians have also been collecting the armor plating freed from the robot to analyze it for its unusual properties.

I have a few last interviews with heroes who had comment on the battle in Sin City.

First, Tri-blade returned and shared some additional comments with me.

(Tri-blade, #10879) “I think we can get it done, Chaz. We’ve all been working hard and practically non-stop. The usual heavy hitters have been piling on, but look... do you ser that hero currently wrecking that robot's underbelly? She hasn’t let up in hours! Give it up for Seraphim (10853) for a relentless and unyielding assault. Her ability set has been more than valuable in stymieing this robot. Now if youll excuse me, it's back to work...”

I think it is great to hear our heroes applaud one another. Fantastic shout out, Tri-Blade, to a well-deserving combatant.

I also heard from a new face in the hero scene, The Black Hurricane:

The Black Hurricane (ID #23560), "Doing my part to take this robot down, but man.... the people that look decked and blinged out always seems to outshine someone like me. Why can't I be featured as an up-and-comer?? I'm making a name for myself, too. It's always the ones with connections and resources, never the self-made ones. The unearned strength that get me. If only we could go at it 1-on-1 with our powers with everything off. We could see what's underneath the suits. Even then, these guys are big bodies. Or if I could access that strength. I know the world would be better off for it. Maybe this robot will have lots of spare pieces for me to do something with after I help these guys demolish it. They could do without some of the scraps and tech from this big hunk of metal. Magic attacks seem to do well, but I don't have a revolving wardrobe. So, it's a bit of tech-on-tech action right now. I could use a sizable upgrade. Underdog Stories are never easy. I guess this isn't, either. Come to find out we all might not even beat this thing up. Screw this. I need a payday. I wonder how the other people at my current situation are doing. Maybe that's a more apt comparison."

I’ve reached out to The Black Hurricane and offered to do a full interview with him in the future to help introduce him to Sentinel readers. Be on the lookout for more information on this exciting new hero.

A third hero who reached out on her efforts is a member of the Ice Ray Academy, AphraeltheFaeChildGoddessofInnocenceversion3.0.

Aphrael #11292: “While waiting for energy to reload between magical attacks aimed at seams so those heroes not able to use magic can do better damage, Aphrael has been having those here from her Academy healing the injured, keeping children and teenagers away from the commotion, and keeping the sound pollution from this huge fight to a minimum.”

Finally, Furious Squirrel shared a comment on his activity since the beginning of this confrontation.

Furious Squirrel: “I was there before it all started. Right now, I’m shootn that dumb robot with all my steampunky weapons. I’m keeping it from demolishing casinos.”

I see now that BADGE operatives, such as Agent Leslie and Agent Shannon, are helping to contain the battlefield as removal efforts begin. Many heroes have taken to the remaining local restaurants and their generosity continues. Krystal Fae has been reported leaving a $100,000 tip for a waitress whose home was destroyed and some leagues are digging deep into their coffers to fund reconstruction costs, so people don’t have to wait for insurance companies to prepare and process claims.

Based on data collected, here are the top ten heroes who brought the gun to a knife fight with Mr. Roboto:

614,340 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

571,451 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

488,011 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlเ throws down ][☣][

486,724 Damage: ‡Seraphim ‡

484,705 Damage: ~Lump$um~

422,308 Damage: ~666~GhOsTfAcEKiLla

348,647 Damage: ♦covid island♦

327,645 Damage: ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

308,672 Damage: Sevon

307,692 Damage: ♦️☠♦️Knightmare♦️☠♦️

Don’t get me wrong, each one of the 379 heroes participating was necessary for this win. Hopefully, they will all be there in the future next time we need them.

Now, I’m going to treat myself to a good cup of coffee and a donut, if there are any left in town.

Be well, citizens of the world. I’ll be ready to bring the reporting back to you if any new threat calls our heroes to action. Chaz Hamilton, signing off.
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Las Vegas: Mechanical Monstrosity is going DOWN!!!

 by Chaz Hamilton

Hours of unsurpassed effort have moved the heroes back into a successful position. BADGE technicians, who have been studying the energy emissions of both the heroes and the giant robot, have reported that the monstrosity that has destroyed hundreds of landmarks in Las Vegas is finally showing damage.

Down by 75% of its original power rating, the robot’s energy blasts are weaker and frankly, it just doesn’t seem to have the same spark it originally had.

I must give praise to the heroes. I don’t know what spurred their boosted damage curve, but like luck, I pray that whatever did the job doesn’t run out.

I did have a late response from another hero, Triblade, to my earlier interview request.

(Video switches to a view of Triblade, BADGE ID#10879)

Triblade: “I've seen similar devices(referring to Krystal Fae’s bow) used before, are the arrows ethereal in composition or do you supplement physical objects with enchantments? I think Krystal, you and I and others with origins from other realms than this... and not fully reliant or subject to Morphon presence, may have a chance at overcoming this metallic beast, if BADGE reports are accurate. Let's give it our all, shall we?”

Another commenter came in based on the last interviews I shared.

(Starmaster, BADGE ID#14716 appears on the screen)

Chaz: “I see you have been on the scene for several hours now. How has the fight been going?”

Starmaster: “I’m pleased to say that most heroes are pulling their weight. I think we can get this job done.”

Chaz: “I have to ask what your thoughts are on sly comments made by The SaintlyCloser earlier in the day?”

Starmaster: “It’s nothing I can’t bear. In fact, I find it quite amusing and slightly sad. Here he is, managing an organization like the 5th Precinct and he feels the need to try to diminish my efforts and the small league I created. It takes a very specially educated person to find pleasure in trying to make other people feel small. He must be compensating for something missing or diminutive in his own life.”

Chaz: “I see he has followed up with his own article in the Sentinel, bolstering his position toward you while bragging about his own efforts.”

Starmaster: “And a rather confusing article about equipping for large scale battles like we are fighting in Las Vegas. All I can say is that I wish he would invest in Grammarly before submitting his hen scratching. Overall, I’m fine with letting him say whatever he will. In terms he should understand, ‘I don’t see a gold League War belt around your waist yet, bud, so I don’t hear anything useful or interesting when you speak.’ Anyways, it is time to get back to the fight. Thanks for the opportunity to speak to you, Chaz.”

Chaz: “You’re welcome. Knock some gears out of that robot for us, Starmaster.”

Since there has been a recent top damage report, I will not bore you readers with repeat information. Instead, let’s take a look at some of the newcomers to the scene.

Seraphim, of the Seraphim Angels, is doing quite well. Is this the first time she has been in the top 2 position? I think she was built for this battle, or if nothing else, while in her werewolf-form she is treating the giant robot like her favorite chew toy.

Crossroads has climbed in the rankings since my last report, going from #77 to #59. It is easy to see why she is a favorite of so many heroes between the leagues.

Three-hundred and fifty-eight heroes have currently been spotted fighting this giant robot. It is very hard to pick and choose from all of them and recognize their personal efforts. Each one of them has added to the collective effort.
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MegaBot's Last Stand

By TheSaintlyCloser⁵ᵗʰ ID# 10910 

 With BADGE's order in place that the heroes only had 9 hours left to vanquish the robot attack. TheSaintlyCloser⁵ᵗʰ can be found rallying the troops in between his own attacks upon the mechanical giant.
The latest plan to out maneuver the beast seems to moving along nicely. We find the majority of the 5th Precinct and a scattering of other defenders pushing the beast back from Sammy Davis Jr. Blvd, into a crossfire with The Closer and the rest of the frontal assault. Mostly heroes from WMD but also a showing from The Islands Gym, HOI, ♦ Avengers 5¹ Colony♦ and Seraphim Angels, among others. 

 Suspiciously absent is starblaster. He can be found far from where the damage is being done, flying in confused circles, muttering... "This sentinel article will make me relevant, you'll see!" 

 He appears to be trying, with great difficulty, to get officers of the 5th Precinct in a picture with the giant donut at Lad's off of Sands avenue in the background. Unfortunately he can't keep himself far enough out of the line of fire for that to succeed, so he flies in the opposite direction screaming personal insults at TheSaintlyCloser⁵ᵗʰ. 

 The Closer waves his mechanical arm and responds "Don't worry! I'll sign autographs later! Best to stay back!" He sighs, as another of his mighty blows spins the robots head full circle. "Bless his heart."
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Monday, February 22, 2021

Robot Raid 14 Hours On The Clock

 By TheSaintlyCloser⁵ᵗʰ #10910

The atmosphere on the ground has changed. You can tell that Heroes are stepping up to face this menace with renewed vigor and determination! 

The top 15  for damage output with 14 hours to go are...

15, a nice round, relevant number to report, that doesn't happen to reflect that any heroes named starblaster or something, are carrying their weight in this conflict. 

I think the Closer fellow is bolded as he's the handsomest hero on the ground. Nice of them to notice.

We've heard reports from the top echelon at BADGE, that structural integrity may be succumbing to our superior efforts. Well most of us anyway...

Do please try to step it up starguy.

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Las Vegas: Mechanical Monstrosity Attacks; Heroes Speak

Chaz Hamilton here once again with reports as BADGE's official reporter, straight off the streets of Las Vegas where the heroes continue to fight the latest threat to the world.

I’ve had the opportunity to speak with several heroes as the take a brief respite as they continue to fight the giant robot in Las Vegas. Let me share with you the fight from their point of view.

(Video footage of Valliss, Badge ID #20408)

Chaz asks: “How has the fight been going for you, Valliss?”

Valliss: “I’m finding my attacks vs the robot ineffectual and I’ve turned my attention to protecting innocents, flying them out of harm’s way. We all have to do what we can.”

(A new video feed comes from Stained, BADGE ID# 11179)

Chaz: “Have you had much success so far while fighting this monstrosity, Stained?”

Stained: “Stained doing her part, inbetween doing damage to the big ass robot, she’s been out saving show girls from the debris and busy ensuring the safety of all the innocent bottles of liquor and other party items.
    She’s tucking them away at the Sloppy Whore Tavern for safe keeping, if anyone needs a drink after this whole fiasco. The girls, well they are definitely putting on a show, so stop on by.”

(Video changes to Krystal Fae, BADGE ID# 10962 as she wields her archaic, yet intricate, bow.)

Krystal: “I’ve been noticing a lot of stares at my weapon of choice. This little thing? (Krystal holds up the intricately carved bow) It's known as a 'Sagittarius Arcanus'... it allows me to conserve my own mana, by tapping into the local ley line for its power.”

Chaz: “Can you let me know which casino is closest to this ley line? Does the magical influence give better odds?”

(The video screen is filled with Highlander’s impressive physique, BADGE ID# 21107)

Highlander: “I’ve been able to penetrate the outer hull (my powers are not MP based), but the metal is still very resilient and tough. I’ve not been able to access any critical components. Not having powers other than strength and near invulnerability, I’m limited to creating climbing handholds within the robot legs. I’ve penetrated the left leg just above the "ankle," but have been shaken loose from my handholds and dropped to the bottom of the leg on several occasions. I’m still trying to make my way upward to find critical components to damage.”

(Three heroes fill the screen. The Sword of Gerraxia, Astra, and Silent Shadow, who signs his message.)

The Sword of Geraxia: “I’ve been damaging the mechanical monstrosity as much as possible. I have some magical ability, but my efforts have been minimal, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop. I’m in this until the job is done.”

Astra: “I’ve mainly focused on protecting citizens lending to the damage when possible.”

Silent Shadow signs: “I have been attacking when I can and using teleport to get people to safety.”

(Timebender ID: 10897 appears on the video feed next)

Chaz: “Thanks for taking the time to share a comment with the public. How have your efforts been going so far?”

Timebender: “I’ve been saving lives, stopping time in small areas just long enough to pull people out before they would otherwise be harmed.”

(Lykos, BADGE 18321, flies in, doing the Superhero Landing he is known for)

Lykos: “Hi Chaz. I thought earlier the robot was attacking you personally. Glad to see you are alright.”

Chaz: “So far, but thank you for your concern. How has your fight been going?”

Lykos: “I have tried a couple of different things - trying to think outside the box. Clearly punching it just wasn't doing the trick. I tried doing a Luke Skywalker and running a rope around its legs really fast, but it just snapped it in two. Then I tried metal chains, that failed and nearly decapitated a bystander. Why the heck was someone standing around while this thing is on the loose? So, after getting yelled at for putting more lives at risk, I tried digging out the ground underneath it while I saw a bunch of Heroes trying to push it over. I thought maybe the instability of the ground might cause it to tip. All I did was break a water main and get myself blasted with a face full of water. Seriously, man? I don't know what else we can do to this thing. I think the overall attitude I have seen is, just keep punching it. A lot.”

(At one of the booths inside a Dunkin Donuts, The SaintlyCloser #10910, takes a moment from his triple bacon croissant for comment)

The SaintlyCloser: “The SaintlyCloser is saving up his energy boosts for a big push whenever a weakness presents itself. Even holding back, he manages to easily out-perform lesser known heroes like starblaster of the spaceteam.”

{Editorial fact-checking, as often needed when conversing with The SaintlyCloser:
115,460 Damage: Starmaster

115,204 Damage: TheSaintlyCloser⁵ᵗʰ

You can always trust the Sentinel to try to bring you the timely, and correct information.}

Chaz Hamilton: “So, you are holding back your efforts? Does that mean if the efforts end in defeat, you will take responsibility for the failure for underperforming for the sake of upstaging others?”

(Xcentric (ID# 18056) shoves his face into the camera screen, blocking The SaintlyCloser from view)

Xcentric: “Yes even the maniacal and really crazy cop is doing his part. Strategically hitting the bad guys, rescuing citizens and of course their annoying pets, and of course as jewelry, chips, and coins lie around have to rescue those as well. By the way the food is still good around here, and mostly free. Hey wow found a power card as well. Hey every one knows what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Just watch out for Fleagle piles and puddles, ha ha. Closer and the rest of the 5th are doing their part as well. I reckon the Avengers and rest are still cleaning the zoo's and animal shelters while we are restoring law and order and rescuing. You know good help is always hard to find. lol. Ta ta for now.”

(The video feed returns to Chaz Hamilton, with The SaintlyCloser tripping over himself and Xcentric as they run to the door after receiving a message from Director Nova)

We have just received a message from Director Nova, who is very concerned about the efforts being put forth in this latest challenge. He has allocated additional resources to the effort, but has made it very clear that if the fight isn't a win, the heroes will be in for it. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that speech. 
Do your best, heroes. Make the world proud once more!!!

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Las Vegas: Mechanical Monstrosity Attacks; Has Heroes on the Ropes at the Colosseum

Chaz Hamilton, official reporter for B.A.D.G.E., coming to you from the main strip of Las Vegas, although it might be soon known as Lost Vegas. The giant robot attacking the city has proven to be a formidable opponent to our heroes. After a day of battle, there has been a perceptible shift in the battle. The new, unknown material that the robot is constructed of is proving to be extremely effective against the attacks of Morphon-enhanced abilities, as well as standard fare armaments that are being used by the available military units.

Has some archfiend finally found a weakness to exploit from our heroes?

Will our heroes fail to defeat this monstrosity before it manages to accomplish its diabolical task?

As of this moment, over three-hundred and twenty heroes from around the world have brought their incredible powers to the table, but their combined efforts are not the winning hands we are used to see waged in combat. Almost a full third of the city of Las Vegas has been demolished by energy blasts and massive legs crashing a path with no obvious direction other than to inflict massive damage to whatever and whomever it sees.

The 5th Precinct leagues have arrived and have taken up mostly defensive positions around the town, notably at franchise branches of Dunkin Donuts stores. The members of the Avengers 51 teams are fighting in smaller units. Zen has been on the forefront of the scene, appearing even more diminutive as he flipper-chops at the robots legs. He has left an impressive divot into the metal of the appendage, but so far, no hero has managed to crack the outer casing.

Using the Kaiju defense tactics brought over from Japan, Shinobi has brought dozens of heroes with kinetic attacks to bear in an attempt to knock the robot to the ground. Starmaster and other members of the Legacy of Spawn such as Ace, Senaka, and Krystal Fae join with Shinobi to try to “turtle” the monster, hoping that based on its bulky design it will not be able to stand back up if toppled. So far, whatever balancing gyroscopes the robot uses have proved more than effective to keep it upright.

PAIN-guin, the super-leveler from last league war, has proven his metal as a combatant. His sharpened blades are gouging the surface of the robot, but despite the impressive damage he is doing, he seems mildly distracted. Rather that penetrating into the interior mechanisms of the robot, he is carving hearts surrounding initials into the carapace, the largest one being “P-G + K.F. 4EVR”. As always, Valentine’s Day heartbreak will take its toll on even the mightiest of beings.

One has to note that this is the first trial the heroes are facing sans the Mythics that have reportedly left the planet, despite Santa and Easter Bunny. Has the departure of these being shaken the heroes resolve? Are they used to succeeding with the aid of boons and boosts from powerful overlords? I hope this is not the case.

My friends in the B.A.D.G.E. scientist pool, who as always are studying the battle with various instruments, have reported that many of the heroes are hitting as hard as they ever had before. The top ten dealing damage so far are as follow:

1. 304,078 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

2. 286,744 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

3. 243,537 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlเ throws down ][☣][

4. 225,070 Damage: ~666~GhOsTfAcEKiLla

5. 169,592 Damage: ][☣][Avenger][☣][

6. 152,610 Damage: Fungus

7. 147,071 Damage: ~Lump$um~

8. 141,055 Damage: ][☣]✡[THE WIZARD]✡[☣][

9. 133,076 Damage: PAIN-GUIN

10. 128,604 Damage: ♦Zen ﹤(") 5¹♦

While they are doing magnificently as the attempt to defeat this oversized trash bin, the numbers show that they have not done enough in comparison to previous world-threatening events to diminish the giant robot to even half its original strength.

The heroes are going to have to pull out all the stops and think outside of the box if they are going to get this done. Let’s hope that they can turn this long shot into a big payday at the end of it all.

Chaz Hamilton out.

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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Raid Fiction: The Cost of Battle

by Starmaster

ID: 14716

Once the giant robot reached Caesar’s Palace, things began to get really, really messy.

Crossroads did her best to help evacuate the guest away from the fight taking place in the fountains in front of the world renown casino. Krystal Fae fought from the air. People who knew her weren’t surprised at her outfit. She tended to wear unusual uniforms from time to time, but they did find it odd she fought with an archaic bow. Instead of arrows, she fired eldritch bolts of energy.

Starmaster teleported into the air nearby her position. His psionic abilities struggled to have much effect on the giant robot. When he saw it prepare to fire its massive energy weapon again, he focused instead on the air around its massive arm and created a strong updraft to shift its weapon away from its intended target, the Avenger.

“Krystal, do you have any of your enchanted crystals on you?” Starmaster looked at Krystal Fae’s outfit. “Maybe in one of your belt pouches? Are you coming from a renaissance faire or something?”

“I’m getting ready to go on vacation. Just trying on some old outfits to see if I want to wear them.” Krystal maneuvered her mystical wings to move herself out of an errant bolt of energy that the robot discharged. “Here you go.” She tossed him a bag of gems. “They are mostly healing crystals. What do you want them for?”

Starmaster caught the bag in his mental grip and poured out a dozen or so stones. He took aim at the robot’s faceplate and hurled them at it. “Bullets.” The glass panel cracked under his projectile’s assault, but the crystals shattered on impact as well.

“You do realize that was about 4 million-dollars’ worth of stones, right?” Krystal Fae said as she fired off another volley of blasts.

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New Raid Rewards: Are they Game-Changers?

With the new world raid taking place in Las Vegas, most players are focused on the fights and might not have checked out the spoils. Sure, there are some of the standard fair drops.

At the top tier, we have two very nice cards.

I for one am looking forward to seeing the animation for the Robo Blast.

Along with these, we have some cards that have appeared before: Pyrotechnic Force, Frozen Aegis, Net Attack, Retro Warrior, GHz Dash, Fireworks, and Metal Skin.

Jingle Bombs showing back up is a good gear option to return, allowing the potential for multiple pieces of wrist gear to be collected.

Quick Draw legs is a new addition with the tech themed aspect of the drops for this raid. Both the Leg slot and the Wrist Slot offer additional Tech Damage, which can make for a lethal combination with the right build and opponent.

While the Rocket Boots are currently available in the Armory store, the Robot Body is a new Core that has caught several players attention. What is this "Strike Steal +800" ability?

With a 3% drop rate per 4,200 damage, this will be an infrequent pearl to fall in some player's laps. 

The consumables are some of the more interesting additions to the mix.

For instance, with PAINguin's rapid growth spurt before last league war, imaging what he could do with this new Hero Cape?

Going from 10MP to 30 MP when leveling is a boon that, if done wisely, could garner some useful boons. And at only 400 damage needed for a 10% chance, some low-level characters could collect a few of these to help there power climb.

These have me very intrigued.

Robo Hench could be a nice savings option for players who do not use Facebook. The Key Chain will be a great asset to the players who span the missions. But for PvP events, the Seeing Eye is going to be very, very useful when it comes to potentially bringing down that opponent who has stood in your way on the KOTM ladder or in League Wars.

The other consumables are familiar twists on items available in the last two holiday themed raids.

Raid Vanguard seems a bit out of place, based on the text of the card. 

I would hazard to guess that this card appeared early in the game, but hasn't been seen in a few raid. This gives card collectors new to the game an opportunity to gain a card their set may be missing.

Good luck collecting as many of these items as you can. The rewards for this raid seem potentially good for all levels of players. Get them while you can.
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