Monday, August 31, 2020

Advice Column: Buying The Right Piece of Gear for Your Outfit

Hello. Chained Angel here again to talk a bit more about shopping. Today’s topic is:

Is there one perfect piece of gear for every occasion?

As you can see when you shop around, either by flat out buying an item in the armory or taking your chances in the Mystery (or Nova) Shuffle, there are quite a few different combinations possible.

Here are some of the new gear pieces currently in the shuffle:

As you can see, there are several very nice options. Good luck if you choose to spin the wheel.

You likely know how the different cores work from my last bit of shopping advice, Let’s Go Shopping. (

If not, check out How to use Equipment Cores by The Fallen (

As you level, your potential wardrobe options grow. Where at low levels you may only have a maximum of one or two slots to fill with appropriate gear, at higher levels the options increase. A core is a good foundation to build from, but it isn’t always going to be. This will all depend on the activities you pursue.

For example, how important are defense and movement in a raid? How about gear choices that improve defense and movement in a raid?

(Do I hear crickets, because I should be.)

During a raid, you want to do as much pure damage as possible, so gear that jumps up your Strike value, especially if it is a % increase, should be one of your top choices as well as gear that multiplies the damage done value. Currently, movement, defense, and life total do not play a part in raids.

When in a PvP situation, such as League War or Fight Clubs, other gear choices will serve you better. Since gear is the only method, beside spending skill points, to improve you Life total, you may choose to focus on gear with that type of bonus. Perhaps you want to stack multiple items that may boost your ability to stun an opponent and cause them to miss out on an opportunity to attack?

Top players all have their tricks of the trade, so ask around with the different leagues for their advice.

Between league wars and raids, KOTM events and Fight Clubs happen every day. With a variety of adversaries, you will have plenty of time to test out your combination of gear choices often. This will of course depend on what you purchase or gain through completing missions. Don’t be afraid to mix and match. Cores give bonuses for quantities of items with the same characteristic. You may collect gear pieces that are a mix of the six, but all have a bonus to stun.

I try to build to be prepared for both Raid activity and PvP action, so I like to pick up whatever gear I can get my hands on and play it by ear. The key to using gear properly is to pay attention in PvP to your opponent’s core and prepare accordingly. A truly wise player might only challenge opponents after watching the fights initiated by an opponent first and looking at the amounts of damage done by different characteristics and how much the opponent is able to dodge attacks. Gear up appropriately after consideration of the strengths and weaknesses presented to you.

I hope I have helped you out, friend, or at least given you something to think about. Shop wisely and shop well. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions about the game. I’m always happy to help.

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Read (or write) all about it...

If you've been reading the Fiction Forum and blog (and to get the most of the HR experience, you really should read them) you are probably aware that my character, Krystal Fae (PID# 10962), has been participating in two separate collaborative stories recently.



Collaborative writing is both harder and easier than some might suspect. One comparative phrase describing the process is that it is like trying to herd cats... You're not REALLY sure where you're going, and you've probably 'pissed off' the other cats at one point or another.

One of the projects is discussed off of the thread so that we each know what the others are planning...

in the other, we just post the next thing in response to the last post and see where the story goes.

An issue that may keep some players from contributing either collaboratively or individually is one that all writers face... That 'blank page/screen' staring back at you as you struggle to begin a story... all I can suggest is to write/type SOMETHING, ANYTHING... then the page isn't blank anymore, you've started. You can always erase/delete/edit whatever it was if it doesn't fit in later.

One of my collaborators recently expressed their appreciation, both for being willing to work with them, and for the fun they've had getting involved with the story.

I thought I'd offer a word or two of encouragement, to them, and to anyone else who'd like to take a stab at writing, but may not be sure where to start...

If any player(s) would like to collaborate, or just wants a 'sounding board'/idea help, etc. to do their own stories... let's just say that I'm available at most times
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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Heroes Rising Fan-Fiction goes Vlogging!

Many of you may already have seen the post by Trace Evans in the Heroes Rising Players page. (If you have not, check it out.)

We are very excited to see the development of Heroeswood, and look forward to supporting it by rewarding contributors who create and share video blogs of their heroes, including animated role-play and promotional videos about their leagues. 

The only limit is your imagination!

In the next week or so, we will provide further details on the rewards to be given to contributors, but basically it will be similar to Sentinel article rewards. In addition, bonus rewards of MPs and competition prizes will be given for exceptional contributions. 

More details to come soon!

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Saturday, August 22, 2020

Art Contest Entries

Hello heroes...and other people of various morals....time to recap our recent art contest. "But the art contest ended in July!" Yes, you are correct. Due to various events all happening close together I decided to push off this post until now. 

As you should know, back in mid June I posted a series of sketches I had done that were painted and will be made into cards in due time. Players joined in the fun and added their own coloring and spin to the art. Some photobashed together their coloring with new backgrounds and/or extra characters. I loved them all, so creative. 

Here are the various offerings from the people. One thing that stands out to me is each persons unique style really does shine through.

Note: Part of the contest was that three pictures would be selected and turned into alternate art cards. Those three will be announced soon, but not in this post. This is just to show off the great work by the artists. 

Look for more art contests in the near future.

Chris Evans


John Schoenfeld
"Meet Captain Marble"

Mark Alan Bisanz 
"Always Stealing the Spotlight"
"Call me Meteor Strike!"

Sean Hazelwood

Drift Davis
"Reflections of Time"
"Into the Abyss"

Todd Goode
"Aqua Dragon"
 "The Myriad"

James Stewart Dennis Taylor
"The Strength of Atlas"
"Blue Steel"

Victor Wanderley Corrêa
 "The Awesome"

Chained Angel
"The Woodsman: One with the Forest"
 "Mr ?: Master of Forms"
"Stopping the Robbery"

Dave Hawk

 Alan Marcus
"The Mister"

Mike Lane

Dave Anderson

Ben Roberts

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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: A New Darkness Part 14


The heroes that Nova brought with him fought through the night. A few joined in throughout the late hours. His call echoed around the world, and heroes poured across the forbidden border of North Onnotangu as the sun rose.

Starmaster watched from the rooftop, the medic droids working hard to repair the damage. Nova stood next to him, giving commands into his comm device.

“Yes, get BADGE droids and agents over to the hospital, make sure we protect the critical patients,” Nova ordered.

Starmaster got to his feet, holding the bio-tech bandages around his ribs. He was about to ask Nova a question when the giant Skelanimal threw a bus at a group of flying heroes; it missed them and barreled toward the rooftop. Starmaster held up his hand and caught the bus with his telekinetic powers. The bus stopped and then crashed into the road in front of the palace. Starmaster groaned loudly and fell to his knees. “That really hurt!” The droids attempted to help him, but their abilities were limited.

Krystal Fae arrived with other members of her League. The rest flew toward the monster. “Starmaster!” She held his shoulder. “What happened?”

He groaned and spent a few breaths recovering from the pain. “ the crap beaten out of me by that thing.”

She knelt and put her hands on him and closed her eyes. There was a moment of energy between them. Nova was aware of what she was doing, so he held back the droids. When she finished, Starmaster stood up and took in a few deep breaths.

Nova asked, “You all better?”

“Not completely, but enough to get some revenge.”

Nova gave a brief nod and both Krystal and Starmaster blasted off the roof at top speed.

Skelanimal had bruises and a few bloody gashes in his body. More than one place had a large burn mark on it. Yet, through all this, he acted like a toddler kicking over a pile of blocks. He smashed buildings, swatted at heroes, and laughed. When he had an opening, he would grab something and throw it, often without direction, just to watch it destroy something.

Krystal hit Skelanimal in the back of the head with a blast of magic, Starmaster followed with a colossal telekinetic shove. The five-story monster lurched forward, and that was met by two simultaneous fists to the face by Ultra Primus and Moonrider, both heroes flying away from the double face smash.

Starmaster landed on the ground to catch his breath. Lumpsum, a brutish, suit-wearing hero, dashed by and used a double fist smash right on top of Skelanimal's left foot, cracking the nail clean off. The big hero reared back and did it again, smashing into another nail. Skelanimal screamed and kicked, sending the hero crashing through a statue of Supreme Leader Shoju. In a fit of rage, Skelanimal reached down and picked up the top half of the broken statue and threw it directly at Lumpsum before he could gather his wits. Starmaster caught the statue mid-air with his mind and returned it right into Skelanimal's chest.

“I WILL NOT BE STOPPED BY STUPID HEROES AGAIN!” Skelanimal’s flippant rampage turned to pure rage as he faced stronger opposition. He threw both arms down and cracked the surface, breaking streets, shattering walls, and toppling statues. Heroes on the ground were jostled and fell.

He then swung his enormous arms out and slapped heroes out of the air. He grabbed hero after hero and threw them, slamming them into the ground. Some got back up, some were out cold.

“Not today!” A strange-looking man jumped through the air and slammed two fists into Skelanimal’s chest, stumbling the giant oaf over and forcing him to crash into the street. Midgardsormr landed on the behemoth and then transformed into his serpentine form, growing to match the size of Skelanimal.

“NOT YOU!” Skelanimal grabbed Midgardsormr just below the head.

Midgardsormr bit the hand, and Skelanimal screamed in pain. Then he slithered his body around Skelaminal’s and squeezed. Heroes nearby shot various powers at the exposed parts of Skelanimal, pummeling him while in this vulnerable state. Midgardsormr prepared to consume this enemy.

Krystal Fae and The Wizard flew down, “STOP!” She commanded.

Midgardsormr screamed, “I DON’T OBEY LITTLE FAIRIES!”

Nova landed via help from a hero, on his shoulder was EB. Nova sternly stated, “Hold off killing him, Midgardsormr.”

With a hiss of disapproval, the massive legendary serpent obliged.

“I got this!” EB hopped over and stood between the two magical heroes. Krystal and The Wizard helped him as he extracted the power imbued into Skelanimal. The bony monster slowly shrunk down, quickly buried under the enormous coiled serpent.

Once the disenchantment was over, Starmaster reached in with his mind and pulled out the scrawny alien from under Midgardsormr. He held him aloft in front of Nova. Krystal, The Wizard, and EB stood beside the Director.

Nova held up his wrist comm, “Heroes, stand down from the attack. Begin cleanup and triage. I want someone to work with local authorities to assist. Remember, these people are hesitant of heroes, be cautious and courteous. Nova out!”

Skelanimal squirmed while being held by the telekinetic forces. “Let me go you stupid morons! This isn’t over!”

Nova calmly stated, “Oh, you want to keep fighting. I’m sure Midgardsormr would be fine devouring you, he gets awfully hungry.” To that, the still giant snake looming over them let out a low rumbling growl.

Skelanimal’s defiance faded. “Okay, okay. I’ll go quietly.”

“First, tell me where Chase is,” Nova ordered.

“I don’t know.”

A white blur hit Skelanimal in the chest and grabbed him by his skull. EB’s furious face glared right into Skelanimal’s eyes. “TELL ME WHERE CHASE IS YOU BONY SON OF A...”

“EB!” Nova yelled.

Krystal kindly removed the irate rabbit and held him while he stewed.

Starmaster said, “His mind is hard to read. The alien biology is...difficult. Either that, or he doesn’t know.”

Nova said, “Get him to the transport. Bind him with the class ten restraints and transport him to the station. I will stay here and assist.”


Two days passed as the people of North Onnotangu and BADGE worked together to clean up the mess. The royal compound had been almost destroyed. Few of the dignitaries and generals survived the onslaught.

Nova stood with Shizue. Crews of heroes and civilians dug through the rubble of the palace.

“I can't believe he is dead.” Shizue cracked a brief smile, “I can’t say that I will lose any sleep over his death.”

“Agreed,” Nova said. “His death will be reported as being his fault. And, even though Krampus and Skelanimal were part of this, Shoju’s actions were his own.”

“His own? What about that monster?”

Nova said, “Shoju wanted to start a war with superpowered people. He got it. Fortunately, it lasted one night. He paid for his arrogance with his life, and that is how history should remember him.”

“What happens next?” Shizue asked.

Nova answered, “I don’t know. Cousins of the late Shoju have already begun vying for his seat. I doubt any would do much better. We don’t need to go from one despot to another. BADGE doesn’t get involved with the internal politics of nations. Not our duty. However, I will alert the UN to send in diplomats to help maintain peace. I also highly recommend that you establish communication and relations with your neighbors to the south. South Onnotangu shares a lot of customs and history with your people. They have a thriving country and strong leadership, I am sure in a time of crisis they will be more than happy to help.”

“A wise suggestion, Director.”

Nova looked up to see a BADGE ship landing. Immediately a team of workers exited the ship and carried large containers out, stacking them nearby.

“What is this?” Shizue asked.

“This is for you,” Nova said.


“Well, not just you. These are supplies to create a training facility for superheroes. It will also give them beds to sleep on, medicine, and some rations. I would escort the super-powered people here back to the station, but I feel that due to their disconnection with the outside world, it would be best to help them here for now. Soon, they can join us if they like and perhaps even form a League in this country.”

Agent Justin came over and held out a tablet, “Where’s the local hero leader?”

Nova gestured to his right. “She’s right here.”

Justin handed Shizue the tablet and then walked her toward the supplies.


Krampus walked through his hideout, the constant sound of struggling filling the room. He stopped in front of a strange chair where Chase was bound and gagged. She fought her restraints, but even with her impressive skills, she couldn’t free herself.

“Stop. There is no escape. Even if you were loose, there would be nowhere to go, and you are no match for me.” He leaned over her and put a single claw under her chin. “You will be far better than that bony brat. You are smart, powerful, and effective. I am truly impressed with what you accomplished back there. I did not expect you to make it into the party, undetected. To get all the way into the lab, that proves to me you are exactly what I need. I just hope this process doesn’t kill you, haven’t tested it before.”

He walked back to a control station and flipped several switches. The chair buzzed and then a glow came from the joints. Chase struggled harder this time as the power crawled all over her body. Finally, she screamed from around the gag.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Raid in Onnotangu: On-site Field Report

By Chaz Hamiltion

(Excerpts from live reporting)

     This is Chaz Hamilton, at the scene of the newest battleground for the heroes of BADGE. This time we are in the capital city of Onnotangu, where Skelanimal has grown to proportions to match its own monstrous ego. Within the hour, Director Nova sent out a message calling for heroes to come to this previously off-limits country. The tyrannical dictatorship had outlawed any not-state sanctioned people, driving many into hiding or beyond the borders of their home.

    In less than forty-five minutes, 84 heroic individuals have arrived and are combating the gargantuan beast and keeping it from laying waste to the city, destroying buildings, infrastructure, and people with equal abandon.

    On a personal note, Midgardsormr has not arrived on scene yet, but as soon as I know that he has, I will share that information with you all.

    Stay tuned as the Sentinel brings you constant coverage of this endeavor by BADGE to show this troubled nation what heroes are meant to do in the name off all of humanity.

***** One-Hour of Battle in…

    This just in. Just before the one-hour mark, Midgardsormr has been spotted. Going toe to toe with Skelanimal, the avatar has dealt massive blows. Based on concussive readings and thermal sensors, BADGE technician and scientists have told me that Skelanimal has taken a beating so far. Here is some information on the leading heroes who have arrived to give Skelanimal a beating he/she/it will never forget:

65,339 Damage: ][☣][‡ Da/\/\oN ‡[☣][

61,654 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

60,229 Damage: ♦ Moonrider ♦

55,570 Damage: ♦S♦U♦P♦E♦R♦ ♦R♦A♦K♦L♦Y♦

40,940 Damage: ~666~Ma$ter Po♦♞♦

    While in Bursa, you could taste the hate in the air as it radiated out of every pore of the Demon Jinn, during this challenge, Skelanimal fights with the glee of a bully on a playground. It is enjoying every blow delivered to a hero that gets caught by one of its claws. Blood is flying about like the late evening cascade-bursts from a home sprinkler system.

*****2 hours in... 

    Skelanimal hasn’t been stopped yet. Two hours in and it keeps on going like an Energizer® bunny from Hell. Nothing in this city is safe as it picks up vehicles, outhouses, people, cows, whatever it can lay a hand upon and hurls it with the force of a Category Seven hurricane.

    During the first hour, the compound, where the leader of the country of North Onnotangu was holding a state party for the rich and powerful upper crust of the land, had been the epicenter of activity. Skelanimal, having destroyed most of the compound’s buildings, screaming that he was going to get some ‘brick-lady’, moved along the main road and deeper into the city.

    It is unknown how many attendees of the gala survived the initial onslaught. To some locals, I believe these events are being viewed as part blessing. Broadcasts over the government mandated televisions of the people of North Onnotangu showed their glorious leader, Supreme Leader Shoju, executing Morphon enhanced individuals before his guests just prior to Skelanimal’s appearance. One of the slain individuals was even a young child, killed in cold blood.

    The new weapon he displayed could destroy a person with Morphon-enhanced physiology while leaving ‘normal’ citizens undamaged. It is my hope and prayer that none of these ‘death-rays’ are in the hands of this country’s military and turned on their saviors after Skelanimal has been defeated.

    In a statement made by Supreme Leader Shoju to his personal propaganda cameras during the gala, he stated that an unidentified BADGE agent had been sent to spy on his country. This led to an open declaration of war by the Supreme Leader to BADGE. Time will tell how this action will unfold one BADGE saves the lives of so many of the citizens of North Onnotangu.

    And while several mighty heroes are keeping Skelanimal busy, I do want to mention that this is a massive group effort. I would like to take a moment to recognize those heroes that might not have the full mojo of the big boys but still not afraid to show up and do their best to bring it.

***** 3 hours in... 

    In a strange turn of events, Skelanimal has attacked itself. In readings by BADGE technologists, they tracked substantial self-inflicted wounds.

786 damage -  ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

842 damage  - ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

    Whether or not Skelanimal is intentionally causing itself harm or the self-imposed attacks are being controlled by mental control from some of the gathered heroes, we may never know, but we are grateful for the self-ass-kickery.

    Another powerful opponent to Skelanimal in non-other than the Antarctic Bar and Grill owner, Zen. Who knew a penguin could do so much damage with those cute little flippers?

801 damage -  †‡ Zen ﹤(") ‡† 5¹

    During the third hour of battle, another heavy hitter has continued to pummel at the colossal monster.

895 damage -  ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

941 damage -  ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

And the massive blow by Damon has almost broken the BADGE sensor equipment.

1014 damage -  ][☣][‡ Da/\/\oN ‡[☣][

    From another vantage point on the field of battle, more epic blows are being rained upon Skelanimal by CrossBones.

858 damage  - ♦ CrossBones ♦

    The heroes are unrelenting, swarming around Skelanimal like a cloud of mosquitoes, each one draining a bit more energy from their opponent. Information has been shared that Skelanimal has taken a noteworthy amount of damage, but still has plenty of fuel to continue its assault on whatever crosses its path.

    These heroes will eventually tire. Fortunately, there is a long list of heroes fighting alongside of them to keep Skelanimal at bay.

    The unexpected should always be considered, though. While the battle goes well for BADGE, Krampus had also been sighted on the scene by a BADGE agent. Will he try to interfere once Skelanimal has softened up the currently engaged heroes?

***** 4 hours in... 

    This hour has brought heartbreak to the people of North Onnotangu, satisfaction to many of the league members who had been unhappy with the results of their latest efforts, and hilarity that hasn’t been seen since one of the cheesiest Godzilla movies, The Son of Godzilla.

    Skelanimal has tromped his way into one of the oldest districts in the city and laid waste to one of the oldest, most beloved historical shrines in the country. The so-called ‘People’s Court’ served as a longstanding marketplace, religious site, and beautifully maintained garden where marriages were daily performed by a beloved local official, Judge Wapner.

    The heroes have taken Skelanimal down by twenty-five percent of his original strength, based on alpha and gamma emissions tracked by BADGE. They are all doing their part to get the job done.

    As for unique tactics, Fleagle has been spotted chasing Skelanimal from behind and biting it on one of the massive bone-spurs sticking out of its tail. Starscream has dived in many times and rescued Fleagle from being ripped in half, but each time Fleagle is dropped a safe distance away, he rushes back in and grabs back ahold. Interestingly, Fleagle must have some very mighty teeth, as when he is pulled away, he doesn’t lose his grip on the boney projection, causing it to be removed like a tooth as Starscream yanks the loyal canine-ish hero away.

    Zen has been sighted taking advantage of these gaping created wounds on Skelanimal’s tail, as he has been rushing in and pouring salt into them.

    Talk about teamwork.

***** 5 Hours in... 

    There have been some shifts in the battle during the last hour. Some heroes are stepping back as their energy depletes. If Skelanimal is going to be defeated, they are going to need to get a strong cup of coffee and get back on the ropes.

    Still baffling the mind, Skelanimal has continued to attack itself and if calculations are correct, has done the fourth highest amount of damage. Psychologist all across the globe are calling it the worst case of self-loathing they have ever diagnosed.

    Of course, not knowing what Krampus did to enhance his partner-in-crime, this damage could be a part of a much more deceitful plan. Word within BADGE is that one of the two agents sent in to investigate in North Onnotunga has been kidnapped while the other has been severely wounded. What have they uncovered while in this tiny nation?

    ABSTRACT has come into the battle with an incredible vigor. While Skelanimal relies on its massive size and dense composition, these skilled heroes are finding weak spots and taking advantage of them.

1013 damage  - ♦ΛBƧƬЯΛᄃƬ♦

    Midgardsormr has continued to wreak havoc on Skelanimal, bringing his damage count above that of Krystal Fae. For some time, they were neck and neck, but as the battle is progressing, he is pulling ahead in this horserace. Other well know heroes are in there as well, doing more than their fair share of bone breaking.

49,895 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

48,627 Damage: Neach-dìon na h-Alba

48,482 Damage: Slayer B.A.S 5¹

45,833 Damage: TheCloser⁵ᵗʰ

44,369 Damage: Krystal Fae

    It seems like someone did manage to ‘Beep’ Slayer B.A.S. about this apocalypse.

    In the highest ranks of attributed damage, the numbers have shifted in comparison to the earliest hours of battle. A sustained fight like this must really take its toll on the heroes. I can barely manage half-an-hour at top speed on my treadmill.

***** Six hours in...

    As heroes are rotating off the field of battle, I’ve had the opportunity to speak with some of them about the status of the fight.

Let me introduce The Closer.

“The veteran heroes are getting fairly used to working as a unit in these types of situations. The various team leads also seem to be keeping the new recruits focused. However, while we seem to be wearing down the hell beast, I'm also looking for the hammer that's yet to fall.”

Next, I have been able to speak with my newest In The Room interviewee, Slayer B.A.S.

“It is going very good we are kicking his ass. LOL. It will be over in record time. He does not have a chance to last the full time.”
Krystal Fae has moved over to speak with some BADGE staff. Let’s see if we can get a comment from her.

“Well, Chaz, I'd have to say that it seems to be going well, at the moment. We have a long way to go, of course, and who knows what Krampus might be doing... We still haven't found Chase, and she must have left her armband with her other equipment, as I haven't been able to 'home in' on her... Well, I need to make my report and return to the fray... watch your six!”
Last, Zen has waddled over. Let’s get the story from his perspective.

“As you know, Skelanimal and A51 often collaborate when our agendas align. He told us he was going on his honeymoon. Luckily, in light of Skels, "proclivities," he's allowed us to install a few tech pieces that have caused him to use some of his own powers against himself. It seems to be helping!”

I guess there is someone out there for everyone.

    As for the current standings in the battle, the numbers keep growing and some of the names are changing. Ultra Primus has climbed into the top 5 after several hours of battle.

***** 8 Hours in...

    The light of dawn is rising in the distance. New hope comes with those brilliant rays. Skelanimal is weakening. All data coming in shows that his energy is below half of its normal output. Every laser beam. Every punch. Every sword cut or blast of energy brings this threat closer and closer to defeat.

    There still isn’t any word on whether or not Krampus, the kidnapped BADGE agent, or the Supreme Leader Shoju have been found yet in the rubble of the compound. Humanitarian efforts through various charities under BADGES wing are bringing in food and medical attention for the native inhabitants. One has to wonder how they will react when treated with kindness and charity rather than the authoritarian regimes callous dictatorship?

    Despite the energy readings from BADGE scientists monitoring the battle, there is no definitive answer as to when the battle might draw to a close. Every moment counts. The sooner Skelanimal is put back in his cage, the safer the world will be.

    Two members of the 666 Horsemen of the Shaolin, Lump$um and Ma$ter Kan, are in the top fifteen when it comes to damage dealt, with Lump$um now in the highest value position. Many other top contenders from the League War: Stellar Battle are also well represented int those ranks, but I am uncertain of many of their affiliations currently. For a brief time, new leagues had been created to either support or belittle the Ghost Warrior name. Shortly before the current situation, most of these leagues have disappeared, but I do not know where some of these heroes call home when referencing their league affiliations.

    Midgardsormr has continued to climb into the top eighteen. I haven’t been able to speak with many of these top tier damage-dealers, but in the long run, it is likely better to let them do their work than to get a statement.

    After looking at these unbelievable numbers, I can only be grateful that these collected capes are on our side. If something were to happen to turn them against us, I think the world would be in very sad shape indeed.

    Speaking of which, has anyone seen or heard from Gar or Strange Quark since this began? It’s funny that with an Immediate Action alert from Director Nova, neither of them has been seen. I hope nothing bad has happened to either of them.

*****Nineteen hours in...

    Skelanimal could easily be described as thrashing about wildly, like a dying animal wasting the last of its strength to inflict a final, punitive blow. This has been both exhausting and wonderous to watch. Combining their various gifts into a furious call to arms, these heroes are doing what they do best: Saving us all.

    I’ve had time over the last few hours to converse with BADGE scientists, and one thing is clear. The power behind the attacks of many of the actors on the field is nothing less than extraordinary. This is definitely a different type of encounter when compared to the fights we see in a league war. Skill, planning, talent, the ability to be agile and avoid attacks or lessen their impact; all these qualities go into the battle between fighters in an arena.

    Here in North Onnotangu, raw power is all that is needed. And trust me, these heroes are throwing punches and energy attacks that could stop, well… a giant monstrosity like Skelanimal.

    Overnight, another legendary being, Midgardsormr, has let his prowess bring him to the top ranks of damage output. No one hero could do this assault alone, but dozens of the lower tier heroes could have stayed home and the job would still get done. And don’t let my saying that disparage those who are fighting on the lower end of the spectrum. There courage and devotion to doing right, despite knowing they are not being the star of the show, makes them top notch in my book.

    Please, take a moment to thank each and every one of them. I will be first. Thank you, you heroes of the Earth, and those from far beyond this small world. You honor us with your service.

    While I was present in Bursa for the battle against the Demon Jinn, you could taste the malevolence and hatred in the air. The world would either be saved or destroyed by his actions. Two choices. Survive or die.

    Here in this isolated, horrible country, there is an entirely different feeling in the air. This encounter brings change with it. The people who live here are being exposed to concepts kept foreign to them for generations. After this battle ends, their view on the world can never be the same, and I personally hope this is the first step in a long journey for them to join the rest of the world and see BADGE and these heroes for the good they do.

541,383 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

527,182 Damage: 越Ultra ❄️Primus☀️

480,864 Damage: ♦ΛBƧƬЯΛᄃƬ♦

400,361 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

271,147 Damage: ][☣][ The Avenger ][☣][

268,444 Damage: ~666~Ma$ter Po♦♞♦

268,351 Damage: Shinobi ▬▬ι════ﺤ

248,900 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

248,604 Damage: ♦ ~HERETIC~ ♦

234,786 Damage: ♦ Moonrider ♦

228,568 Damage: ♦S♦U♦P♦E♦R♦ ♦R♦A♦K♦L♦Y♦

215,911 Damage: ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

215,361 Damage: ][☣][‡ Da/\/\oN ‡[☣][

205,372 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

201,490 Damage: ♦️Đ₳Ɽ₭VɆ₦₲Ɇ♦️

195,504 Damage: 💥THE FALLEN 💥

184,125 Damage: †‡ Zen ﹤(") ‡† 5¹

177,170 Damage: ]v[€t₳pHyⱾɨC (The Mighty Morphon Power Stranger)

173,894 Damage: ♦ Starscream ♦

170,129 Damage: ~666~ Ma$ter Kan ♦♞♦

    Victory has been achieved.

    As this fight has concluded, I do need to admit that I still have concerns and want all of you reading to keep a watchful eye out for your safety. Skelanimal has been defeated, but his co-conspirator, the mythic known as Krampus is still out there, up to some undoubtable evil plan. A new darkness may be near, so be ever vigilant. Be hopeful. Most of all, be safe.

    Once again, thank you heroes of the world. To each and every one of you, you have my heartfelt gratitude and admiration.

This is Chaz Hamilton. Have a good day.
Continue the Story

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Answering the Call: RAID in Onnotangu (Fan Fiction)

By Chained Angel

    “What do you think?” Angel asked. She craned her neck so she could get a better view in the mirror. “Should I stick with my silver body armor or go with a sportier look?”

    “I think you look fine in either.” Prysmatica studied her companion’s new outfit. “Are you going for general intimidation against a foe or something photo-ready, highlighting your… assets?”

    “Can’t I have both?” Chained Angel dropped her wings from their full extension, allowing them to cover a majority of her back and lower body. “These wings are glorious, but god love them, they are so hard to accessorize.”

    Prysmatica spun a rack of designer sunglasses. She picked up a bold pair with bright blue lenses and tried them on. After inspecting how they sat on her nose in the mirror, she turned to Angel and gave her a playful grin as she raised an eyebrow. “You know, I think I heard Eros make the exact same comment about his.”

    Chained Angel nodded and gave a polite golf-clap. “Very nice. They suit you. I wish I could pull off such bold colors as you.”

    “It’s a gift,” Prysmatica replied. In her own super-hero costume, every hue of the spectrum had a place. Gloss-red boots, form fitting green leggings with an equally body-hugging top, purple skirt and cape, all topped by a luminescent sky-blue cascade of hair. A cut-out over her midriff exposed stylistic tattoos from her Greek heritage, completing her fashion-week look.

    From their BADGE communication devices, an IA (Immediate Action) alert sounded. Prysmatica grabbed hers from her belt and read the message aloud. “Nova to all Heroes, we have a class five attack in North Onnotangu. All travel restrictions to this country are lifted. Get here, NOW!

    “Well, there goes our day off,” Chained Angel said as she moved into a changing booth. “Time to go meet the rest of the team.”


    At the Star Force Observatory, the team assembled, including three new members: Dawnstar, Lightning R.A.D., and Dark Megalodon. One member, the Star Force team leader, was strangely absent.

    “Where’s Starmaster?” Wyldfyre asked. “How do we plan on getting there without him? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I won’t mind not being teleported through that Mindscape of his.” Wyldfyre shudders. “If it doesn’t make me vomit, I think I come out with memories that aren’t mine.”

    “I brought a BADGE shuttle I’ve requisitioned.” Catalyst replied. “No need to vomit, but if you do, you clean it up.”

    “I wonder if this urgent call has anything to do with the mission BADGE called him out to?” Chained Angel wondered aloud. “I hope he’s alright.”

    The gathered team shared a brief moment of silence and concerned glances.

    “Eh, he’s fine,” Wyldfyre said. “When he’s inside that suit of his, and with the gear he carries in that Mental Closet thing, it would take a small army to hurt him.”

    “That’s if his mission let him use them,” Chained Angel said. “From the brief message he sent me before he left, it was a covert mission.”

    “The sooner we go, the faster we will have our answers.” The Infinite Tempest stood, electricity crackling around his fists.

    “You fly outside the shuttle, I.T.” Catalyst barked. “You have habit of ‘accidently’ frying computer systems. I don’t want to crash.”

    The Infinite Tempest waved a hand dismissively at Catalyst’s objections. “Why would I care to travel in your tiny ship when I can be one with the sky and bathe in the currents of the air itself.”

    A light flashed from their headquarters’ communication array.

    “What now?” El Rey asked. The Unstoppable Nightmask and HowlingMoon shrugged.

    Catalyst moved to the Observatories main computer. “It’s Chaz Hamilton. He wants to know if he can get a ride with us to cover the emergency for the Sentinel.”

    Chained Angel looked at Prysmatica. “He’s done right by us lately, but I understand it would put you in a complicated position. It’s up to you.”

    Prysmatica nodded. She wasn’t ready to risk her co-worker recognizing her in her super-hero identity but didn’t want to deny him an important career opportunity. “Take him. I’ll go photon and fly there with Tempest.”

    “OK, tell Chaz well pick him up,” Chained Angel led the team out of the room. “North Onnotangu, here we come!”
Continue the Story

Monday, August 17, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: A New Darkness Part 13

Starmaster put Shizue behind him as they backed up. The children gathered near him.

“Who are you? Your thoughts, they are...strange.”

Just then, General Paneki pulled himself up from the ground, a horrible looking burn on his face from where a small girl hit him with a fire blast. “You’re clever, human. Befriending these dregs of society, I didn’t expect that.”

Now Starmaster felt a deep worry. “I know that sensation, but it cannot be. You shouldn’t be here.”

“Who is he?” Shizue asked.

Paneki laughed, his voice growing deeper and deeper. He stepped over fallen bodies, heading for Kaukatsu. “Oh, just a lesser-known god among you pitiful humans.”

“Get them out of here, NOW!” Starmaster shoved her back.

“No, we can help with these people.”

“No, you can’t.”

Paneki grew in size, and his clothing bulged. Fangs cut through his face as he transformed. “Listen to the little man, or I shall feast upon these brats. I am so very hungry.” He snapped his fangs at them.

Starmaster held up his hands, and a barrier formed in the air between them and the two generals. “Take them, NOW!”

“We won’t leave you here alone!” Shizue grabbed his arm.

Starmaster said, “I have to stay. I have to find Chase and destroy those weapons! GO!” He dropped the shield and used his teleportation power to send them away. The children and their caretaker vanished, at the same time, something hit Starmaster and he flew across the room, slammed into a wall, and crashed to the floor.

Krampus stood on the table near where he had slammed into Starmaster. Now in his full, horrid glory, he growled out. “One little hero, how foolish.”

Starmaster glared at them from his fallen position. “We’ve beaten you before.”

“True, and I am in no mood to deal with you minor heroes right now. Besides, I promised my new friend that he could play with you. I have other business to take care of.” He turned and pointed a claw at Kaukatsu.

General Kaukatsu shook and twisted while cackling in glee. His human form melted away, revealing a red-skinned, bone covered villain well known to BADGE. He held out his arms and laughed as Krampus continued to feed him power, growing in size.

Once completed, Krampus commanded. “Kill everyone in this pitiful nation. I will return to our project.” In a blur of speed, Krampus sped away.

Skelanimal, now twice as big and still growing, smiled at Starmaster. “Wanna play?” He lunged forward, his claws ready to strike.

Starmaster focused and vanished just as those claws hit the wall.

He appeared in a hallway near the banquet hall. Scrambling to his feet, he heard the ferocious monster destroying the room and calling out for him.

Slapping the comm unit on his arm, he said, “CHASE, RESPOND!” he backed up as that crashing grew louder. “CHASE, COME ON, RESPOND!” Nothing came from his communicator, but Skelanimal came crashing through a wall. The enemy had grown to three times his normal size now.

Starmaster raced down the hall and rounded several corners. “I have to stop him.” He turned and held up his hands, projecting a mental forcefield.

Skelanimal rushed at him, his head breaking parts of the ceiling. He met the barrier and smashed right through it. With one claw, he sent Starmaster hurtling through a wall, into a small office.

Realizing he did not stand a chance, Starmaster summoned his remaining strength and vanished just as that beast tore the hole wider so he could get to his prey.

Starmaster appeared on the roof of the compound, laying on his side and holding a bloody wound across his ribs. He was certain he had broken bones, but that was not what worried him.

“That stupid monster will kill everyone.” He held up his arm communicator and punched in the emergency BADGE code. Speaking into it he said, “Oh god I hope you’re hearing this. BADGE, Nova, whoever, Krampus is on the loose and he just gave Skelanimal some kind of power boost. Skelanimal has been ordered to lay waste to North Onnotangu...just because. Not only that. I think they have taken Chase and the shards we were after. This is a real mess. Get heroes down here or it will be a bloodbath. Please get here now.” His communicator stopped working, the power drained by the damage it had taken.

Suddenly the entire building rocked. Huge sections of walls erupted and splintered as a monstrous creature came through. Skelanimal was still growing, and now towered two stories in the air. He threw handfuls of debris at approaching police cars and then kicked a limousine, which sent it crashing through a wall.

“I have to help,” Starmaster said and crawled over to the edge of the building. He focused his mind and lifted another limousine. With a great thrust of his power, he sent the oversized car into Skelanimal’s side. It didn’t even stumble him.

Military units arrived and were firing guns and missiles at Skelanimal. This seemed to amuse him as he laughed and then grabbed a military truck and threw it through the army.

Starmaster groaned under the pressure of broken bones and then summoned his strength again, this time hitting Skelanimal directly with a mental blast. It did no good, Skelanimal doesn’t have a lot of mind to hurt.

To his surprise, a wall of bricks appeared and surrounded Skelanimal, trapping him inside. Shizue came running through, her hands up where she was focusing her unique power to stop this beast. When a red claw smashed through the bricks, she reassembled them, but he punched through another section and kicked yet another. She couldn’t keep up. With a final burst, he forced the bricks apart, raining them down across the meager defenders.

In an oddly deep voice, Skelanimal bellowed, “I’ve had enough of you, brick lady!” He reached down and grabbed her up, squeezing her. She formed bricks around her body, but they were crumbling.

“NO!” Starmaster tried to focus hard enough to transport her away, but his strength was failing. He did not want to watch her die like this.

Suddenly a tremendous blast of orange energy hit Skelanimal. Then a red beam struck him right in the chest. Heroes came pouring out of the skies with a few BADGE transports flying through. Major William flew at Skelanimal’s hand, punching it twice and causing him to release Shizue. He caught her and carried her to safety.

Starmaster laid back and smiled. “Oh, thank god.”

A BADGE craft landed on the roof near him. Two medic droids and Nova came out. The medics immediately scanned him for his injuries.

Nova said, “Good to see you’re still with us, son.”

“He has gotten bigger since I called. I don’t know what Krampus did to him.”

“Doesn’t matter. We will take him down.” Nova pressed his communicator. “Nova to all Heroes, we have a class five attack in North Onnotangu. All travel restrictions to this country are lifted. Get here, now!”

Continue the Story

Sunday, August 16, 2020

In The Room with Slayer B.A.S.

By Chaz Hamiltion

            A clap of thunder rumbled in the distance. The sky beyond the tops of the downtown skyscrapers of New Amsterdam rolled with dark clouds that threatened heavy rain. Chaz increased his pace on the sidewalk, anxious to reach his parked car before the sky unlocked and drenched him in a downpour.

    Few people were out on the streets, likely having already made it home for the evening or finding shelter in a nearby nightspot. A small line of late-night club-goers waited beneath a canopy outside a new nightspot across the street, CuSn.

    “Maybe Romana would like to go there this weekend?” Chaz pondered as he crossed before an open alleyway, failing to notice a solitary figure standing in the shadows. With supernatural speed, the figure closed the distance between it and Chaz, grabbing the off-duty reporter savagely on his shoulder.

    “Hey, what do you—” Chaz only got a few words before his mouth was covered. The grip quickly shifted from his shoulder to the front of his jacket. Chaz found himself lifted into the air and carried into the depths of the alley.

    Chaz couldn’t help but to taste the fresh dirt coating the hand placed over his mouth while feeling the rough grit on even rougher flesh being pressed against his face. He tried to call out for help, but his cries were muffled by his attacker.

    “You know, I think its good manners to wash before you handle your food,” A young woman’s voice chided from the darkness above.

     A large thud could be heard as something landed on the ground nearby. In the faint light emanating from a fixture above the back door of some unknown business, a blond bombshell crouched while a crack of thunder filled the air. Rain began to pour down in heavy streams from the sky. “Now put the nice man down and I’ll fill you in on other points of proper dining etiquette you’ve clearly missed out on. ‘Kay?”

    In the illumination from a flash of lightning above, Chaz saw his attacker’s face, and more importantly, the long, pointed canine teeth thirsty for blood in its mouth. “You...’re a VAMPIRE?”

    The creature of the night hissed as he threw Chaz into a pile of refuse-filled trash bags and charged toward the blond. “I thought you were dead.”

    “I was.” She shrugged and then rapidly pulled out a long, pointed shaft of wood from her stylish black jacket. She twirled it in her hand like a beauty queen spinning a baton and caught it in a tight grip, the business end pointing in the vampire’s direction. “Twice. Three times if you count being cancelled."

    “It doesn’t matter,” the vampire said. “You won’t stop me all by yourself, little girl.”

    “Now, you’re going to hurt Mr. Pointy’s feelings. He goes everywhere with me these days.” She looked at the wooden stake in her hands with momentary sadness, before a playful smile came across her lips. “How about a heart-felt introduction?”

    Chaz watched in amazement as she toyed with her prey. He would lunge at her and she would counter with an acrobatic flip. He would slice the air with his clawed hands and find each attack blocked with a martial arts parry. When he leapt behind her, she rolled forward in a gymnast’s cartwheel and kicked him twice, once with each of her patent leather boot heels.

Each time, she made a new snappy quip at his expense.

    “Don’t reach for food that isn’t meant for your plate!”

    “You really should excuse yourself from the table if you’re going to be rude and bleed all over like that.”

    “Oohh. That’s just embarrassing. Martha Stewart would be so disappointed in you.”

    Chaz couldn’t take his eyes off the battle, despite the obvious intentions the vampire had for him at the start of the encounter.

    Finally, the woman pivoted to one side to distract her foe and suddenly reversed her course after he tried to intercept her attack. She drove the wooden stake into the center of his chest, and he disappeared into an explosion of dust. “Well, I hate to say it, but you’re sporked, buddy.”

    Breaking out into enthusiastic applause, Chaz moved forward as she pocketed her deadly weapon. “Wow. I mean WOW. That was unbelievable. How can I ever thank you for saving me? I’m Chaz, by the way. Chaz Hamilton.”

    “I’m the Slayer B.A.S., but you can call me Buffy.” She held out her arms, water dripping from every inch of her. “A dry towel and a cup of coffee would be nice.”

=> => =>

    Chaz brought Slayer B.A.S. several towels from the Sentinel’s gym locker room and a couple for himself. “I can’t believe I’m actually meeting you in person. You’re like… a living legend. And you look great for someone who has been working since the 90s.”

    “I work out. A lot.” Buffy set down her steaming cup of joe and grabbed a towel. She began to pat her blond hair dry. “Ever since Willow brought be back from Heaven, I haven’t aged much at all. Magic-Wagic, Timey-Wimey after-effects, I guess.”

    “Since I’ve got you here, would you mind doing an interview with me? I bet lots of people would be really excited to hear what you’ve been up to.” Chaz took off his jacket and slung his towel behind his neck.”

    “Sure. Why not.”

    “Great. Where to start, where to start?” Chaz mumbled to himself. He was going to have to freestyle this interview. He cleared his throat and began the interview.

Chaz: - “What have you been doing since Sunnydale was destroyed?”

Buffy: - “Well, after I destroyed the Hellmouth and saved the… you know, the world yet again. I got asked to join Area 51 by an Autobot. Looked like he needed help, so here I am.”

Chaz: - “Do you stay in touch with the members of the Scoobie-gang?”

Buffy: - “I keep in touch with the gang via video chat, just to make sure no huge evil has returned. Or that none of them have turned into a huge evil. Yeah, my friends can be complicated.”

Chaz: - “Has exposure to Morphons changed you or your powers in any way?”

Buffy: - “When I was young and at school, when I burned the gym down at the school I went to before Sunnydale (sorry taxpayers), I knew I had special powers. But coming here and adding MP's to my diet, I really increased my powers to unbelievable heights!”

Chaz: - “What is it like defeating super-villains that don't turn to dust when you stab them?”

Buffy: - “Well, here there are way more attacking powers that I have learned. Back home, basically it was just me and Mr. Pointy taking out the vampires and demons. That was until I found the Scythe. Talk about an impressive piece of gear. They won’t let me use that in league wars. Yet. So, back to your question, yes. It is a little different seeing them wave the white flag instead of disappearing to dust.”

Chaz: - “Seriously, if you had to choose, who would it be? Angel or Spike?”

Buffy: - “Angel all the way, but that is only if I had to choose one.” <Buffy gives Chaz a sly grin and winks> “Having both of them does have some advantages, if you know what I mean.”

<Chaz blushes slightly>

Chaz: - “What do you do for a day job these days or are you super-heroing 24/7?”

Buffy: - “I am just a small girl in this big hero world, I use my keen sense of fashion and my humor as my advantage to help take down the bad guys. Oh, and I can still punch really, really hard when I need to. That helps.”

Chaz: - “Do you and Faith ever talk?”

Buffy: - “Not too much, anymore. We had that big fight and I had to put her in her place. I feel a little bad that I put her in that coma, but I check up on her to make sure she is still being good from time to time.”

Chaz: - “I hear Angel killed Giles when you went into later seasons in comic book form, but he was brought back as a kid. Did you chaperone his prom this time?”

Buffy: - “From a far. I ‘watched’ over him.” <Buffy giggles a little bit> “He mainly had to learn everything all over again. So with lots of books to read, he pretty much stays in the library.”

Chaz: - “Some things don’t ever change, do they?”

Buffy: - “Nope.”

Chaz: - “It always seemed like you used to have a new big-bad/super-villain every year for a while. The Master, Angelus, The Principal, The Initiative, Glory, The Trio until Dark Willow showed up, The First, Twilight, Harmony… so on and so on. Who is your current arch-nemesis or are you only going up against the Legion in general these days?”

Buffy: -
“Because I am working with Area 51 at the moment, my arch-nemesis is anyone they tell me attack.” <Buffy laughs> “I have acquired a few that I see in events and fight clubs, but I think they really hate it when they see me join because that means 1 less top 5 spot for them.” <She laughs again>

Chaz: -
“Thank you so much. I can’t wait to put this out there for everyone to see.”

Buffy: -
“You’re welcome. One last thing, something I want people to know?”

Chaz: - “Sure. What’s that?”

<Buffy digs in her pocket, pulls out a small communications device, and holds it out so Chaz can see it>

Buffy: - “If there’s gonna be an apocalypse, Beep me!”
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