Thursday, December 30, 2021

Father Time Raid Fan Fiction- "How I Learned To Use Time To My Advantage"

Pharaoh Ankh Nakhti Meri Nesu
ID: 34761

Having opened the second to last Advent Calendar door, time itself seemed to warp into a horrible mess of quantum juxtaposition. 1940's army tanks, waged war with Union Soldiers from America's Civil War. Romans fighting Elephants were alongside Zulu's fighting british redcoats.

In the middle of it all, stood an old man in green - Father Time himself. 

I watched as several heroes attacked straight off, only to be turned into babies or old men when they got too close. I turned and looked for Peyton, whom I had learned had time skills of his own.

"You there, Peyton!", I barked. He turned and looked at me like a dog looks at a raw steak. I ignored him, "We need to be able to hit without being affected by the time displacement. Can you shield us while we attack?"

Peyton gave a nod and lifted his hands to counter the displacement emanating from the old man. It worked, although weakly. Long range attacks were easier and physical attacks were hardly worth attempting. It became apparent quickly that Mental attacks worked best. They didn't have to pass through the quantum field in the same way as the others did. 

Alright... Mental attacks it would be. I quickly switched out some rings I had and upped my Mental prowess.

Other heroes and villains were doing the same, and soon hordes upon hordes of super powered beings were doing mental body slams to Father Times brain.

Some were much more effective than others. The one known as Acid Burn aka Krystal Fae, was doing severe damage to him, while other younger heroes like Jeetaur were working hard to keep up with the mental gymnastics. 

This was my opportunity that I had been waiting for.

While I applied my own considerable mental fortitude against the Old Man, I used the time wisely and made mental notes on many of the heroes and villains that were present. One known as Silver Paladin and another as Chained Angel made serious headway against the man, while many others were in another league entirely - Literally, they were in a league named WMD. 

The WMD attackers were truly impressive. A giant snake man, a creature I can only describe as Anubis with his skin ripped off, and a man with flaming hot wings, racked up damage like they were playing some online game.

My plans to take over this world certainly seemed to be an uphill climb. But dominate it, I shall. I always do.

I had to consider briefly if Father Time was actually an ally that I could use to bring back the Egyptian times I remember from my original mortal life. But after seeing the pure chaos that this fool represented to all of space/time, it was clear he had to be stopped... but not before I could take a piece of that quantum knowledge for myself. 

I deduced, thanks to my now impressive mental capabilities, that by damaging the old man, I could slowly siphon bits of his power away for myself. I began building up a reservoir of Quantum Manipulation power, that I could use.

If we defeated this time displacement fiend, and I had some doubts as to our ability to do so, then I would have secured enough time powers for myself to begin my plots. But first, the old man had to be hit, and hit hard.

Luckily, I am a being of perpetual energy. I have enough energy stored within me to blast mental assault after mental assault upon this fool. While my attacks may not be as powerful as some, I am able to attack more often than most, allowing me to steal more and more Quantum Power.

~~~ Old style radio voice cuts in ~~~~
"That's right folks, you to can build an Energy Alt and use it to build a Headquarters for FREE! That's right, FREE!! Just go on down to your local Hanzo School of Anything goes, and you too, could be an Energy Alt!"("Hanzo School of Anything Goes - How to Build a HQ for Free!"
~~~ Old style radio voice kicks off ~~~

"What the hell was that?" More time displacement, I am sure. Ah well, back to the fight. "Time" to take this guy down! He is going to get his Clock cleaned! 

ok ok... back to the fight...

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This Just In... (Father) Time Isn't on our Side


by Chaz Hamilton
ID# 22349

As the new year approaches, another threat to all of citizens of this planet rises. This time, TIME being the operative word, the threat comes under the guise of an old man who has had his fill of Daylight Savings Time.

That's right. Father Time is preparing to roll back the hands on the clock and do a full factory reset on our asses.

As many of you know, trouble in Neo Utopia a couple of weeks back signaled some unusual temporal activity. Nearly a dozen heroes, as well as myself, Chaz Hamilton, your official BADGE liaison, were in a meeting and found ourselves thrust into tiny boxes of an archaic Advent calendar for extended periods of time. Several powerful heroes, such as Gar and Director Nova found themselves drained of vital energy alongside of villains such at Rutkowski and his lackey, Steelfist. 

Only one box remains sealed, and it is believed that Santa Claus himself has been contained within, the legendary being who may have the power to end the current crisis.

Heroes from around the globe have rallied to the cry for aid in trying to reclaim the last key which should hopefully open the door to the Advent Calendar holding dear Santa.

Father Time has somehow managed to separate the heroes into two forces, one group fighting a temporal shard of Father Time while another is battling against the entity himself. Somebody better call Mother Nature in, because the heroes are going to need all the help they are going to get.

BADGE scientists are again on site, but their readings are not quite as accurate as in the past. Sensors keep transforming into spyglasses and stone circles. To their best approximations, the higher level heroes have lowered Father Time's energy reserves by nearly 30%, while the newer heroes are slightly over 20%. Both will need to succeed by New Year's Eve or dire consequences are reported to be possible. Even though there is no temporal meaning to the end of one calendar year to the next in a cosmic sense, the mass belief of their being a significance to the night does impact Father Time's abilities.

Here are the current top five in each grouping of heroes:

Under 100

Hero                            Damage

Silver Paladin                 64,386                     
Chained Angel               50,374                     
The Mighty Scotty          47,090                     
BeeStinger                      36,731                     
]✡[Abra Kadabra]✡[       34,862                    


Hero                                    Damage

Miðgarðsormr                     341,359 
♦ The Gentleman 5¹ ♦         304,993 
][☣][ Hot Wings ][☣][       301,449 
Derdy Bumhole                   259,806 
Secret Asian Man ♕★        233,166 

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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

League War Avalanche Fan Fiction: "Making Rounds"


by Madam Marvelous

After readying myself in the locker room after our successful League War Avalanche Round 3, I headed out to find out how some of my friends were doing in their own. First, I checked on Astra and the original Star Force League.

                They were in the same boat we were in the Junior League, losing the first round to a stronger team but coming back strong during the second round. Now, they were engaged with their rivals, the 5th Precinct: Space Force. I had to chuckle at the happenstance that the two combatants were nearly named the same. I guess we would see who was better, space or star?

                It turned out that the 5th Precinct: Space Force wasn’t that great of a challenge, or at least the score didn’t represent there being one. FireFly Fun Haus trailed us by 10-ish points in the end. The Star Force league lead by 45 point. That would mean Astra and the rest of my league’s extended family would earn a Silver Medal as well. I cheered from the crowd as the final fights completed. Astra was amazing, combining her telekinetic prowess with new martial maneuvers.

                Chained Angel flew over to greet me, her wings pure and white as the driven snow outside. “Hey, Kitt’n. I hear you all in the junior league did great this last round. Good job!”

                “Thanks,” I replied as she swept up into the air. Chained Angel was a friendly and polite woman, but her powers came from an actual Angel of Death being bound to her. “Same to you guys. I hope things go just as well.”

                Having shapeshifting powers as I did, I wasn’t envious of many other gifts, but TK like Astra’s would be cool to be able to perform. Getting something out of the fridge while remaining in front of the TV would be really awesome to be able to do. Having another person captured inside my body didn’t seem like it would be as much fun. I had to admit, Morphons being introduced into the atmosphere created some very unusual abilities.

                Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the extra-large armored hero I observed watching our matches.  I waved at them, but they didn’t respond. I shrugged and continued to applaud as the two teams exchanged handshakes at the end of the match. Seeing the mutual respect for one another at the end of a battle was heartwarming. I knew some leagues really didn’t like one another off the field, but good sportsmanship was encouraged while participating in League Wars.

                After half-an-hour, I departed to visit the arena for Division 3 matches. The Legacy of Spawn was doing fantastic, and I really hoped to see Ms. Fae in a match. If they won, I’d be in quite a quandary, though. I was expected to attend the WMD-Black Order celebration, which I had done for the past two wars, but if Legacy of Spawn won, I would like to visit theirs to congratulate Ms. Fae in person. Hopefully, Midgardsormr would understand and let me slip out for a few minutes while he sparred with Wyldfyre.

                My communications unit remained silent, even with me checking it in frequent intervals. Where were my parents? Why weren’t they answering my calls? Why hadn’t BADGE found them yet?

                We were on Earth instead of orbital space this league war. I could exit the grounded space station and go back home to search for them myself, but that would take several hours to travel such a distance back to New Amsterdam.

                Maybe after her fights, which shouldn’t take long knowing Ms. Fae, I could ask her for some help. She could teleport me there in no time at all. Or I could ask Astra, but she was currently celebrating with her team. I didn’t actually know anything was wrong back home, so pulling her away from her league at the moment seemed selfish.

                I moved on through the corridors to watch the Legacy of Spawns final match with The Scottish Claymores – The Highlanders.

                Ms. Fae must have sensed me coming, because she was waiting at the entrance to the bleachers when I arrived. “Good day, Kitt’n.”

                “Hello, Ms. Fae. Is it too early to offer my congratulations?” I asked, not wanting to jinx her team’s chances.

                “I’ll leave that up to you,” Ms. Fae said. “All I will say is I am very proud of my league’s performance this league war and will be happy whatever the outcome, even if our opponents this do seem to be at a serious disadvantage.”

                I wondered if all princesses were as diplomatic. “I hope things continue to go in your favor, then.”

                “I sense you have some concerns, Kitt’n,” Ms. Fae said with a bit of confusion playing on her face. “Is there a problem? You can tell Wyldfyre I’ll be happy to aid his recovery again after he duels with Midgardsormr later today. It seems like the World Serpent has found himself a new chew toy.”

                “No, it’s not about him,” I replied, my cheeks flaring with embarrassment. I didn’t want to trouble her with my more-than-likely-nothing concern, but telepaths are very hard to not pick up on what is weighing on people’s minds. “I haven’t been able to reach my parents, and Eggie said she asked BADGE to go check in on them, but I haven’t heard anything back from them yet. I was going to ask if after your done here, if you wouldn’t mind teleporting me home.”

                “I’m certain your parents are fine,” Ms. Fae said in her typical know-it-all fashion. “I will have to hope that young Gem is going to be as doting on me as you are over your parents. Perhaps they took advantage of your participation here at league wars to have some time to… do things they can’t when you are home.”

                “MS.FAE!” I could feel my eyes doubling in size at the thought.

                “My dear, you might be at the age where hormones dictate many of your impulses, but when you are older, you will realize that there is more to a relationship than THAT,” she said with a chuckle. “A healthy relationship needs more than the physical to keep it healthy. I… I was only trying to suggest they may be pursuing interests you do not share with them. My, my, my, I see now there are going to be conversations in my future I never considered. Gem is going to know quite a bit when she arrives but knowing and understanding are two very different things in many cases. I digress. Should you need me to aid you, I will be more than happy to escort you home.”

                “Thank you very much. I’ve never been unable to reach them before-,” I hung my head ashamedly, “-but I can think of times I tried to dodge their phone calls because I wanted to do something else.”

                “I’m certain everything is alright. Had there been anything to be worried about, I’m sure BADGE would know about it. Eggie keeps a tight watch on you and your family.” Ms. Fae stretched her back and rolled her shoulders to relax them. “One or two more challenges, and I will be ready to call this day done. I’ll see you later, hopefully for celebratory reason?”

                “Good luck,” I said she walked to rejoin her team and I took a seat to watch some of the Legacy of Spawn’s final matches of Round Three. I needed time to think of how to tell Midgardsormr that my parents wouldn’t be joining me as he wanted. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be too disappointed. Maybe if I distracted him by having Wyldfyre walk in alongside of me?

                I shook my head, chiding myself for thinking of using a teammate as a sacrificial lamb. That would be wrong, no matter how funny it might be.

<to be continued>

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Monday, December 27, 2021

Prime Gear: some tips

#21161 M@D M@X 

Trial and error

#20314 Swarm 

Theory testing and feedback on gear

When I came into the game I had many different perspectives tossed at me about gear to buy out of the store like the B.A.D.G.E. Exo-Greaves leg photo provided below. After buying them I found that they are useful but not anything like prime gear. Even weird options like exo legs can be really useful but way more limited options you just need to figure out how to manipulate battle in your favor. It's something that all try to master but few really understand in full. I don't have a ton of options like some do but I do like trying different builds still with the options I have available. As we all know gear is unreasonable to acquire all that comes through the shuffle so getting all prime gear is a slim chance but none the less ill explain my version of prime gear.

Each gear slot offers select qualities and once in a while offer a different build for said slot but this isn't going into individual slots like core arm leg... just a overall view of a prime gear so it may vary from slot to slot what you should consider for prime gear.

 My version is something to this effect and please realize it's not for 1 gear but a whole building idea, and this will also vary from how you are building so may need to refocus your particular qualities that suit your build.

For my select prime gear I look for Damage of any style, Resistances, Life, Move, Block, Strike, Life sap of any type, any life restoration. After that stuff I second other stats like Reduce foe stats, or steal stats to add a extra little punch to the build. 

Swarm adding my 2 pennies here, as a mid level I still swap with the Exo legs in duels and have put skill points into attack and defense utilizing the benefits of the option. Shuffle chasers build different due to wide variety of everything so multiple builds can be struck to counter other players not following any style of building just focused on countering anything you bring at them and being able to pick more at you then your covering. I've tried reduce foe builds, max stay builds, pure life builds, mix builds of best gear options I had, pure damage builds, aura builds, and many hybrid builds not focused on anything in particular. The problem always remains the same but is a feat in gear options and availability, no gear build is king of all others all builds can be shut down. I've talked with many people that have reminded me to go back try past explored options to revisit the thought process of how it all works together. The true power of beating anyone is accessibility to gear and tiering cards filling friend and learning how to swap gear around to PVP with the best of them. 

Patrols offer consumables you can't get anywhere else some free some offered at a price of MPs if your willing to pay for them that's a extra option to add a little extra bang to your build. To add to it every once in awhile patrols also give decent cards that anyone who doesn't have a fully tiered deck of cards will be in play if not are still a decent sell value or add as a sentinel filler card in your team's HQ. If you don't have much for gear it also offers a variety of slots you can get from completing certain check points in patrols in specific like heads, and arm that can definitely be used in certain aspects of playing like Gyms and raids or even beating a mission boss you normally couldn't with what you had vs using what they gave you from patrols. Patrols is the only place to build up skill points for Gyms and get the bonus gear to boost gym skills. Gear reflection in gym also should be studied tried and a suit saved for each gym. Gym builds all vary some require move or strike or block with a damage type so also keep that in mind when trying Gym builds. 

Raid building: each raid is different so first I use the 3 least resistance damages the raid scout tells us. Like Trace Evans already explained recently and I use alot of the same methods but will recap. If raid has high resistance to technology, mental, and elemental, but low magic and don't say anything about physical or supernatural I first go magic core with any gear that has highest magic damage in scale with other options. So if I have rings that have 20 magic and 40 I'll equip the ones with 40 and look for supernatural or physical with 40 before I put on magic damage 20 rings. Once I hit the boss say I have 300 magic 150 physical 150 supernatural and no multipliers and it shows on raid I hit for 400; broke down like this 

82 damage base damage,

128 magic damage,

104 Physical damage,

86 supernatural damage.

This shows me the raids weakness is physical so I swap to physical and try pure damage. This might not get you a maximum damage yet if your capping out at a certain point in physical damage take a gear off add magic or supernatural and swap to the opposite try both out. Continue this alternative swapping with 1 more physical gear at a time till it starts dropping lower add the last physical gear option back or best saved previously found raid damage and use that as your raid gear for the raid at hand until another comes along and restart the process unless the raid buffs Resistances so far through then you may have to start over due to maybe physical now is more resisted than magic or supernatural when the raid buffs. Gear can be prime gear in a raid or a duels or brawls and be complete junk in anything else but that 1 aspect of the game so my prime gear might be a throw away to your gaming style but as a whole game prime gear can be found in lower used gear so don't just junk gear thinking about MPs until you have fully taken into consideration Raid damage options, duels options, brawls options and full card and counter build gear options. Gear is king not one gear but any prime gear no matter how many swap gear you have that is exactly what it is, it's swap gear to counter other players. Cheers, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all.

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Saturday, December 25, 2021

RAIDERS of Heroes Rising


By Silver Paladin and Hanzo
ID#s 22349 and 10950

OK, Hanzo has been putting out some great advice for combatants for PvP battles, but with the whispering in the winter winds, I feel there is another type of challenge that is rapidly approaching that many could benefit from some advice from.

If you are not doing the Auld Lang Syne raid in Neo Utopia, you may be missing the signs that a RAID is rapidly approaching. Possibly within the next few days. Most likely between Christmas Day and New Year's Eve.

RAID events do not use identical rules and processes as PvP combat. RAID events are all about pure damage. During a RAID, traditionally nobody is attacking you. You attack by spending 5 energy (and acquiring 5 EP) and deal damage based on your Elemental Core, Your additional bonus damages, and damage multipliers while contending against the RAID target's resistances.

Let's cover your Elemental Core selection first. Frequently, different Elements are featured during Event challenges and offer boosts for equipping GEAR that match the specific element. (Elemental, Magic, Supernatural, Physical, Technology, and Mental) Elemental Cores will be important in RAID events, but there will be no "boost" to the GEARs abilities. The advantage that the correct Elemental Core offers is that is will be more effective against the opponent while others will be resisted to various degrees. When the RAID is announced, there is usually a post that informs the player what the target is weak against and what they are strongest at resisting. Make sure to look for this information, but just so we are clear, weak against doesn't always mean vulnerable to. There may be resistances to all Elemental Cores, but one or possibly two are more notably effective compared to others. If a type of Elemental Core isn't mentioned, there likely isn't a specific resistance to that Element, so remember, it is possible for No Resistance to be your best bet compared to Lower Resistance.

The thought behind your other GEAR choices should focus purely on your ability to do damage. Regeneration is useless in RAID events of the past. Defense is untested during these, unless you count the battles you are in for KOTM, Events, and Fight Clubs while a RAID occurs (A good RAID build may leave you vulnerable to people trying to steal your spot, so choose wisely what your priority is.)

As you may have noticed, as you add additional pieces of GEAR on your character, there is a law of diminishing returns. You may have enough +20 Stun pieces of GEAR to wear that would add up to 100, but the actual percentage will be less that that in practice. And, in RAIDS, Stun doesn't work, so why wear it. That goes for Aura Damages, Burn, Poisons, etc., etc...

Damage Bonuses do not follow this rule, they add up and deal their additional damage in total, but the opponents resistance is applied, and how that damage is reduced isn't clear. RAID targets don't have GEAR bonuses applied as our characters do. 

For RAID gear, the big things to consider are pieces of GEAR that do additional damage of an Elemental type, GEAR that increases your STRIKE, and GEAR that multiplies your base damage. Hitting HARD is the goal. Hitting fast, or in this case, often, can be a real tide-turner. To some degree, GEAR that improves your MOVE is also useful, as Movement and Attack are both used to calculate your STRIKE value.

A few quick comments about damage bonuses. First, bonus damage only counts toward your overall STRIKE damage with your Elemental Core. It doesn't increase your BONUS DAMAGE of a particular Element granted from GEAR. Second, if you have multiple BONUS DAMAGE bonuses (X1.5, X2, X3, and others) only one will trigger and according to my sources, it starts with the lowest first. If you put all your GEAR toward one type, if it doesn't trigger, you do normal damage. If you have a variety of values, the lowest may trigger and give you a small boost to your damage but rob you from the chance of getting the higher damage bonuses. You need to find a middle ground you are comfortable with.

The best advice I have for you is to consider the rewards vs effort when it comes to participating in a RAID. Over the past few RAIDS, there have been two RAID targets. One for below 100 level characters and one for above. This has given some better options for new players to get some good prize support, but remember, it takes 15 Power Cards (5 Attack/5 Defense/ 5 Movement) to fill the available TEAM slots as you level. Unless you are prepared to level quickly, and many are skilled at that, it is easy to outpace your Bux earnings and not be able to fill those card counts with quality cards. Based on the amount of damage you might be able to generate, you may come out with very little for your effort.

If you do choose to RAID, play with your GEAR Builds. Remove items that don't help you deal more damage. Fill the slots with Bux or Crystal GEAR that matches your core or adds Elemental Damage bonuses. And use your consumables wisely. Some last an hour, some several. Consumables that add bonus Elemental Damages should be used when you have plenty of MoreFun Bars to use create the most potential attacks. 

There is also an option to pay 5MP to refill your energy bar, but I would think hard before using it. If you have an HQ or have spent points that give you a high energy potential, my advice would simply be to wait for the next day to be able to use consumables if you have maxed out your fourteen per day useable allotment. 

With RAIDS, prizes are given based on damage done to the RAID target AND the percentage chance of receiving said rewards. These percentages do not stack. If you break the threshold of a 2% chance of earning said prize multiple times, you get that number of 2% chances. The percentages do not add up unfortunately.

And if you are close to level 100, you may want to think about power leveling a bit. The second tier of RAID events has more powerful cards and gear pieces available, but take more damage to earn. 

Even if there is not a RAID after the Auld Lang Syne Patrol wraps up, there will certainly be one at some point in the future. I hope some of this information is helpful to you in your efforts to do Maximum Damage in your attempts to help defend our planet from dangers only SUPERHEROES can defeat.

Look for Director Nova's call and don't send it to voicemail when he does. He hates that!

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Friday, December 24, 2021

The Hanzo Ninja Clan School Of Anything Goes Martial Arts Complimentary Bonus Kris Kringle Lesson Free Of Charge!!!!

ID: 13807

Let's take a moment to look at 2 Bux cards, Plasma Attack and Mystic Might.

Plasma Attack

Upkeep: 500 Bux each

Level 1:

Att: 70 Def: 25 Move: 15

Level 2:

Att: 88 Def: 32 Move: 19

Level 3:

Att: 105 Def: 38 Move: 23

Level 4:

Att: 123 Def: 44 Move: 27

Level 5:

Att: 140 Def: 50 Move: 30

Mystic Might

Upkeep: 48 Bux each

Level 1:

Att: 55 Def: 22 Move: 15

Level 2:

Att: 69 Def: 28 Move: 19

Level 3:

Att: 83 Def: 33 Move: 23

Level 4:

Att: 97 Def: 39 Move: 27

Level 5:

Att: 110 Def: 44 Move: 30

Because there is little excuse not to tier your Bux cards, we'll work with just the level 5 tier on these cards.

Att: 140 Def: 50 Move: 30 @ 500 Bux Upkeep


Att: 110 Def: 44 Move: 30 @ 48 Bux Upkeep

500 (Bux Upkeep)/48 (Bux Upkeep) = 10.4

So for the same upkeep cost as 1 Plasma Attack, you can get just under 10 and a half Mystic Might. Let's do the math and see what this means.

10.4 x 110 = 1,144 Att

10.4 x 44 = 457 Def

10.4 x 30 = 312 Move

So, for the same upkeep cost, you get 1,144 vs 140 for Attack, 457 vs 50 for Defense, and 312 vs 30 for Move. That's a huge difference in points for the upkeep cost. So there are very few reasons anyone should be considering the Plasma Attack card for their deck.

Now, you might think that your deck is already full and so you don't have to fill that many spaces, making this a viable option. That really depends on what cards are in your deck.

Let's say that your Attack card deck has 100 untiered Cupid's Bows as the weakest attack card.

Att: 52 Def: 25 Move: 30

Let's also say we have only 1 Plasma Attack tier 5.

Att: 140 Def: 50 Move: 30

If we replace 1 Plasma Attack with 10 Mystic Mights, we are also replacing 9 of the untiered Cupid's Bows.

Now, 10 Mystic Mights come out to

10 x 110 = 1,100 Att

10 x 44 = 440 Def

10 x 30 = 300 Move

9 Cupid's Bows come out to

52 x 9 = 511 Att

25 x 9 = 241 Def

30 x 9 = 291 Move

Plus the single tiered Plasma Attack

Att: 140 Def: 50 Move: 30

511 + 140 = 651 Att

241 + 50 = 291 Def

291 + 30 = 321 Move

Now, let's compare the totals of those 10 cards to that of 10 Mystic Might.

1,100 Att vs 651 Att

440 Def vs 291 Def

300 Move vs 321 Move

See the difference? You lose a little move, but gain huge sums in the other two stats. And one might argue that it does give 21 more Move, but that doesn't make up for 449 less Attack and 149 less Defense.

The ONLY reason you should ever consider this card for your deck is because a tier 5 Mystic Might or better is your lowest card in your Attack deck and you have Upkeep room to spare, or you are running a deficit for something like LWs and your bankroll can handle it.

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Defensively Drifting through LW Avalanche

ID: 10821

I had been called upon my league to join the ★♕ Outlaw Inc ♕★ an affiliation league of ★♕VILLAINS INC.♕★. Of course I said yes and was very much looking forward to the next LW. To my surprise I was able to pick up several defensive wins to help my league go one to win 3 wars and winning the gold medal in Division 6.

Round 1 opponent ☠₵ⱤɆ₳₮ɄⱤɆ₴ Ø₣ ₮ⱧɆ ₦ł₲Ⱨ₮☠, 10 defensive wins and ★♕ Outlaw Inc ♕★ went on to win the war of a final score of 83-19.

Round 2 opponent Aussie Freaks, 3 defensive wins and ★♕ Outlaw Inc ♕★ won the war, final score 59-9.

Round 3 opponent ꧁TɧE IɳʄECTEƊ꧂ 5¹ ♦, 1 defensive win 3 offensive, ★♕ Outlaw Inc ♕★ won the war, final score 107-22. When I first viewed the league name Infected I thought the f was a j so I thought it was The Injected. So my thoughts were are they Infected because they were injected with an infection? or are they Infected because they didn't receive an injection? A bit worried, just hoping we are all not infected from battling The Infected. That was some very close contact combat.

Moving on, of course I was attacked and lost some battles in the wars, however it is extremely fun to watch the replays of winning some of the defensive battles.

Some of the other things going on in the Avalanche Wars was a war that happened in Round 3 Division 10. 2 leagues, loon platoon, and ♦ JEFFREY&TRACEY LEAGUE 5¹ ♦ went on to a final score of 20-20 a dead end tie that no league won and ultimately the final result was both leagues didn't win the bronze medal prize, both leagues in fact won the green medal participation prize. Is this a first time to ever happen in the history of Heroes Rising League Wars? so it seems. It is very strange to me that the war must have gone into double overtime, but no one attacked? Next happening was an Introduction of the only undefeated 11 time League Wars Champion in the game ♦ Starscream 5¹ ♦ ID: 11977.

Congratulations Starscream, very well done. I wonder if there are any players or toons in the Heroes Rising game that also have multiple all League Wars Gold Championships, for example if players started the game after LW3 and have all LW Gold, or another example if a player had all LW Gold and didn't join in on a few LW's after that.

Also I noticed the League Wars Archive, this is a new added feature, but the history of the league names is off and wrong, for starters the league Şʈȩąɭʈḩ[5¹] won gold in League Wars 4 Division 5, and also won gold in League Wars 5 Division 6. I know this is a fact to be true because I was the leader of that league and named it and helped build that league with the help of Area 51, this was before the merger of The Avengers.

So now that League Wars Avalanche is complete what's next for us heroes and villains? Well, stay tuned and tooned because my senses are telling me there will be plenty of action in the future before the next League Wars in a few months. Most likely there will be a Frostuary (did I spell that right?) snow town, a Winter Olympics tournament, perhaps a winter themed Tug-of War, and or a winter Raid, among other special events.

Special Thanks goes out to my league ★♕ Outlaw Inc ♕★ for winning gold in the League Wars Avalanche division 6, and to the all developers and players that participated to help make League Wars Avalanche happen. Happy Holidays and all that, see you around in the game from time to time. ID: 10821

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The Hanzo Ninja Clan School Of Anything Goes Martial Arts Complimentary Bonus Kris Kringle Lesson Free Of Charge!!!!

Player ID 10950

Merry Christmas!

It was recently brought up that slow leveling "properly" doesn't allow a player to do missions and patrols. That's not really true. Keys can be gotten from Gym style HQs as discussed in our Holiday Double Feature. These keys are used to beat the bosses and boss rematches. The reward is very much worth the cost in XP. In Patrols, the rewards are also worth it to a slow leveler. Here's why. If a Patrol mission pops up that you don't want to do, you can always close it and wait the 24 hours for it to reset. This is even true if the only thing you are hunting for is the Black Market. This allows you access to the Black Market without adding the cost of xp.

It has come to my attention that another part of Patrols isn't as common knowledge as it should be.

If you go to the Patrols page and engage a Patrol, you'll notice it has 2 slots to collect Patrols out of. This is a bank. It is the maximum number of Patrols that Patrol set will hold for you before you collect. It IS NOT the maximum number of Patrols that Patrol will produce. If you come back often and keep collecting the Patrols out of the bank, you'll see they keep filling back up, even though you may have already collected 2. That is because most Patrols actually produce as many as 6 Patrols if you keep collecting them in a timely manner. BUT....... they can ONLY store 2 at a time. So if you don't collect them often, you're losing out on getting any extras.
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League War Avalanche Fan Fiction: "Third Round isn't always the Charm"

by Madam Marvelous
ID# 26130

The final day of League War Avalanche had finally arrived, and I was sick with worry. Not about the match, but that I was unable to contact my parents and check in with them as I did every day when I was away from home. Where were they?

    I kept rechecking my messaging system, hoping I’d missed a call or text from them, but there was nothing but the invitation by Midgardsormr to the WMD-Black Order celebration later today. The one that demanded my parents join me and my league so we could take part in their celebration. I was too chicken yesterday to contact my parents, concerned about keeping my secret identity, and let myself get distracted by the Secret Santa exchange.

    I was thrilled by several of my gifts I got from other heroes. I opened my first package and found a golden set of Phoenixguard Gear Wrist Pieces for my costume. They were a bit more advanced that I was ready to use at the moment, but they would go great with my Wielder of the Secret Fire combination. Kid Chaos had been extremely generous. Sensational Tillsmith gifted me a Titanic Fury training package, which would help me develop my shapeshifting powers and allow me to grow even larger than the Marshmallow Peep I became over Halloween. ChaChing gave out a Power Princess Power Gauntlet, which I couldn’t wait to try out, and my old friend Ever-Loving Bunny Fu-Fu of LUSH gave me Nth Dimensional Senses. I thanked them all and enjoyed seeing what everyone else got as much as opening my own gifts.

    After the last one had been handed out, BADGE robots came into the arboretum and gave every hero some special Gift Blaster equipment. As much as it was a fantastic bonus to our Secret Santa celebration, it might have been a bad idea to give them out at that particular time. Every hero put the blaster on their arm and started firing away at one another, pelting presents in a hailstorm of paper and ribbon.

    If the BADGE robotic staff got paid, they certainly weren’t getting paid enough to clean up after that mess.

    I sent a message to my parents after I returned to my quarters, but they didn’t respond. Being as late as it was after the party, I wasn’t surprised. They might have gone to bed early, as some parents do all too frequently. I fully expected to hear from them in the morning as usual, so I climbed into my cot and caught some ZZZ’s.

    My alarm went off, but my parents didn’t call. I showered, got dressed, and checked my itinerary for the day, but my parents still didn’t call. When I got back from breakfast, I got tired of waiting and called them.

    No answer.

    I’d never gotten a NO ANSWER from them before. I would call, they would answer. That was the way things worked. What was going on back home?

    The first matches were fast approaching. I couldn’t be late, or else I might forfeit my contest. That wouldn’t be fair to my team, especially if my parents were just out doing some last-minute Christmas shopping while I was gone. Maybe they got called into work? Being an hour-or-so late for a phone call wasn’t that strange.

    Was it??!!

    Our matches were against the FireFly Fun Haus. I had high hopes as I entered the locker room and greeted my teammates. Wyldfyre seemed immediately grumpy as I walked in. I couldn’t tell if it was drinking the night before or because of Midgardsormr’s talk with him. Arcane Ace and the others were chatty, talking tactics and preparations. I waved at them as I got ready, but my thoughts were constantly pulled to my communications unit. I checked it every minute to see if my parents sent a message or not.

    Ace pulled us into our spirit circle just before we headed out to start our matches. “OK team. We’ve managed to win against the MacGregors!! League, so we have matched our efforts from last league war. If we can beat the FireFly Fun Haus, we should take a Silver Medal home. Either way, I’m proud of all of you, and hope you are proud of yourselves as well. Any thoughts you need to free yourselves of before we head out?”

    Most of my friends only shook their heads, ready to fight. I cleared my throat. “I have two things. First, we have all been invited to join the WMD-Black Order to celebrate tonight by Midgardsormr, and you know that means more of an insistence than request. I hope you can all make it.”

    Everyone except Wyldfyre nodded, licking their lips or rubbing their stomachs in eager anticipation of the astounding spread that would be available. Wyldfyre, crossed his arms and grunted his acceptance of the invitation. I had the feeling he was planning something, which made me slightly nervous. Not for Midgardsormr, but for Wyldfyre’s own well-being.

    “Also, while I am in my matches, can one of you pay attention to my comm unit for me. I’m expecting to hear from someone, and I don’t want to miss their call.”

    “Well-wishes from your extended family for the holiday?” Obsidian Strike asked.

    “Something like that,” I replied.

    “We can do that for you, double M,” Arcane Ace said. “Let’s head out and make our presence know. May the road rise to meet you, May the wind always be at your back, May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home, and may the hand of a friend always be near<said in Gaelic>.”

    Our matches went interestingly. Wyldfyre went in first and blew his way through our opponents, winning one match against most of them. He then held in reserve for if additional wins were needed to keep us in the winning position. The rest of us went after opponents we determined to be more susceptible to our attacks. We gave up very few losses, and the FireFly Fun Haus let us accumulate a strong lead.

    I watched the fight from the bench when not in combat, continually checking for a call that never came. When I wasn’t cheering on my leaguemates, I occasionally glanced at the crowd and watched the stream of heroes that gave our battles notice. Very few watched our matches for long, but I did notice one large-armored figure that sat and observed us the entire match. Twice the size of a large man, I didn’t recognize them from any of my encounters with other heroes. Perhaps it was a new Morphon-powered hero or alien visitor to our world?

    But why were they so interested in us? There were much flashier and more exciting fights to watch.

In the end, we defeated the FireFly Fun Haus, but my attention was farther and farther away from the contest. By 16:00 hours, I hadn’t received any response yet from Mom and Dad. Something had to be wrong. After we shook hands with our opponents and made our way back to the locker room, I opened a channel to Eggie, my BADGE… Overwatch and Protector. The connection went active. “Hey, Eggie. Are you busy?”

    “Why HELLO poppet,” Eggie answered with her typical enthusiasm. “You know me, I’ve always got time for you. Are you ready for the party this evening?”

    “How did you know about that?” I asked. I hadn’t told her about the invitation, but she did accompany me last year, so I shouldn’t have been surprised.

    “Kitt’n, I do have a central processor and neural pathways that allow me to put two and two together,” she said. “I’ve even learned a new joke for you. ‘How do you make a hanky dance? Put a little boogie in it.”

    I rolled my eyes. Comic timing certainly wasn’t her thing. “That’s great. Can you go to my parent’s house and check in on them? I haven’t been able to reach them all day.”

    “Um, oh, ah,” she stammered. “I’m already aboard the arena, dearie. I figured you would want me at your side while you went to the WMD-Black Order victory gala, unless you planned on going to the party for Krystal Fae and the Legacy of Spawn. They will take their first Gold this war, and I am quite proud of your other mentor for her perseverance. That is a quality you could benefit from incorporating into your own programming.”

    “I’m a person. I don’t get programmed, I learn,” I said huffily. I wasn’t a walking toaster like she was. OK, maybe not a toaster, but she sometimes lived up to her given designation: Electric Grandmother.

    “Programmed. Trained. Po-TA-to, Po-TOT-o,” she said. “I can contact BADGE agents in the area to do a welfare check for you, if that would ease your mind.”

    “Please,” I said with a smile. I prayed that all my worry was over a bad pair of batteries in our home phone “And thank you.”

    I looked up to the stands for the groupie who watched all our matches, but they must have departed while I was on the phone. I hope they enjoyed the matches.

<To Be Continued>
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Thursday, December 23, 2021

League War Avalanche: Round Three Finals

by Chaz Hamilton and Strange Quark

SQ(through Chaz): “QUACK”

Chaz: “Stop it, Strange Quark. I’m trying to do a League War Avalanche Wrap Up article. It’s not easy with you popping into my head and-“

SQ: “Eating string cheese while watching Netflix. Hey, since you're in the real world still, how did the Purple Onion do? I taught them everything they know.”

Chaz: “I’ll get to them when I cover Division 10. Don’t mess up my-“

SQ: “401K. No, League War contenders don’t have retirement plans, yet. Director Nova should look into that. Maybe a retirement village with lots of-“

Chaz: “train of thought, Quark. I’d better get started. Division One went to WMD-Black Order once again as they dominated-

SQ: “milkmaids. That’s the part I always miss in the Twelve Days of Christmas. Eight maids a milking. Talk about udder--“

Chaz: “failure to capture the gold from Colony 51. That isn’t to say that 666-Burning $ky didn’t try their best, but the two Avengers 51 leagues took both the Gold and Silver in Division 2. In Division 3, Legacy of Spawn finally took the--“

SQ: “cake. Delicious chocolate cake with fresh cherries and fresh whipped cream. I’ve dreamed of celebrating my next--“

Chaz: “pregnancy. It had to be challenging for Krystal Fae to take the field of battle and help her league reach a dream eleven seasons. Congratulations, you deserve—”

SQ: “a swift kick to the ass. I don’t know why you keep going on about league wars when we have a much bigger threat on the verge of taking—”

Chaz: “North Pole Inc. to the Atlantic Bar and Grill to celebrate their win over AVENGERS Stormtroopers Of Death, cementing their Gold medal win in Division 4. After the weirdness in Neo Utopia and getting locked up in an Advent Calendar chamber, I could use a nice cold—”

SQ: “pickle. That always cures what ails me. But a pickle isn’t going to save us when we go up against—”

Chaz: “MERC BABES AND BASTARDS overwhelmed Galaxy Ranger in Round three of Division Five, earning them the gold. In Division 6, we see Outlaw Inc capturing the Gold as it fought The Infected 51 in the final—”

SQ: “episode of Friends. I was really hoping to see Ross reunited with his pet monkey over Rachel, but I’m just one—”

Chaz: “of the Zombie Horde of the Avengers 51 Walking Dead. They didn’t come to League War Avalanche to play cards they came to eat brains in Division 7. Of course, this league contains My Zombie Ex-Girlfriend and she—”

SQ: “makes a mean lasagna. I don’t know what kind of meat is uses, but it tastes just like Mom’s. With a piece of—”

Chaz: “PAIN secures another win in Division, closing down MOJo’S DoJO. Their collection of Gold continues to grow each season, although surprisingly, that tradition wasn’t continued in Division 9 by SUFFERING. They lost to BOMB SQUAD 2 in the final round, which gave them the overall Gold. For a rather new league, BOMB SQUAD 2 is showing a great deal of—”

SQ: “legs. Thighs. A breast or two, if that is all they have. Being trapped in an alternate dimension really makes you hungry I could pretty much eat and entire—”

Chaz: “battleship that is the original BOMB SQUAD in Division 10 as they defeat The Purple Onion. I hope you were paying attention Strange Quark. The Purple Onion ended up getting badly beaten despite a strong first round. Some might say—”

SQ: “I’m ready for a nap. If I can’t deliver my warning to Director Nova about what’s coming, I don’t know how the heroes are going to be ready to face—”

Chaz: “Mariah Carey. I can hear her song “All I want for Christmas” playing everywhere, and I think that a lot of leagues wanted the Gold medal in Division 11, but the Do’ers and Cold got what they wanted in a topsy-turvy exchange. And in Division 12, 7Planets had what it took to place first over their competition. It was quite a final round, one that made history for some and made history of others. Thank you to all competitors during this event. Without you, there would be no—”

SQ: “itching around my privates.”

Chaz: “I think I need to get back to Neo Utopia and Dr. Henderson until they find out what is going on there and how to get Strange Quark radio frequencies out of my head. Thanks for being with us once again, Sentinel readers. Happy—”

SQ: “ducks. There are never enough ducks when you need them. I could send a message to Director Nova if I only had a duck with me. Some people use rabbits, some foxes, and others use pigeons or crows. I’d trust a duck before anything else. No matter what, you can always put whatever you need on their bill!!! Ha!! Make sure Gar hears that one…”
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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

League War Avalanche Fan Fiction: Round 2 Redemption, Secrets, and SANTA

by Madam Marvelous and Midgardsormr
ID 26130 and 11112

Round 2 went far better for the Star Force: Junior League than I expected, and I felt badly for it. We were slotted to fight against the MacGregors!!, the league one of my first heroic friends, Angelus, was a member of. I knew the team, as I joined them during the Heroic Olympiad several month ago. Fighting against them was contrary to my ideal of fighting as a hero. I was supposed to fight with them at my side, not as adversaries.

But, league wars were most importantly about training and being prepared to fight against threats like Legion when they imperiled the world. We all needed the experience of fighting others with a variety of abilities. That was what it took to be prepared, and I wasn't going to hold back. I just needed to keep telling myself that it was necessary.

I shocked myself at the end of it all. I kicked ass. Round 1, I barely succeeded. Round 2, I chewed bubble gum and took names. We won 106 to 55, and that was after some of my teammates let our opponents use them as practice dummies. Arcane Ace put it best. "It doesn't do the world any good only some of us improve and others don't. We have to help strengthen every link in the chain, or live with the consequences of it breaking when we need it the most."

More than just League War was on my mind, though. As usual, I got another invitation from Midgardsormr on my message board in my quarters.


I enjoyed meeting with him and his league in the past, as well as bringing my teammates along. I appreciated Midgardsormr's interest in me and our growing friendship, but bringing my parents into my superhero world worried me. My first priority was to keep my secret and to keep them safe. How could I bring them here and not have people figure out who I was and, more importantly, who they were to me???

My second concern was the Secret Santa exchange with the other heroes. What if none of them liked what I got for them? I couldn't create things out of thin air like Ms. Fae. My efforts as an artist were basic at best. I could paint a mean all white canvas, but beyond that, I don't think many adults would appreciate my glitter-bomb skills.

A second message came in from Midgardsormr as I sat at my desk and tried to type a message inviting my parents.



 I wasn't surprised that Wyldfyre didn't mention his latest encounter with Midgardsormr, but I hoped he made arrangements for some healing with Ms. Fae for after his training with the World Serpent. Wyldfrye wasn't actually a bad guy, underneath all his bluster and bad attitude. Unfortunately, he wasn't really a good one either. 

The chime for 15:00 hours rang. I'd have to wait and see about inviting my parents later. Maybe I could find someone like Astra to teleport them to the station after tomorrow's matches. If they were brought right into the WMD-Black Order rooms, that would cut down on the number of people who would see them. Right now, I needed to get my presents to the arboretum for the Secret Santa event. I gathered up the boxes of Retro Warrior kits I'd wrapped and headed to the doorway, shapeshifting into an elk with large satchels draped on my sides to hold the packages. 

As I headed to the arboretum, I didn't understand why so many people asked me where Rocky was as I made my way through the corridors. As far as I knew, I didn't know anyone named Rocky beside Sylvester Stallone from the movie. A few other people made comments about moose and squirrels as I passed by. A mystery for later.

Several of my hero friends were in the massive space arena's garden area. Twinkle light were hung off every bough and an enormous Christmas tree filled over half of the central platform. Pine and cinnamon filled the air as robots and elves meandered through the growing crowd handing out cups of cocoa, hot cider, and sugar cookies. Seeing the elves was endearing, with their bright colorful garb and cheerful mirth, but the station's robotic staff sort of creeped me out. Their frozen functional faceplates topped by red Christmas caps was actually a bit like looking at walking shiny corpses. I did my best to avoid walking too close to any of them.

Santa wasn't in the room yet, so as I approached the tree one of the BADGE field agents met me. "Whoa, Bullwinkle."

I shifted back to my superheroic Madam Marvelous persona. "I'm not Bullwinkle. I'm Madam Marvelous and I have presents. Where should I put them?"

"Right over there would be fine," he said as he pointed at an empty nook under the beautiful tree. "Director Nova and all of BADGE appreciates your service and hopes you enjoy the event, Madam."

"You can call me Kitt'n," I said as I tucked the gifts under the tree. It felt wonderful, being surrounded by so many heroes and such a beautiful environment. Snow blew over the thick space-worthy glass that encased the room, creating an ever shifting pattern of white on exterior surface. I grabbed a cup of cocoa and cookie from the nearest elf passing by and nibbled as some of my friends approached with gifts of their own.


A knock shook not only the door, but the entire house. Having just finished dinner, Mrs. Talri and her husband were at the kitchen sink washing dishes side by side. The tremor surprised them both, causing her to drop a plate she had just picked up to dry to the floor. It bounced one before it cracked and shattered into dozens of small pieces.

"What the heck was that?" she asked. "Did someone drive into the house with their car?"

"It sounded like someone was at the door," he answered, pulling his phone out of his pocket and checking the camera mounted to their doorbell. "Somebody is at the doorstep, but I can't tell who it is from how they are standing."

The knock came again, this time the wood of their home cracking and groaning in protest to the repeated pummeling.

to be continued...

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League War Avalanche: Round Two Update

 Chaz Hamilton, back in action, albeit remotely as I review League War Avalanche: Round Two from Neo Utopia while Dr. Henderson of BADGE pokes and prods me after I popped out of my little holiday cabinet. What lengths will I go to in order to bring you the story? Whatever it takes, as long as I have a sizable expense account and access to counseling afterwards. Enough about me, though. Let's talk League Wars.

Round 2 of League War Avalanche has come down hard, burying some leagues so badly that St. Bernards have been flown in to help locate the bodies. Let’s take a look at the fights that took place.

Division 1:

Clearly, WMD – Black Order was skiing Black Diamond courses while the 5th Precinct: Omniversal Traffic Cops were still finding out how to stand up on the kiddie slopes. On the other hand, Angels Of Sorcery and Ravagers went at each other in a fairly close match. It appears that for the Gold, WMD – Black Order and Angels Of Sorcery are going to be visiting the Thunderdome. I have to say my money is on WMD – Black Order for Division One’s top spot.

Division 2:

 In another pitiable showing for the 5th Precinct, Colony 51 has done the March of the Penguins over the bodies of 5th Precinct: Kung Fu Hustle. As they say in the south, “Bless their little hearts, but…” Alternatively, 666 Burning $ky suffered a respectable loss to The Decepticons 51, which leaves the final field battle of Colony 51 vs 666 Burning $ky to be the Gold matchup. I think it is fairly easy to say that odds are in Colony 51’s favor.

Division 3: 

In what might have been a tense third round battle, Legacy of Spawn instead faced their biggest challenge of League War Avalanche, SERAPHIM ANGELS, during Round Two. This leaves it a rather foregone conclusion that Legacy of Spawn will take the Gold in Division 3, a reward long in achieving. SOB HUNTER/KILLER showed The Scottish Claymores – The Highlanders no mercy in their match, surpassing the WMD-Black Order tallies in Division One. It almost seems that some leagues saw The Purple Onion’s score of 150 during Round One and said “Hold My Beer!”

Division 4:

North Pole did a phenomenal Meathook maneuver and left the Realm Defenders: Unraveling Consequences slack-jawed with their wallets fully emptied of singles. The second round saw the Avengers -Stormtroopers Of Death using 5th Precinct: Omniversal Guardians for target practice. This did seem to be a somewhat more appropriate match, as the 5th Precinct team lost by close to half compared to their higher division matches.

Division 5:

MERC BABES AND BASTARDS took the spring out of Tygger’s Freak Show’s step by burying them beneath 114 wins. In this circumstance, one is definitely a lonely number. We have some good news in for the 5th Precinct’s Dark Side, as they defeated the Galaxy Rangers by more than double. I hope someone remembered to bring a box of donuts to the locker room for celebration.

Division 6:

Outlaw Inc proved to be more than a match for the descendants of exile in the Aussie Freaks. CREATURES OF THE NIGHT laid in wait and picked the right moment to attack The Infected 51. If none of the CREATURES OF THE NIGHT had rabies before this battle round, they more than likely do now.

Division 7:

Avengers 51 Walking Dead showed far more life than 5th Precinct: Space Force, a battle that can easily compare with the efforts of Stacked Deck as they flipped the table and knocked out the Freaks of Nature. The Star Force rallied from their first round loss and activated their hyperdrive as they went plaid on the Scottish Claymores – The Ghost Riders. In the closest match of the division, 5th Precinct: Code Blue came back to life and toppled The Justice league by one point.

Division 8 and above… Fill in your commentary. It is pretty easy to see who is in it to win it in the rest of the leagues.

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December's 1st shuffle gear rating

Molecule Man #20314

6 of the shuffle gear have damages on them so even in raids alone it makes them a solid peice to hold on to. Some have new styles of damages so I keep all those as well just to try out with other builds and swap gear. The Nibelung ring and the Maize ring are huge damages to consider for a single gear. So alot of potential but 4 peices that I'm not a fan of in shuffle at this moment are: Unlucky Touch, due to no damage no resistances no life, no sub-skills just strike and 2x and 3x. It could be a decent swap for 1 arm to add 2x,3x if you didn't already have any but it isn't anything I'd use.

Antiviral augment arm same thing as above but life instead of strike. It's a good one off to swap out but not what I'd want to use vs what I already have. Store gear has options I'd buy before these 2 arms.

Peripheral Augmenter move and life bonus only store has better options in my opinion.

Supercharging Pump Wrist slot, this one has move life and more life not my practical pick but it could be used in some cases. It's not better than store gear but it's definitely in the running with it. Out of these bottom 4 I give a thumbs down to this one is the only one I would give a chance to be used in game.

The rest of the gear in the shuffle has potential. So out of the 14 gear in shuffle 10 of them are worth keeping in my opinion. Since they normally don't have that many usable gear in shuffle this one is prime to spin on

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Monday, December 20, 2021

League War Avalanche: Round One Update

Chaz Hamilton here. Sorry for the late reporting on Round One, but somehow I found myself locked into a wooden Advent Calendar with several members of BADGE staff in Neo Utopia and was just released. Between battle rounds, there are other missing individuals who could use help being recovered from some dastardly hijinks. But, as your official BADGE - Sentinel reporter, it is my duty to bring you some of the round highlights of League War Avalanche.

Round One of League War Avalanche was a doozy, sports fans. There were some top-notch fights, some aggravating first-battle match-ups, and unexpected results. Let’s take a look at some specifics.

Division One: 
No surprise here in the first of two competitions. WMD-Black Order reamed the RAVAGERS, 108-5. The second grouping of the division, Angels Of Sorcery vs 5th Precinct: Omniversal Traffic Cops was more of a nail-biter. In the end, AoS was able to soar just a tiny bit higher and captured the round, 135-134.

Division Two: 
In one of several inter-family brawls, Colony 51 had the spark they needed to whoop their brethren, The Decepticons 51, 60-43

In the other match of the division, 666 Burning $ky showed 5th Precinct: Kung Fu Hustle the door as they out-did their opponents 80-18.

Division Three: 
I think we are going to have a real fight for the ages on our hands here in this division. One of the longest participating leagues, Legacy of Spawn, is in a strong position to take the GOLD. They defeated their opponents, SOB HUNTER/KILLER, 85-35.

The SERAPHIM ANGELS looks to be the driving force that LoS will need to overcome to secure their division. SERAPHIM ANGELS took round one 116-16 in their match vs The Scottish Claymores – The Highlanders, who were essentially laid very, very low by the end of the round. Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes were calling, and they said “RUN!”

Division Four: 
North Pole Inc. gave 5th Precinct: Omniversal Guardians the shaft, and nothing but the shaft, as they triumphed 75-29. It seems like defunding the 5th Precinct is taking its toll on the organization.

The other match for Division Four saw the AVENGERS – Stormtroopers of Death leading a successful assault against the Realm Defenders: Unraveling Consequences. Clearly, these Stormtroopers have taken shooting lessens and don’t miss nearly as much as those in the Lucas Film Univers.

Division Five: 
Please. At some point, can a 5th Precinct team get a win??? MERC BABES AND BASTARDS think not, as they went to the 5th Precinct’s Dark Side and took all the cookies, winning 140-71.

In a closer match, Tygger’s Freak Show sprang into action and pounced on the Galaxy Rangers, 52-56. What is Pooh Bear putting in his honey these days, cause it’s working.

Division Six: 
In a match between Outlaw Inc and CREATURES OF THE NIGHT, we saw that the Creatures were more rodents and the Outlaws were Exterminators. Outlaw Inc, 83, - CREATURES OF THE NIGHT, 19

The land down under stood up and took top position as Aussie Freaks proved they were vaccinated against the Infected 51. Get those booster shots in arms, people. Stop the spread.

Division Seven: 
Hey. The 5th Precinct took Round 1 here while fighting, oh, well, one of their own. I guess that is one way to guarantee taking a round for your organization. The 5th Precinct Space Force called time of death on their opponents, 5th Precinct: Code Blue at midnight.

In a hand that came up all aces, the $TACKED DECK had the winning hand as they fought The Star Force, 72-49.

Straight from the television screen, Avengers 51 had the power to bring down The Justice League, 105-2.

Lastly, for the Division, Freaks of Nature showed the Scottish Claymores – The Ghost Riders to an early grave, 180-58.

Division 8: 
MOJo’s DoJO got a running jump and flew over Bad Moon Rising, 88-14

PAIN inc has a decisive, yet low scoring win against an UNUSUAL ALLIANCE, 43-11

THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN rode strong as they defeated the attempts of the B.O.R.G.-team to assimilate them. MAGNIFICENT SEVEN 51 – B.O.R.G. team 26

NobleGates proved that they didn’t need a membership to The mayors gym, winning 54-24

Division 9: 
Demolishing the FireFly Fun House, BOMB SQUAD 2 exploded on the scene with a 64-4 win.

5th Precinct: Mortal Kombat came in first as they fought MacGreggors!! by a score of 95-11

SUFFERING is the right word for what happened to The Star Force: Junior League as they won, 33-14

In a high-ranking battle, Townsville, well, went to town all over Scottish Claymores – Scorpions, 141-4

Division 10, well, you can see for yourself…

I don't know what got into the Purple Onion's Wheaties, but they were clearly out to make the A Team cry.
And, keeping the reporting fair and somewhat balance, we do have to note that the 5th Precinct: Night Shift defeated their competition, JEFFREY&TRACEY LEAGUE 51, 64-18. I'm willing to bet there are some angry penguins out there tonight.

Division 11:

In League War tradition, we had one match going into overtime. Rock n Wrestling Connection in the end came out victorious over Wargar, but it took eight extra hours to resolve this battle.
Lothlorien did seem to come back from the West to make the PIRATES walk the plank, 86-33.

Division 12: (Twelve Divisions??? I better be on overtime pay for reporting on this many matches.

Boss Hogg must have locked up those Duke boys again, leaving the 7Planets to capture the round, 0-22.
BOMB SQUAD -mini found they couldn't light much of a spark against LOST SOULS, losing their round.

OK, Battle Round 2 is underway, so keep an eye on the ongoing battles. Good luck to all participants, but don't forget to make time for your last minute holiday shopping. Please remember, your Secret Santa gift-giving extravaganza begins tomorrow. Only heroes who want coal from Santa won't be participating. And if you would like to get anything for me, Chaz Hamilton, I'd like a nice pair of tweezers for Christmas. I think I got a splinter after spending 6 days trapped in that darn wooden Advent Calendar.

Happy Holidays Heroes

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