Saturday, March 27, 2021

11th Hour Tally And Projections

By Legionnaire Solomon Of The 5th Precinct 
ID: 10910

Disclaimer: Leads don't mean victories, and upsets are exciting! I hope some teams prove me wrong! It's a bit easier to make a guess in the 4 team divisions though, so lets have a look at those first!

In Division 1:
The Avengers and WMD both have commanding leads against their 5th Precinct opponents, and would seem to be on track for that final round faceoff we're all waiting for!

Division 2:
Similar point leads for another Avenger team here, and with a very strong showing, Angels of Sorcery! The 5th Precinct has a team that will likely face-off against NMDS for the Bronze.

Division 3:
We don't see as wide of a margin in this division, at least not yet. The first Division with no 5th Precinct league competing, sees another Avenger team sharing a lead with Legacy Of Spawn! SOB, and Seraphim Angels, are on the lower ends of their matchups, but should have a more exciting 3rd round to look forward to!

Division 4:
Sees big leads again for The 5th Precinct Section 8 Pool Hall and Bar, and another Avenger team! These teams are everywhere! RG is doing better for point count than Tygger's Freak Show, but it's still early, those team will get their chance to shine later.

Division 5:
Sees Solid Point leads for Suicide Squad and 5th Precinct: Space Force these teams are our likely finalists at this time. Psycho Squad is showing up, with 14 wins to Galaxy Rangers 0, but there is still time to turn things around. The matchup results between these two can't really be guessed at yet, but we'll be watching! Worth noting, this is our first Division with no Avenger team.

Division 6:
Is the second Division missed by the Avengers. Well, it isn't branded but we see a solid line-up with some familiar faces occupying the times arrow league. Star Force has doubled the score of Aussie Freaks, Times Arrow at 3/1 Over 5th Precinct Code Blue, Illiterate Cowboys Est. at 3/1 over the 5th's Wise Guys, and apparently the team to beat, 51-0 for Pain vrs Justice League! Which of these strong competitors do you think will make it to the finals?

Division 7:
Sees a lower point count but current leads for an Avenger team, Freaks of nature, Suicide Squad, and Noblegates. I'm not comfortable guessing who takes this one but I'll be watching it unfold with great interest! Also worth mentioning, there are some solid toons on the losing side of things here in round 1. We have a 5th League, The Magnificent Seven, with both B and C teams. There will be some exciting stuff happening here mid-round.

Division 8:
Has some very familiar leagues in low scoring matches, 5th Precinct, Avengers, Mojo Dojo, Suffering, The Orple Punion, and some entries using toons we are familiar with, in leagues like the WTF'ers, Firefly Fun Haus, and the newer Raider Nation! No predictions yet for this nail biter!

Division 9:
Is also a confusing one to predict! You can't ignore the points put up by Loon Platoon, but Rock n Wrestling got some licks in too. The Avenger Spoof team has a slight leader of A Team, but I pity the fool that calls this one early. The Avengers enter with a Rabid Pink Bunnies league at 18-0 over L.U.S.H. And Star Force Junior has a 10 point lead over Sensational Seven, can they hold onto that lead?

Thanks for reading, we'll check in later in the round!

Solomon Signing off!