Thursday, March 4, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction Short: Searching for Answers


Strange Quark and Chase walked down a side street in New Amsterdam. People went about their daily lives, only stopping to gawk at the blue-colored man. Chase stared into the readout of a small device.

“Do you see anything?” Quark asked.

Chase stopped, turned at ninety-degree angles for a moment while examining the readings, and then pointed down another alley. “This way. The readings are stronger.”

Quark closed his eyes and gave a soft nod, “I am sensing it as well. It is still a little unclear.”

They walked further until they came upon a Fight Club.

Chase frowned, “the reading is strongest here.”

Quark agreed, “Yes. I’m sensing a powerful presence of a single form of morphon here. It’s permeating this place.”

Inside the Fight Club people worked on aerobics, strength training, and sparing in boxing rings and wrestling mats.

“Chase!” A muscular man came over and grabbed Chase’s hand. “Whatcha do’n back here? We’ve really got this place hopp’n.”

Chase said, “Hey, Kevin. Not back to check up on the place. It looks great. We’re just detecting something strange. Nothing to worry about.”

Kevin asked, “anything I can do ta help?”

“Not really. I’m not sure what I’m looking for exactly. After the events last week with that strange Tech Avatar person, we want to be certain no more of those things show up.”

“Oh, right! I heard about that. Some kind of thing that challenged all the techy heroes.”

Quark laughed, “something like that. So, have you seen anything or anyone out of the ordinary?”

“Just the usual. Regular people come in to workout up front. The supers head back to the special room.”

Chase looked at her sensors. “This might be picking up the rise of morphon density because of the people present. I guess…”

Just then a man crashed through a wall and tumbled through a series of weight stands, landing at Quarks feet. He had a metallic, shiny body, and a torn set of tights. He held his head and groaned.

“What just happened?” Chase asked.

to be continued...
