Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Assaults on League Headquarters: What is the point?

 Chaz Hamilton here,

I'm reporting on some recent activity that has many local citizens concerned. It seems that multiple individuals have been going on a rampage throughout cities and demolishing opposing league headquarters.

"I woke up this morning and found our league headquarters, the Star Force Observatory, on fire once again. A few days ago, we had finished our repairs on it and began to work on restoring our infirmary, but it seems we will be going back to basics for a while." - Silver Paladin

Complaints have been filed against attackers who have been spotted engaging in these destructive acts: New Me of the 5th Precinct: Code Blue, The Wicked Pitch5th of 5th Precinct Brutality, and Hot Wings accompanied by Derdy Bumhole, both of the Demolition Services. These complaints have been filed directly through BADGE and are up for review by Director Nova.

"It's very sad when a league believed to be representative of our laws and distinguished police forces has shown itself to be a group protecting nothing more than bullying hoodlums."- Chained Angel

Derdy Bumhole has also been accused of attacking the league headquarters for Time's Arrow.

"I wish I understood why these unwarranted attacks were taking place. The Legacy of Spawn has been attacked, as well as the Time's Arrow league headquarters. The mayhem being caused is disturbing, especially considering the threat is coming from people who are supposed to be heroes." - Arcane Ace

While the occasional shenanigan or two has been observed between leagues, this large scale escalation of destruction is causing shock waves in the hero community. League headquarter attacks were performed as retribution for slights against a particular personality, showing the equivalent punishment of batting a dog on its nose with a newspaper for bad behavior. There are public records of the 5th Precinct incurring such punitive actions at the end of last year by members of several leagues. Graffiti was painted on their buildings stating that "You can't spell Closer without there being a  Loser inside".

Recently, the SaintlyCloser has changed his name and can now be found listed as the SaintlyWinner5th in response to the word-play. 

Highlander, formerly of the Star Force, has left his league out of fear for the safety of his wife, Fiona. They are currently in an undisclosed location, but reports have placed him at the scene of the recent fight in Las Vegas against the giant robot threat.

Other, peaceful leagues have been observed plotting their measured reactions to the attacks on their headquarters. Krystal Fae has attempted several diplomatic overtures to end the escalation, without success as of yet. It seems even her patience is being tested by the overabundance of attacks in what should be a peaceful world.

Part of me longs for some type of threat to show up and distract the heroes from this needless violence. Is is simply that the heroes and leagues are eager for action, stymied by the winter month's inactivity? It there a dark malevolent actor pulling at the strings of what should be an attitude of comradery and mutual respect? 

Are the leagues simply using hostile action as an excuse to redecorate?

Only time will tell, but I pray no further innocent bystanders are put out by these unneeded chest-thumping acts of bravado. It seems that long term participants are doing their best to stir hostilities into new initiates to the hero world. Unknown low-level heroes have been spotted alongside the higher profile heroes, allowing unsuspected acts thought to be impossible to be perpetuated on headquarter building.

Builders are going to be in high demand for some time, I fear. Please, if needed, avoid these areas of confrontation for your own safety. And if you are a member of one of the leagues who has either been attacking other league headquarters or you have been subjected to an attack on your headquarters, feel free to contact me so we can explore the reasons behind these actions.

Chaz Hamilton, BADGE's official reporter signing off.
