Saturday, March 27, 2021

League War 7 Update: Day One - Halftime

While I can't speak for anyone else, I can assure you that I feel like a chew toy dropped in a box of puppies!  With 13.5 hours to go, the 5th Precinct: Space Force has given the ᎮᏕყƇɧƠ ᏕϘŲĄƉ: ÌՌנƱՖȶƗƇƐ ㄥΈคƓยΈ a solid thrashing in Division 5.

I knew many of these opponents from various KOTM's and Fight Clubs, so I was aware of my own inabilities to counter the crushing force of these particular 5th. The one that I knew for a fact I could beat went as expected, but the 2 I was questionable on? Well, they left no doubt on my mind as to where I stood - Clearly at the bottom.

Despite this, we had some good showings from several in our league.  ᗩᘔᖇᗩEᒪ☠▬ι═══ﺤ gets a round of applause for strong effort. Our leader Rapscallion did probably the most damage and made our numbers as high as they are.

On the 5th side, it is hard to pinpoint who gets the VIP, but I am going to give it to Ice: Canadian Damages, I believe.  They are consistent, and hit hard, and hit EVERYTHING possible.  Certainly Captain Picard, Stone Fist, jh5th, and Rysh deserve massive credit as well.  Astra deserves props for their efforts.

The fight isn't over completely, of course.  We have several who in Psycho Squad that have not yet made their appearance.  Let's hope for a dramatic and television worthy final scene.

From the bottom of the pile, this is Lykos MacGregor - Please send aspirin.

ID: 18321
