Sunday, March 14, 2021

Don't forget about the March HR Fiction Contest: Two weeks left!!!

"It was a ___________ in the month of ________. Director Nova

sent out an alert that there was trouble in ___________ and as a 

member of BADGE, it was my duty as a hero to help fight 


Or maybe it wasn't.

Each of the characters played in Heroes Rising has a story of where they were during the fight between Dr. Osteen's Giant Robot Monstrosity in Las Vegas or when they faced the dual threat of Krampus and then Lady Phoenix off the eastern seaboard of Hallow Port. 

It is your choice whether or not to share it.

Dan Peyton is currently having a Contest for stories about these two events. Why not spare a few minutes to tell your tale and earn some rewards? Everyone who enters will earn rewards for their efforts. The goal isn't to be the best writer, he isn't going to grade them. He is going to give additional awards for the top imaginative and creative stories that shed some light of who your character is, what they did during the crises (plural for crisis, I looked it up), and how they managed to fit into it all.

Were they on the front line of the battle hurling lightning bolts or rubber erasers at the villain of the day? Did they overcome a challenge to arrive at the fight, die during the effort to defeat the foe, or protect a stray cat that got caught up in the action? Did they spend their time at a donut shop enjoying a jelly-filled long john and a cup of coffee before heading to work? 

The story is yours to tell. 

Free players, this is an excellent way to earn some Morphons for that piece of gear you have been wanting to buy. Same for you budget players. Instead of grinding the missions to find a boss to fight, tell us the excuse you used on your boss to get out of work while still protecting your secret identity. Did they buy it? 

Bring your characters to life for us as readers. Make us laugh, make us cry. It is all in good fun. 

Here is a link to Dan Peyton's original post with details for the event. What were you doing when...
