Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Two Days left to register for League Wars Eggs-celsior


League Wars Egg-celsior is about to begin. Let’s take a few minutes to look as some of the top yolks out there who will make this tournament hard-boiled.

Last league war, in Division One, it was dominated by the WMD as they faced down the Angels of Sorcery and two 5th Precinct leagues. There has been a slight shift in the composition of these leagues since then as Midgardsormr has left the WMD and is now with the Angels of Sorcery. Will this have an impact on Division One’s gold positioning. Only time will tell.

Based on activity in the Events competitions, WMD holds most top positions in the roost. In the current Ultimatum Duel, their members hold seven of the top fifteen ranks. Two members of the Avengers 51 groups are in the top fifteen, and only Midgardsormr represents the Angels of Sorcery in that cage-match.

Division Two thru Seven all saw domination by the new Avengers 51 family of teams. Will the scrambling of these two organizations continue, or will they return to their previous cartons? Pain-Guin and ChaChing are both active in ongoing Events challenges and often take top ranks in Division 2. Blue Dragon currently rules the roost in the Ultimatum Duel, and a few other leagues being represented, such as Chainz and Nevets of the Angels of Sorcery, Uptown Knight of the NMDS, Captain Bob of the Seraphim Angels, and Alferia of SOB Hunter/Killers.

Fleagle of RG’s Creatures of the Night is the sitting top dog in the henhouse of Division 3. The Suicide Squad makes an appearance here as well with Diamond Ace. There have been whispers in the fight club locker rooms that the Suicide Squad is looking to make its presence felt this league war.

Division Four has Bloody Mary of PAIN Inc. sitting on the golden egg. Every league war, the PAIN and SUFFERING teams have been strong competitors, but other leagues such as NobleGates and Illiterate Cowboy Est. are showing some strong efforts as well. Where these combatants will end up exactly during league wars is still unclear, but I think it is fair to assume they will make their presence felt.

In the last two divisions of the events, there are simply too many leagues being represented to call any favorites yet. The Mutant League, MacGregors, LUSH, WTF’ers, Ro¢k 'ñ' Wrê§Ƭlïñg Ç0ññê¢Ƭïoñ, Harsh Handy's Gentleman's Club and Bar & Grill , and many non-aligned competitors hold positions. Where they will finally end up, or if they participate, has yet to be seen.

Either way, it seems that there will be plenty of competition this league war.

Don’t forget, if you want to participate, there are only two days left to register. Get your leagues together and toss your best layers in, because when this omelet finally gets made, lots of eggs are going to get cracked.
