Sunday, March 28, 2021

Round One Update with Egghead: League Wars Egg-celsior!!!

 I, for one, am eggs-hausted after today’s first round of battles.

Nothing pleases me more than seeing brave heroes fighting one another instead of going out of their way to crack open one of my schemes. Let’s see what we can make from today’s scramble, OK?

In Division Nine… what, you wanted me to start with Division One! Well, get over it, I’m feeling a bit deviled right now, so you’re just going to have to wait.

As I was saying, in Division Nine, the loon platoon took the Rock n Wrestling Connection to the mats with a decisive 147- 70 win. There’s no putting that Humpty Dumpty gold dream back together for RnWC this league war. The A Team diffused the Avengers 21 Mini, 71-12. I can’t help but pity those fools. Avengers 51 Rabbid Pink Bunnies humped the Legion of Super Heroes, or L.U.S.H., into submission 32-1. LOSER PARTY at Denny’s, boys and girls. Have a grand slam platter on Mayor CJ. He has coupons at the gym. Lastly, The Sensational Seven schooled the Star Force: Junior League in their match, eeking out a 77-61 win. I do have say, when I see the Sensational Seven’s logo, I am reminded of my good friend Julie Newmar. Or is it Eartha Kitt? Eh, who cares really. They were both purr-fect, weren’t they?

In Division Eight… I have eight more divisions to recap!? Nobody told me that by opting for community service in exchange for years off my sentence would be this… rotten.

Avengers 51 flipped Mojo’s Dojo, 29-0. I hear they found crates of smuggled bananas hidden in the basement. 5th Precinct Buddy Cops learned a new word in their match-up today, losing 22-0. That word would be, spell it out with me children, SUFFERING. I mean, did those cops even try?? I don’t think so. After that snooze-fest, you could get some excitement watching The Purple Onion getting peeled by The WTF’ers, 98-43. There was enough crying going on in that battle round Niagra Falls would be jealous. Finally, Raider Nation took the thrill out of the Firefly Fun Haus, 46-27. It’s all fun and games until somebody pounds your bottom like Bane on Batman’s spine.

Division Seven had the 5th Precinct Night Shift hitting snooze for 24 hours straight as they fought NobleGates, losing 18-0. I will be honest, I’m a big ole’ fan of goose-eggs, but if the 5th doesn’t wake up and get in the game soon, they should be sent directly to the retirement center. YAWN!!! The Suicide Squad #2 graded Team C+ and, well, they didn’t pass. 64-2. Yeouch!!! Maybe there needs to be a short bus for next league war? Viewers did get to see some action as The B Team and the Freaks of Nature tore into one another. In the end, the Freaks came out more like Awkwards as they lost 42-87. They sounded so terrifying at first, but they ended up just little puppies who peed on the furniture. Concluding this division, the Avengers 51 had nothing but a good time as they rode the Magnificent Seven to the ground, 127-21. Just like the Lone Ranger, the losing team from that match up can only hope for silver. <ba-dump, boom>

What? No applause. Geez tough room.

Division Six… OMG… when do we get to the divisions with only four leagues already… we have The Justice League relying on Zan, Jayna, and the monkey for a win against PAIN. What?? The Wonder Twins aren’t members? That explains the 70-0 loss then. Moving on, we had cowboys vs cops, or I should say, Illiterate Cowboys Est. showing the 5th Precinct Wise Guys the ropes. This match went 102-71 in favor of the Illiterate Cowboys Est., but at least the 5th Precinct showed up to the table this time. yippie! (Is there a lower case I could use to show my lack of enthusiasm?) Oh, here is another 5th Precinct team in this division. 5th Precinct: Code Blue fought Time’s Arrow, losing yet again 26-72. I myself find myself exhilarated by this outcome. If the cops around here are always this stellar, maybe I need to move my operations here from Gotham? The last match-up from this division was between The Star Force and Aussie Freaks. 117-62, the Star Force shone as those from down under put up a great fight, but unfortunately forgot to bring their top kangaroos.

Oh, yea, only four teams in Division Five. Where do I start? With the really good match or the really, really good match. Both of the winning teams came out on top with resounding victories. I mean, they trounced their opponents. The losers got hit hard enough their children’s children felt it. The Suicide Squad made the Galaxy Rangers into their personal tour guides as they came out on top, 127-0. And hold on to your hats, people. The 5th Precinct: Space Force WON against the Psycho Squad: Injustice League, 119-25. Congratulations.

Division Four had more ass-whoopery as the Avengers 51 caught RG Creatures of the Night square in the headlights and defeated them 196-19. That’s some roadkill nobody will want to clean up. And for the second time of the evening, the 5th Precinct has shown that they have more than their bellies resting in their holsters. The 5th Precinct: Section 8 Pool Hall and Bar went TTFN (ta-ta for now) to Tygger’s Freak Show with a 19-3 win. Bravo! Maybe I will be able to congratulate them again in later divisions. <the sound of flipping papers> Oops. Upon reviewing my notes, I guess not. Sorry if I got you eggs-cited there for a minute.

Division Three winners included Avengers 51 defeating SOB Hunter/Killer 157-38. Do the Avengers 51 ever get tired of winning? Do they have Charlie Sheen on speed dial as a motivational speaker? I don’t know, but whatever it is, it is working. In a far closer match, the Legacy of Spawn managed to squeeze out a victory over the Seraphim Angels, 71-54. It could have been a wider gap, but some of the Legacy of Spawn combatants couldn’t help but keep swinging on Captain Bob and giving his league some free wins. “But I like the high ones!!!” Krystal Fae was heard exclaiming when confronted.

(For those who don’t get the reference, watch A League of Their Own with Tom Hanks and Geena Davis, also staring Rosie O’Donnell and Madonna. Ok, sorry. I didn't mean to give you reasons not to watch it.)

Nearing the top, Division Two has the Avengers 51 and 5th Precinct: Kung Fu Hustle—ok, I’m just going to say it here and now. STOP. There are too many of you and I am sick of having to use superscript for both your damn league names. Geez. Get a life, already— fought, giving the Avengers 51 another notch on the gold bedpost, 185-6. Angels of Sorcery rejoiced as the triumphed over the NMDS 129-32. Even Hollywood wouldn’t touch that mash up. Angels vs Clowns. Sounds like something I saw on an acid trip back in the 60’s.

Just in time before the security staff takes me back to the asylum, we have reached Division One. WMD-Black Order and the Avengers 51 have proven what we all expected. We have our Godzilla and we have our King Kong, and the two giants both won their respective challenges this round and are one step closer to that final big battle deciding who will earn the gold. Walking away with egg on their faces, two 5th Precinct teams must be wondering why on earth they are even there. Fighting for bronze, that’s why. Division One bronze is the best bronze to have, right?

Nah, but it is better than a participation badge.

That’s all the time I have for you tonight. Rest up and have a tall glass raw eggs for breakfast. That is the breakfast of champions. Those yolks are like liquid sunshine as they slide down your throat. Ahh, yum! I’ll see you again after round two. It’s been eggs-crutiating.

OOOO’s (I don’t do xs unless my lawyer is present)

