Thursday, March 11, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction Short: Golden Memorial

 The shuttle ride was unusually quiet, especially since EB was on board. Normally, he would bounce around, pass out chocolate, and chat everyone’s ear off. Nova would typically threaten to nail him to a chair or stun him with his blaster, to which EB would laugh. Not today. There was a solemn silence throughout the gathered heroes.

“Are you going to be okay?” Chase asked the small bunny.

EB looked down at the hat in his hands. “No. But, I want to do this.”

Quark said, “it has been hard on us all. Last year we all lost friends in both the incidents with Jinn and the Ruby Crisis.”

Chaz Hamilton cleared his throat and asked, “Um, I was wondering if I could ask a few questions. For the paper.”

Agent Justin, in the pilot’s seat, announced, “landing in Ireland in two minutes, prepare for departure.”

Nova said, “after we land, Mr. Hamilton.”

“Oh, okay.” Chaz sat back and tightened his seatbelt.

The shuttle came to a soft landing, and the door opened. Nova quietly stood up first and took the hat from EB and then, in a move that surprised everyone on this shuttle, he held out his arm and let EB jump up to his shoulder. Together, they left the shuttle first.

Chaz was the last to leave, following behind Gar and Chase. He just about tapped Gar on the wing when he gasped and gawked at the glorious sleigh that landed near them. Santa jumped down from the sleigh and came to greet his friends.

“Santa too?” Chaz said.

Chase answered, “of course. He wanted to be present for this.”

Chaz made a note on his computer tablet and then rushed to catch up with everyone.

In the misty morning air of an early Irish spring day, EB and Santa gently placed a green hat on a stone that was inscribed with words from a language impossible to read by anyone but a Mythic.

Santa said, “Here we will remember the life of our dear, dear friend, Leprechaun. Though his life was marred with poor choices, in the end he made a noble sacrifice that saved this world. He was my friend for many years. At this time of the human year, we will remember the joy he spread in the days when his heart was light and his cheer grand. He...” Santa teared up and couldn’t continue.

EB hopped over and placed a four-leaf clover on the hat. “He was a good friend and a genuine hero in the end.”

Time passed, and the small memorial service was over. The gathered people sat on a small series of stones and listened as both EB and Santa told stories of Leprechaun.

Chaz leaned over and asked Chase, “what happened here?”

“What do you mean?” Chase asked.

“Before I came on this trip, I looked up all the info in the media files surrounding the Carlingford incident last year. The reports were vague, at best. I learned about a strange coin hunt heroes were on. Something about the Leprechaun. And… nothing more. Who was this Leprechaun? I mean, the legends here are of many Leprechauns? Was he just one of many?”

Gar, who was sitting nearby, said, “He was my uncle.”

“Uncle?” Chaz made a quick note.

Chase answered, “not really his actual uncle, but as close as he could be. It is a complicated story.”

Chaz realized everyone was now listening to him. “So, uh… I would like to know more. I mean, the news about this event last year was spotty and hushed up. Even Krystal Fae refuses to talk about it, citing some BADGE rules.”

Quark said, “it was classified to keep people from getting hysterical about it. Plus, they didn’t want too much frenzy about a real Leprechaun being here.”

“Oh.” Chaz set his tablet down, defeated.

Nova rubbed his chin, “I think we can declassify this.”

Almost everyone said, “what?” to that.

Nova nodded, “I think it has been long enough. BADGE has gotten a reputation for covering things up. And most of the time it is for good reasons, but this time I think it can be told. Also, I think you have the best chance of getting the correct details.” He signaled with his comm. “Agent, report to my location.”

Chase smiled, “that’s right, it was Justin with me in the Leprechauns home.”

“You were in his home?” Chaz frowned.

Chase said, “yes. It’s a long story. Hey, maybe we should call Fleagle...” She saw that look in Nova’s eye, “or Justin and I can handle the story without him.”

Chaz scooted closer, “I want to know everything. Don’t spare any juicy detail.”

Chase said, “it all started before St. Patrick’s day last year. The whole Cupid incident was behind us, and I had formally joined BADGE and was in training. That’s when Nova called us to a meeting….”

(Find the Golden Hunt story in the Heroes Rising Lore Tab inside the game.)
