Wednesday, March 10, 2021

KOTM EVENT: The Avatar Of The Mind

 By Lykos ID# 18321 

The quiet library was punctuated by the monotony of the ticking wall clock. The campus students sat and studied with all the excitement of a paint drying contest.

No one knows if she was drawn by the intellectual achievement, or if it was totally random, but when the New Amsterdam Library floors ruptured, it didn't matter. The purple woman that ascended from beneath the floor had glowing white eyes, fuscia hair, and green sparks traveled around her head in hypnotic Patterns.

"I am the Avatar of the Mind", she bellowed into the minds of everyone in New Amsterdam. She never made a sound, it just yelled into the psyche of every living being.

"Bring forth your strongest minds, bring me your Thinkers and Visionaries. Let us prove that the Mind is indeed a terrible thing to waste."

Heroes began arriving at the library, quickly grabbing students and staff that were still stuck in the former institute of learning. Others attacked the Avatar of the Mind to distract her during the operation. Those that attacked her with physical abilities were buffeted away with little concern. It was only those who hit her with Mental Gear and abilities that seemed to have any effect.

"YES! Show me the power of the Mind. Which of your Heroes have the mental fortitude? Fight one another, and bring me the winner for crowning!" She silently expressed. Heroes quickly found themselves unable to resist her will, and slowly, each of the heroes that came to the rescue found themselves battling each other.

The Battle of the Mind's Eye had begun...
