Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Tips on game strategy

#20314 Gatekeeper Arosha 

Strategy in this game is like  choosing a pawn in chess for your end game. As long as the bigger pieces are traded off of the board strategically than you can use the pawns to deliver the final blow. By getting to the other side of the board before the opponent, and chosing the Queen returned to dominate. A pawn is the most influential piece in chess causing the most havoc on both sides. A lone pawn is weak and slow but disregarded its threat is more than any single power piece. 

Here it's the same concept as chess they give us alot of moving parts that together make a set but individually each slot is like the chess pieces they all have a purpose to serve. Finding the balance of trade offs to make the end game work is key. If you cant deliver in the first half you will never see the end game. 

First half of the battle is more about  skill points allocation and gears to reflect on them. 

Second is balance between builds meaning that you cant have it all so balance what you do need most at the time. Life is only as good as the gear backing it so don't think that going  all out one way is always going to work. Damage, life, multipliers, reductions, resistances, and the main 3 strike, defense, move all balance out with the opponents gear and the better balanced between gear cards and skill points wins. 

Watch the fights you  are losing are you hitting  them? Are you dodging them? Is your damages going through when you hit them or is it being  resisted? 

These are the things that  Baba Yaga uses to hunt. Control the board control the fight.
