Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Art Post: Your Origin
It's the fourth of July and you want to celebrate, you don't even need matches, just point and...BOOM...fireworks from your finger tips.
This was a special request piece for the fan fiction contest. Nick (Brainchef) and I (Gar) came up with the idea of doing a fan fiction contest to get the players into writing more stories involving their individual, unique characters. My original idea was for the theme of the contest to be, Your Origin Story. This way players to get into their characters start in the world of Heroes Rising. However, as I began to read the forum posts more and see what players had already done, I realized that they have told their origin stories. So, we scrapped that and moved forward with the idea of telling us about your first battle with Legion.
For this art, I was still thinking about the origin story, and I liked it. I wanted to see the first moment a person discovered his or her morphon induced power. Often the hero origin stories can be grim, angsty, or action filled. I decided to go with a more fun moment. This person has just discovered he can shoot energy from his fingers, and he really likes it. He is no longer just another person running from all the strange enemies coming from Legion, he can blast them away.
When creating the card, we stayed with the idea of this being an origin story moment. It gives us a unique card that truly relates to all people, the moment they realized they had something special to offer.