Thursday, January 18, 2024

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Prophecy of Ragnarok Part 3


Mayor Messenger walked through the pristine streets of New Meta City. Homes and businesses lined the roads, with people happily going about their daily lives. A man walked by with a large tank attached to his back with a mask over his face. He wouldn’t survive without a constant supply of toxic gasses, a result of his morphon mutations. However, here he had the chance to thrive without worry. Other equally challenged individuals walked around, who held a smile on their faces and a chipper gait, even with the odds against them.

“Morning, Angelica.” The Mayor walked into the Observation and Control center of New Meta City. Another woman sat in a half tank of water as she worked the computers.

“You seem in a good mood today.” Angelica swished around in her water as she moved between several control stations.

Mayor Messenger looked out the window that oversaw the city below. “This place always makes me happy. A pleasant walk really cheers me up.”

“Looks like it. I might have my boyfriend take me for a stroll today.” She leaned back in the tank and rested her arms on the sides.

“That’s right, Micheal should be by later. He’s done with his work on the roof of the new church on North Street. Why don’t you. . .” A beeping, which no one wanted to hear in this city, alerted her.

Angelica quickly accessed the External Alert System. “EAS is showing several incoming vessels.”

Mayor Messenger looked at the radar and frowned, “Five at once? BADGE never sends that much supplies to us at a single time.”

“Could they be heroes coming in to challenge the Battle Arena inside that portal?”

Messenger checked the new video feed from the portal that led to the Great Divide. “I don’t know. There has been little activity there since the Midgard attack. Everyone is busy cleaning up.”

“Could be done with cleaning up.”

“Only one way to figure this out. Contact the ships and get their clearance. While you’re at it, tell the Security Minister to activate our defenses.” She saw that look on Angelica’s face. “I’m not taking any chances.”

Angelica sent the communications and then gestured to the main comm screen. “You’re live.”

“This is Mayor Messenger of New Meta City. What is your objective in our space?” She waited but only found silence. “I repeat, this is New Meta City. If you do not declare your intentions, we will fire upon you. This airspace is internationally recognized and protected by sophisticated defense systems.” Still silence.

Angelica said, “Minister Po has the security systems online.”

Mayor Messenger huffed, “We just had them installed and haven’t even tested them yet. Hell, I never wanted this place armed like this. Tell him to get them charged and take aim. But hold his fire until I say.”

“Got it.” Angelica quickly typed her message.

Mayor Messenger looked at her screen, which changed from red dots on a computer map to a live feed from cameras. Five armed aircraft were flying over the ocean toward them. “Those look like troop transports, but I don’t see any markings.”

Angelica changed the view at a new angle. “I have something. Look at this!”

Both gasped when the peeled remnants of markings appeared. They read, ‘World Corps’.

“World Corps! Lady Echidna stole those! Red Alert, tell Minister Po to open fire as soon as they are in range! Activate all defense systems and send an emergency distress call to BADGE.”

The red lights and loud sirens filled the inner dome of New Meta City. The peaceful citizens scrambled to designated shelters while security officers rushed through the streets with guns in their hands. Barricades made of the strongest metals on earth rose in the streets to prevent direct assault. The guards took up positions behind the barriers and readied for the attack.

The city thundered with an explosion as something hit the defense barrier outside. Bright red beams of light crashed into the defenses from afar. The metal dome took the blasts, but an explosion echoed from the eastern side as one of their new turrets exploded.

Mayor Messenger watched while the incoming aircraft bombarded them with weapons’ fire. Their new turrets returned fire, but the aircraft dodged the attacks.

“All citizens are sheltered!” Angelica reported.

“Good. Minister Po! Continue to return fire. Take them down!”

The turrets continued to blast the incoming ships. Several hits made it, but the enemy was durable and continued their approach. Finally, one blast sheared off a wing from the side of the craft and it spun out of control and crashed into the snow, plowing a long line toward the city.

“That’s one!” Angelica called out in glee.

Mayor Messenger said, “yes, but four more are behind it and they are almost on us. Get me Justin at BADGE!”


Seven miles below the surface of the ocean, five heroes swam the depths. Each had a glow around them, which indicated the power of Gravitia keeping them down here. A man walked along the bottom, his body as black as obsidian. He picked up rocks and moved them, swished aside several strange creatures, and dug his heels through the sand as he searched.

A thick blob of water that was opaque moved by him. It gained color as she took on a human form. She pointed up and then pointed at her wrist like there was a watch on it. He nodded in agreement, but continued looking.

Another woman came walking by with two large tanks in her oversized arms. She planted them in the sand and then took a tube off one and breathed in hard. The obsidian man took a breath from the other. He pointed down and frowned, a question in his eyes. She shook her head with her eyes closed. The answer to his question.

Suddenly, they all saw a glinting white light in the distance. In this dark world, it was a wild sight. They left the tanks to swim toward it.

They found a woman who had transformed into a mermaid. She held a box in her hands. Inside was a long object that emitted a terrific glow. She pulled it out and revealed that it was some kind of scroll case made of a solid white material with gold scrollwork all over it. She pointed to the inside of the lid of the box, which had a symbol on it that few had ever seen. No one around her seemed to understand it. However, this find was far better than anything else they had come across. With a general agreement among them, they all began the arduous process of ascending.

On the deck of the BADGE sea vessel, Arx walked around while looking at his tablet and holding his ear piece. He ran this operation as he did any ATLAS situation. He kept his eyes and ears ready for anything so he could give out commands.

“Alright, mark your positions and return to the ship. You’ve been down long enough.” He marked his map and then waited while he heard something else through his earpiece. “Good. That should cover sector four. I will mark this. Get up here and rest up for next redeployment ASAP, thanks.”

Justin joined him. “Anything?”

Arx gave a comforting smile. “Not yet. But the trench is huge. There is a lot of ground to cover. The coordinates we got were the exact center of the trench, which we have checked over and over. I suspect we were just directed here. If there is something down there, my people will find it.”

“I hope so.”

Arx opened his mouth, but then quickly clicked the side of his ear. “What was that Shelly? Are you sure? Good. Get it up here.”

“What is it?” Justin was quick to ask.

Arx smiled. “They think they found something. But they were at the deepest point. It will take some time for them to get up here safely.”

“Good.” Justin stood as though he were ready to meet them right now.

“Sir, it will take several hours to make the ascent. You haven’t slept for too long. Get some rest. I’ll let you know when they arrive.”

Justin almost argued with that, but then recalled how often he had this very argument with Nova during tense situations. “Fine. A good nap and I’ll be out here. Don’t hesitate to wake me if... oof!”

EB slammed into Justin while he held a tablet in his paws. “JUSTIN, JUSTIN! WE GOT TROUBLE!”

Justin rubbed his stomach. “How many times have I told you not to run around like that?”

“We got a distress call.”

“From who?”

EB held up the tablet. “Dunno. The system went online and then just shut off. Not enough to trace. It’s a BADGE signal.”

Justin looked at the tiny bit of data. “This is bad. This is the max alert signal, but it could be from any of the world leaders who have our communication line, the station, or even New Meta City. Get in touch with the station, make sure it wasn’t them. Then tell them to contact all the known sources and find out who this is. Move!”

EB gave him a little salute. “On it, boss.” And zipped away.
