Monday, August 31, 2020

Advice Column: Buying The Right Piece of Gear for Your Outfit

Hello. Chained Angel here again to talk a bit more about shopping. Today’s topic is:

Is there one perfect piece of gear for every occasion?

As you can see when you shop around, either by flat out buying an item in the armory or taking your chances in the Mystery (or Nova) Shuffle, there are quite a few different combinations possible.

Here are some of the new gear pieces currently in the shuffle:

As you can see, there are several very nice options. Good luck if you choose to spin the wheel.

You likely know how the different cores work from my last bit of shopping advice, Let’s Go Shopping. (

If not, check out How to use Equipment Cores by The Fallen (

As you level, your potential wardrobe options grow. Where at low levels you may only have a maximum of one or two slots to fill with appropriate gear, at higher levels the options increase. A core is a good foundation to build from, but it isn’t always going to be. This will all depend on the activities you pursue.

For example, how important are defense and movement in a raid? How about gear choices that improve defense and movement in a raid?

(Do I hear crickets, because I should be.)

During a raid, you want to do as much pure damage as possible, so gear that jumps up your Strike value, especially if it is a % increase, should be one of your top choices as well as gear that multiplies the damage done value. Currently, movement, defense, and life total do not play a part in raids.

When in a PvP situation, such as League War or Fight Clubs, other gear choices will serve you better. Since gear is the only method, beside spending skill points, to improve you Life total, you may choose to focus on gear with that type of bonus. Perhaps you want to stack multiple items that may boost your ability to stun an opponent and cause them to miss out on an opportunity to attack?

Top players all have their tricks of the trade, so ask around with the different leagues for their advice.

Between league wars and raids, KOTM events and Fight Clubs happen every day. With a variety of adversaries, you will have plenty of time to test out your combination of gear choices often. This will of course depend on what you purchase or gain through completing missions. Don’t be afraid to mix and match. Cores give bonuses for quantities of items with the same characteristic. You may collect gear pieces that are a mix of the six, but all have a bonus to stun.

I try to build to be prepared for both Raid activity and PvP action, so I like to pick up whatever gear I can get my hands on and play it by ear. The key to using gear properly is to pay attention in PvP to your opponent’s core and prepare accordingly. A truly wise player might only challenge opponents after watching the fights initiated by an opponent first and looking at the amounts of damage done by different characteristics and how much the opponent is able to dodge attacks. Gear up appropriately after consideration of the strengths and weaknesses presented to you.

I hope I have helped you out, friend, or at least given you something to think about. Shop wisely and shop well. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions about the game. I’m always happy to help.
