Friday, August 7, 2020

LW4: Pre-War Feature from SuperActionSports News Team

"... and please remember that a half man half dog is for life not just the first three league wars. And talking of League Wars, lets go over to the SuperActionSports Team, Jay C and Robert Jnr, with all the pre-first round news. How is it all shaping up guys?"

"Well Kennie we really are seeing a lot of changes to the League Wars set up."

"For starters, not content with sticking the arena out over the open ocean Nova has now moved the venue to an orbital platform."

"Is it a move towards greater neutrality?"

"That is definitely one explanation Kennie ..."

"Another equally valid one is that Nova has really got into the whole social distancing in a major way ..."

"Or it could just be here in orbit cos it can be and he wanted to show off BADGE technology cos frankly he's a bit of a d..."

"But other than that guys ..."

"Well Kennie, we have a larger field this time around. 44 teams split out over 7 divisions."

"I think its 8 ..."

"I have official brackets here from BADGE with 7 ... "

"Nova ..."

"What a ..."

"And in terms of the teams, what are your thoughts?"

"Well Kennie, we've got familiar names ... Seraphim Angels, Avengers, 5th Precinct, NMDS, Legacy of Spawn, The A51/WMD/Colony Alliance,  Tyggers Freak Show,  Pain Inc, The Brotherhood and The Purple Onion."

"We've also got a few new names, the GW family with 5 teams, Ho$ actually being brave enough to enter a team and the Angels Of Sorcery straight in at the deep end."

Can I push you for any predictions?"

"Well Kennie ...  lets see Avengers, Avengers, Ho$, Avengers, Stealth, GW, Pain and The Brotherhood"

"I'm going with Avengers, Avengers, Ho$, Avengers, Stealth, Psycho Squad, Dark Guins and The Brotherhood."

"Neither of you going for a second championship for the Onion?"

"Kennie, we take this predicting seriously ..."

"And we never predicted that the one time it happened!"

"And we'll probably change half of those picks a few hours into round one ..."

"Well we will be back with you tomorrow, thanks Jay C, Robert Jnr."

"Cheers Kennie"

"Coming up after the break we have a Florida man arrested for public indecency offences after mishearing when he was asked if he wanted to join in with the mask debate, an Australian who can only communicate using the sounds normally associated with water fowl and the weekend weather forecast. All that and more after these words from our sponsors"