Monday, August 31, 2020

Read (or write) all about it...

If you've been reading the Fiction Forum and blog (and to get the most of the HR experience, you really should read them) you are probably aware that my character, Krystal Fae (PID# 10962), has been participating in two separate collaborative stories recently.



Collaborative writing is both harder and easier than some might suspect. One comparative phrase describing the process is that it is like trying to herd cats... You're not REALLY sure where you're going, and you've probably 'pissed off' the other cats at one point or another.

One of the projects is discussed off of the thread so that we each know what the others are planning...

in the other, we just post the next thing in response to the last post and see where the story goes.

An issue that may keep some players from contributing either collaboratively or individually is one that all writers face... That 'blank page/screen' staring back at you as you struggle to begin a story... all I can suggest is to write/type SOMETHING, ANYTHING... then the page isn't blank anymore, you've started. You can always erase/delete/edit whatever it was if it doesn't fit in later.

One of my collaborators recently expressed their appreciation, both for being willing to work with them, and for the fun they've had getting involved with the story.

I thought I'd offer a word or two of encouragement, to them, and to anyone else who'd like to take a stab at writing, but may not be sure where to start...

If any player(s) would like to collaborate, or just wants a 'sounding board'/idea help, etc. to do their own stories... let's just say that I'm available at most times