Sunday, August 16, 2020

Hero Highlights- Chained Angel

Unlike the majority of Angelic based heroes in our dimension, our subject today was born human, and then became touched by the Divine...

Can you tell us your name, or would you prefer your Hero designation/code name?
~~My full name is Angelica Braithewaite and as a cape, I go by Chained Angel, but to be honest, I simply prefer Angel most of the time.

Are you working thru B.A.D.G.E. or are you independent?
~~I am always pleased to cooperate with B.A.D.G.E. whenever they need me, but most often I am focused on doing what I think needs to be done to make this world a better place.
Are you currently in a League, and if so, would you care to tell us about it?
~~I am a member of The Star Force. For League War 4, I was the active leader, as Starmaster was called out on other business. I’m proud to say we won our first Bronze during the Stellar Battle under my guidance, but I doubt I would ever take charge of the league again. I don’t like herding cats. (small chuckle)
Can you tell us a little about your powers? Are all of your powers Morphon based?
~~That’s a difficult question to answer. I have an Angel of Death, or Reaper (depending on the situation), bound to me. I have access to many of its earthly abilities, but not all of the abilities it has. I think some Morphon power I gained let me absorb the angel, but I haven’t tried to use it again. I mean, to be honest, it can be a bit crowded in my head already, if you know what I mean.
Do you have a sidekick?
~~Yes, if you consider a literal angel constantly internally nagging at me as to what I should be doing a sidekick.
Could you tell us a little about your origin?
~~I was attacked after work late one night by a group of men. I won’t go into full detail, but needless to say, I came out of it in a very bad way. Once they finished, they dumped me into the Detroit River to die. As I sank to the bottom, the Angel of Death appeared and tried to lead me up into a warm, white light, but I didn’t want to go. How could I give up after something like that and let those men get away with it? Something within me snapped and suddenly the angel was drawn into me and I sprouted wings on my back.
What is your favorite piece of gear? Why?
~~I’ve done some shopping ever since I took up the hero’s mantle and found this wonderful little item called a Harlequin Mask. It absolutely goes with absolutely everything and I think it is quite stunning.
Do you have any advice for new Heroes?
~~There are many things out there that might try to hold you back, but the worst of them is most likely yourself. We are often our own worst enemy. Don’t be afraid to rise up and let yourself shine, no matter what you may think everyone else could say or think. (I’m sorry. Does that sound too preachy? <Angel closes her eyes as she concentrates internally> Shut it!! This is my interview! Back off, will you? <She opens her eyes and smiles> Sorry, it doesn’t ever let up with its “helpful advice.”)
Is there anything else you'd care to add?
~~Just remember to be kind to one another, if you can. If you can’t, do what you have to do, even if it means kicking some villainous ass.
Well, thank you for allowing us these insights. Good Hunting.
Until next time, my friends.