Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Raid in Onnotangu: On-site Field Report

By Chaz Hamiltion

(Excerpts from live reporting)

     This is Chaz Hamilton, at the scene of the newest battleground for the heroes of BADGE. This time we are in the capital city of Onnotangu, where Skelanimal has grown to proportions to match its own monstrous ego. Within the hour, Director Nova sent out a message calling for heroes to come to this previously off-limits country. The tyrannical dictatorship had outlawed any not-state sanctioned people, driving many into hiding or beyond the borders of their home.

    In less than forty-five minutes, 84 heroic individuals have arrived and are combating the gargantuan beast and keeping it from laying waste to the city, destroying buildings, infrastructure, and people with equal abandon.

    On a personal note, Midgardsormr has not arrived on scene yet, but as soon as I know that he has, I will share that information with you all.

    Stay tuned as the Sentinel brings you constant coverage of this endeavor by BADGE to show this troubled nation what heroes are meant to do in the name off all of humanity.

***** One-Hour of Battle in…

    This just in. Just before the one-hour mark, Midgardsormr has been spotted. Going toe to toe with Skelanimal, the avatar has dealt massive blows. Based on concussive readings and thermal sensors, BADGE technician and scientists have told me that Skelanimal has taken a beating so far. Here is some information on the leading heroes who have arrived to give Skelanimal a beating he/she/it will never forget:

65,339 Damage: ][☣][‡ Da/\/\oN ‡[☣][

61,654 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

60,229 Damage: ♦ Moonrider ♦

55,570 Damage: ♦S♦U♦P♦E♦R♦ ♦R♦A♦K♦L♦Y♦

40,940 Damage: ~666~Ma$ter Po♦♞♦

    While in Bursa, you could taste the hate in the air as it radiated out of every pore of the Demon Jinn, during this challenge, Skelanimal fights with the glee of a bully on a playground. It is enjoying every blow delivered to a hero that gets caught by one of its claws. Blood is flying about like the late evening cascade-bursts from a home sprinkler system.

*****2 hours in... 

    Skelanimal hasn’t been stopped yet. Two hours in and it keeps on going like an Energizer® bunny from Hell. Nothing in this city is safe as it picks up vehicles, outhouses, people, cows, whatever it can lay a hand upon and hurls it with the force of a Category Seven hurricane.

    During the first hour, the compound, where the leader of the country of North Onnotangu was holding a state party for the rich and powerful upper crust of the land, had been the epicenter of activity. Skelanimal, having destroyed most of the compound’s buildings, screaming that he was going to get some ‘brick-lady’, moved along the main road and deeper into the city.

    It is unknown how many attendees of the gala survived the initial onslaught. To some locals, I believe these events are being viewed as part blessing. Broadcasts over the government mandated televisions of the people of North Onnotangu showed their glorious leader, Supreme Leader Shoju, executing Morphon enhanced individuals before his guests just prior to Skelanimal’s appearance. One of the slain individuals was even a young child, killed in cold blood.

    The new weapon he displayed could destroy a person with Morphon-enhanced physiology while leaving ‘normal’ citizens undamaged. It is my hope and prayer that none of these ‘death-rays’ are in the hands of this country’s military and turned on their saviors after Skelanimal has been defeated.

    In a statement made by Supreme Leader Shoju to his personal propaganda cameras during the gala, he stated that an unidentified BADGE agent had been sent to spy on his country. This led to an open declaration of war by the Supreme Leader to BADGE. Time will tell how this action will unfold one BADGE saves the lives of so many of the citizens of North Onnotangu.

    And while several mighty heroes are keeping Skelanimal busy, I do want to mention that this is a massive group effort. I would like to take a moment to recognize those heroes that might not have the full mojo of the big boys but still not afraid to show up and do their best to bring it.

***** 3 hours in... 

    In a strange turn of events, Skelanimal has attacked itself. In readings by BADGE technologists, they tracked substantial self-inflicted wounds.

786 damage -  ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

842 damage  - ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

    Whether or not Skelanimal is intentionally causing itself harm or the self-imposed attacks are being controlled by mental control from some of the gathered heroes, we may never know, but we are grateful for the self-ass-kickery.

    Another powerful opponent to Skelanimal in non-other than the Antarctic Bar and Grill owner, Zen. Who knew a penguin could do so much damage with those cute little flippers?

801 damage -  †‡ Zen ﹤(") ‡† 5¹

    During the third hour of battle, another heavy hitter has continued to pummel at the colossal monster.

895 damage -  ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

941 damage -  ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

And the massive blow by Damon has almost broken the BADGE sensor equipment.

1014 damage -  ][☣][‡ Da/\/\oN ‡[☣][

    From another vantage point on the field of battle, more epic blows are being rained upon Skelanimal by CrossBones.

858 damage  - ♦ CrossBones ♦

    The heroes are unrelenting, swarming around Skelanimal like a cloud of mosquitoes, each one draining a bit more energy from their opponent. Information has been shared that Skelanimal has taken a noteworthy amount of damage, but still has plenty of fuel to continue its assault on whatever crosses its path.

    These heroes will eventually tire. Fortunately, there is a long list of heroes fighting alongside of them to keep Skelanimal at bay.

    The unexpected should always be considered, though. While the battle goes well for BADGE, Krampus had also been sighted on the scene by a BADGE agent. Will he try to interfere once Skelanimal has softened up the currently engaged heroes?

***** 4 hours in... 

    This hour has brought heartbreak to the people of North Onnotangu, satisfaction to many of the league members who had been unhappy with the results of their latest efforts, and hilarity that hasn’t been seen since one of the cheesiest Godzilla movies, The Son of Godzilla.

    Skelanimal has tromped his way into one of the oldest districts in the city and laid waste to one of the oldest, most beloved historical shrines in the country. The so-called ‘People’s Court’ served as a longstanding marketplace, religious site, and beautifully maintained garden where marriages were daily performed by a beloved local official, Judge Wapner.

    The heroes have taken Skelanimal down by twenty-five percent of his original strength, based on alpha and gamma emissions tracked by BADGE. They are all doing their part to get the job done.

    As for unique tactics, Fleagle has been spotted chasing Skelanimal from behind and biting it on one of the massive bone-spurs sticking out of its tail. Starscream has dived in many times and rescued Fleagle from being ripped in half, but each time Fleagle is dropped a safe distance away, he rushes back in and grabs back ahold. Interestingly, Fleagle must have some very mighty teeth, as when he is pulled away, he doesn’t lose his grip on the boney projection, causing it to be removed like a tooth as Starscream yanks the loyal canine-ish hero away.

    Zen has been sighted taking advantage of these gaping created wounds on Skelanimal’s tail, as he has been rushing in and pouring salt into them.

    Talk about teamwork.

***** 5 Hours in... 

    There have been some shifts in the battle during the last hour. Some heroes are stepping back as their energy depletes. If Skelanimal is going to be defeated, they are going to need to get a strong cup of coffee and get back on the ropes.

    Still baffling the mind, Skelanimal has continued to attack itself and if calculations are correct, has done the fourth highest amount of damage. Psychologist all across the globe are calling it the worst case of self-loathing they have ever diagnosed.

    Of course, not knowing what Krampus did to enhance his partner-in-crime, this damage could be a part of a much more deceitful plan. Word within BADGE is that one of the two agents sent in to investigate in North Onnotunga has been kidnapped while the other has been severely wounded. What have they uncovered while in this tiny nation?

    ABSTRACT has come into the battle with an incredible vigor. While Skelanimal relies on its massive size and dense composition, these skilled heroes are finding weak spots and taking advantage of them.

1013 damage  - ♦ΛBƧƬЯΛᄃƬ♦

    Midgardsormr has continued to wreak havoc on Skelanimal, bringing his damage count above that of Krystal Fae. For some time, they were neck and neck, but as the battle is progressing, he is pulling ahead in this horserace. Other well know heroes are in there as well, doing more than their fair share of bone breaking.

49,895 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

48,627 Damage: Neach-dìon na h-Alba

48,482 Damage: Slayer B.A.S 5¹

45,833 Damage: TheCloser⁵ᵗʰ

44,369 Damage: Krystal Fae

    It seems like someone did manage to ‘Beep’ Slayer B.A.S. about this apocalypse.

    In the highest ranks of attributed damage, the numbers have shifted in comparison to the earliest hours of battle. A sustained fight like this must really take its toll on the heroes. I can barely manage half-an-hour at top speed on my treadmill.

***** Six hours in...

    As heroes are rotating off the field of battle, I’ve had the opportunity to speak with some of them about the status of the fight.

Let me introduce The Closer.

“The veteran heroes are getting fairly used to working as a unit in these types of situations. The various team leads also seem to be keeping the new recruits focused. However, while we seem to be wearing down the hell beast, I'm also looking for the hammer that's yet to fall.”

Next, I have been able to speak with my newest In The Room interviewee, Slayer B.A.S.

“It is going very good we are kicking his ass. LOL. It will be over in record time. He does not have a chance to last the full time.”
Krystal Fae has moved over to speak with some BADGE staff. Let’s see if we can get a comment from her.

“Well, Chaz, I'd have to say that it seems to be going well, at the moment. We have a long way to go, of course, and who knows what Krampus might be doing... We still haven't found Chase, and she must have left her armband with her other equipment, as I haven't been able to 'home in' on her... Well, I need to make my report and return to the fray... watch your six!”
Last, Zen has waddled over. Let’s get the story from his perspective.

“As you know, Skelanimal and A51 often collaborate when our agendas align. He told us he was going on his honeymoon. Luckily, in light of Skels, "proclivities," he's allowed us to install a few tech pieces that have caused him to use some of his own powers against himself. It seems to be helping!”

I guess there is someone out there for everyone.

    As for the current standings in the battle, the numbers keep growing and some of the names are changing. Ultra Primus has climbed into the top 5 after several hours of battle.

***** 8 Hours in...

    The light of dawn is rising in the distance. New hope comes with those brilliant rays. Skelanimal is weakening. All data coming in shows that his energy is below half of its normal output. Every laser beam. Every punch. Every sword cut or blast of energy brings this threat closer and closer to defeat.

    There still isn’t any word on whether or not Krampus, the kidnapped BADGE agent, or the Supreme Leader Shoju have been found yet in the rubble of the compound. Humanitarian efforts through various charities under BADGES wing are bringing in food and medical attention for the native inhabitants. One has to wonder how they will react when treated with kindness and charity rather than the authoritarian regimes callous dictatorship?

    Despite the energy readings from BADGE scientists monitoring the battle, there is no definitive answer as to when the battle might draw to a close. Every moment counts. The sooner Skelanimal is put back in his cage, the safer the world will be.

    Two members of the 666 Horsemen of the Shaolin, Lump$um and Ma$ter Kan, are in the top fifteen when it comes to damage dealt, with Lump$um now in the highest value position. Many other top contenders from the League War: Stellar Battle are also well represented int those ranks, but I am uncertain of many of their affiliations currently. For a brief time, new leagues had been created to either support or belittle the Ghost Warrior name. Shortly before the current situation, most of these leagues have disappeared, but I do not know where some of these heroes call home when referencing their league affiliations.

    Midgardsormr has continued to climb into the top eighteen. I haven’t been able to speak with many of these top tier damage-dealers, but in the long run, it is likely better to let them do their work than to get a statement.

    After looking at these unbelievable numbers, I can only be grateful that these collected capes are on our side. If something were to happen to turn them against us, I think the world would be in very sad shape indeed.

    Speaking of which, has anyone seen or heard from Gar or Strange Quark since this began? It’s funny that with an Immediate Action alert from Director Nova, neither of them has been seen. I hope nothing bad has happened to either of them.

*****Nineteen hours in...

    Skelanimal could easily be described as thrashing about wildly, like a dying animal wasting the last of its strength to inflict a final, punitive blow. This has been both exhausting and wonderous to watch. Combining their various gifts into a furious call to arms, these heroes are doing what they do best: Saving us all.

    I’ve had time over the last few hours to converse with BADGE scientists, and one thing is clear. The power behind the attacks of many of the actors on the field is nothing less than extraordinary. This is definitely a different type of encounter when compared to the fights we see in a league war. Skill, planning, talent, the ability to be agile and avoid attacks or lessen their impact; all these qualities go into the battle between fighters in an arena.

    Here in North Onnotangu, raw power is all that is needed. And trust me, these heroes are throwing punches and energy attacks that could stop, well… a giant monstrosity like Skelanimal.

    Overnight, another legendary being, Midgardsormr, has let his prowess bring him to the top ranks of damage output. No one hero could do this assault alone, but dozens of the lower tier heroes could have stayed home and the job would still get done. And don’t let my saying that disparage those who are fighting on the lower end of the spectrum. There courage and devotion to doing right, despite knowing they are not being the star of the show, makes them top notch in my book.

    Please, take a moment to thank each and every one of them. I will be first. Thank you, you heroes of the Earth, and those from far beyond this small world. You honor us with your service.

    While I was present in Bursa for the battle against the Demon Jinn, you could taste the malevolence and hatred in the air. The world would either be saved or destroyed by his actions. Two choices. Survive or die.

    Here in this isolated, horrible country, there is an entirely different feeling in the air. This encounter brings change with it. The people who live here are being exposed to concepts kept foreign to them for generations. After this battle ends, their view on the world can never be the same, and I personally hope this is the first step in a long journey for them to join the rest of the world and see BADGE and these heroes for the good they do.

541,383 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

527,182 Damage: 越Ultra ❄️Primus☀️

480,864 Damage: ♦ΛBƧƬЯΛᄃƬ♦

400,361 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

271,147 Damage: ][☣][ The Avenger ][☣][

268,444 Damage: ~666~Ma$ter Po♦♞♦

268,351 Damage: Shinobi ▬▬ι════ﺤ

248,900 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

248,604 Damage: ♦ ~HERETIC~ ♦

234,786 Damage: ♦ Moonrider ♦

228,568 Damage: ♦S♦U♦P♦E♦R♦ ♦R♦A♦K♦L♦Y♦

215,911 Damage: ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

215,361 Damage: ][☣][‡ Da/\/\oN ‡[☣][

205,372 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

201,490 Damage: ♦️Đ₳Ɽ₭VɆ₦₲Ɇ♦️

195,504 Damage: 💥THE FALLEN 💥

184,125 Damage: †‡ Zen ﹤(") ‡† 5¹

177,170 Damage: ]v[€t₳pHyⱾɨC (The Mighty Morphon Power Stranger)

173,894 Damage: ♦ Starscream ♦

170,129 Damage: ~666~ Ma$ter Kan ♦♞♦

    Victory has been achieved.

    As this fight has concluded, I do need to admit that I still have concerns and want all of you reading to keep a watchful eye out for your safety. Skelanimal has been defeated, but his co-conspirator, the mythic known as Krampus is still out there, up to some undoubtable evil plan. A new darkness may be near, so be ever vigilant. Be hopeful. Most of all, be safe.

    Once again, thank you heroes of the world. To each and every one of you, you have my heartfelt gratitude and admiration.

This is Chaz Hamilton. Have a good day.