Friday, August 14, 2020

League War 4: The Stellar Battle in Review (Part One)

By Chaz Hamilton

    Greetings, League War fans. Now that the so named Stellar Battle has concluded, we can study the results and perhaps dig into what makes for a successful league. There are lots of new players out there who could use some helpful insights to guide them into their future league careers.

    If you follow the forums, it is clear there are several very competitive, extremely outspoken, and active participants on (and off) the field of battle. Many adversarial personalities who have long-standing grudges against other leagues and players. The causal issues didn’t necessarily start here in the world of Heroes Rising, either. Some of them have been carried over from other worlds or dimension and have been brewing for nearly a decade.

    Founded or unfounded, many of these conflicts are simply “trash-talk” or posturing. We will be delving into these animosities later in this series. For new contestants entering into league wars, it is better to keep your head low and let the upper echelons of the game fight among themselves without interruption.

    The lowest division of League War 4, Division 8, is a good place to see several of the different types of leagues. Some leagues are filled with players who build over time on a budget while others have deep pockets and purchase their wins by taking advantage of the Mystery Shuffle, or Nova’s Shuffle. Many leagues are a mix of the two, having both budget or free players and heavy hitters who have “bulked up” by purchasing Morphons, procuring top-grade gear or power cards (typically both), and garnering an extended list of teammates from their Facebook friends list to increase their team sizes. (If you don’t understand how Team Size impacts your number of Power Cards available, read the information listed on the bottom of your Friends Tab.)

    Here is a list of the Division 8 Teams, their mottoes, the name of the current team leader, their scores from each round, and overall division placement in League War 4:

Division 8

· GW~ARMY OF ANGEL~GW“Just spending money and having fun”

        Team Leader: Skinless

        Round Scores: 27, 121, 44 (Bronze)

· The Brotherhood“Deseperta Ferro !”

        Team Leader: BloodRaven

        Round Scores: 7, 42, 105 (Gold)

· 5th Precinct: The DarkSabres“We’re not saints, we’re the law ….. Silent but Deadly!”

        Team Leader: Thunderhawk

        Round Scores: 44, 0, 33 (Bronze)

· The Purple Onion“We’re coming for you.”

        Team Leader: Dick Fitzwell

        Round Scores: 177, 5, 143 (Silver)

· THE SHIELD“HR New Player Training Grounds”

        Team Leader: The Astonishing Pap

        Round Scores: 75, 97, 53 (Bronze)

· Gw~mini hell on morphs ~GW“Come rest,while you spend”

        Team Leader: The Gold Standard

        Round Scores: 4, 99, 63 (Silver)

· 5th Precinct: ᎮᏕყƈɧơ Ꮥϙųąɖ - “Don’t, let the madness, STOP!!”

        Team Leader: The Outstanding Hero

        Round Scores: 2, 89, 24 (Bronze)

· 5th Precinct Beat Cops“We’re not saints, we’re the law”

        Team Leader: The Legendary Desiree

        Round Scores: 0, 20, 0 (No Medal)

    If you are new to league wars, there is a fair chance you will begin your journey with one of these groups or with a similar one. Perhaps one you may start a new one yourself. Check out the League Recruit tab to find out which team is currently recruiting, their desired level of sought for player, and average team size, or you can put out an invitation for others to join your league.
    Don't let the fact that this is Division 8 fool you into believing these are inexperienced players. Level Camping (staying in one particular range of levels without advancing through continuous game play) is practiced by several leagues and/or individuals. Later on, we will cover League Groups/Families/Affiliations, but for right now, please understand that some of the opposition in lower divisions is simply biding its time to rise at a later opportunity.

    Next installment, we will look at Division 7 and other aspects of the growth and development of a successful league.

Fun Fact: League War 4, Stellar Battle took place in the month of Porktober, 2050.

(To be continued…)