Thursday, August 6, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: A New Darkness Part 2

Director Nova walked the reporter through the new BADGE starbase. All around them people in jumpsuits worked alongside robots. They walked down a wide hall with vendors to one side, and on the other side was a massive set of windows that overlooked the huge arboretum that made up most of the upper level.

Nova explained, “Part of the agreement with the nations was to have a decent amount of comforts for the people being brought here.”

Miranda Briggs asked, “Tell me more about this agreement. Is it like an international treaty?”

Nova shook his head, “Not so political. BADGE has grown considerably since the morphons have given so many on earth superpowers. Our aim remains the same, organize heroes, help them train, and make sure they are ready at a moment’s notice to address threats to Earth. Our HQ being in one nation or another gave the impression that the housing nation was in control of BADGE and had special authority over the superheroes. This was never the case. This Space Station not only gives us greater tools to do our job and watch over the planet but also autonomy.”

Miranda asked, “Does this mean that BADGE has no oversight from outside sources? Whose laws do you follow?”

Nova stopped her. “BADGE only has a few official operatives. Though we do have a level of autonomy, we are small and thus pose little threat to any government on Earth. We aren’t a vast, powerful organization with thousands of operatives acting outside of the law. Also, BADGE holds to the governing international laws established by the UN. So, we have some oversight, but so far have yet to push any boundaries.”

“Interesting. So, what of these many heroes then? Aren’t they BADGE operatives?”

“No,” Nova stated and then continued walking. “The heroes are assessed here, registered, even trained here or at one of our fight clubs. Then, once they feel ready to contribute to the safety of the world, they join a League. The Leagues are self-governed and each League falls under the laws of the local jurisdiction. BADGE merely has all these Leagues and even rogue heroes on speed-dial, so to speak.”

“Interesting, very interesting. Okay, one last question before we continue on. What are these Fight Clubs? People have seen them popping up all over the world. They seem to be a gym, but you say that BADGE operates them. Care to elaborate?”

“Yes. The Fight Club is a special gym. To the regular public, it is a place to work out. However, we have local League members present who will approach super-powered people and put them in special rooms where they can be tested. This gives us a way to examine the population for new super-powered humans. Also, those special rooms provide a place for superheroes to train, practice, and even compete.”

“What about the station? Who will operate the systems here? Can a small staff take care of this entire facility?”

Nova turned a corner with her and continued down a large corridor, the massive windows still to their right. “A lot of the operations up here are conducted by robots. We will have a staff of civilian workers to help manage the place. However, the true number of operatives remains a closely guarded secret. We have adversaries who would want that information.”

“I see.” She typed into her tablet and was about to ask a question when she stopped at the sight of a magnificent statue. Standing on a table was a man, flexing his muscles while holding out his enormous dragon-like wings. He struck an impressive pose. “Oh, I see some heroes are to be immortalized here.”

Nova let out an annoyed huff, “Not exactly. You see...”

“Why is it wearing real shorts?” She walked around the statue, admiring it from all angles.

Suddenly the statue, Gar, said, “Because humans don’t like seeing genitals.”

“AH!” She jumped about five feet back.

Gar laughed, which was followed by an even bigger round of laughter from another part of the hallway.

Nova yelled out, “QUARK!”

Strange Quark walked out, still chuckling as Gar jumped down from the wide pillar he had posed on.

Miranda gathered herself and smiled at the pair. “Oh, I see. You must be Gargoyle. I was just reviewing the news footage from the Italy incident four years ago, and also several other hero shots from the past year. I would love to interview you.”

“Sure. I like answering questions.”

Nova said, “Later, perhaps. Clear the questions with me first.”

“No problem.” Miranda made a note on her tablet.

Nova looked at Gar and Quark, a rather un-amused look in his eyes. “Justin said the observation bay is ready, you can use it now.”

Quark said, “Great. Come on, Gar.”

Nova led Mirada onward through their interview.


Gar and Quark walked around to a large elevator and then zoomed down to a different floor. After a short walk, they were inside a large theater with rows of seats. However, unlike a normal theater, this one had computer terminals to the side and fourteen different projection systems in the ceiling.

A robot met them and asked, “What projection would you like to analyze?”

Quark said, “League Wars Three finals.”

“Understood.” The robot returned to the control station.

Gar and Quark took their seats as the screen began a full high def replay of the last rounds of League Wars.

“Do you miss competing?” Gar asked.

They waited while a series of massive explosions echoed through the speakers.

Quark answered, “Nah...well...maybe a little. But I enjoy working directly for BADGE more. Gives me a chance to contribute in different ways.”

“I like you here. You are funnier than Nova.” Gar said.

Quark laughed, “An Astrophysics lecture is funnier than Nova.”

Both cringed when one hero in the current match crashed through a wall of stone.

“Man, we need some popcorn,” Quark stated.


This made Quark laugh, which only drew a deeper curiosity from Gar. Finally, Quark said, “I’ve been meaning to ask you. What happened between you and Chase? I mean, you guys are still great friends and all, but I thought there was more.”

Gar said, “We like each other a lot. I had did she call it?, that’s not right. Um….squash...”


“Yeah, that’s what she called it. I crushed her and...why are you laughing?”

Quark said, “You had a crush on her.”

“Whatever. I had feelings for her. But they weren’t lasting. We spent two weeks at Lord Dragon's palace, explored Japan some, had fun. We both realized we liked each other better as friends. That is what we are. She realized she didn’t love me like I thought I loved her. I too realized I did not think of her romantically. So, we have fun as friends and that is all.”

Quark said, “Oh, I thought it was hotter, steamier. I mean, it about broke her when she realized there was something between you.”

Just then Chase’s voice came from behind. “I thought he loved me.”

“Chase!” Gar hopped up and gave her a friendly hug.

Quark laughed, “Gar, friends don’t hug.”

“Yes, they do,” Chase said. “Especially when they are fantastic huggers, like Gar.”

“I suppose,” Quark said as both sat down, one on either side of him. “Just don’t go hugging me.”

“I won’t. Chase said she liked my hugs, so I hug.”

Quark gave them both a sly smile, “So, what else do you like being physical about…OW!” Chase had smacked him.

“You dirty-minded kid.”

Gar frowned, “What is wrong?”

Quark rubbed his shoulder, “I meant, um... oh, I was just saying...well...did you two try know...” he moved his hands over each other, demonstrating his innuendo.

Chase said, “No.”

“No...what?” Gar was still lost.

Chase said to Quark, “I tried talking to him about it, but he didn’t fully understand. I showed him a book, and he learned about it, but we never tried. Once we realized we were better as friends, we dropped the subject.”

Suddenly Gar said, “OH, you mean the thing about me using my...”

“Okay, I don’t need details.” Quark stopped that.

Just then, the comm device on Chase’s arm beeped. She looked at it, “Some big breaking news. Hey, robot, change it to TNN live.”

The replay of League Wars changed to a dizzying view from a helicopter over an obliterated building. A man spoke from an in-set screen at the bottom. “...earlier signs indicated. As you can see the Museum of Argentina was destroyed after an unknown incident happened just an hour ago. Footage was taken from various sources that have not been released. However, the local authorities are baffled by what they are seeing. One was quoted as saying a creature was responsible. While it is too soon to get a full estimate, the museum director has claimed that some of the world’s most valuable gems and stones were left at the scene. Only one stone has not been found, a ruby which is a recent addition to the museum that had yet to be given a value. We go to our...”

Chase said, “I think I’ll go alert Nova to this. Might be of interest.”

She left, and they went back to the League Wars replay.
