Sunday, August 2, 2020

Prepping for League Wars 4- Recovery and Analysis (Fan Fiction)

Krystal and Starmaster sat chatting after their bout.

Starmaster noticed that Krystal had received numerous bruises, a split lip, and a real beauty of a 'shiner'.

He winced, as he had obviously been much more successful in negating or dodging her blows. Krystal, on the other hand, hardly seemed to take note of the various injuries.

"So, Krystal, I noticed you could 'track' me when I moved through the Mindscape... How?", queried Starmaster.

As they sat talking, Starmaster noted that the lip had already quit bleeding and that the visible bruises were already starting to fade and 'yellow'.

"Well... it's like this... I 'sense' energy on numerous spectra... electro-magnetic, quantum, life-energy, what you might call 'mana-ic' (the energy that powers what most refer to as 'magic')... so I could pin-point your location inter-dimensionally...", she answered.

"Ok, but how did you know where I'd 're-enter'?", he asked.

"Oh that... after the EA wave destroyed the portal between Fae-re and S-H-C, I had nowhere to fight crime... I got bored... and I grew up as a human, so I never got a chance before that... I spent about a year playing a type of 'freeze-tag' with fairies... turns out that being able to sense creatures that can become invisible, fly at nearly supersonic speed, and alter their size, shape, and seeming 'species', is good training for tracking a 'teleporter'...", Krystal said.

As they continued to chat, Krystal's injuries continued to fade and were nearly completely healed.

Starmaster was feeling much better, knowing that he had caused her no lasting pain.