Thursday, August 20, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: A New Darkness Part 14


The heroes that Nova brought with him fought through the night. A few joined in throughout the late hours. His call echoed around the world, and heroes poured across the forbidden border of North Onnotangu as the sun rose.

Starmaster watched from the rooftop, the medic droids working hard to repair the damage. Nova stood next to him, giving commands into his comm device.

“Yes, get BADGE droids and agents over to the hospital, make sure we protect the critical patients,” Nova ordered.

Starmaster got to his feet, holding the bio-tech bandages around his ribs. He was about to ask Nova a question when the giant Skelanimal threw a bus at a group of flying heroes; it missed them and barreled toward the rooftop. Starmaster held up his hand and caught the bus with his telekinetic powers. The bus stopped and then crashed into the road in front of the palace. Starmaster groaned loudly and fell to his knees. “That really hurt!” The droids attempted to help him, but their abilities were limited.

Krystal Fae arrived with other members of her League. The rest flew toward the monster. “Starmaster!” She held his shoulder. “What happened?”

He groaned and spent a few breaths recovering from the pain. “ the crap beaten out of me by that thing.”

She knelt and put her hands on him and closed her eyes. There was a moment of energy between them. Nova was aware of what she was doing, so he held back the droids. When she finished, Starmaster stood up and took in a few deep breaths.

Nova asked, “You all better?”

“Not completely, but enough to get some revenge.”

Nova gave a brief nod and both Krystal and Starmaster blasted off the roof at top speed.

Skelanimal had bruises and a few bloody gashes in his body. More than one place had a large burn mark on it. Yet, through all this, he acted like a toddler kicking over a pile of blocks. He smashed buildings, swatted at heroes, and laughed. When he had an opening, he would grab something and throw it, often without direction, just to watch it destroy something.

Krystal hit Skelanimal in the back of the head with a blast of magic, Starmaster followed with a colossal telekinetic shove. The five-story monster lurched forward, and that was met by two simultaneous fists to the face by Ultra Primus and Moonrider, both heroes flying away from the double face smash.

Starmaster landed on the ground to catch his breath. Lumpsum, a brutish, suit-wearing hero, dashed by and used a double fist smash right on top of Skelanimal's left foot, cracking the nail clean off. The big hero reared back and did it again, smashing into another nail. Skelanimal screamed and kicked, sending the hero crashing through a statue of Supreme Leader Shoju. In a fit of rage, Skelanimal reached down and picked up the top half of the broken statue and threw it directly at Lumpsum before he could gather his wits. Starmaster caught the statue mid-air with his mind and returned it right into Skelanimal's chest.

“I WILL NOT BE STOPPED BY STUPID HEROES AGAIN!” Skelanimal’s flippant rampage turned to pure rage as he faced stronger opposition. He threw both arms down and cracked the surface, breaking streets, shattering walls, and toppling statues. Heroes on the ground were jostled and fell.

He then swung his enormous arms out and slapped heroes out of the air. He grabbed hero after hero and threw them, slamming them into the ground. Some got back up, some were out cold.

“Not today!” A strange-looking man jumped through the air and slammed two fists into Skelanimal’s chest, stumbling the giant oaf over and forcing him to crash into the street. Midgardsormr landed on the behemoth and then transformed into his serpentine form, growing to match the size of Skelanimal.

“NOT YOU!” Skelanimal grabbed Midgardsormr just below the head.

Midgardsormr bit the hand, and Skelanimal screamed in pain. Then he slithered his body around Skelaminal’s and squeezed. Heroes nearby shot various powers at the exposed parts of Skelanimal, pummeling him while in this vulnerable state. Midgardsormr prepared to consume this enemy.

Krystal Fae and The Wizard flew down, “STOP!” She commanded.

Midgardsormr screamed, “I DON’T OBEY LITTLE FAIRIES!”

Nova landed via help from a hero, on his shoulder was EB. Nova sternly stated, “Hold off killing him, Midgardsormr.”

With a hiss of disapproval, the massive legendary serpent obliged.

“I got this!” EB hopped over and stood between the two magical heroes. Krystal and The Wizard helped him as he extracted the power imbued into Skelanimal. The bony monster slowly shrunk down, quickly buried under the enormous coiled serpent.

Once the disenchantment was over, Starmaster reached in with his mind and pulled out the scrawny alien from under Midgardsormr. He held him aloft in front of Nova. Krystal, The Wizard, and EB stood beside the Director.

Nova held up his wrist comm, “Heroes, stand down from the attack. Begin cleanup and triage. I want someone to work with local authorities to assist. Remember, these people are hesitant of heroes, be cautious and courteous. Nova out!”

Skelanimal squirmed while being held by the telekinetic forces. “Let me go you stupid morons! This isn’t over!”

Nova calmly stated, “Oh, you want to keep fighting. I’m sure Midgardsormr would be fine devouring you, he gets awfully hungry.” To that, the still giant snake looming over them let out a low rumbling growl.

Skelanimal’s defiance faded. “Okay, okay. I’ll go quietly.”

“First, tell me where Chase is,” Nova ordered.

“I don’t know.”

A white blur hit Skelanimal in the chest and grabbed him by his skull. EB’s furious face glared right into Skelanimal’s eyes. “TELL ME WHERE CHASE IS YOU BONY SON OF A...”

“EB!” Nova yelled.

Krystal kindly removed the irate rabbit and held him while he stewed.

Starmaster said, “His mind is hard to read. The alien biology is...difficult. Either that, or he doesn’t know.”

Nova said, “Get him to the transport. Bind him with the class ten restraints and transport him to the station. I will stay here and assist.”


Two days passed as the people of North Onnotangu and BADGE worked together to clean up the mess. The royal compound had been almost destroyed. Few of the dignitaries and generals survived the onslaught.

Nova stood with Shizue. Crews of heroes and civilians dug through the rubble of the palace.

“I can't believe he is dead.” Shizue cracked a brief smile, “I can’t say that I will lose any sleep over his death.”

“Agreed,” Nova said. “His death will be reported as being his fault. And, even though Krampus and Skelanimal were part of this, Shoju’s actions were his own.”

“His own? What about that monster?”

Nova said, “Shoju wanted to start a war with superpowered people. He got it. Fortunately, it lasted one night. He paid for his arrogance with his life, and that is how history should remember him.”

“What happens next?” Shizue asked.

Nova answered, “I don’t know. Cousins of the late Shoju have already begun vying for his seat. I doubt any would do much better. We don’t need to go from one despot to another. BADGE doesn’t get involved with the internal politics of nations. Not our duty. However, I will alert the UN to send in diplomats to help maintain peace. I also highly recommend that you establish communication and relations with your neighbors to the south. South Onnotangu shares a lot of customs and history with your people. They have a thriving country and strong leadership, I am sure in a time of crisis they will be more than happy to help.”

“A wise suggestion, Director.”

Nova looked up to see a BADGE ship landing. Immediately a team of workers exited the ship and carried large containers out, stacking them nearby.

“What is this?” Shizue asked.

“This is for you,” Nova said.


“Well, not just you. These are supplies to create a training facility for superheroes. It will also give them beds to sleep on, medicine, and some rations. I would escort the super-powered people here back to the station, but I feel that due to their disconnection with the outside world, it would be best to help them here for now. Soon, they can join us if they like and perhaps even form a League in this country.”

Agent Justin came over and held out a tablet, “Where’s the local hero leader?”

Nova gestured to his right. “She’s right here.”

Justin handed Shizue the tablet and then walked her toward the supplies.


Krampus walked through his hideout, the constant sound of struggling filling the room. He stopped in front of a strange chair where Chase was bound and gagged. She fought her restraints, but even with her impressive skills, she couldn’t free herself.

“Stop. There is no escape. Even if you were loose, there would be nowhere to go, and you are no match for me.” He leaned over her and put a single claw under her chin. “You will be far better than that bony brat. You are smart, powerful, and effective. I am truly impressed with what you accomplished back there. I did not expect you to make it into the party, undetected. To get all the way into the lab, that proves to me you are exactly what I need. I just hope this process doesn’t kill you, haven’t tested it before.”

He walked back to a control station and flipped several switches. The chair buzzed and then a glow came from the joints. Chase struggled harder this time as the power crawled all over her body. Finally, she screamed from around the gag.
