Sunday, August 16, 2020

League War 4: Stellar Battle in Review (Part Two)

By Chaz Hamilton

    Greetings once again, League War fans. I have a comment directly from one of the League War participants regarding Division 8, which was covered in my last article.

With 3 teams in Division 8 specifically, the Precinct faced every opponent available. Anyone expecting a cushy stroll to a LW (League War) win won't find it here. The entry level leagues are immediately faced with veteran players and stiff competition. I'm hoping for more divisions next time to dilute the meat grinder feeling of that first LW. At least, after this introduction you'll find out who has what it takes to stick around.”
     TheCloser⁵ᵗʰ ID: 10910 

    As you can see, right from the get-go, new leagues can be faced with a powerhouse of opposition. And they can be challenged by leagues that are affiliated, or familied, with other teams. In Division 7, there are two such meta-organizations in play. The Ghost Warrior (or GW) family of teams had three leagues in competition in the division and the 51 group has two teams.

    Last time, I mentioned Level Camping, where a player or league actively pursues keeping the experience gains low for a player. This does not only happen in the lowest divisions. No, in every division you will find players that want to keep their progress at a slow boil before climbing to the top divisions.

    Why is this? Some do it to amass greater levels of power before advancing. Some do it because of the game balance. (Lower levels mean fewer pieces of gear that a player has to equip.)

    For instance, a character at level 23 can equip only two rings. That is all the slots they have available for use. At level 150, a character can equip 7 rings. The boosts to damage, resistances against certain types of damage, and enhancements to a player’s skills from gear play a large factor in how well a character performs. At lower levels with less available gear to use, boosts with a high set number can play a pivotal role, where as at higher levels with more power cards to increase an combat value, multiple pieces of gear with special abilities like Stunning, % Ability Reduction, or Ability % increase bonuses can stack in very effective combinations.

    A third reason to camp at lower levels is due to the fear of what waits above. As we go further exploring League War 4, you will come to understand what it is I mean by this.

    The purpose of these affiliated groups or families is to help with the ascension process. As a player moves up in levels, it is easier to climb when you know there is a helping hand that will guide your transition into potentially the next division. Divisions are never known before a league war starts. After all leagues have registered and their average player levels have been calculated, divisions will be then be announced.

    One misconception a new player might have is that once you are in a league, you are always in that same league. That isn’t the case in general. Players leave leagues, are booted from leagues, and switch between leagues quite often. A good rule of advice before joining a league is to find out what that league’s goals are at the beginning. Ask questions. Find out if the league is a free-to-play league, a budget league, or a Morphon-buying league up front.

    In other words, don’t join the cult until you know what’s in the Kool-Aid.

    Here is a list of the Division 7 Teams, their mottoes, the name of the current team leader, their scores from each round, and overall division placement in League War 4:

Division 7

· GW~Army of Darkness ~GW – “We destroy everything no matter what”

        Team Leader: Your momma is so fat

        Round Scores: 122, 149 (Gold)

· ~\\\\ PAIN inc. ////~ - “We bring you only PAIN”

        Team Leader: Sadist

        Round Scores: 24, 154, 141 (Silver)

· The Star Force – “Bringing Light to the Universe”

        Team Leader: Starmaster

        Round Scores: 25, 119, 20 (Bronze)

· Dark Guins 5¹ - “Area51forLife”

        Team Leader: John Matrix

        Round Scores: 170, 121, 150 (Silver)

· GW~ Fighters under controlled killers GW~ - “We just don’t give”

        Team Leader: Old School

        Round Scores: 210, 49, 108 (Silver)

· 5¹ ORDER 66 – “SAY goodbye to the Jedi”

        Team Leader: Sentient

        Round Scores: 4, 66, 49 (Bronze)

· 5th Precinct Buddy Cops – “We’re not saints, we’re the law”

        Team Leader: Ability Mage

        Round Scores: 23, 51, 79 (Bronze)

· Freaks of Nature – “FREAK”

        Team Leader: Freak X

        Round Scores: 1, 24, 55 (No medal)

    Next time, we will look at Division 6, the last of the divisions with eight teams, and delve into some Best Demonstrated Practices for winning in future league wars.

Fun Fact: In the first round of League War One, [₳NGꬲLⱾ OF ƮHΣ ₳P๏CคLYPSΣ] is reported having 259 wins. This was the highest win count during the round for all four (yes, only four) divisions that fought.

(to be continued…)